Pirates of the Caribbean Ride Offends Guests Again, Called a "Nightmare"

Comments for Pirates of the Caribbean Ride Offends Guests Again, Called a “Nightmare”

Auction scene featuring Pirate Redd, the auctioneer, and townspeople in the Pirates of the Caribbean ride at Magic Kingdom in Walt Disney World Resort

Credit: Ed Aguila, Inside the Magic


  1. Maxwell

    For all those people who feel that the Pirates of the Caribbean ride disturbed them so much, why on earth do they keep getting on the ride. If it bothers you that much, STOP getting on the ride and complaining. It just seems that people go on these rides multiple times to whine and complain about something they didn’t see before.

    1. Tgonz

      I agree great comment. Some people do better just staying home so they’re not offended by everything they see. And it’s always the grown-ups not the children for which the park was created for.

    2. Joy

      Simple solution…Do Not get on the ride!

      1. B

        I agree. Grow up and get off

        1. Trevor putt

          Sure, I think they should change it again.
          Drop all this WOKE crap.
          Walt would be rolling in his grave if he saw how his vision has been abused.

          1. Steve

            I can confirm it will be changed back to its original self in time for its 75th. I have a time machine.

          2. Stahlilama

            Let’s be honest, Walt is already rolling in his grave knowing that Jews are visiting the park. Let’s not use him as the measuring stick.

          3. Steve

            Walt was absolutely not anti semitic. That is a debunked legend that Marty Sklar, Richard Sherman (both Jewish) and others have refuted. Walt was honored by the B’nai Brith Beverly Hills chapter as its Man of the Year in 1955.

    3. lorraine cramer


  2. Jon

    Pirates needs to go back to the original ride. If people don’t like it. GO AWAY and go to another ride. There was nothing wrong before. Today’s generation are a bunch of idiots. With what happens on the different rides is nothing compared to of everyday life. People live together with out getting married, have children out of wedlock, don’t go to church to straighten themselves up. So shut the fricken mouth

    1. Aunty Polly

      If I’m understanding you correctly, it sounds like you’re saying that unmarried people living together, single parents and folks not going to church are 3 examples of things that are worse than kidnapping, looting and piracy. Quite the hot take there, Jon.

      1. Donna Pearman

        this is so stupid.What should be on the ride.Pirates bringing flowers and singing about peace and climate change.This is fantasy.If you don’t like don’t go on.Disneyland cast too much anyhow.Tgsts what’s scary the admission fee

        1. Spank You Very Much

          Not as scary as this word salad. Yikes.

  3. Bart

    I’m offended by those getting offended.

    1. Amra Vaze

      For those offended, get over yourselves . You are no more special than the next human. While you’re at it, grow a spine.

  4. Donna

    OMG! It’s a classic! Get over it! Animations violating you! How ridiculous! It’s pirates, don’t ride!!

  5. People are too soft nowadays. If I don’t like something, I just won’t do it. But yet people still do things just so they can get views. This world we live in is completely farked.

  6. Bill

    Disney is great for creating “another world” or a different life style. Pirates were not nice and they sold women. I think this ride is fantastic. People are too caught up in themselves nowadays and do not enjoy the efforts and talents around them.

  7. Elaine

    People today are just looking for things to complain about. I’ll bet they could find something in every attraction. Go home and change your attitude. Disney is a place to have fun, not to judge everything.

  8. Sue

    the people who complain about the Pirates ride are whacked! How would they have liked to live during the active pirate days?? If they feel like these animatronics are ogling them they have major issues! Robots CANNOT take advantage of a human person. If you don’t like this ride, then don’t ride it anymore. All these idiots stupid complaints have made the ride be changed to the worst degree and to have Capt. Jack replaced by another face. Go home and get your life together and and stop complaining about a ride that is so inoffesive. And while you’re at home maybe try growing up and act like a responsible adult as you should be. Have a nice day complainers!

    1. NothingButDun

      Exactly! Skip Pirates and go to PooBear…. Ride that 10 times and find something to complain about, I’m sure you will. Enjoy life… Its satirical… There are so many funny parts…. Enjoy them… Its fantasy..,. Get over it!

  9. Paul

    Will you yellow bellied woke pu$$ies just stay the he’ll home. Argh!

  10. Elizabeth

    I don’t think the ride should have ever been updated!!! That’s the whole point of how it was back then. If you don’t like it, don’t ride!! There are to many crybabies now a days that want to ruin things for people because their not happy. Yea nobody likes it when a ride breaks down. Oh well it happens. So your car breaks down one day and you don’t like the scenery are you going to cry over that and make a scene as well until you get your way. Go get a cookie and milk and cry to santa

  11. Dennis

    This is ridiculous. An attraction loved by tens of thousands, has to be changed because of a handful of snowflakes. If you don’t like what’s on the menu, don’t go there!

  12. Jay

    Oh please! Get over yourself. Don’t like it, don’t ride it.. the government is way more offensive

  13. Diana Carey

    Pirates is a wonderful ride that is loads of fun and not in the least threatening. It is beyond belief that anyone could feel threatened or “ogled” by the animatronics. If you are all that sensitive perhaps Disneyland is not for you and you need to avoid leaving your house. I’m sorry if that sounds harsh but for goodness sake, gt a life!

  14. Voice of Reason

    I don’t think anyone who commented, aside from Aunt Polly (because your takedown of Jon was pretty good), actually read the entire article. People were offended by being stuck on the ride. Which is lame because that’s the best oart. Especially when you get evacuated through the back offices and lockers and stuff.

  15. Chances are that real pirates wouldn’t look at you. Move on!! Either get a pair or a backbone. Stop making things all about you.

  16. Joe K.

    There was only one change that
    didn’t bother me. The addition of the Jack Sparrow character. The Change to the auction scene was the worst.

  17. Danny O.

    They should remove the realtors advertisement from the bus stop bench! He’s way too happy when women sit on that bench. You can tell by the look in this eyes.

    Claiming an animatronic is undressing you with its eyes just shows how desperate for sexual attention you are. After all, it goes through t me same motions no matter WHO — if ANY — passes through. Yet, you feel like it’s specifically focused on YOU?! And you even gave it a fantasy, that you created in your head, full of lust?!?

    FNAF should never have designed Toy Chica. Now ALL animatronics are considered a sex objects.

    As for them earworm horror: At least you weren’t stuck in Small World! 🤣

  18. Dwight

    Obviously, those complaining do not read this BLOG or are afraid to speak up here. Maybe they should just stay home and let those of us, who enjoy the attractions they do not like, have more fun by not having to stand in line so long. They are probably the ones who had the benches removed from the Pin Trading area by complaining there was no place to sit ! There is still no place to sit but the pin traders have to stand at tables that are too few and too small.

  19. mark

    dont ever walk outdoors, or by a construction sites a racetrack or a concert . You are to fragile to be in publluc

  20. Eric

    People these days are ridiculous . They get offended about everything and anything.
    Grow up !!!!!

  21. Rujek Crost

    Wow! Getting offended by animatronics on a ride. These women are probably the same Karens that think every guy is looking at them and wants them, but won’t given anyone of them the time or day. If you to be pretty shallow to think animatronics are eyeballing you. Get over yourselves. Guarantee the women that complained about the ride has 800 selfies on there profiles.

  22. Someone so.ewhere will always be offender by something. Majority rules as the same. Pirates is great don’t fix something that’s not broken.

  23. Zilma A Osle

    I agree. This is getting out of hand. If you feel sick or offended by animatronic pirates then DON’T GO ON THE RIDE!!!!!! It’s that simple. I can’t go on Rocking Roller Coaster because of my back issue. That doesn’t mean that I have to complain about it so that Disney changes the ride so that I can go on it. People need to chill. There are plenty of other rides/attractions to go on. Also, there are other activities that you can do that aren’t just going to the parks. You can go report hopping, ride/rent a bicycle, walk around your hotel to see what activities they’re offering their guests, etc. Are these people going to complain when Epic Universe in USF opens and they go on rides that have animatronic monsters?? Think about it. Are you going to complain that Dracula scared your 6 year old child and that USF should get rid of that animatronic? If your kid is afraid of monsters then don’t go on the attraction. Just please don’t ruin it for everyone else. GEEZ!!!!

  24. Monica

    If you are offended don’t ride it.

  25. Ann

    Why don’t these offended people quit going anywhere and leave things alone. Shut up! I am so tired of hearing your complaining about being offended. Go get help with the reason you think you need to be on the ” me too” train about things. If you don’t like the ride, DON’T GO ON IT! It is a ride. It doesn’t hurt you. We lost Splash Mountain because of this woke crap. Now they can’t even keep Tiana’s running.

  26. Phil

    You feel “rapey” by a moving machine? What does that even mean? Man, I’m getting to old for this! Rapey?

  27. Jen

    If you don’t like the ride, don’t get on it. Problem solved.

  28. Oh my Gosh get over yourself!!!! They are not looking at you, they can’t see! If it offends you then just don’t ride it again! Stop trying to change everything because a few people think that they are so important that world should turn to what they want.

  29. Joe

    Did the ride offend you, so sorry. It didn’t offend the other thousands of people who were on the ride, get over it. Don’t ride it again.

  30. Maria

    The majority has spoken!! Ride shoud never have been changed and kept I it’s original form … well I’m glad they included Jack Sparrow. If you can’t leave well enough alone, stay home and cower in your corner.

  31. Susan R

    Give me a break!! Offended – don’t get on the ride. Good grief people!!

  32. Ashley Simons

    Leave the ride alone if people don’t like it then don’t ride it. I have loved this ride since I was a kid and if people can’t accept the history surrounding the ride then boo hoo. History is the past and we can’t change the past. The fact that people are complaining over something so stupid shows how much time they have they could fill with being positive instead. Get over the expecting everything to be perfect. Leave the ride alone there pirates not saints.

  33. Sarah Choate

    This is why we can’t have nice things. So, this person got stuck on the part with the bride auction…boo hoo. I guess seeing things that actually happened is triggering…boo hoo. In order to not repeat history is to learn from it.

    Next, thousands of people of all ages are not offended, so why should the ride be changed for the few? Get over yourself and be an adult… don’t go back on the ride.

    This is the reason why I will never visit any Disney park, ever again… Disney is coddling these self-centered and selfish people…the few. I’m over it.

    Have fun destroying fun because you can’t handle life.

  34. Jennifer H

    Oh Good Gravy… Anything Else You Want To Complain About For Something You Could Of Completely Advoided?

  35. Jennifer H

    GROW UP People it’s a fuckin ride. Has anyone complained about it when it first opened, NO, . Whoever keeps complaining just don’t go back to Disneyland cause you’ll just Bitch about another ride and post something stupid. So STOP complaining!!!!!!!

  36. Ron Wright

    Some people will always be offended, it seems to be their reason for being. Some people will never be happy. Why not gear it for the people that actually enjoy it for a change, instead of dulling it to the point where no one likes it.

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