Is Disney Springs Back to Full Capacity? Guests Wait 2+ Hours To Enter

Comments for Is Disney Springs Back to Full Capacity? Guests Wait 2+ Hours To Enter

Disney Springs & People


  1. J. M.P

    Disney Springs has you walk thru the Evolve security system just like in the parks. It’s an AI security technology that has been around for years. It’s even used at the Super Bowl. Maybe check your facts before using conspiracy theory postings.

  2. Me

    If you don’t like it, go home. Stop complaining. You are a guest, not a customer. We don’t have to be open. Don’t like our procedures and rules, stay home.

    1. ScB

      So Disney Downtown (excuse me, Disney Springs) is owned by you.
      Arrogant renter, we should all stay home, you then pay your Accounts Payable.
      You should have listed Your Store’s name.
      We would have gone to your Store first with our restless tired Children (not happy campers waiting on line for 2 hours.

      1. Anonymous

        Arrogant parent, you made your kids wait in line two hours to go shopping, which they can do anywhere.
        Get over yourself, Karen. And if your kids act up in a store, it looks bad on you, not the store.

    2. Jen B

      I was there last night at peak time, there was no where near a 2 hour wait. The line was long, but moving continously. We may have “waited” while walking a total of 30 minutes. We have felt very safe at Disney, kudos to them and their wonderful staff for working hard to keep things safe and efficient.

      1. Paul A.

        Agreed, the Disney staff in general is nothing short of amazing doing what they can to ensure safety and still accommodate most guests as I’ve been to Disney springs most nights since Thanksgiving I’ve not had a issue at all, I had Thanksgiving dinner at Art Smith’s Homecoming and had dinner last night at Ragland Road I’ve been quite impressed with the lengths the team members go to clean up tables after guests and ensure things are clean for the next guests.

  3. nikki m

    I was at Disney springs on the 27 of Nov and there was no wait to get in traffic was bad but we walked right in and there were 3 of us

  4. George Mezori

    I don’t know about powers but it could easily be 30 minutes to an hour or more. I even talked to the people that worked there they said it’s been like that since the summer on the weekends. They were literally letting one car in if one car left it fills up quick and it’s just a big long line of cars on the road like that. I actually had movie tickets and was running around yelling at different people asking where am I supposed to go cuz I couldn’t sit in that line of cars waiting.

  5. ScB

    So Disney Downtown (excuse me, Disney Springs) is owned by you.
    Arrogant renter, we should all stay home, you then pay your Accounts Payable.
    You should have listed Your Store’s name.
    We would have gone to your Store first with our restless tired Children (not happy campers waiting on line for 2 hours.

  6. Erik

    Total BS, was there Thursday, Friday, Saturday. The only lines were for Disney store which I had no interest in. Crowded yes, hours long wait to enter springs its self, No.
    Mentioning shooters, get bent you hole. One entrance, stupid. One exit, even stupider. Have you even ever been there? Many options to come and go, and a heavy presence by both Disney security and OPD. Both uniformed and plainclothes on both fronts.

  7. Jen B

    I was there last night at peak time, there was no where near a 2 hour wait. The line was long, but moving continously. We may have “waited” while walking a total of 30 minutes. We have felt very safe at Disney, kudos to them and their wonderful staff for working hard to keep things safe and efficient.

  8. Rosie

    They havent given true news stories in a while… i feel bad for their writers this site use to be more informative now i stick w the blogs! Or i hope to come across davis or other names that wrk there and have for yrs for real info. But alas regulars have been run off this site due to rude commentors or i bet there tired of telling folks the truth. But i hear ya!

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