Trump’s Tariffs Will Hit Your Disney Vacation Hard

Comments for Trump’s Tariffs Will Hit Your Disney Vacation Hard

Two men are pictured on either side of a red zigzag line resembling a tear or division. The man on the left, wearing a suit with a red tie, speaks at a podium during what seems to be a Presidential Debate, while the man on the right, also in a suit and tie, speaks in front of a blurred background.

Credit: Inside the Magic


  1. Deb

    I don’t think it will worry many going to Disney,I feel sorry for the whole of the USA ,it’s going to be a long 4 yrs

    1. Kathy

      Great 4 years!
      Disney should stay out of politics and move forward.
      And stop scaring people about cost and tariffs. It’s Disney greed is raising prices. Keeping the shareholders pockets full.

  2. Steve

    The author is an uninformed liberal. Trump had us energy independent before. And his “drill baby drill” assure we will be again. So don’t look for gas to go up, it will go down. Who can afford Disney now anyway? How about some of those China made souveniers be charged a reasonable price now? Not because of tariffs, but for Disney greed!

    1. Kathy

      Amen to that!

    2. Matty

      We do can’t refine enough gasoline nor have the capacity to refine the oil we can drill into gasoline.

      Additionally, all of our oil is sold internationally because the US government doesn’t control the oil.

  3. Robert E Anderson

    Under Trump’s previous administration we had tariffs, everything was cheaper, including Disney. This is nothing more than a Left Wing propaganda piece designed to undermine Trump.

  4. Old disney please

    How about make them souvenirs in AMERICA!!!! Maby that’s the point!!!!

  5. G Gmarko

    Iger has inflated Disney cost so what’s the difference? I agree with Old Please Disney. Make it in America.

  6. David Lee

    Cheap Chinese junk that us imported and sold at Disney cost them pennies on the dollar. They will take a hit, but what ever happened to Walt’s plan of pricing soulwinners at near cost so that they could be on everyone’s coffee table and work as a form of advertising? Importing oil from Canada is a problem? Under Trumps 1st presidency domestic oil production ramped up so much that for the first time in decades the USA was exporting oil. No need for imports. Why is it ok for other countries to put tariffs and VATs on our products, but we can’t do the same to their products?

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