Fight Breaks Out at Disneyland, Families Watch in Horror

Comments for Fight Breaks Out at Disneyland, Families Watch in Horror

A series of three images from a video of a fight at Disneyland Resort.

Credit: Screenshots via @foosgonedisney on Instagram


  1. I believe that serving alcohol in a family environment shouldn’t be served at all. Someone that becomes violent consuming alcohol is why I feel strongly about banning alcoholic beverages.

  2. Ag

    Increased security, harsher penalties and not guards that are 80 years old or weigh 100 lbs soaking wet!! Throw these bastards out…for good!

    1. Alcohol may not be the problem. Perhaps this guy has other things going on with him which has nothing to do with alcohol or drugs. 🧐🫣🤔

      Did I miss something? Alcohol? Who said anything about alcohol?

  3. MR Ducks

    Watch in Horror? Hardly, watch the clowns be clowns, and they should be kicked out and banned.

  4. Jeff

    His appearance said everything you needed to know.

  5. Ck

    The first time I went to Disneyland was in the early 80’s. While we were walking the the park we stopped at lockers where we could store our packages. We heard a noise, grunting. We thought we should investigate incase someone needed help. They didn’t need help! A nude couple were busy having sex. We went to a cast member and mentioned what we’d seen. She was shocked and immediately called security. Less than 5 mi uses later they were clothed and being escorted quietly out of the park. A guard talked to the cast member and pointed us out to him. He came and asked about the Incident. We told him all we’d seen. He expressed his gratitude and apologized if we were offended. He also offered us something. We politely said thank you, but it wasn’t necessary. Other than that we had a wonderful day.

    1. Your mom

      More and more horrible things keep happening at Disney parks and Dusney related areas and there is always some excuse. When does Disney actually become the problem? Shut them down. Close the doors. All of it. Would have been a whole lot cooler if them fires ripped through Disney instead.

  6. Stephen J. Arti

    Alc. was a bad decision from Day One……How many single Fathers have been charged to take Their kids to Disneyland, only to get soused, yell at the kids and ruin the day ??

    Ban Alcohol from the park(s).

  7. Public Domain

    Good thing that immigrants from the south are tiny little people 📏.
    Those big afro dark heffer women that were in the news for fighting at Disneyland last time would squash and sit on this kid

  8. CJA

    At both Disneyland and Disney World I have seen the behavior of guests deteriorate as alcohol sales have been introduced. There was a reason that Walt and Roy never wanted alcohol served in the park. They also insisted on a proper dress code so that no one should be offended by political or objectionable sights and just enjoy the surroundings.

    1. Danny O.

      Actually, “proper dress code” was not an issue — as guests (of ALL ages) were encouraged to show their Disney fandom. Now one can only be single digit of age to wear Disney costumes. Full “mascot” costumes were never to be worn by guests (of ANY age), by the way. However, teens & adults were allowed to wear princess dresses and fairy attire and such.

  9. Roman Phreely

    California policies allows this behavior. Disney allows this asshat to walk around shirtless? Since when? These are the one and done types anyway, so a perma-ban doesn’t bother them.

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