Shocking Update: Supreme Court Rules Against Disney Influencers, Guests: Official Ban Confirmed

Comments for Shocking Update: Supreme Court Rules Against Disney Influencers, Guests: Official Ban Confirmed

Donald Trump and Ron DeSantis in suits, one with a red tie and the other a blue tie, stand together smiling with fireworks and a castle in the background. On the right, Mickey Mouse from Disney poses with his hands on his cheeks.

Credit: Inside The Magic


  1. Anne

    Those who once survived without Tik Tok can survive again. Get over it. There’s many, many other social media platforms out there that rots your brain just as easily.
    As for making money, get a job. Use YouTube. You’ll live.

  2. Why is everyone concerned as if the Republicans can’t stand the Democrats, this will be overturned?

  3. Chris B

    What comes round goes around. When Splash Mountain changed to Tianas breakdown adventure it was the weirdo Tik Tokers that told the Splash Mountain loyalists to deal with it and adapt to change. Well now its the Tik Tokers that need to deal with it and adapt to change. 🙂

    1. Danny O.


  4. lmariel

    Personally, I will never use Tic Toc. I choose not to take the risk of having China access my personal information. For those of you that do, I hope it does not come back on you. I’m just not willing to take the risk. Also Tic Toc has been responsible for some very bad behavior by young people, just so they can get social media hits and likes. Like getting off rides in the Disney parks and running through the ride. Pooping in the water parks and other challenges that caused injuries. What is this world coming to?

    1. Danny O.

      “What is this world coming to?”

      🎵It’s a world of MAGA,
      With many tears.
      There is just no hope,
      With too many fears (AKA: fearmongering)

      There’s so much,
      They don’t care (about).
      It is time,
      We’re aware.

      This is Iger’s and Trump’s world.🎵

      And, apparently, China’s world, too.

  5. Why not create a US based tik toc. Call it KLIK KLAK. Then the US GOVERNMENT can harvest your info. Lmao

  6. Sergio Sandoval

    As a cast member, I don’t think there’s anyone that’s hated more than these TikTok 🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡! Too many of them feel entitled and are extremely rude! The world is a better place without them!

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