Disney Changes Theatrical Release of 'Snow White' to Save Movie From Mob

Comments for Disney Changes Theatrical Release of ‘Snow White’ to Save Movie From Mob

Snow White (Rachel Zegler) looking shocked

Credit: Disney


  1. Randall

    Definitely looks like a turd. I will pass

    1. Dina

      Ditto !

    2. Phoebe Knapp

      Shh! Everything’s fine.

      1. For Trump

        No, it’s not fine. This movie is bad.

  2. chris

    nothing will save this movie no one likes the actress no one likes the dwarfs and no one likes the woke so its trash just like everything disney has touched in the past 10 years

    1. Travis

      Let’s watch the movie before we judge it all movies infact

      1. Walt

        So then you see EVERY movie that comes out? Ridiculous. This movie is a turd as is “that actress” who plays snow white – She has a big obnoxious mouth – the movie is swirling the bowl let it go down the drain. AND as usual Disney ruins everything it touches for the last 10ish years or more. BOB IGER AND THE BOARD SUCK and are destroying this company.

      2. Junksiance

        No way am I adding to Disney’s billions with this trash and this trash actress. You give them your money. Not getting a cent from me.

      3. Crystal

        I’m defiantly planning to skip this one altogether. The popcorn bucket looks like crap, and I’ve seen enough trailers to know this movie will be bad. Rachel Zegler’s behavior from the beginning aside, I’m judging her role as Snow White. The original character was nice, gentle, and considerate. This one is arrogant, bossy, and stuck up.

    2. Dawn Keibals

      Chris and his small dong talking down about people with more money, friends, and success than him.

      1. n

        lol looks like another stupid karen suckoming off disney for a chance to have a life

      2. Stephanie

        What he said is true. I don’t plan on watching the movie destroy a classic film. Most of my friends are not interested in taking their kids. Disney has to ruin a good thing instead of being creative with new stories.

    3. Skye

      I agree I think they should make disney villians the princesses already had their chance in the spotlight

    4. Phoebe Knapp

      I like the actress.

      1. For Trump

        Phoebe, you have my pity. Obviously you’re a leftist and/or feminist or you’d see the truth about her. Again, you have my sympathy.

    5. Walt


  3. Ed P

    Didnt like Wicked, Little Mermaid and will pass on this one all together. Disney is dying a slow death….

    1. Kallen

      What does Wicked have to do with this? It’s not a Disney film.

  4. Lin Mae

    There is no “mob”. If people legitimately do not like this movie, then that’s their right. Disney should have done better. That’s all it is

  5. Michael L

    Before you complain about Disney losing their touch, you might want to find out what studio released a movie. Wicked is not a Disney movie. As for Little Mermaid, it grossed over half a BILLION dollars. Does not sound like death

    1. Kevin

      It grossed over half a billion due to nostalgia. These live action remakes have no lasting appeal. Disney does not care about it’s classics. That is apparent. So stop making excuses.

    2. DisneyFan?

      Little Mermaid was made for 300 Billion, plus 200 billion for marketing and theater cost. Break even point was $600 million. The Little Mermaid brought in $550 Million, so it didn’t even break even. Disney lost money on it.

      1. Ackc

        Wont be watching the movie. Or buying the popcorn but it’s free country so if you’re going thats your choice
        I can’t watch the movie that started my passion for animation and for Disney movie stories and plots to kinda destroy it all

      2. Douglas

        Agree. Trash!

  6. HG

    Maybe the release date should be never.

    1. Danny O.

      AGREED 💯%!!! Make that ONE-THOUSAND PERCENT!

  7. RandyC

    There is no sign more clear that it’s past time for Bob Iger to retire that this movie and the efforts to save it. And all involved with it’s creation and approval process need to go also. This is an embarrassment.

    1. Lisa

      You don’t have to see the movie to buy the bucket. You can walk into any theater now a days, tell them at the window your there to buy something and they let you go purchase it. All the theaters also sell the mech online including limited edition stuff. If any company thinks a bucket will save their movie they should rethink the movie. Not just Disney. I personally have not seen a single live action Disney movie and after seeing and reading what the main character has said about this one she just leaves nothing to be desired when it comes to it. I’ll keep my track record going of not seeing Disney butcher their own classics.

    2. Douglas

      He needs to go!

    3. Steve

      I am looking forward to undoing everything he worked for when I take over Disney and that includes forbidding any more live action remakes. Disney will instead put out movies like Davy Crockett, The Apple Dumpling Gang, Escape to Witch Mountain, and even live action original musicals like Pete’s Dragon.

  8. Albert Childress

    Not only is Disney going to lose money with this crappy retelling of a beloved story, but will lose even more money with the bucket.

  9. James M.

    I don’t see how popcorn bucket will save the lose of money, when you can’t even get people to show up for the film.
    Disney execs are not listening to the fans and or public. This Snow White with Rachel Z. Is already trashed.
    Maybe they should just Sue her for the damages. Such a toxic person to represent your company.

    1. Dawn Keibals

      Maybe the target audience for this movie isn’t James M who posts comments on blogs. Maybe it’s kids who need a character to relate to. A girl brave enough to escape from an abusive step mother and found a safe place to live and to find strength in herself.

    2. Truth Seeker

      She bosses the dwarves into cleaning after spending all day working in the Mines as she sits around doing nothing except trash the original. I will not be seeing this even when it is free.

  10. sam

    the thing I think about is, where are they going to store all these?

    a normal popcorn bucket, even the buckets that are themed, have one thing in common, they are easy to store. one bucket fits in another bucket so you can store 50 of them in a small space.

    these are not that. you’ll have 2 buckets taking the space that 50 normal buckets could fill. 4 buckets will take the space of 100 buckets, and so on. logistically, if these are truly the popcorn buckets, it is going to be a bigger nightmare than the cash grab of a movie is going to be.

    1. Steve

      My guess is Disney fanatics will buy the bucket but watch a different movie.

  11. Mmmmm

    I am going to see the Brett live action Snow White. The one that is showing more respect for the source material

    1. Glen Senecal

      Nobody told you? Brett Cooper walked away from that project and quit the Daily Wire. I was also excited for the Brett Cooper movie.

  12. Danny O.

    People are forgetting something about these buckets. If they are Snow WHITE.(and NOT Show WOKE) popcorn buckets, they stand a chance. Place nightmare CGI or “worse nightmare” Zegler on them; and only MAGA will purchase those (to use for target practice).

    1. Danny O.

      I looked at all the images I could find. I only see ONE SINGLE SIDE of the cart. I don’t know what the other three sides (or even the bottom of the bucket, for that matter) look like. “Five different colors” only refers to the single-colored plastic gems top, by the way.

      I guess, if it looks just like a mine cart from all sides (they can even have the Snow Woke title on the bottom of the bucket…as long as there are no other graphics than the title — with no characters shown), then it might be something for someone.

      Of course, the…”Hey, Alexa? How much is a standard ticket for my local theater?” “Thirteen dollars? That’s quite a bit more than when I last went to the theater, in 2022.” “Hey, Siri? How much are the popcorn buckets?” “Fifteen dollars? That’s more than if I actually got tickets for the movie.” “Hey, Disney? How well did Snow Woke do?” “You made more than the amount of money as if you had a packed theater? What are you saying?” “What do you mean the movie was a huge blockbuster success?”

      🌈⭐ And now you know…what Disney’s thought process is.

  13. Andrew

    A remark about the earñier comment that the live action Little Mermaid made $500k. The budget was $280 m. The cost to promote and pay the theaters was aprox $250m. The film actually lost money and was a finiancial disaster

    1. Douglas

      Yes it did!

  14. Skye

    I agree I think they should make disney villians the princesses already had their chance in the spotlight

  15. Citizen M

    To coincide with Rachel Zegler’s petulance and open disdain for Disney’s beloved 1937 classic, Peter Dinklage depriving 7 other Little People from having THEIR big break in Show Business, the hideous CGI and the premise that Gal Gadot would be jealous of Zegler, their fancy AMC Popcorn Bucket should be filled with Boviπe Ex¢remeπt.

  16. Bri

    The little mermaid was a huge flop. These massive budget movies need to make over 750 mil just to break even. Remember the “costs” are always more with marketing and re-shoots. Also the studio only gets around half the money a movie makes.

  17. Brandi J

    I could not be more disappointed. This is my favorite Disney princess and they have ruined the shot at a live action version. I will NOT be going to see this, nor do I plan to stream it. Everyone who knows me is shocked… my love for Snow White is well known by anyone who has met me. Couldn’t hate this anymore that I already do. The actress picked for Snow is just so… snarky and speaks as though this was below here. A recast should have been done and for goodness sakes, don’t CGI the dwarves!!! There are actors who would have gladly portrayed these roles and they have voiced that!

  18. Garrison

    They should stuff Zegler in a bucket

  19. trent

    absolutely NOT!

  20. Ann

    That’s not Snow White. That’s Mud Brown.

  21. DonnaC

    They are worried about it being mobbed, how can it be mobbed if nobody is there to see it

  22. To Disney please don’t release this horrible movie this actress bashes all of the original Disney movies and I thought you weren’t going to release this god awful movie but I guess you changed your minds boycott every Disney movie

  23. For Trump

    I don’t care if Disney let me watch that movie for free and and even gave me all their precious Snow Woke merchandise for free… I’M NOT WATCHING SNOW WOKE. Totally boycotting that filth film!

    1. andy

      its ok you dont need to be shy youll end up watching the film anyway look i admit something i had zero to no interest in seeing this either but we BOTH know we will end up seeing it one way or another, whether its in the theater or on streaming or piracy.

      1. For Trump

        No, I will not. I don’t stream. I don’t go to theaters; haven’t been since Toy Story 3. I will not watch the DVD. Piracy is illegal.
        You want to watch it out of curiosity, go ahead but remember that curiosity killed the cat. I’m firm in my boycott for this trash movie, you don’t believe me that’s your problem.

        1. Andy

          Okay i understand that

  24. Rachel

    Won’t be seeing this, mainly bc of the beotch in the lead role. Disney is killing themselves. Go woke, go broke.

  25. Viper

    This movie like all the other classics are being turned in to a joke the whole idea of snow white is that her skin is as white as snow so for starters it’s the wrong skin type. Same goes for the evil queen as well the dwarves should have been real little people not cgi or multi coloured and sex they where all white guys and it made the movie work there are some great little people out there like Peter dinklage and Danny Warburton who would of been great as the dwarves disney is going down the toilet by changing what made disney a global phenomenon and one of the biggest movie studios in the world they keep ruining classic movies but they don’t seem to realise that it doesn’t work they need to go back to basics and make us love disney once more. Plus whoever ends up in the lead roles should love the role and not Diss it like Rachel did if its going to be a remake of a classic then stick to what made it a classic in the first place don’t try being hip because that ruins everything be the disney we all fell in love with and prove people wrong stick to the classics the right way.

    1. Stephanie

      Peter would have been great as Grumpy. The took away jobs, got a woke “princess,” and made her another ethnic princess just for the sake of wokeness. Disney needs to stop messing with a good thing.

  26. Steve

    Zegler will be a catalyst for the return of the classic Studio System and Hollywood going back to the 1930s and 40s with all movie stars contracted to one studio at a time again. The great Louis B. Mayer would’ve never tolerated such behavior and MGM will be returning to its former glory as the dream factory where Judy Garland danced down the Yellow Brick Road. I look forward to Zegler taking part in a mass retirement of stars and declare that she’d rather never act in a movie again than be contracted to MGM or another studio.

  27. CK

    I have been a Disney from conseption, I think. And I have never missed a Disney film. So, this will be a first for me. You couldn’t, be, bribe, or gme to see this film! I was excited about it at first, but that disapated fast when that aledged actress started throwing her weight and mouth around… totally done with her!

  28. Walt

    “MOB”?? So consumers who don’t acquiesce to having crap shoved down our throats are now a “mob”??

    1. Junksiance

      In what world is Gal Gadot supposed to be jealous of Rachel Ziegler?! Its absurd! Rachel is not attractive at all and Gal Gadot is literally one of the most beautiful women in Hollywood!

  29. Glenn

    When will Disney wake up? This is one business that I trusted to stay free of politics and controversy. I’m out.

  30. Antnys

    There is no promotion, no giveaway, no amount of morbid curiosity and no amount of schadenfreude that would entice me into watching this film.

  31. Stephen

    Literally all they had to do was make a film where, as per every single telling of Snow White and the Seven Dwarves before it, Snow White was white. No one would have noticed anything – bar a few people whining on social media about lack of diversity – such people would never have actually gone to see the film anyway so are a fiscal irrelevance, and people would have gone to see it in their droves.
    Instead, some totally clueless idiot piped up “why don’t we cast a NOT white person as “Snow White!”, leading to Disney fumbling about all “oh yeah, well, you see the thing is, yeah that part about “with skin as white as snow”, that part doesn’t exist anymore, cos..er..well you see, it’s cos she was born in a snow storm, and, yeah….”…..


  32. Releasing the movie now could prove disastrous.
    This Snow white may be the most hated movie in history, and that hatred will rub off on Hollywood at a time when folk depend on donations to recover from the devastating fires in the LA basin.

    Disney chose a Latina that seriously disrespected one of Europe’s most important folk tales (in multiple interviews that Disney PR allowed). This movie will create racial tension where there was none at the very time when many Latinos could use sympathy as they face mass deportation. The cultural insults of Snow Woke are the last thing these immigrants need.

    Disney chose to CGI the dwarfs like the animals (Other humans were portrayed as humans). Many in the US think dwarfs remain human despite their condition and should be treated as such – Disney could have hired real people for these roles. This treatment of those with dwarfism is a terrible message for children.

    The last thing the US needs right now is more political division. This film is intentionally culturally divisive both for those within the US and abroad in those countries that consider the Snow White story a part of their cultural heritage: Germany, Austria, the Czech Republic, and Italy.

  33. Tony McManus

    Disney, please listen to your audience majority. Maybe just release the bucket and scrap the movie.

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