The Construction Zone: Yet Another Magic Kingdom Attraction Shuts Down Today

Comments for The Construction Zone: Yet Another Magic Kingdom Attraction Shuts Down Today

A large colonial-style building with a clock tower and brick facade is situated in a leafy area. Overlaid is a black and white close-up photo of a convicted felon with a serious expression. The sky appears to be clear, suggesting it is either early morning or late afternoon.

Credit: Inside the Magic


  1. Dave 62

    So does disney world offer discounted construction tickets? i think there’s about 25 attractions and if 7 or 8 of them are not open, shouldn’t there be some kind of discounted construction tickets? That’s like a 3rd of the park that not operating sooo… there’s no casts running all that so that saves them labor $. Let’s discuss this ….

    1. Good point. I like where you’re going with this…👍

    2. Frank

      They should take a hint from Universal and build another park . They have the land for it .

  2. Dave 62

    So my ticket will cost me about $600 ,I’m out of state so full price for me ,that’s a 4 day ticket no extra, Florida residents get 4 days for about $300 or less on some of fl deals, so are out of state disney fans being taken advantage of? sure looks like it, is it discrimination, why are we paying more and then have room,travel cost on top of that.then the parks are full of fl residents and cast members that creates longer wait times and hampers the people that pay price. Gave me some good reasons why, please….should we lawyer up? What if it was race or gender based, kinda the same isn’t it?

    1. You make an excellent point. I also agree with a reduced price for all the rides and attractions under construction/renovation or outright destruction.

      I imagine a team of lawyers have already reviewed this so this is likely mute. I’m a California resident and there is a reduced fee for certain zip codes too. But even with the discounts its still outrageously expensive. Crowds of people and long lines are no longer pleasing to me.

      1. Marcy

        I am from PA and until recently was an AP. We now go less often due to costs and over crowding as it is no longer a fun experience for the cost. But as stated so many rides are closed for an extended length of time it is no longer a cost worthy experience. There should because of this be discounted prices as there are other rides that go down daily. Also as an out of stater it costs us much more to go to Disney than those living close by.

      2. Marcy

        I am from PA and until recently was an AP. We now go less often due to costs and over crowding as it is no longer a fun experience for the cost. But as stated so many rides are closed for an extended length of time it is no longer a cost worthy experience. There should because of this be discounted prices as there are other rides that go down daily. Also as an out of stater it costs us much more to go to Disney than those living close by.

    2. Hal

      The ideas at the Florida residents get a discount only during the off season, which is after the Christmas holidays to before Memorial Day not including spring break. It’s a time when the parts are underpopulated and the Florida residents would not come if they had to pay full price, so this gives Disney World a stream of revenue during a time when they may not be able to meet expenses. That’s the idea. I’ve not been there in many years but I’ve never noticed it impacting my trip then. Perhaps it’s different now though.

      The thing that has impacted my trips, and the reason why I haven’t been there in a long time is because the current Disney management and leadership of their imaginary is totally incompetent has no clue as to what entertainment really is. They just keep tearing down the amazing work of Walt Disney and replacing with their woke trash because it makes them happy. They don’t care at all about their guests. Moreover, they’re using there woke agenda to groom children into accepting and embracing homosexuality. And by the way, if you’ve ever studied counseling of serious dysfunction, that’s the exact same thing that sexual abusers do when they’re grooming future victims.

      1. Frank

        And just what is WOKE ? You keep saying it but never seem to be able to tell anyone just what it is . Is it things like making sure Seniors have a place to live and food to eat ? Or could it be Children can be sure they will eat today ? Or maybe someone can walk down a street without worrying about some red neck assaulting them ? If WOKE means Medicare can negotiate drug prices like before trump banned them I will take WOKE any day over what you believe .

  3. Pat

    My 8 and 10 year old grandsons fly in Friday. I hope they will find the magic there. That will be very disappointing.

    1. Dave 62

      They will my friend! .. they don’t understand politics yet.

  4. Danny O.

    I think it’s funny that Disney claims to close Hall of Presidents…INDEFINITELY, on Monday, January 20, 2025. Let me guess. The doors get locked at noon.

    President “convicted felon Donald J. Trump” takes office; and Disney removes their Hall of Presidents. Coincidence? Highly doubtful.

    1. Frank

      It takes up to 11 months to create a character and Elon won`t hold still long enough to make a model .

  5. Frank

    Hopefully the Hall of Presidents will be closed for 5 years or until trump is no longer in office . Maybe they could just put Elon in there in his place so it would be more realistic .

  6. David65

    If they shut down all these rides the lines will be that much longer at the ones left running. last time I was there it seemed Disney was losing its magic anyway. Rides were becoming spin and pukes rather than one grandparents can ride with young grandchildren, and lines were horrendous unless of course you paid even more for the fast pass or whatever they are calling them today and had previously logged on at midnight to make as many reservations as you could. Seems like I paid a fortune to get in I should have to pay another so I don’t have to stand in line. Renting a condo for a beach front vacation sounds so much more relaxing.

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