President Donald Trump’s New Executive Orders Target LGBTQ+ Disney Characters

Comments for President Donald Trump’s New Executive Orders Target LGBTQ+ Disney Characters

Two men are pictured on either side of a red zigzag line resembling a tear or division. The man on the left, wearing a suit with a red tie, speaks at a podium during what seems to be a Presidential Debate, while the man on the right, also in a suit and tie, speaks in front of a blurred background.

Credit: Inside the Magic


  1. Tired

    To me, it seems like he’s doing what HE feels is right and what he wants to happen to help himself. Nothing for the workers or the people, in general.

    1. LADY LUCK


      1. Danny O.

        While I agree, you don’t have to be so loud. I understand you’re doing what MAGA does. However, yelling only turns people away.

    2. RandyC

      Disney should never have waded into politics. Disney should stick to entertainment. What Disney does with its own personnel policies, provided all are legal and non-descriminatory, is Disney’s business. Disney’s product influences children and Disney needs to stay down the middle because of that and not be a advocate of social experimentation and gender advocacy. Let kids be kids, and grow up on their own.

      1. goaliemom


      2. Danny O.


      3. Frank

        Churches shouldn`t be involved in politics either . If they are going to be then they should be paying taxes like Disney does . and what is wrong with children knowing that there all all types of people ? You are lucky that Disney doesn`t tell the truth that most child molesters are straight White Christian males not Gay or Lesbian . And you don`t see WOKE people forcing their beliefs on you like these tax dodging evangelicals .



    1. Anne


      1. Marie

        Biden? Yep…he was.

        1. Frank

          We have never heard of President Biden sexually assaulting women like trump brags about . You whine about him sniffing hair but give trump a pass on grabbing women by their >>>>y . And you call President Biden creepy ?

  3. J

    Lmfao, making use poor?? Biden has already beaten him to it 😂😄

    1. Frank

      I think you meant ” making us poor ” ? Well if you think Biden has just wait until trump and the oligarchs get done with you . He has already banned Medicare from negotiating drug prices for seniors because Biden passed it . And his tariff war is driving prices up every day . How about the price of eggs you sold your daughters out for ? I see gas has gone up another 40 cents in the past week alone . Unemployment is on the rise and he is deporting all the farm and construction labor . Look up Robber Barons if you want to lean about trump`s idea of a golden age .

  4. Clara

    Only male or female? Fine, malicious compliance more gay, lesbian, bi characters in the shows, trans characters (as much as I hate to say it because they should be allowed to 100% themselves) hinted at. God I can’t wait to frame his obituary

    1. goaliemom

      seriously? smh….

  5. Sandy

    Hello, remember Walt Disney himself would not be involved in all of this politizing of the Disney Company. He was a great man and storytelling for families to enjoy was his wish. I miss him, dearly.

    1. Danny O.

      I agree 💯%!

    2. North Carolina Girl

      Me Too!
      Every year Disney is getting farther away from the family values Walt Disney started in the beginning for children and families!

      1. Shaun

        Umm… gay people have families too. SMH at your ignorance.

      2. Frank

        Hate is not a family value . maybe you would be happy if they had a cross burning every night ?

  6. Jess

    Praise Trump for fixing America!!!!! Down with Disney! Down with woke crap! Down with idiots who hate Trump! Down with DEI!
    There are only two sexes, and if you don’t like that, cry harder! MAGA!!

    1. G Gmarko


    2. Frank

      You are late for your cross burning . Did your white hood get lost in the laundry ?

  7. Anne

    To all the dumbbells on this comments section that hate Trump: GO START YOUR OWN COUNTRY FULL OF THE CRAP YOU WANT AND LEAVE OURS ALONE!

    1. Frank

      Why don`t you move to a place more to your liking . I hear Putin will welcome you with open arms . After all he is trumps boss . If the idea of freedom is so ugly to you .

  8. Anne


  9. Christi


  10. Danny O.

    As much as I’d like to blame “convicted felon Donald J. Trump” for all of this. Excuse me. I didn’t call him correctly. It’s President “convicted felon Donald J. Trump” (since he was elected & took office).

    Anyway, as much as I’d like to blame him for all of this, he was just the gas that made the blaze into an inferno. The fire was lit, a long time ago, by heavily Christians who don’t even know what’s in their bible.

    “It’s Adam and Eve…not Adam and Steve!” Um…what happened to Lilith (the woman god created BEFORE he used Adam’s rib to create Eve)? And how could Christianity been around — before and during — the time Jesus was growing up into adulthood?

    And to think: Those were only TWO of the examples I can provide. Since this ISN’T about religion (well…), I won’t go into further talking about what’s in the bible (that Christians don’t want to talk about).

    Pride even existed in the 1930’s. It was just “hidden” from society — due to too many Judeo-Christian beliefs claiming them to be sub-human. It wasn’t until the 2010’s, when Pride was finally welcomed as being just as human as anyone else. That is…until the second half of 2015. Racism, sexism, and anti-Pride increased.

    Huh? I guess it WAS President “convicted felon Donald J. Trump”‘s fault, after all.

  11. Eli

    Love Trump!! Bringing back family values! Disney needs to stop the Woke crap!! It’s terrible. Walt designed these parks for families to enjoy! Not see a freak show!

    1. Frank

      Hate is not a family value .

  12. Marie

    Hey Disney….Worry less about politics and ‘offending people” and more about what Walt Disney himself wanted for these parks. A family experience away from reality.

    1. Frank

      Maybe you should get a real good look at reality and see that trump is destroying the USA . And I am a person and am not offended by people of different cultures and ideas . Walt didn`t teach hate as a family value .

  13. G Gmarko

    Thank you Trump!!!!!!

    1. Shaun

      So sad.

    2. Frank

      For what ? stopping Medicare for lowering drug prices for Seniors ? Or making the USA a laughingstock to the world ? How is taking over Greenland , Canada and Panama going to lower your costs ? Pulling out of WHO ? I give it about 6 months and you will be saying ” How could I let this happen ? I wish I could take back my vote “

  14. Conservative in NC

    The great President Trump is going to make Disney the way it should be the way Walt Disney made it and intended to stay. A family friendly company free from the crap of the world. God only knows what Walt would think of what his company has become but just from some of the research I’ve done I don’t think he’d be happy. So for all you people that hate Trump and this great country of ours get out

    1. Shaun

      You know families have gay people in them?

    2. Frank

      God ( not trump who you think is God ) would think why did I let these people vote for a con artist ? If you are so upset about Disney then you should be more upset that churches don`t pay taxes like Disney does . So Disney has bought their right for their policies which they don`t force on you . Unlike churches who don`t pay a dime and want to decide everything in your life .

  15. Shaun

    Too many ignorant trump supporters in these comments. One is too many. Seriously insane how these people who claim to want to “save” us with going back to “family values” can seriously endorse a convicted felon and r*pist. This country is so backwards.

    1. Frank

      Now now you just have to understand they just want to bring back the good old days . You know a time where women couldn`t vote , cross burnings , Black people knew their place , children worked 10 to 12 hours a day , there was no benefits , pay was with script not US dollars and a rich White male was the master of all he surveyed . They don`t know about things like the Robber Barons or company towns and stores . They think the world was just like a Disney movie where everything turns out for the best .

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