I have travelled from the UK to Disney for many years. The last time was November 2024, and that’s when I decided never again. I stay in a value hotel on Disney property for the convenience. However, on my last visit to the magic I lost the magic. The constant upcharging, crowds, having to pay a lot of money for ‘special events’, constantly being made to feel like a 3rd class guest as people with more money than me pay to skip lines, have better seats, views and experiences. My Disney goggles are off and I have vowed to never go back. When I got home I cancelled my trip for this year. So sad
What gets me is that there is so much more in USA just as exciting and better food for vacationing at a quarter of the cost. National Parks, Hershey Park, The Dells, I mean the list goes on…again at a quarter of the cost. My hard earned money which I like to invest in is not going to be lost in 1 week to Disney! Disney parks are a nightmare! Cost and Crowds!!!! My last trip was 2015 and I have saved so much money and been to so many other places in my life along with amazing restaurants!
We used to be pass holders. With the reservation system, it wasn’t worth being told whether you can come to the park or wait until after a certain time.
Magic lost.
I never understood the draw. I was forced to go to a sales meeting there and during some downtime I sat in stunned silence as I watched grown adults absolutely gobsmacked and giddy when they saw some character loafing around and the thought of riding some ride intended for a toddler. I guess maybe I see the awe if you’re 6 years old. Anything past that, especially adulthood- seek therapy. Institutionalized, not out-patient. I see grown damn adults with mickey mouse backpacks. What the…. c’mon. Just keep living in your parents basement and stay outta society.
Wow, how vey sad it must be to never enjoy time revisiting the joys of childhood. Just because grown people can let their hair down and let loose while on vacation, or perfer to carry a backpack with Muckey or Winnie the Pooh on it does not make them a candidate for the looney bin. It just shows that they enjoy having a good time in a way that helos them feelyoung and happy. It’s really time for othrs to stop being so uptight and judgmental and perhaps learn to “Let It Go!”
I absolutely hate the reservation system. It is a royal pain. My husband and I used to bring 2 to 3 grandkids to disney world for 9 nights and days for around 1800 dollars not including travel and souveniers and fast passes were free . I’m glad they are grown and can make their own trips now. We are still passholders and go quite often but Universal passes for a year at this time are less than half the price of Disney and only 5 miles from us. we tend to go there more often and the next 2.5 months we will be going there quite often with mardi gras. What happens when the new park opens I dont know yet. The parade at disney world is getting old and we rarely watch it any more, Food we get a quick service meal and share i t or buy a snack for each of us , carry most of our own drinks . Not sure if the prices go up again this year if we will be able to do it.
I’m a long time Disney fan. I’ve been going annually and sometime more for 61 years. Since the pandemic, some of the changes make it very difficult for this granny. If you purchase a 3-5 day ticket, the window to use it is so small it’s almost impossible for me. I need to rest between big Disney days with my grandkids. For the exorbitant price, a person should have at least two weeks or month to use their ticket. I’ve been a pass holder and that works better but still, I don’t always know when I will have a pain day and having to make an appointment to use my pass is a lot of tech and bother for this old lady. If they are gonna charge people the cost of their mortgage twice over to get in, there should be less limits and more freedom of scheduling. The constant up charging is terrible and the difficulty around getting the DAS is especially disheartening. The mousewhitz style questioning of disabled led people is really over the top and so NOT magical for those of us either real disabilities.
I miss the Disney of even 10 years ago. The pandemic really affected disneys policies. It’s over now Disney! Can we stop with all the over the top scheduling restrictions please?
the problem is the parks always seem to be packed , hopefully that will change this year . But they complain that they arent making the money……well they keep taking things away like delivering packages to hotels, and at disney springs if you want them sent home , instead of charging us some like they used too, they have a package sending place you have to go too. We really love the parks but dont go as often now.
What has happened to the Disney parks since Iger took over is extremely sad. Mickey has turned from a loveable, friendly mouse to a greedy, scrooge-like rat.What used to set Disney apart from the competition has slowly and surely been widdled away. Perks for guests staying on property, Magical Express, Extra Magic HOURS, not a token 1/2 hour in the morning and extra hours in the evenings costing another arm and leg. The free fastpasses were a highlight, as well as receiving your complimentary Magic Band in the mail before your trip. The working conditions seem to be at an all time low, which reflects in the faces of those who work there. You can always tell if a person enjoys what they do because their smile extends to their eyes. Castmembers have the required smile, but their eyes look dead. It was very evident on the face of the castmember playing Christmas Belle in France before Christmas. She was going through all the correct motions and words, but there was no life in her eyes. She may as well have been one of those AI characters they are threatening to replace live characters with. For the outrageous prices they are charging for every little thing, it is no wonder guests are looking elsewhere to spend their hard earned money.. Raising prices, taking away perks, replacing beloved attractions to placate stockholders and corporate bigwigs regardless of guest sentiment isn’t going to fill Disney’s coffers, it is going to send those looking for a more enjoyable experience at a more reasonable price about 10 miles east on I-4.
I still enjoy going and I can’t understand how all the press keeps saying how empty the parks are because they are not.
Many times I will just go, stay at a value resort, enjoy the themeing and enjoy the atmosphere and not even going to the parks anymore because the grounds are beautiful to walk around in.
We were in parks 2 days last week and they were mobbed. I would love to see prices come down especially for an org that touts itself as inclusive. Include non millionares!!
Used to go to disney world every year and stay in a different disney hotel each time. Last year we stayed on International drive and spent our time in universal seaworld and busch gardens. We had a day each at animal kingdom for avatar and studios for rise of the resistance. Getting an uber from our hotel. Best holiday we have had in years. Won’t be going back to disney hotels anytime soon. Just not worth it anymore
I live in Orlando. I haven’t gone to the parks in years. Pay to skip a line?! I did once, and I was embarrassed passing the people standing in the long lines, especially with their children! I have no desire to go to a place where people have to stand in hot, long lines, to get the now “ non magical” experience of the parks. Greed is such a disgusting thing. Shame on you for not staying in touch with Walt’s dream!
It’s not just the expense. That wouldn’t be a problem that the product was still good, but they’re wrecking the parks, especially the Magic Kingdom. There was really no reason to replace Splash Mountain. The Disney company management did that to satisfy themselves, not their customers, because they want to push a “woke” agenda, which is really a blind agenda. And now they’re going to destroy frontierland and replace it with the car’s land, which completely wrecks the entire design of the Magic Kingdom. It was intended to be a wheel and spokes design with different realms around the center. Frontierland offsets adventureland, which offsets Fantasyland, which offsets Lomorrowland. Cars is not a land, it’s a ride. Moreover, removing Frontierland will destroy the atmosphere around the Haunted Mansion and Liberty Square. In other words, they’re destroying half the park, and with that they’re wrecking the Magic Kingdom. I can’t believe the incompetence! But I shouldn’t be surprised. These are the same people that brought the California politicians to power whose policies caused the current wildfires that are burning down that state.
I’m never going to waste my money on that place again and there are thousands of people that share my feelings. Disney, like California, needs completely new leadership, and the creative staff under them either needs to be completely retrained or completely replaced. Yes, they can make a single painting or animatronic, but they have no idea about how to put together a Disney story or artistic composition.
First of all stop bringing politics into this . So you are afraid of progress . That is your problem not the worlds . So stop with all the Woke BS and who is in charge in California . If you want to whine then look at what trump and company are doing your fellow Americans there . Yes corporate greed has destroyed Disney . They don`t want working class people there because we don`t buy the $500 mickey mouse statues . But please stop with the I hate seeing people of a different skin color or sex getting a job . If it upsets you that much then apply for that job . But until then let people work . Or do you prefer to pay their welfare and food stamps to sit at home ?
It’s very sad watching Disney lose it’s magic. We would come one sometimes two times a year when are children were growing up. It was FUN, MAGICAL AND EXHILARATING! Now we live 2 miles from Disney and can’t just go when we want. We LIVE here, why do this to Florida residents? We live in your backyard!
I thought if you bought a 5 or 7 day pass it did not expire until all days were used and there were no black out dates. My family members are currently visiting Disney World and I here it is not the same. So sad.
It’s disheartening to watch somebody you love grow old and unable to recapture their energy, spirit, and youth. The same holds true for Disney World. It’s almost as if Disney is suffering a virus and just barely creeping along, unable to do all the things that used to do so well .. and so magically. The demise of Disney is coming from within, from its stockholders and bookkeepers, who are running the show based on numbers and not on feelings. Walt Disney wanted to create a magical place. Affordable to everybody. Where there was no violence, no fighting, no racism or accusations of such, or you could leave the outside world, and it’s many problems behind, clear your mind, and go back with a fresh start on life every time you left Disney. It left you a wonderful, warm memories, laughter, photos to share for a lifetime. And the saddest point is… It still could! If the control was in the right hands and not in the stockholders who never even go to visit the parks so they are clueless as to what’s going on. When you remove the magical express, delivering packages to your room, being allowed to eat where when you want to eat, block out dates, raising prices to the points for people have to take out a loan to go to the park with a family, and essentially take away all the perks and joy and the ease of having a vacation… Then you destroy all the magic and all the very reason for even going to Disney in the first place. Nobody wants to go on a vacation to Disney World to have to work! It’s less work to stay home and… Work. They’re joining excitement no longer equals the amount of effort you have to put into doing just a and then spend the next two years is paying off tthe vacation. The Disney World of 10 1520 years ago is never going to come back. That doesn’t mean to say it couldn’t be better. But not with the current people at the helm. This trickles down to the people who work for Disney. Now I’ve been an imaginary and I’ve seen the in fighting and the constant fantastic ideas that are thrown to the ground Because of budgets and because really of egos and hierarchy. It hurts to visitors to take away the things that make their life easier. I’ve seen line jumpers knocked down. Older people caught in front of them and security does not do anything. They’re not removed from the parks. And if you become boisterous and complain, then you are removed. This simply isn’t right. The violence in Disney just shouldn’t be there. Employees are no longer polite and giving you that magical experience because they too are being treated fairly by their supervisors… So it all trickles down from the top When Michael Eisner was in charge you didn’t have any of these problems because he loved Disney and he was a part of it and he could be seen in the parks and go up and talk to him. Can you do that now? So the only answer for this is ; Either fix it, or lose it. Raising prices, taking away perks, replacing beloved attractions to please the wallets corporate bigwigs .. and ignoring guest sentiment isn’t going to cure the Disney virus. Don’t go to a racetrack with four flat tires and try to get on the track. You’re just going to be in the way.
People can also save money by using sites that rent DVC Points. David’s Vacation Club is a site that I’m using to plan my next vacation which is going to save me about $2100.
Also, if you stay off property co sider taking an Uber to the Polynesian…..then hop on the monorail from there. It beats the hike from the parking lot!
I use to take the family there regularly until 2015. Last time was in 2019 for work and it was not that great. Seems Disney has lost innovation and the price per hour of fun and themed immersion has shifted to Univrsal. At least for the forseeable future.
Comments for Disney World Guests Put Travel Plans on Hold as ‘Vacation Depression’ Becomes Global Epidemic
I have travelled from the UK to Disney for many years. The last time was November 2024, and that’s when I decided never again. I stay in a value hotel on Disney property for the convenience. However, on my last visit to the magic I lost the magic. The constant upcharging, crowds, having to pay a lot of money for ‘special events’, constantly being made to feel like a 3rd class guest as people with more money than me pay to skip lines, have better seats, views and experiences. My Disney goggles are off and I have vowed to never go back. When I got home I cancelled my trip for this year. So sad
What gets me is that there is so much more in USA just as exciting and better food for vacationing at a quarter of the cost. National Parks, Hershey Park, The Dells, I mean the list goes on…again at a quarter of the cost. My hard earned money which I like to invest in is not going to be lost in 1 week to Disney! Disney parks are a nightmare! Cost and Crowds!!!! My last trip was 2015 and I have saved so much money and been to so many other places in my life along with amazing restaurants!
We used to be pass holders. With the reservation system, it wasn’t worth being told whether you can come to the park or wait until after a certain time.
Magic lost.
I never understood the draw. I was forced to go to a sales meeting there and during some downtime I sat in stunned silence as I watched grown adults absolutely gobsmacked and giddy when they saw some character loafing around and the thought of riding some ride intended for a toddler. I guess maybe I see the awe if you’re 6 years old. Anything past that, especially adulthood- seek therapy. Institutionalized, not out-patient. I see grown damn adults with mickey mouse backpacks. What the…. c’mon. Just keep living in your parents basement and stay outta society.
Wow, how vey sad it must be to never enjoy time revisiting the joys of childhood. Just because grown people can let their hair down and let loose while on vacation, or perfer to carry a backpack with Muckey or Winnie the Pooh on it does not make them a candidate for the looney bin. It just shows that they enjoy having a good time in a way that helos them feelyoung and happy. It’s really time for othrs to stop being so uptight and judgmental and perhaps learn to “Let It Go!”
lorraine cramer
I absolutely hate the reservation system. It is a royal pain. My husband and I used to bring 2 to 3 grandkids to disney world for 9 nights and days for around 1800 dollars not including travel and souveniers and fast passes were free . I’m glad they are grown and can make their own trips now. We are still passholders and go quite often but Universal passes for a year at this time are less than half the price of Disney and only 5 miles from us. we tend to go there more often and the next 2.5 months we will be going there quite often with mardi gras. What happens when the new park opens I dont know yet. The parade at disney world is getting old and we rarely watch it any more, Food we get a quick service meal and share i t or buy a snack for each of us , carry most of our own drinks . Not sure if the prices go up again this year if we will be able to do it.
I’m a long time Disney fan. I’ve been going annually and sometime more for 61 years. Since the pandemic, some of the changes make it very difficult for this granny. If you purchase a 3-5 day ticket, the window to use it is so small it’s almost impossible for me. I need to rest between big Disney days with my grandkids. For the exorbitant price, a person should have at least two weeks or month to use their ticket. I’ve been a pass holder and that works better but still, I don’t always know when I will have a pain day and having to make an appointment to use my pass is a lot of tech and bother for this old lady. If they are gonna charge people the cost of their mortgage twice over to get in, there should be less limits and more freedom of scheduling. The constant up charging is terrible and the difficulty around getting the DAS is especially disheartening. The mousewhitz style questioning of disabled led people is really over the top and so NOT magical for those of us either real disabilities.
I miss the Disney of even 10 years ago. The pandemic really affected disneys policies. It’s over now Disney! Can we stop with all the over the top scheduling restrictions please?
lorraine cramer
the problem is the parks always seem to be packed , hopefully that will change this year . But they complain that they arent making the money……well they keep taking things away like delivering packages to hotels, and at disney springs if you want them sent home , instead of charging us some like they used too, they have a package sending place you have to go too. We really love the parks but dont go as often now.
What has happened to the Disney parks since Iger took over is extremely sad. Mickey has turned from a loveable, friendly mouse to a greedy, scrooge-like rat.What used to set Disney apart from the competition has slowly and surely been widdled away. Perks for guests staying on property, Magical Express, Extra Magic HOURS, not a token 1/2 hour in the morning and extra hours in the evenings costing another arm and leg. The free fastpasses were a highlight, as well as receiving your complimentary Magic Band in the mail before your trip. The working conditions seem to be at an all time low, which reflects in the faces of those who work there. You can always tell if a person enjoys what they do because their smile extends to their eyes. Castmembers have the required smile, but their eyes look dead. It was very evident on the face of the castmember playing Christmas Belle in France before Christmas. She was going through all the correct motions and words, but there was no life in her eyes. She may as well have been one of those AI characters they are threatening to replace live characters with. For the outrageous prices they are charging for every little thing, it is no wonder guests are looking elsewhere to spend their hard earned money.. Raising prices, taking away perks, replacing beloved attractions to placate stockholders and corporate bigwigs regardless of guest sentiment isn’t going to fill Disney’s coffers, it is going to send those looking for a more enjoyable experience at a more reasonable price about 10 miles east on I-4.
I still enjoy going and I can’t understand how all the press keeps saying how empty the parks are because they are not.
Many times I will just go, stay at a value resort, enjoy the themeing and enjoy the atmosphere and not even going to the parks anymore because the grounds are beautiful to walk around in.
We were in parks 2 days last week and they were mobbed. I would love to see prices come down especially for an org that touts itself as inclusive. Include non millionares!!
Used to go to disney world every year and stay in a different disney hotel each time. Last year we stayed on International drive and spent our time in universal seaworld and busch gardens. We had a day each at animal kingdom for avatar and studios for rise of the resistance. Getting an uber from our hotel. Best holiday we have had in years. Won’t be going back to disney hotels anytime soon. Just not worth it anymore
I live in Orlando. I haven’t gone to the parks in years. Pay to skip a line?! I did once, and I was embarrassed passing the people standing in the long lines, especially with their children! I have no desire to go to a place where people have to stand in hot, long lines, to get the now “ non magical” experience of the parks. Greed is such a disgusting thing. Shame on you for not staying in touch with Walt’s dream!
It’s not just the expense. That wouldn’t be a problem that the product was still good, but they’re wrecking the parks, especially the Magic Kingdom. There was really no reason to replace Splash Mountain. The Disney company management did that to satisfy themselves, not their customers, because they want to push a “woke” agenda, which is really a blind agenda. And now they’re going to destroy frontierland and replace it with the car’s land, which completely wrecks the entire design of the Magic Kingdom. It was intended to be a wheel and spokes design with different realms around the center. Frontierland offsets adventureland, which offsets Fantasyland, which offsets Lomorrowland. Cars is not a land, it’s a ride. Moreover, removing Frontierland will destroy the atmosphere around the Haunted Mansion and Liberty Square. In other words, they’re destroying half the park, and with that they’re wrecking the Magic Kingdom. I can’t believe the incompetence! But I shouldn’t be surprised. These are the same people that brought the California politicians to power whose policies caused the current wildfires that are burning down that state.
I’m never going to waste my money on that place again and there are thousands of people that share my feelings. Disney, like California, needs completely new leadership, and the creative staff under them either needs to be completely retrained or completely replaced. Yes, they can make a single painting or animatronic, but they have no idea about how to put together a Disney story or artistic composition.
First of all stop bringing politics into this . So you are afraid of progress . That is your problem not the worlds . So stop with all the Woke BS and who is in charge in California . If you want to whine then look at what trump and company are doing your fellow Americans there . Yes corporate greed has destroyed Disney . They don`t want working class people there because we don`t buy the $500 mickey mouse statues . But please stop with the I hate seeing people of a different skin color or sex getting a job . If it upsets you that much then apply for that job . But until then let people work . Or do you prefer to pay their welfare and food stamps to sit at home ?
Liz Johnson
It’s very sad watching Disney lose it’s magic. We would come one sometimes two times a year when are children were growing up. It was FUN, MAGICAL AND EXHILARATING! Now we live 2 miles from Disney and can’t just go when we want. We LIVE here, why do this to Florida residents? We live in your backyard!
I thought if you bought a 5 or 7 day pass it did not expire until all days were used and there were no black out dates. My family members are currently visiting Disney World and I here it is not the same. So sad.
It’s disheartening to watch somebody you love grow old and unable to recapture their energy, spirit, and youth. The same holds true for Disney World. It’s almost as if Disney is suffering a virus and just barely creeping along, unable to do all the things that used to do so well .. and so magically. The demise of Disney is coming from within, from its stockholders and bookkeepers, who are running the show based on numbers and not on feelings. Walt Disney wanted to create a magical place. Affordable to everybody. Where there was no violence, no fighting, no racism or accusations of such, or you could leave the outside world, and it’s many problems behind, clear your mind, and go back with a fresh start on life every time you left Disney. It left you a wonderful, warm memories, laughter, photos to share for a lifetime. And the saddest point is… It still could! If the control was in the right hands and not in the stockholders who never even go to visit the parks so they are clueless as to what’s going on. When you remove the magical express, delivering packages to your room, being allowed to eat where when you want to eat, block out dates, raising prices to the points for people have to take out a loan to go to the park with a family, and essentially take away all the perks and joy and the ease of having a vacation… Then you destroy all the magic and all the very reason for even going to Disney in the first place. Nobody wants to go on a vacation to Disney World to have to work! It’s less work to stay home and… Work. They’re joining excitement no longer equals the amount of effort you have to put into doing just a and then spend the next two years is paying off tthe vacation. The Disney World of 10 1520 years ago is never going to come back. That doesn’t mean to say it couldn’t be better. But not with the current people at the helm. This trickles down to the people who work for Disney. Now I’ve been an imaginary and I’ve seen the in fighting and the constant fantastic ideas that are thrown to the ground Because of budgets and because really of egos and hierarchy. It hurts to visitors to take away the things that make their life easier. I’ve seen line jumpers knocked down. Older people caught in front of them and security does not do anything. They’re not removed from the parks. And if you become boisterous and complain, then you are removed. This simply isn’t right. The violence in Disney just shouldn’t be there. Employees are no longer polite and giving you that magical experience because they too are being treated fairly by their supervisors… So it all trickles down from the top When Michael Eisner was in charge you didn’t have any of these problems because he loved Disney and he was a part of it and he could be seen in the parks and go up and talk to him. Can you do that now? So the only answer for this is ; Either fix it, or lose it. Raising prices, taking away perks, replacing beloved attractions to please the wallets corporate bigwigs .. and ignoring guest sentiment isn’t going to cure the Disney virus. Don’t go to a racetrack with four flat tires and try to get on the track. You’re just going to be in the way.
People can also save money by using sites that rent DVC Points. David’s Vacation Club is a site that I’m using to plan my next vacation which is going to save me about $2100.
Also, if you stay off property co sider taking an Uber to the Polynesian…..then hop on the monorail from there. It beats the hike from the parking lot!
I use to take the family there regularly until 2015. Last time was in 2019 for work and it was not that great. Seems Disney has lost innovation and the price per hour of fun and themed immersion has shifted to Univrsal. At least for the forseeable future.