Blizzard Beach needs to be open for the winter regardless how cold. Disney Corporate is a bunch of leftist looney toons. Wake Up it is BLIZZARD Beach, not Sunny Sunshine and Rainbow Beach!
Sure, you sound like one of those people that would sue the parks if you end up with frostbite… hilarious how you went political there, while being the one
that expects the world to bend to your whims. Who cares about the employees or anyone else affected, “it’s all about me!”
It’s sad that tens of thousands of people’s vacation is shut down because it is a little cold outside. We were there 10 days ago and it was really cold. Lows near freezing to 38 degrees. Highs in the mid 40-50’s. We were fine just wearing a coat. All these people have spent thousands on airfare, hotels and tickets.
Even so, still not a reason to let people potentially die from the cold. Why take any chances? Thats all Disney needs is a huge lawsuit over someone’s death.
a little cold? were you outside today at the parks? when they close things its for a good reason. It is terrible out there to be working in it for the cast members.
I don’t care too much for Disneyland anyways. Let them do what they will and I won’t be going then either. I like Magic Mountain. Less crowded, better rides. Disneyland sucks!
People who live in and work outsde in Florida are very accustomed to working during days of 95+ degree heat and 90+ percent humidity. They are, however not accustomed to temperatures below 60 degrees Fahrenheit, and most especially not if the wind chill is making it feel more than 10 degrees colder. If a person is unaccustomed to working in colder conditions, especially if they are expected to be wet, it causes them to experience hypothermia, which stresses the body and may cause illness, unlike our neighbors to the north, who are able to physically handle colder temperatures. It has absolutely nothing to do with a person’s political leanings or their willingness to work. It would be irresponsible of a company in a state where the average temperatures for the year normally hover between 75 and 80 degrees to demand that their employees risk their health to open a water park where they are unable to stay warm and dry. Remember, those slide attendants have to physically be IN that water, wet and dealing with wind chills that this week were below freezing.
It is a shame that the weather did not cooperate with visitors plans, however no one has control over the weather. Visitors do have more control over what time of year they visit. If visiting a waterpark is high on the list of “must-dos”, perhaps spring, summer or fall would work out better. We do have winter here in Florida and it may not be the type of winter some experience, but to those of us who live here year around, it feels just as cold at 55 degrees as it probably feels to others at 30. If you happen to notice those people or employees in the parks walking around with heavy coats, layers, hats, gloves and scarves and it’s 60 degrees out, you will probably be save to assume we are from Central or South Florida and are freezing.
Comments for Safety Advisory Issued for Disney World Resort, Whole Park To Remain Closed
Charles Elias Disney II
Blizzard Beach needs to be open for the winter regardless how cold. Disney Corporate is a bunch of leftist looney toons. Wake Up it is BLIZZARD Beach, not Sunny Sunshine and Rainbow Beach!
Sammie Jo
Thank you both for showing us all just how neurodivergent you are. Time to go lick some more windows.
R Roman
Sure, you sound like one of those people that would sue the parks if you end up with frostbite… hilarious how you went political there, while being the one
that expects the world to bend to your whims. Who cares about the employees or anyone else affected, “it’s all about me!”
They have to be concerned for YOUR safety. They don’t want you to sue them when you do something stupid.
It’s sad that tens of thousands of people’s vacation is shut down because it is a little cold outside. We were there 10 days ago and it was really cold. Lows near freezing to 38 degrees. Highs in the mid 40-50’s. We were fine just wearing a coat. All these people have spent thousands on airfare, hotels and tickets.
Even so, still not a reason to let people potentially die from the cold. Why take any chances? Thats all Disney needs is a huge lawsuit over someone’s death.
lorraine cramer
a little cold? were you outside today at the parks? when they close things its for a good reason. It is terrible out there to be working in it for the cast members.
I don’t care too much for Disneyland anyways. Let them do what they will and I won’t be going then either. I like Magic Mountain. Less crowded, better rides. Disneyland sucks!
People who live in and work outsde in Florida are very accustomed to working during days of 95+ degree heat and 90+ percent humidity. They are, however not accustomed to temperatures below 60 degrees Fahrenheit, and most especially not if the wind chill is making it feel more than 10 degrees colder. If a person is unaccustomed to working in colder conditions, especially if they are expected to be wet, it causes them to experience hypothermia, which stresses the body and may cause illness, unlike our neighbors to the north, who are able to physically handle colder temperatures. It has absolutely nothing to do with a person’s political leanings or their willingness to work. It would be irresponsible of a company in a state where the average temperatures for the year normally hover between 75 and 80 degrees to demand that their employees risk their health to open a water park where they are unable to stay warm and dry. Remember, those slide attendants have to physically be IN that water, wet and dealing with wind chills that this week were below freezing.
It is a shame that the weather did not cooperate with visitors plans, however no one has control over the weather. Visitors do have more control over what time of year they visit. If visiting a waterpark is high on the list of “must-dos”, perhaps spring, summer or fall would work out better. We do have winter here in Florida and it may not be the type of winter some experience, but to those of us who live here year around, it feels just as cold at 55 degrees as it probably feels to others at 30. If you happen to notice those people or employees in the parks walking around with heavy coats, layers, hats, gloves and scarves and it’s 60 degrees out, you will probably be save to assume we are from Central or South Florida and are freezing.