Trump Communication Team Reportedly Fighting Disney Imagineers Over Hall of Presidents Speech (Updated)

Comments for Trump Communication Team Reportedly Fighting Disney Imagineers Over Hall of Presidents Speech (Updated)

Hall of Presidents


  1. frostysnowman

    How do you know?

  2. Kenneth

    Considering how unpopular he is, best for disney

    1. Garaan

      I’m personally on board with being fair about it and just having Lincoln be the only speaking part again. It would certainly save additional problems in the future should (another) unpopular/controversial president be elected, and cut WAY down on the downtime required for the ride.

  3. Ricky Brigante

    …and Disney has now issued a statement stating as such, linked in the updated article above.

  4. Jess Pratt

    Rape cover-ups by Jehovah’s Witnesses as investigated by NBC Dateline:

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