Heartbreaking Statement From Disney CEO as Wildfires Turn Hostile, Endangering 40,000 Resort Staff

Comments for Heartbreaking Statement From Disney CEO as Wildfires Turn Hostile, Endangering 40,000 Resort Staff

Disney CEO Bob Iger in a gray sweater is shown in profile against a backdrop of a dramatic smoky sky with a faint sun. In the foreground, there is a silver water tower labeled "Walt Disney" with an image of Mickey Mouse.

Credit: Inside The Magic


  1. Joseph Costa

    The only way to save the parks from such fires is to set up large lakes or build a large enough break between potential fire that put large amounts of water between the parks exterior and wooded or housing areas. By placing the water lines around the park they can also place water canons to spraywaternear the parimeter and placing water canons to stray the water towards any potential fires to secure life and property loss should be of utmost concern with such fires becoming more common. It would be nice if Disney took one of the many hotels they own and turn it into temporary housing for its employees.We all need to start to think of ways to help those effected just as those states in the south got help for Hurricanes. But we all know GOP will scream and yell no help for those people facing the losses but ok with making sure their states keep getting the aid but to hell with others for emergency needs. The Emergency Manegement needs to be removed from Federal governments control and funded bythe states all paying into the plan and the money there growing and used when its needed.But unlike today where politics has done more to destroy then fix and resolve the problems so they do not repeat.Rebuild homes but do it in such ways that the homes are hurricane proof, or raised off the ground so water can not flood homes repeatedly. States with sea access and potential flooding need to fix the flooding by making sea walls or breaks to hold the water back. Society can not keep fixing problems that are ignored and keeps repeating because states refuse to do what they need to do to stop such issues.

    1. Michael

      Flooding issues, built or used oil pipes to divert excess flood water away from the flood zone.

    2. Walt

      No pin head if you will remember it was THE DEMOCRATS that skipped houses after the hurricane. You really should get your head out of the dark moist place it is in and see what is really happening in this country. Go look up the figures for charitable giving – you will see that those evil Republicans give more than the selfish self centered democrats EVER DO. But you won’t – so enjoy being IGNORANT. So tired of your BS political ignorance!!

      1. Nah Shis

        No, Walt clown. Factually inaccurate and you of all people should dare to accuse others of what your underhanded, 34 time convicted felon-run party does.

  2. Anne

    Frankly I hope Wokeyland will burn to the ground. I think Walt would be so disappointed in how corrupt and leftist his company has become.
    But, I’m very saddened by how many lives, homes and land is being taken out by the fires and I’m hope it’s able to be contained soon. 🙏🏻

    1. phil

      Shame on you for politicizing a tragedy. How very MAGA of you.

      1. Walt

        No how democrat of you – – democrat – govt officials were the ones that skipped over republican areas during the last hurricane. but live in your ignorance – democrats are just SO STUPID – not to mention evil.

    2. Nah Shis

      I hope fascist MAGAs all go to where it’s hotter than fire. Despicable clowns everywhere.

    3. Nah Shis

      Your propaganda fueled hatred embarrasses you as it consumes you.

  3. Michael

    Flooding issues, built or used oil pipes to divert excess flood water away from the flood zone.

  4. Tony

    “ I’m worth $400 million, and I am sooooo sad about my poor employees”.


    1. walt

      While I am building yet another custom sail boat – LOL. Iger is only sad cause it might cut into his ability to rape the company for more money

  5. Nah Shis

    How many cast members live in those $20 million+ homes anyway? He didn’t tour Altadena, which had far more structures vanish, and the possibility of a few cast members from that area as well. He grieves for the wealthy only.

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