I’m frankly triggered by people from other countries coming to the US and expecting us to change for them. You come here to start and new life by bringing the old life with you and trying to impose it on us. That’s oppression and that triggers me more than a scene that implies suicide. We can’t remove every offending thing, or there will be no culture to offend anyone. And that’s something probably driven by politics.
Who is coming to this country expecting you (or anyone) to change for them? Also, your comment doesn’t apply to the Haunted MAnsion so why make it here?
Agreed on bringing their way with them. They seem to step in front of people, stop in the middle of the walkway to talk so no one gets past. Yell into their phones. Yell across the room to whom ever they are with. Walk the wrong way opposite you. As far as offensive? Too bad. Haunted Mansion it’s supposed to be scary. Pirates ride, if it happened in history so what, it’s a ride. Changing rides because you’re offended just don’t go on it
No it shouldn’t be removed if you’re offended then don’t ride it simple as that, this ride has been like this for the 53 years that I’ve been alive now because of a small group of closed minded people everything has to change incredibly infuriating
I agree with the former comments. I’m sick and tired of people who think the world should change to suit their ridiculous opinions. If you can’t run with the big dogs, stay on the porch.
I am sick and tired of Disney changing rides because someone “might” be offended. If you are that sensitive, stay home! Life is not always easy and we all have things we are dealing with. Does that mean I want everything to change to how I think it should be? Absolutely not! There are things that trigger me, and I know how to avoid them. If I can do it, anyone can.
People get offended at everything these days, it’s ridiculous. You don’t like it. Don’t ride it. And that takes care of that. Disney, quite caving in to these idiots because no matter how much you do for them they will always find something to complain about. Disney Don’t change anything else.
“Disney Will Change Haunted Mansion To Avoid Offending Guests”
Um… A bit too late. Making all those changes IS offensive! Even the mere MENTION of changing them for the FCC — or whomever is upset about no longer getting a certificate for pooping (like they received every time they used the restroom as a kid) — is OFFENSIVE!
Did you know that people who don’t like the smell of fish are allowed to have all seafood restaurants shut down?! No? That’s not a thing? I guess it’s just Disney then.
Moi Aussi! I totally agree with the previous comments. Just because you don’t like something, that doesn’t give you the right to ruin other people’s experience. That ride aspect is very simple to avoid. If you don’t like it; just close your eyes and save the experience for others to enjoy.
There are way too many people these days who are out to complain about just about anything that doesn’t suit their personal tastes, and their ‘squeaky wheels’ result in book banning and ‘softening of experiences’, like this one, that, in the end, become homogenized versions of the original, losing the very essence that made them popular in the first place. Less people attend, and before you know it, the powers that be, not connecting the fact that their tweak in the ride caused it to become less popular, blame the problem on ‘people today don’t like that ride anymore’, and they take it out and replace it with something else, like Cars Land😒.
(I still can’t understand the mentality of someone who would replace 2 classic attractions – which were associated with classic literature (Mark Twain, for you knuckleheads in R&D who apparently missed that school assignment) with a land devoted to a cartoon that 50 years from now, nobody will remember)
I totally agree with you about Cars. I’m really saddened that Disney is destroying not only a classic part of the park, but also the most beautiful panorama in MK. I have a painting of Rivers of America and the riverboat with the Haunted Mansion overlooking the river. Now that will be replaced by a bunch of loud cars and a cartoonish backdrop.
There is no Cars coming at all and and the hanging corpse is not being removed from the Haunted Mansion. It’s all a big hoax and fake. The Rivers of America is never being removed.
Disney had lost its way years ago and keeps going down the rabbit hole, especially in the land of liberals.
Stand up fior something or you will fall for anything.
This is why your attendance is dwindling little by little.
That is what got you in trouble in Florida.
You have almost removed all Walt and Roys ideas and soon all the attractions.
We have been going to WDW since 1985 and soon I may never return due the liberal agenda.
Disney needs to stop changing rides because of people getting offended by the smallest thing on a ride. Haunted mansion ride doesn’t need to be changed the people who are offended need to stop acting like 2 year old and find another ride to go on
We’ve lost so many classic rides all because of people who can’t handle it
It’s ridiculous, they changed pirates, changing Haunted Mansion, if things offend you, stay home, and don’t go out. It’s an amusement park. Enjoy life.
Leave the Haunted Mansion just as is! Have been and/or are the millions upon millions of guests “offended” by that particular scene in the attraction? Have been and/or are the millions upon millions of guests “offended” by the hatchet?…. I would have to say – NO!!!! I’m sure there those out there who have been and/or are “offended” by the Haunted Mansion attraction as a whole… Who cares! There will always and forever be people “offended” by just about anything and everything, no matter what. To that end, tough – let them be “offended”! There is no pleasing everyone, all the time. Frankly, grow a backbone – for the extremely small percentage of the “offended”, step off! Stop trying to appease the PC / Woke crowd….
To all those being assholes, you can be thankful to not have lost a family member due to suicide by hanging. I don’t choose to be offended. I do look away, but I was hopeful this part of the ride would change. You’re defending a fake hanging corpse vs the entire ride. wtf is the big deal? The ride has had many upgrades and changes over the years. Have a goddamn heart for others.
There is an analogy that really fits your comment here, such as the “Fake body” statement. All the scene is, is a story element. It’s not real, just like with horror movies, shows, and books. There are many shows that feature really crazy scenes, but have those scenes gotten deleted because someone got offended? No!
My brother in law committed suicide. An ex-friend of mine attempted to hang herself. And another close friend of mine DID die of suicide. That makes THREE people I know.
And just like little kids playing with sparklers isn’t giving your dog PTSD heart attacks during Independence Day, I know that only those that want to control others are the ones with issues about a ride that — unless they’ve been abducted and duct taped to the ride — they’re not being forced to ride.
It seems clear to me- Disney you are self-defeating & causing your own problems!! By changing this and other popular, long time rides, aren’t you triggering people!!??
I think society should stop bending to the whim of a few people who will be ‘offended’ or upset. Look what a mess the very small group made of reading, and teachers’ libraries gone from classrooms, books banned by ppl who didn’t even read them!!! Get a better way to feel powerful. Disney, do NOT cater to these people- let Walts dream be your guide.
It’s been this way for 50+ years without controversy, stood the test of time. Proves anyone who cant handle it shouldnt be there. Dont ruin it for everyone else, stay home.
Oh, I’m sooooo offended (back of hand to forehead) my delicate sensitivities are hurt oh so deeply! (begins to swoon) I think I’m going to (looks around) I’m going to (still looks around and mutters) where is that damn couch so I can make a dramatic collapse???
Some guests are offended? HELLOOO, that’s why the ride is called HAUNTED MANSION! If it offends you or scares you, then don’t ride it!
I’m offended with Disney’s Gay Pride Month celebration….is Disney going to change that?….Absolutely not!
And because it offends, it’s simple….I don’t go during that Month!
You are never going to please everyone. If you changed or shut down a ride because someone was offended you would have to shut down the parks. That is ridiculous.
Let’s change everything to please everyone so that no one has a good time.Stop already!!! Didn’t they do enough damage by getting rid of splash mountain? Now Tom Sawyer and the beautiful frontier land, leave stories alone and bring back the pre woke Disney
ONG here we go again. Why not just get rid of all the original rides and call the parks something else. Walt Disney is rolling in his grave as now certain people are offended by all the rides that opened the parks. Give me a break. Keep the rides as Walt wanted them
Don’t change anything else. People going there should understand the scare factor, which they are anticipating, and if they get offended, it was their choice to go in.
Dinsey had lost its way years ago and keeps going down the rabbit hole, especially in the land of liberals.
Stand up fior something or you will fall for anything.
This is why your attendance is dwindling little by little.
That is what got you in trouble in Florida.
You have almost removed all Walt and Roys ideas and soon all the attractions.
We have been going to WDW since 1985 and soon I may never return due the liberal agenda.
You cannot ever structure anything to avoid offending someone. We are all different, so what might offend me, doesn’t someone else. It is wrong and foolish to try. Just do whatever you want with your venues, inform the public as to what they’ll see, and not loose sleep when 1 or 2 out of a million grip about what’s showing in the ride. Stop catering to the bad attitude cl*wns.
When my family took a trip to Disneyland in 2023, it was the first time for my niece & nephew. My niece didn’t want to ride Haunted Mansion. Not because it was offensive to her; but because she was scared to ride a “spooky” ride.
My sister & I encouraged her to give it a try. I told her it wasn’t scary at all. Since she knows I’m a fan of the horror genre, it took my sister to convince her.
During the ride, my sister & I pointed out all the fun and humor that the ride has. My niece really enjoyed that ride. She even laughed at the ghost hitchhiker.
This is how I know that the ONLY “offensive” thing about Haunted Mansion is Disney’s excuses to sabotage their older rides — creating a narrative that those rides (after being altered) are not that popular; so they must replace those rides with whatever agenda forcing ride they want to shove at us.
Simply put, NO don’t change anything else in Haunted Mansion. The hanging body scene is spooky, the whole theme of the attraction is meant to be spooky – duh!? But even as a witness to several terrible suicide scenes over the years, as well having family members that have committed suicide, that Haunted Mansion scene is hardly offensive, nor does it even make me think of my past experiences mentioned above. The more we cater to emotionally weak people, the weaker they… Rather, OUR society will become as a whole. Disney should consider their role in that before changing anything ever.
I agree! Its a Haunted Mansion! It’s how we remember it and like it! Why change it!
Just like the Pirates of the Carribean . They changed the men chasing the women to the women chasing the men . This is ridiculous! This is our country. Why are we changing everything the way we like it to the way people from other countries like it
No, frankly, I’m sick and tired of this whole woke thing. If the ride triggers you, don’t ride it. And I especially don’t like the sugar-coating of history, even fantasized history. Don’t erase it. Learn from it.
Stop this nonsense! If someone is triggered by an axe in a ghost’s hands, they shouldn’t be going on the Haunted Mansion ride in the first place. And pleeease, Disneyland in Anaheim, KEEP the hanging skeleton in the stretching room! Don’t remove the very things that make the Haunted Mansion, haunted!!!
It’s a haunted mansion…it’s supposed to be scary…with a humorous touch. I dislike haunted houses but love the Disney Haunted Houses. I’ve experienced the California and Florida locations repeatedly during each visit.
Do not change the scene! For goodness sakes, can Disney please stop. It’s a haunted house with a great story. Do go messing with things that aren’t broke. Knowing disney imagineering these days, they can’t seem to do anything right. Especially when writing a story. Take the Splash Mountain remake. I shake my head.
i’m sick and tired of the changes. put everything back. we had no problems before. if they have a problem they can go somewhere else or just don’t go on the rides you’re offended by. if you keep giving in. you’ll won’t have any good rides left. these people who have problems most likely ha bad parents or the wrong friends. its just like giving kids timeout. bull crap, give the misbehaving kids a good smack on the butt and send them to their rooms with nothing to do. i wish people would grow up. its almost like todays people at their different jobs. they try to get away with doing nothing and when thy get told to do something, they just go UGH!! do i have to or that’s to hard. we have nothing but a bunch of wimps today
I’m offended that everything that makes Disney what they are is being changed because of a very tiny minority of people who don’t know how to close their eyes or walk away.
Just as in REAL LIFE, if you know something is going to trigger you, DON’T LOOK. Or don’t go there. It’s that simple!! The Haunted Mansion is *supposed* to be fun AND spooky. Some Disney rides are sacrosanct. Fix the tech behind the scenes, not the scenes or story!
Comments for Disney Will Change Haunted Mansion To Avoid Offending Guests
Those looking to be offended will find a way!
I’m frankly triggered by people from other countries coming to the US and expecting us to change for them. You come here to start and new life by bringing the old life with you and trying to impose it on us. That’s oppression and that triggers me more than a scene that implies suicide. We can’t remove every offending thing, or there will be no culture to offend anyone. And that’s something probably driven by politics.
Who is coming to this country expecting you (or anyone) to change for them? Also, your comment doesn’t apply to the Haunted MAnsion so why make it here?
Cater to the less than 1% if they don’t like that ride move on to another one.
Ridiculous that it would be changed over something like this. Whoever decided on this is out of their mind.
Obvious that they did this outta spite.
What are you talking about? Something’s triggered you but it doesn’t appear based in fact.
Agreed on bringing their way with them. They seem to step in front of people, stop in the middle of the walkway to talk so no one gets past. Yell into their phones. Yell across the room to whom ever they are with. Walk the wrong way opposite you. As far as offensive? Too bad. Haunted Mansion it’s supposed to be scary. Pirates ride, if it happened in history so what, it’s a ride. Changing rides because you’re offended just don’t go on it
No it shouldn’t be removed if you’re offended then don’t ride it simple as that, this ride has been like this for the 53 years that I’ve been alive now because of a small group of closed minded people everything has to change incredibly infuriating
Yessir!… With this thinking maybe Disney should remove the loops of all rollercoasters toobecause they can be scary and trigger some riders lol
Mary Buckles
I agree with the former comments. I’m sick and tired of people who think the world should change to suit their ridiculous opinions. If you can’t run with the big dogs, stay on the porch.
I am sick and tired of Disney changing rides because someone “might” be offended. If you are that sensitive, stay home! Life is not always easy and we all have things we are dealing with. Does that mean I want everything to change to how I think it should be? Absolutely not! There are things that trigger me, and I know how to avoid them. If I can do it, anyone can.
People get offended at everything these days, it’s ridiculous. You don’t like it. Don’t ride it. And that takes care of that. Disney, quite caving in to these idiots because no matter how much you do for them they will always find something to complain about. Disney Don’t change anything else.
Danny O.
“Disney Will Change Haunted Mansion To Avoid Offending Guests”
Um… A bit too late. Making all those changes IS offensive! Even the mere MENTION of changing them for the FCC — or whomever is upset about no longer getting a certificate for pooping (like they received every time they used the restroom as a kid) — is OFFENSIVE!
Did you know that people who don’t like the smell of fish are allowed to have all seafood restaurants shut down?! No? That’s not a thing? I guess it’s just Disney then.
Jen M
Moi Aussi! I totally agree with the previous comments. Just because you don’t like something, that doesn’t give you the right to ruin other people’s experience. That ride aspect is very simple to avoid. If you don’t like it; just close your eyes and save the experience for others to enjoy.
There are way too many people these days who are out to complain about just about anything that doesn’t suit their personal tastes, and their ‘squeaky wheels’ result in book banning and ‘softening of experiences’, like this one, that, in the end, become homogenized versions of the original, losing the very essence that made them popular in the first place. Less people attend, and before you know it, the powers that be, not connecting the fact that their tweak in the ride caused it to become less popular, blame the problem on ‘people today don’t like that ride anymore’, and they take it out and replace it with something else, like Cars Land😒.
(I still can’t understand the mentality of someone who would replace 2 classic attractions – which were associated with classic literature (Mark Twain, for you knuckleheads in R&D who apparently missed that school assignment) with a land devoted to a cartoon that 50 years from now, nobody will remember)
Shame on you!
I totally agree with you about Cars. I’m really saddened that Disney is destroying not only a classic part of the park, but also the most beautiful panorama in MK. I have a painting of Rivers of America and the riverboat with the Haunted Mansion overlooking the river. Now that will be replaced by a bunch of loud cars and a cartoonish backdrop.
There is no Cars coming at all and and the hanging corpse is not being removed from the Haunted Mansion. It’s all a big hoax and fake. The Rivers of America is never being removed.
Or how about a passage that by pass the “offensive” part ,for all those really ridiculous people
It could lead directly to the exit.
Disney had lost its way years ago and keeps going down the rabbit hole, especially in the land of liberals.
Stand up fior something or you will fall for anything.
This is why your attendance is dwindling little by little.
That is what got you in trouble in Florida.
You have almost removed all Walt and Roys ideas and soon all the attractions.
We have been going to WDW since 1985 and soon I may never return due the liberal agenda.
Nah Shis
Has nothing to do with politics MORE ON. It’s spelling B U S I N E S S, fascist dimbecile.
Kathi Quinn
I agree with the past comments. LEAVE THE RIDES alone!!
The hanging body is absolutely not being removed.
Do NOT remove it! When my kids were little they were terrified of all the dark rides. Should I have complained and demanded Disney turn the lights on?
Go on a ride and if it offends, then don’t go on it again. No body is making you go on a ride, get over it!!!!!
Is there any evidence of this scene triggering suicidal people leave it alone. Disney needs to stop trying to cram lgbt into every Disney attraction
Your comment makes no sense. What does lgbt have to do with removing a potentially traumatic scene?
Disney needs to stop changing rides because of people getting offended by the smallest thing on a ride. Haunted mansion ride doesn’t need to be changed the people who are offended need to stop acting like 2 year old and find another ride to go on
We’ve lost so many classic rides all because of people who can’t handle it
It’s ridiculous, they changed pirates, changing Haunted Mansion, if things offend you, stay home, and don’t go out. It’s an amusement park. Enjoy life.
I’m with everyone else in the comments, get over your self! It’s the way the ride has been since it’s inception and to hell with the offended twits!
Alan Benoit
Leave the Haunted Mansion just as is! Have been and/or are the millions upon millions of guests “offended” by that particular scene in the attraction? Have been and/or are the millions upon millions of guests “offended” by the hatchet?…. I would have to say – NO!!!! I’m sure there those out there who have been and/or are “offended” by the Haunted Mansion attraction as a whole… Who cares! There will always and forever be people “offended” by just about anything and everything, no matter what. To that end, tough – let them be “offended”! There is no pleasing everyone, all the time. Frankly, grow a backbone – for the extremely small percentage of the “offended”, step off! Stop trying to appease the PC / Woke crowd….
To all those being assholes, you can be thankful to not have lost a family member due to suicide by hanging. I don’t choose to be offended. I do look away, but I was hopeful this part of the ride would change. You’re defending a fake hanging corpse vs the entire ride. wtf is the big deal? The ride has had many upgrades and changes over the years. Have a goddamn heart for others.
There is an analogy that really fits your comment here, such as the “Fake body” statement. All the scene is, is a story element. It’s not real, just like with horror movies, shows, and books. There are many shows that feature really crazy scenes, but have those scenes gotten deleted because someone got offended? No!
Two of my cousins have committed suicide by hanging themselves. I find no offense to this at all.
Danny O.
My brother in law committed suicide. An ex-friend of mine attempted to hang herself. And another close friend of mine DID die of suicide. That makes THREE people I know.
And just like little kids playing with sparklers isn’t giving your dog PTSD heart attacks during Independence Day, I know that only those that want to control others are the ones with issues about a ride that — unless they’ve been abducted and duct taped to the ride — they’re not being forced to ride.
It seems clear to me- Disney you are self-defeating & causing your own problems!! By changing this and other popular, long time rides, aren’t you triggering people!!??
Tina Carlund
I think society should stop bending to the whim of a few people who will be ‘offended’ or upset. Look what a mess the very small group made of reading, and teachers’ libraries gone from classrooms, books banned by ppl who didn’t even read them!!! Get a better way to feel powerful. Disney, do NOT cater to these people- let Walts dream be your guide.
It’s been this way for 50+ years without controversy, stood the test of time. Proves anyone who cant handle it shouldnt be there. Dont ruin it for everyone else, stay home.
The One Who Knows
Oh, I’m sooooo offended (back of hand to forehead) my delicate sensitivities are hurt oh so deeply! (begins to swoon) I think I’m going to (looks around) I’m going to (still looks around and mutters) where is that damn couch so I can make a dramatic collapse???
No! Do not change the ride. If these things bother you then don’t go on it. How about banning sensitive people from the ride as they offend me!
Oh, Boo Hoo….This is why Trump got voted into office and will deal with all those that are WOKE.
I am SEVERELY offended by Tiggers tail and Captain Hook. When I was a cast member he tried to dance with me and nearly made me poop my pants…
Grow tf up people, leave my childhood alone!
Some guests are offended? HELLOOO, that’s why the ride is called HAUNTED MANSION! If it offends you or scares you, then don’t ride it!
I’m offended with Disney’s Gay Pride Month celebration….is Disney going to change that?….Absolutely not!
And because it offends, it’s simple….I don’t go during that Month!
Cathy Wegman
You are never going to please everyone. If you changed or shut down a ride because someone was offended you would have to shut down the parks. That is ridiculous.
Let’s change everything to please everyone so that no one has a good time.Stop already!!! Didn’t they do enough damage by getting rid of splash mountain? Now Tom Sawyer and the beautiful frontier land, leave stories alone and bring back the pre woke Disney
HELL NO!!!! you see alot worse crap at the movies and on T.V. Leave things alone. He’s been up there longer than the crybabies complaining about it
All those offended- GROW UP!!
ONG here we go again. Why not just get rid of all the original rides and call the parks something else. Walt Disney is rolling in his grave as now certain people are offended by all the rides that opened the parks. Give me a break. Keep the rides as Walt wanted them
Rocco Guarino Sr
Don’t change anything else. People going there should understand the scare factor, which they are anticipating, and if they get offended, it was their choice to go in.
Dinsey had lost its way years ago and keeps going down the rabbit hole, especially in the land of liberals.
Stand up fior something or you will fall for anything.
This is why your attendance is dwindling little by little.
That is what got you in trouble in Florida.
You have almost removed all Walt and Roys ideas and soon all the attractions.
We have been going to WDW since 1985 and soon I may never return due the liberal agenda.
Maybe the WOKE folks will feel better if Disney replace Hatchaway with Snow White………..HA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Beth Milligan
Great call!!
I like to know who actually goes on these rides and complain? Is it the patrons or is it the woke employees Disney hires.
No! People are always looking for some way to be offended. If they they don’t like it,they don’t have to ride it period! Grow up people!
Beth Milligan
Thank you! You’re right!
Beth Milligan
You cannot ever structure anything to avoid offending someone. We are all different, so what might offend me, doesn’t someone else. It is wrong and foolish to try. Just do whatever you want with your venues, inform the public as to what they’ll see, and not loose sleep when 1 or 2 out of a million grip about what’s showing in the ride. Stop catering to the bad attitude cl*wns.
Danny O.
When my family took a trip to Disneyland in 2023, it was the first time for my niece & nephew. My niece didn’t want to ride Haunted Mansion. Not because it was offensive to her; but because she was scared to ride a “spooky” ride.
My sister & I encouraged her to give it a try. I told her it wasn’t scary at all. Since she knows I’m a fan of the horror genre, it took my sister to convince her.
During the ride, my sister & I pointed out all the fun and humor that the ride has. My niece really enjoyed that ride. She even laughed at the ghost hitchhiker.
This is how I know that the ONLY “offensive” thing about Haunted Mansion is Disney’s excuses to sabotage their older rides — creating a narrative that those rides (after being altered) are not that popular; so they must replace those rides with whatever agenda forcing ride they want to shove at us.
Simply put, NO don’t change anything else in Haunted Mansion. The hanging body scene is spooky, the whole theme of the attraction is meant to be spooky – duh!? But even as a witness to several terrible suicide scenes over the years, as well having family members that have committed suicide, that Haunted Mansion scene is hardly offensive, nor does it even make me think of my past experiences mentioned above. The more we cater to emotionally weak people, the weaker they… Rather, OUR society will become as a whole. Disney should consider their role in that before changing anything ever.
Donna Deeter
I agree! Its a Haunted Mansion! It’s how we remember it and like it! Why change it!
Just like the Pirates of the Carribean . They changed the men chasing the women to the women chasing the men . This is ridiculous! This is our country. Why are we changing everything the way we like it to the way people from other countries like it
No, frankly, I’m sick and tired of this whole woke thing. If the ride triggers you, don’t ride it. And I especially don’t like the sugar-coating of history, even fantasized history. Don’t erase it. Learn from it.
Allison M
Stop this nonsense! If someone is triggered by an axe in a ghost’s hands, they shouldn’t be going on the Haunted Mansion ride in the first place. And pleeease, Disneyland in Anaheim, KEEP the hanging skeleton in the stretching room! Don’t remove the very things that make the Haunted Mansion, haunted!!!
It’s a haunted mansion…it’s supposed to be scary…with a humorous touch. I dislike haunted houses but love the Disney Haunted Houses. I’ve experienced the California and Florida locations repeatedly during each visit.
Do not change the scene! For goodness sakes, can Disney please stop. It’s a haunted house with a great story. Do go messing with things that aren’t broke. Knowing disney imagineering these days, they can’t seem to do anything right. Especially when writing a story. Take the Splash Mountain remake. I shake my head.
i’m sick and tired of the changes. put everything back. we had no problems before. if they have a problem they can go somewhere else or just don’t go on the rides you’re offended by. if you keep giving in. you’ll won’t have any good rides left. these people who have problems most likely ha bad parents or the wrong friends. its just like giving kids timeout. bull crap, give the misbehaving kids a good smack on the butt and send them to their rooms with nothing to do. i wish people would grow up. its almost like todays people at their different jobs. they try to get away with doing nothing and when thy get told to do something, they just go UGH!! do i have to or that’s to hard. we have nothing but a bunch of wimps today
This. 100% agree!
I cannot believe the way Disney is changing it’s rides. Why!
I am baffled at how things at Disney are going down.
Shame on Disney.
Stop worrying about fending people, Disney grow a pair and leave well enough alone.
Ridiculous that it would be changed over something like this. Whoever decided on this is out of their mind.
Obvious that they did this outta spite.
I’m offended that everything that makes Disney what they are is being changed because of a very tiny minority of people who don’t know how to close their eyes or walk away.
Just as in REAL LIFE, if you know something is going to trigger you, DON’T LOOK. Or don’t go there. It’s that simple!! The Haunted Mansion is *supposed* to be fun AND spooky. Some Disney rides are sacrosanct. Fix the tech behind the scenes, not the scenes or story!