These 9 Patriotic Attractions Could Easily Replace Disney's Hall of Presidents

Comments for These 9 Patriotic Attractions Could Easily Replace Disney’s Hall of Presidents


  1. Marilyn Fuerstenberg

    I don’t care for the idea of Disney having Star Wars, Marvel, etc. These were not Disney originals. To me it is taking away from what Disney World was all about. I have been to Disney World 20+ times since it opened in 1971. I doubt that I will come back to the “new” Disney.

    1. max

      You are very lucky for that. I am with you on all counts.

  2. Roxie Gonzalez

    Soarin’ over America would be an awesome experience. And Marilyn, you are really missing out on alot of wonderful things. I go more than 10 times a year. Have thoroughly enjoyed some of the new things.

  3. Donna Jones

    KEEP HALL OF PRESIDENTS! Simply place Trump in the back & have him hold a cell phone in front of his face. Maybe have him tweet HELLO but DO NOT LET HIM SPEAK!

    1. Dallas

      Trump is your president, you should respect that.

    2. Jeremy Johnson

      So just like the typical anti-freedom of speech democrat, you want yo censor anyone who doesn’t agree with your far-left ideology. How about if you DON’T SPEAK.

      1. Kenneth Cox

        You might want to learn what Freedom of Speech means.

  4. Watkins

    Keep the Hall of Presidents, with Donald Trump having a speaking voice and continue the tradition with future US presidents!

  5. Deb

    I like a soaring ride with key American sites in history with a Muppet fun theme might be fun

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