Disney Guests Seen Walking Away With Theme Park Bench, Drawing Concern

Comments for Disney Guests Seen Walking Away With Theme Park Bench, Drawing Concern

A whimsical, illuminated carousel at Disneyland Resort with a blue and white tented roof, adorned with gold accents and a regal lion design, is captured at dusk. Soft lights twinkle around the ride, evoking a magical Disney atmosphere as the darkening sky and silhouettes of pine trees provide a serene backdrop.

Credit: Photo by Aubrey Odom on Unsplash


  1. Tatty

    Entitled guest who think rules are not to be kept. Disney needs to kick them out not only for disruption but for moving park furniture to suit their needs. It should be considered like theft.

    1. Yarri

      See, this is what happens when you have people with illegal statistics and allowing ANYONE in your country. If your not a citizen, you should not be allowed here. This would not have happened years ago. DISGRACE OF MASS PREPORTION ! DISGUSTING ! OUR GOVERNMENT IS NO LONGER TRUSTED, AT ALL. JOKE !

      1. James Truxton

        Don’t have a problem with non-citizens as long as they are here legally

      2. Beth

        Bro…take a nap

      3. John

        Obviously you’re an idiot. Illegal statistics and mass preportion. You mean Illegal status and mass deportation. Anyways how do you know if they are from Venezuela, Haiti , Honduras,Ecuador…..? And yes it’s wrong to move anything at disneyland for your convenience Respect the park and people that visit.

      4. John

        It’s me again you racist. I just saw the video. They look polynisian. And I know plenty of polynesian people.

      5. Babbz

        What they did is messed up enough, why are you bringing race into this……

  2. Ag

    Entitled garbage people…plain and simple.

  3. Hal

    I think we need to know a little more about how far they were actually moving it and what their intent appear to be before deciding on a penalty. If they were only moving it 20 ft to have a better seat to watch a parade, than the intent was not to steal it, and if they seem to be oblivious to the fact that they were doing something wrong and we’re wanting to make it right as soon as they were told, then they should probably just get a warning that if they do it again they’ll be thrown out of the park. However, if their argumentative and do not want to put the bench back where they got it from immediately, then the cast member should call security and have them thrown out of the park and they should not be allowed back.

  4. Randyland

    This went on 40 years ago… It is nothing new.

    People often took chairs and sometimes even tables, from Coke Corner, (Casey’s today), and/or, the Plaza Restaurant, and lived them up on Main Street’s Sidewalk near the Curb, so that they could sit and watch the Parade.

    As Main Street Operations, I STOPPED that action, and removed the chairs from them, returning them to their location.

    Selfish entitlement goes back a long way.

  5. Randyland

    This went on 40 years ago… It is nothing new.

    People often took chairs and sometimes even tables, from Coke Corner, (Casey’s today), and/or, the Plaza Restaurant, and lined them up on Main Street’s Sidewalk near the Curb, so that they could sit and watch the Parade.

    As Main Street Operations, I STOPPED that action, and removed the chairs from them, returning them to their location.

    Selfish entitlement goes back a long way.

  6. Zabriskie

    Can’t beleive this is happening. It is as easy and simple as Disney bolting down the benches to the floor and problem solved. Period. It doesn’t require an Imageneer to think about this simple solution!

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