I used to be a regular visitor to both W.D.W. and D.C.L. but not any more.
Since first visiting W.D.W. in the mid 70’s we had nothing but praise for everything about Disney. Funnily enough we became known as the Disney couple. It was all we talked about and always had another Disney holiday planned. In fact we haven’t been anywhere else on vacation since finding Disney.
Unfortunately we have seen so many changes we don’t want to return because the memories will be taken away.
I am in a wheelchair ALL THE TIME, NOT JUST WHEN WE VIST DISNEY, which behavior has increased substantially.
There are people who rented a wheelchair for 1 person in the party, which then was a pass for a group to bypass the regular line and get on the ride ahead of others.
I totally abbhore this fraudulent deceitful behavior, which it seems has culminated in all legitimate wheelchair users being penalized. I didn’t spend $20,000 on my chair , or use it, to get me special treatment. These fraudulent people have mocked all of us who genuinely need a wheelchair.
Disney was a top company for providing help in everything and every way disabled people needed them. I can’t compliment them enough for the way they used to be and the things they provided for us.
The changes have been gradual, taken away slowly, one at time.
So here we are now, saying no one is disabled unless they have a very specific illness.
Shame on you top execs.
I am disabled but I wouldn’t wish my pain on you, as my worst enemy.
Make a certified doctor’s letter necessary to get a pass, yes I know, these people are deceitful enough to forge such things, but it will deter some.
There has to be a way around this. You were able to come up with the way to take all the good things away from us, you must be able to find a way to return it.
Disney bankrupted our lawyer when he agreed to work probono for many families of cognitive disabled children and adult children to force them to stop discriminating against this population with their absurd policies. They have an army of lawyers who constantly had him in court for nonsense. Thus he couldn’t work for paying clients. They knew this and did it deliberately. We had annual passes for many years but after that we no longer go to Disney. Disney only cares about money.
Very true….research the witch of Disney . The granddaughter of Roy Disney, who took over control of Disney. Turned it into a more perverse place….As she also mostly sought to soak the Disney fans, and park goers …
I use to take my family to Disney world , many times in past….But no more, as she pushed the parks into more of a non Christian stance , and not as much fun as in past management of parks . Also even their current state of very bad movies…
Um… More of a “non-Christian” stance? Can you elaborate? I just want to know what’s prejudice ride you’re on.
Is this a religion thing (no other religion — that don’t believe in the Christian-Jewdeo God AND praise Jesus — should exist), an anti-“wokeism” (as the media & social media uses that term) thing, a MAGA thing, or something else?
if the government says they are disable then why can’t Disney. This is ridiculous. Disney is not cheap and people a lot of money to go and allow a child some joy.
You do know that you have broken ADA rules and you will be fined from $75,000 to $150,000 dollars. I.hope the hot you with the last. He is definitely disabled. If Walt Disney was alive he would personally take this child to the disabled line, and fired everyone that comes up with this rule!
Evidently , you would deny a disabled child , his dream/wishes to experience a Disney ride.
As it is not like they could withstand many of these long queues, or tolerate hours of waiting . Disney is definitely not worth so much for the families of these disabled children….As Disney just looks to soak them with money demands , for being able to go close to front of line….
A lot of Disney rides like Winnie the Pooh, it’s a small world and Peter Pan do not have those warnings and are geared to young children and families. They are not talking roller coasters here, most rides at Disney are on the same side. Ps many children go to Disney through the make a wish program. Should you deny them DAS because they are in a wheelchair?
Of all the stories I’ve read about Disney, this one takes the cake. I will never step foot at any Disney ever again. It’s all about the money to them, and it’s disgusting.
After reading this article and all the comments about the handicapped rules and regulations at Disneyland parks, and how Disney has treated the handicapped children,… I will never step foot in any facility associated with Disney, nor will I buy any Disney products or memorabilia. I’ll also encourage all my family and friends to do the same. Shame on you Bob Isner and Disney. I bet I bet Walt Disney is rolling over his grave!
Disney only cares about red tape crap and money just like every other billionaire company and even doctors.
Anything that makes Disney look bad the better. If people would only quit going there to their crappy expensive theme parks! It’s too expensive, dangerous and filled with idiots.
I am a wheelchair user, I don’t have autism or another disability that would qualify me for DAS.
It isn’t much fun being disabled and Disney used to be one of the very few times in my life where it gave me an advantage and where I could feel good about myself.
I haven’t been to a Disney park since these rules came into force and have no plans to either.
I do understand that the rules were abused by some in the past, but why don’t they use the same system as was used in Disneyland Paris last time I was there? They just wanted to see some proof of disability, I simply used my blue badge.
This is clearly just another corporate bean-counter money grab to attempt to force people like me to buy lightning passes.
It is an uncaring attitude but, really, why am I surprised? They have been getting more and more money grabbing every year.
Shame on you Disney.
Disney has gone too far and turned heartless in the das circumstances. Its sad to see that its come to this. If someone has doctor proof of a disability then disney should be more accommodating. I understand about the ones that actually use das as an excuse to get on a ride faster but actually disabled people should not have to be turned down. I wish disney would reconsider and be what disney is actually suppose to be about.
It’s obvious by Disney’s film/series choices, what they’re removing from their parks (including DAS), and even paying Trump $15,000,000 just too appease him. Disney had lost the way. Tiger removed Walt from Disney; and worships only one thing: the rich & powerful.
I have osteoarthritis. I’m early 40s. Eligible for the Disability pass at Disneyland Paris where I have to provide evidence. No eligible in WDW. Also eligible at Universal studios. Some consistency would be good.
In my opinion, Disney guests that abused the system to get to ride faster are the ones that ruined it for others. So a large part of the blame goes to them. Just like any ‘accommodation’ in other circumstances, when it is abused too much, the only response is to remove the accommodation. It causes those that are deserving of the special treatment to no longer have access to it.
Yes, Disney is in the business of making money. Just like every other entertainment enterprise. I have been going to Disney World since it opened. There have been a lot of changes through the years. Accept them and adapt, or don’t go. My most recent visit to DW I had a mobility scooter because I cannot walk long distances. When I arrived at a ride I would park the scooter and get in line like everyone else.
In my opinion there are many entertainment options that are overpriced and people that are overpaid: Theme Parks, Sports Events, Movies, etc., yet they are still supported by the people that pay the ticket prices. Yes, that sometimes includes me. The only option available is if you don’t think they are worth the cost then don’t go. Same applies to Disney.
I would hope that at some point there would be a way for disabled to be able to provide ‘proof of need’, so the necessary accommodations can be restored.
Comments for Disney Guest Devastated When Severely Disabled Son Is Denied DAS
Just fyi it’s been about 6 months not 2 years
Danny O.
ItM needs to give “alternate facts” to make Disney not look so bad…I guess.
Dorothy McGeagh
I used to be a regular visitor to both W.D.W. and D.C.L. but not any more.
Since first visiting W.D.W. in the mid 70’s we had nothing but praise for everything about Disney. Funnily enough we became known as the Disney couple. It was all we talked about and always had another Disney holiday planned. In fact we haven’t been anywhere else on vacation since finding Disney.
Unfortunately we have seen so many changes we don’t want to return because the memories will be taken away.
I am in a wheelchair ALL THE TIME, NOT JUST WHEN WE VIST DISNEY, which behavior has increased substantially.
There are people who rented a wheelchair for 1 person in the party, which then was a pass for a group to bypass the regular line and get on the ride ahead of others.
I totally abbhore this fraudulent deceitful behavior, which it seems has culminated in all legitimate wheelchair users being penalized. I didn’t spend $20,000 on my chair , or use it, to get me special treatment. These fraudulent people have mocked all of us who genuinely need a wheelchair.
Disney was a top company for providing help in everything and every way disabled people needed them. I can’t compliment them enough for the way they used to be and the things they provided for us.
The changes have been gradual, taken away slowly, one at time.
So here we are now, saying no one is disabled unless they have a very specific illness.
Shame on you top execs.
I am disabled but I wouldn’t wish my pain on you, as my worst enemy.
Make a certified doctor’s letter necessary to get a pass, yes I know, these people are deceitful enough to forge such things, but it will deter some.
There has to be a way around this. You were able to come up with the way to take all the good things away from us, you must be able to find a way to return it.
Linda Gonzalez
Disney bankrupted our lawyer when he agreed to work probono for many families of cognitive disabled children and adult children to force them to stop discriminating against this population with their absurd policies. They have an army of lawyers who constantly had him in court for nonsense. Thus he couldn’t work for paying clients. They knew this and did it deliberately. We had annual passes for many years but after that we no longer go to Disney. Disney only cares about money.
Dude Hennessey
Very true….research the witch of Disney . The granddaughter of Roy Disney, who took over control of Disney. Turned it into a more perverse place….As she also mostly sought to soak the Disney fans, and park goers …
I use to take my family to Disney world , many times in past….But no more, as she pushed the parks into more of a non Christian stance , and not as much fun as in past management of parks . Also even their current state of very bad movies…
Danny O.
Um… More of a “non-Christian” stance? Can you elaborate? I just want to know what’s prejudice ride you’re on.
Is this a religion thing (no other religion — that don’t believe in the Christian-Jewdeo God AND praise Jesus — should exist), an anti-“wokeism” (as the media & social media uses that term) thing, a MAGA thing, or something else?
if the government says they are disable then why can’t Disney. This is ridiculous. Disney is not cheap and people a lot of money to go and allow a child some joy.
Michael Hester
You do know that you have broken ADA rules and you will be fined from $75,000 to $150,000 dollars. I.hope the hot you with the last. He is definitely disabled. If Walt Disney was alive he would personally take this child to the disabled line, and fired everyone that comes up with this rule!
Vicki Vaughn
Absolutely! A lot of these stories are made up and highly exaggerated because people think this will get them an override.
If you are not disabled enough not to ride them you do not need special privileges. If you can ride a jarring ride you are not disabled.
Dude Hennessey
Evidently , you would deny a disabled child , his dream/wishes to experience a Disney ride.
As it is not like they could withstand many of these long queues, or tolerate hours of waiting . Disney is definitely not worth so much for the families of these disabled children….As Disney just looks to soak them with money demands , for being able to go close to front of line….
You are absolutely heartless. You must work for Disney or you just a POS.
Danny O.
Most rides state of you have heart problems or anything of that nature you ride at your own risk, stand in line like everyone else.
Melissa Craig
A lot of Disney rides like Winnie the Pooh, it’s a small world and Peter Pan do not have those warnings and are geared to young children and families. They are not talking roller coasters here, most rides at Disney are on the same side. Ps many children go to Disney through the make a wish program. Should you deny them DAS because they are in a wheelchair?
Of all the stories I’ve read about Disney, this one takes the cake. I will never step foot at any Disney ever again. It’s all about the money to them, and it’s disgusting.
After reading this article and all the comments about the handicapped rules and regulations at Disneyland parks, and how Disney has treated the handicapped children,… I will never step foot in any facility associated with Disney, nor will I buy any Disney products or memorabilia. I’ll also encourage all my family and friends to do the same. Shame on you Bob Isner and Disney. I bet I bet Walt Disney is rolling over his grave!
Disney only cares about red tape crap and money just like every other billionaire company and even doctors.
Anything that makes Disney look bad the better. If people would only quit going there to their crappy expensive theme parks! It’s too expensive, dangerous and filled with idiots.
I am a wheelchair user, I don’t have autism or another disability that would qualify me for DAS.
It isn’t much fun being disabled and Disney used to be one of the very few times in my life where it gave me an advantage and where I could feel good about myself.
I haven’t been to a Disney park since these rules came into force and have no plans to either.
I do understand that the rules were abused by some in the past, but why don’t they use the same system as was used in Disneyland Paris last time I was there? They just wanted to see some proof of disability, I simply used my blue badge.
This is clearly just another corporate bean-counter money grab to attempt to force people like me to buy lightning passes.
It is an uncaring attitude but, really, why am I surprised? They have been getting more and more money grabbing every year.
Shame on you Disney.
Helen Miller
Disney has gone too far and turned heartless in the das circumstances. Its sad to see that its come to this. If someone has doctor proof of a disability then disney should be more accommodating. I understand about the ones that actually use das as an excuse to get on a ride faster but actually disabled people should not have to be turned down. I wish disney would reconsider and be what disney is actually suppose to be about.
Danny O.
It’s obvious by Disney’s film/series choices, what they’re removing from their parks (including DAS), and even paying Trump $15,000,000 just too appease him. Disney had lost the way. Tiger removed Walt from Disney; and worships only one thing: the rich & powerful.
I have osteoarthritis. I’m early 40s. Eligible for the Disability pass at Disneyland Paris where I have to provide evidence. No eligible in WDW. Also eligible at Universal studios. Some consistency would be good.
Overcrowded theme parks are not the place for severely disabled guests.
In my opinion, Disney guests that abused the system to get to ride faster are the ones that ruined it for others. So a large part of the blame goes to them. Just like any ‘accommodation’ in other circumstances, when it is abused too much, the only response is to remove the accommodation. It causes those that are deserving of the special treatment to no longer have access to it.
Yes, Disney is in the business of making money. Just like every other entertainment enterprise. I have been going to Disney World since it opened. There have been a lot of changes through the years. Accept them and adapt, or don’t go. My most recent visit to DW I had a mobility scooter because I cannot walk long distances. When I arrived at a ride I would park the scooter and get in line like everyone else.
In my opinion there are many entertainment options that are overpriced and people that are overpaid: Theme Parks, Sports Events, Movies, etc., yet they are still supported by the people that pay the ticket prices. Yes, that sometimes includes me. The only option available is if you don’t think they are worth the cost then don’t go. Same applies to Disney.
I would hope that at some point there would be a way for disabled to be able to provide ‘proof of need’, so the necessary accommodations can be restored.