Adorable Dog Goes Viral For Resemblance to Disney Princess

Comments for Adorable Dog Goes Viral For Resemblance to Disney Princess

viral dog looks like disney princess

Credit: @winnie_thecocker on Instagram


  1. FaithfulFriend

    What an adorable little doggy! And the name Winnie fits her well!

  2. L

    she’s cute and all, don’t get me wrong, but come on. there’s no way that dog naturally looks like that without work. there’s either hair product and/or makeup involved, and photoshopping. the eyes look like a cartoon, too perfect to be real.

  3. Jess

    She is ADORABLE, but she doesn’t “resemble” any Disney princess. If you’re going to work in journalism it’s important to know what different words mean and how to use them. At best, she looks like she COULD be a Disney princess — but you can’t use the word resemble without there being an actual RESEMBLANCE to a person

    1. CarolineRN

      Jess, I completely agree with you.

      What a long and ridiculous article.
      The puppy is adorable… So cute but, why would the person writing the article
      take sooooo long to get to the point and then say the cute D O G looks like a disney princess ?
      I thought did I miss something.

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