Former Disney Fans Pinpoint the Moment the Company Lost Them

Comments for Former Disney Fans Pinpoint the Moment the Company Lost Them

An animated scene of Splash Mountain (left) featuring a log ride with Brer Rabbit characters, and a crowded area near Cinderella's Castle at Disney (right) with many visitors sitting and standing. Blue sky and clouds are visible in the background, reviving the magic of a perfect theme park day.

Credit: Inside the Magic


  1. Splash Mountain must be brought back to all Disney parks and George Floyd must be revived by the soul and spirit from God. Plus Song of the South was not a racist movie.

  2. Anonymous


  3. Jay


  4. I think that removing Splash Mountain was a huge mistake. First off people need to watch Songs of the South movie to see it’s not a racist movie. Secondly every new show deserves their own creative ride not a refurbished ride from another show. And thirdly Disney needs to go back to its roots bc it has gotten off track of its magic and true entertainment Walt wanted to provide people. Because of their actions I have sold all my Disney stock & bought a house with it. I don’t believe in supporting a business they strays from their original business plan for the sake of making their CEOs and major holders insanely wealthy by cutting corners to pease themself rather than the consumer.

    1. walt

      Why in the world would anyone need to actually watch or read ANYTHING. It is enough to follow ignorant commentary and the masses on ANY topic including SOS and Splash. You also need to realize how absolutely FORTUNATE you are (you ingrate) to be graced with their knowledge, presence and direction. You should be celebrating their wisdom. (this is sarcasm for those idiots under 40 who don’t get it) I can tell you there IS life after Disney. I don’t care to support a company that could care less about their LARGEST constituency and continues to try and shove absolutely scatological material down their throats. Disney not only does not uphold important values – they spit on them.

  5. walt

    OH! I forgot to add – Bob Iger SUCKS!

    1. Anonymous

      Jim Allen (the CEO of Hard Rock International) also sucks!!!!


    Disney is not Disney anymore, it’s who ever crys the loudestWorld. Everything is about race anymore, be it true or not. I’ve watched Song of the South for over 60 years and I still watch every now and then. Still cannot find anything racist about it. James Baskett and Hattie McDaniel both won awards, because it is a great movie about life after the War, not slavery. I think both actors would be disappointed on how their work is being seen. Now Tom S. is being replaced by a little red car that nobody really cares about. Sad, just down right SAD!!!

  7. Dave 62

    Time to rebel! We all should still go and ride SPLASH MOUNTAIN! all day long and everyone keep singing the songs we love ,zipity do da , laughing place till iger reforms and returns our ber friends!

  8. Anne

    The reasons Disney sucks are:

    1. They’re woke.
    2. Their theme parks are too expensive, dangerous and full of red tape.
    3. “Bob Iger the Ignorant” is seemingly trying hard to destroy Walt’s legacy to build himself a throne.
    4. They’re too political. A movie is supposed to entertain you, not teach you a lesson on how to be ‘politically correct’.
    5. While Disney tries to hide and do away with stuff they think is racist, they will happily shove black or brown people in the place of white characters making it look like they don’t like white people. Heaven forbid they put a white person in place of an originally black character. I despise forced diversity. If anything that could cause racism in people, it’s forced diversity/DEI. Even black and Latino people have complained about Snow White being Latino and not white.

    Disney has caused millions of people to be upset with them and do they care? No! Just as long as High and Mighty Iger gets his money.

    1. Danny O.

      Agreed…for most of it.

    2. Anonymous


  9. Jessica

    Disney tries to hide it down away with anything they think is racist, yet they’ll happily force black and brown people on us with their crappy race swapping. Even black and Latino people have complained about Snow White being brown!
    More reasons to boycott Disney is because:
    1. Bob Iger
    2. They’re woke
    3. They’re political.
    4. Their theme parks are too expensive and full of red tape.
    5. Iger trying to do away with Walt’s legacy just to build a throne for himself.

    1. Danny O.

      Close to 💯% agreed.

  10. Political stuff aside, I care about the magic that we’ve lost. When we all started going back to the parks after the pandemic Disney should have left everything alone for a few years instead of charging ahead with so many changes all at once. I don’t even recognize EPCOT anymore. Makes me sad. I am also angry that the value has diminished 100% due to the need to buy the extra passes (LL) to be able to get on any rides in a decent amount of time (because the parks are so friggin’ crowded). My biggest peeve of all is having to use the stupid app on my cell phone. I lose so much time looking things up. Give me the “good old days!”

  11. R. Miller

    Bob Iger is a Weatherman who “Doesn’t know which way the Wind Blows” ! ..(apologies to Bob Dylan)

  12. Chris

    It too expensive, to crowdfund, too dirty, people have gotten mean. The magic is really gone. They may never recover.

  13. Chris

    Crowded, I hate spell check.

  14. J

    Being priced out, removing (changing) the ease of getting to and from the parks. When my family was young, we made it a few times but now young family can’t afford to go. Older families have been. when we go this year we only going to the parks 4 days and spending the rest of the vacation on the west coast of Fl

  15. Steve

    And this is why when I take over Disney, I will make it great again by bringing back the “What would Walt do?” way of thinking that ran Disney for decades after his passing. I will focus on winning back the goodwill and erasing the entire Iger era by undoing everything he worked for and making it look like he was never there. That includes no more nickel-and-diming, the return of free perks, no more “inclusion” iniatives, and bringing back old attractions like they never left. Any new attraction that gets added at all will have no pre-existing IP attached to it at all. I will also end all reliance on apps and smartphones so that means no more Magic Bands and everyone goes back to physical park tickets and room keys. I will focus on appeasing purists and putting the almighty dollar last.

  16. Steve

    And this is why when I take over Disney, I will make it great again by bringing back the “What would Walt do?” way of thinking that ran Disney for decades after his passing. I will focus on winning back the goodwill and erasing the entire Iger era by undoing everything he worked for. It’ll be like he was never there.

  17. Jason

    The splash mountain change was annoying and unnecessary. However I’d go a different direction. The quality of the people in the parks has deteriorated. The line cutting is getting out of control with it being several times on a ride. I just got back from a week in Orlando and someone cut the line literally on every ride.
    I know in foreign countries it’s acceptable to do this. But it’s not here. And the people who visit from other countries lack the understanding of personal space, and controlling their kids. It’s outrageous the behavior I saw.
    I’m annoyed by the lack of freebies. But those days are gone and the “magic” is deteriorating daily at the parks unfortunately. Until cast members start kicking people out of parks.

  18. Yes, Iger and his narcissism have taken away the magic. Splash Mountain should have stayed, just as the Liberty Bell and Tom Sawyer Island. Tiana should have had a brand new ride, then maybe it could run more everyday. There is already a ride with cars that people complain about, so let’s go head and make another one. Really? Villians land sounds like at least a good choice, meaning there are a lot of people who like the villians. I am not really one. This was an after thought after they saw Epic Universe. Let’s destroy Magic Kingdom to make it look like we really want to make something fun for the guests, and then raise prices so high the people who have always supported us can no longer do so. They should have kept focused on the parks and the magic instead of greed and politics. They should not have left their good imagineers leave. Hind sight is 20/20, hopefully they will use it wisely.

  19. Bob

    Disney became more focused on pushing a certain warped agenda then they were concerned with entertainment. People use the term “woke” because it now signifies division and judging people and concepts based on shallow traits. Ironically, Disney engages in hatemongering just from a different angle. People are tired of it.

  20. Jennifer Thilo

    Moving away from Walt’s vision of making the parks better, and making it impossible for average Americans to enjoy the parks is what has ruined the magic for me. I don’t mind the merchandise since this is a corporate capitalistic enterprise after all, but gouging folks by forcing us to pay extra to avoid standing in line all day and creating an excessively tiered experience to do anything ruins the entire Disney story. Walt was from the Midwest and embodied the American dream. He borrowed money constantly to make his vision reality, not to make shareholders rich. He told us a story about a great big beautiful tomorrow and that we were all part of. His parks made money because we felt it and it was worth saving up for. Not enough for the massive corporation that Disney is now. It is now devoid of imagination and purely profit focused. The parks no longer tell a coherent story, since this is no longer a priority, and are instead transparent profit generators (pay to get in, pay to park, pay to go on ride, pay for food, pay for unobstructed view of fire works, pay to sit down, pay for extra party, pay for inescapable merchandise.) The technology is not designed to improve guest experience, but to provide the corporation with data in which to extract more profit. Class hierarchy has become integral to the experience. Those who scrimped and saved simply to enter will not be able to experience most of the attractions due to long lines. They bring their food in and must tell their children not to look at the merch at the end of every single attraction. Others rack up credit card debt (so easy to accrue with “magic” bands) just to avoid disappointing their kids. The biggest example of Disney’s hubris and intention to serve only the rich was the exclusive Star Wars hotel experience. Our entire family of Disney and Star Wars lovers were eager and ready to go…until we saw the price tag!!! The idea that Disney is “woke” is right wing/racist nonsense. Yes, SOTS, featured racist stereotypes of Black people. Walt himself was a product of his times, and I believe he would also have evolved. He always expected the parks to change and improve. I am certain that if he were alive and in charge he would be using the profits to create even better experiences for those visiting the parks, and maybe even for people in general. He wanted businesses to partner with him so that his vision could be real, not to become a business that had no vision.

  21. Ann

    At first, I really didn’t care if they changed Splash Mountain to Tiana.
    However, after riding Tiana, it’s BORING.
    Splash Mountain, especially the music was so cheerful.

    1. Danny O.

      💯% agreed, all the way!

  22. Kim

    Closing the Adventurer’s Club.

  23. Gary

    You people need serious therapy. It’s a theme park. Get a life.

    1. Steve

      We have lives. And it’s not a theme park, it’s a private club for members only. You’re not welcome and neither is the management. When I take control of Disney, I will only allow purists in the parks and treat it like the Augusta National Golf Club, home of The Masters.

  24. Brian

    Removal of Splash, Disney nickel and diming everything… and on and on.
    AP’s expiring this Spring and will not be renewed.
    Since the mid-80s WDW has received over 300K from our family. Don’t regret it in the least.
    Had wonderful vacations and great times.
    Unfortunately the magic has disappeared.

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