Is the EARidescent Color Scheme Disney's Newest Trend?

Comments for Is the EARidescent Color Scheme Disney’s Newest Trend?


All Images Credit Disney


  1. KenG

    The 1980’s are calling and want back their color schemes!

    Sorry, but when my wife and I saw the “Magic Happens” parade at Disneyland in 2019 we started to laugh. The parade itself was great, as was the lighting at night, but the theme colors and costumes were comical.
    It sort of reflects what “under 30s” think today, and that is what they have is “new” and don’t realize it’s just rehashing older trends. This is an era that sadly has very little originality to it.
    Their music, films, TV shows, etc. are made by folks who grew up in the late 70s and 80s and are reflecting that time, and it some case – like “Magic Happens” and this “new” Disney color scheme trends, it’s almost an exact copy.

  2. This color scheme for the 50th explains why they painted the castle rose gold. Still not wild about it. I’m hoping it will fade and look better. I am not overly interested in color scheme. I am interested in them opening TRON, Guardians, and Remy. Opening up all the resorts and water parks. No masks in parks. Heard immunity in April.
    Ready for it!!!

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