Canadian Governments Issues Begged Restrictions on All Disney Vacations, “Don’t Go”

Comments for Canadian Governments Issues Begged Restrictions on All Disney Vacations, “Don’t Go”

festival of fantasy crowds

Credit: Ashley Carter, X


  1. Aiden

    Libs of Tiktok is an extreme-far-right account run by a doxxer, and should not be used as a journalistic source.

    1. I also hope you guys don’t come to Siesta Key this christmas. It’s getting so crowded.

    2. Former cast member

      You are spreading 100% False propaganda. You seem mad you couldn’t steal the election again.

    3. Walt

      idiot – Libs of Tik Tok only retweets and points out the lunatic left – but I repeat myself. It does not generate its own “news”. Sorry you cannot figure out there are only 2 sexes, that allowing 20 million plus illegal aliens into this country – many to commit horrible crimes including rape and murder. But why am I wanting the electrons it is pointless to argue with ignorant liberals – sorry I repeat myself again.

  2. Richard

    I’m a Canadian. Have been at Disney World over 30 times !
    Normally i go there, one week, during cold winter and automn. I also been 3 times at Disneland. Last week i was begin to check to take one week vacations and go the sunshine state.

    So, with these situations (politics and economics) I decide to stay at home.

    I remember before sept,11 we don’t need passport to cross the border by car.
    Thing have really change of the years !

    I really want our friendship with our neighbors to return.

    I am aware that several decisions come from one man and that not everyone wants this situation.

    1. Gigi

      We are going to Disney as we cannot cancel our Condo at short notice. Plus we have annual passes. Screw Trump!! He hates Disney so we can go and have fun before he figures out a way to mess with them next!

    2. goaliemom

      Over 77 million voted for that one man to make the decisions for this country.

    3. Walt

      The “one” man was elected by a VAST majority and landslide. Justin Castro has allowed the border with New York and areas in that region to be porous. That’s how a radical terrorist was just caught before he crossed the border in his plan to kill Jews. the tariff is purely a negotiating technique to get Castro off his A$$ to do something to clamp down on terror.

    4. Frank

      sadly our two countries will have to wait until we get that moron out of office . That is if he doesn`t sell us to the Chinese to pay back all the money he owes them . Or that clown he has running the whole show here in the USA . But I will say that I am embaressed by the fact that you Canadians have the courage to fight back against trump where Americans will only try to find excuses for his actions .

  3. Mary

    By not going Disney will offer great deals to those in CA to come and visit Disney. THat is what they do for the UK folks. Those in the UK get huge discounts on park tickets and room rates.

    1. Frank

      No Disney will just use it for an excuse to close the parks and concentrate on TV and movies . Fewer people and more profit . So when all those thousands of Disney employees and those who`s jobs depend on business from disney are out of work they can thank donold j trump and the ones who didn`t vote .

  4. Lisa

    Fake news!! These tariffs are great for America! It will make us stronger and less reliant on other countries!

    1. Frank

      Keep telling yourself that if it makes you feel better . That logic is like giving your money to a TV preacher and expecting a huge return before you die .

  5. Disneylover2456

    We cancelled. As a Canadian I won’t spend a dime in the USA or on USA products is at all possible. We spent $12-15k every year in Florida. Not any more!

    1. Steve

      I’m sorry you’re Canadian, must be hard. Thoughts and prayers.

      1. Gigi

        Not as sorry as we are that your mommy let you use her computer. What a big boy!

        1. don

          Aww looks like someone hit a nerve eh?

      2. goaliemom

        Over 77 million voted for that one man to make the decisions for this country.

      3. Frank

        Canada has universal healthcare where they don`t have to worry about losing their home if the go to the doctor . Better roads and cleaner cities . You can vote for who you want without voter intimidation or court battles or the government being attacked when one side loses . They take care of their seniors , sick , poor and children . And they don`t vote in the biggest moron in the country and pay him to play golf . also they don`t have Musk running their country .

    2. Walt

      Woo Hoo – thank you – we don’t need or want the likes of you or Justin Castro in the states.

      1. Frank

        We don`t need the likes of you here in the USA either .

  6. Gigi

    We are going to Disney as we cannot cancel our Condo at short notice. Plus we have annual passes. Screw Trump!! He hates Disney so we can go and have fun before he figures out a way to mess with them next!

    1. George

      You seem a bit unhinged madam. I feel for your family.

      1. Gigi

        Nope, George. Just not intimidated. If you want to see unhinged, just look at the President LOL

    2. Tracy Olsen

      Are you ok, Gigi? Or should I call you “Karen”? We Americans are thrilled we finally have a president who can undo the atrocities of Brandon and his cronies. You staying away is probably a really good decision. Go build your own Disney and see how that works out for you.

      1. Frank

        We Americans ? You need to rethink that . It is only you maga morons who think trump loves you that support that fake president . Or are you thrilled that Musk is your real president and is selling us out to China ?

      2. Gigi

        Tracy… seems like you took an extra Maga pill today, so nasty. How exhausting it must be to be so vile and hateful all the time. I actually pity you and pity any children you may have. And sorry to disappoint you, not really, but I am going to Disney and I’m going to have a fantastic time. Then I’ll sit back and watch Maggots have a meltdown lol. Have a good life! I guess that’s a ridiculous wish on my part considering your President hahaha. By the way how’s the price of eggs and how’s your economy doing?

  7. NJMOM

    Well people still have blinders on I’d say they are all unhinged that why he had the most votes in history and almost turned America red. Nothing but validation for republicans sorry for your loss and that your small group is so unhinged

  8. Thomas Wheeler

    I agree, please stay away. Especially in April.

  9. Lynn

    Actually these tarriffs will put us into a recession or depression. The tariffs are passed down to the consumerwguchvmeans YOU pay cost. Canadians are boycotting US products and are buying Canadian, Mexican….anything but US products. Canada is the US’s trading partner so this is going to negatively affect US businesses. Boise, wine and beer has been removed from the shelves. Can masa supplies 52% if the US oil. Also natural gas, electricity and water…these supplies could be cut off raising prices at your local pump. Suggest you look up what tarriffs are and how they will affect you instead of listening to the Orange Cheeto. I am a dual citizen living in the US…I read both sides of the border.

    1. goaliemom

      Sorry, California Red all my life. Republicans are much better for our state.

    2. Are you an economist? Very doubtful anything normally close to what you just wrote will come to fruition. You need to get your big boy or girl shorts on and stop with the Debbie Downer the sky is falling mentality. Give it time with the tariffs. Both Mexico and Canada have been ripping off the United States for entirely too long. And besides, in 4 years the Trump administration will close it’s books and a new “sheriff” will be in town wanting to put their stamp and shake things up too. Be patient. ☮️✌️🇺🇸

      1. ,”normally…” The word should have been “remotely.”. I don’t know how to go back into edit any of my comments. It’s a mystery to me. But don’t let old Trump get to you. In 4 years will be long gone. 👍

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