Say Goodbye: Disney To Lose Mickey Mouse in the Coming Days

Comments for Say Goodbye: Disney To Lose Mickey Mouse in the Coming Days

Mickey Mouse looking sad and clutching something

Credit: Disney


  1. Michael


    1. Drake

      Why? Why should things made 100 years ago still be owned by some corporations who never created them?

      1. John

        But the disney corp did create mickey? And they still actively use him, so it makes sense to want to keep it private. I think dormant IPs though should be released, such as Popeye who is next year, so makes sense.

      2. Ricky Kirkland

        I would counter that with why should entities that actually had no involvement with creating these items be allowed to pervert them for monetary gain? The people using these icons for monetary gain use them for shock value and dirty the image that Disney created, maintained and protected for it’s integrity for all of these years.

        1. Harry

          Totally agree. A Disney characters through the years have been something you never had to worry about your children watching. Now the game master greed mongers will turn them into things of violence, horror and despicable actions.

          1. Walt

            I agree – but actually there is much
            NOW that I will not let my kids watch that Disney “creates”. We have moved on from Disney – there is life after Disney!

      3. Nigel

        Yes!!!! I am against ANY person, company, or corporation losing ANYTHING they create! EVER!! If you create it, you own it. That would be like, if you design and build a house, should you be able to lose it after so many years?? It is just so wrong, and it always has been.

        1. Kaylah

          I think that they shouldn’t get rid of him or any other character .

    2. Ricky Kirkland

      I agree, they should provide infinite copyright protection to some items, ideas or concepts.

      1. R Allen

        The people who actually created him are long dead. The executives at the Disney company don’t actually have any respect for the IP’s that they have. Just look at what they did in the recent Little Mermaid movie or the upcoming Snow White movie.

        1. FrankG

          Bith the little mermailld and snow white aren’t copywrited because they are over literally publuc domain stories.

      2. Joseph

        They do have a segment of copyright law that could apply…namely, trademark…mickey is synonymous with Disney and deserves to be recognized under that trademark…and trademarks are effectively “infinite copyright”…let the animations fall to public domain, but let the characters be trademarked.

        1. Devin

          No way should it be extended further. It was already extended in the 1950s to be the length of time that the creator of alive and 70 years after that. That was plenty of time. Then corporations got greedy in the 1990s and lobbied to have it extended another 20 to 30 years. That it just ridiculous. Pharmaceutical companies loose their exclusive ownership of what they create after like a decade or so. 100 years is just way beyond ridiculous and overly greedy.

    3. Meggan

      Disney is NOT losing Mickey Mouse. Can inside The Magic stop lying? Obviously not. They do nothing but lie. And that’s the TRUTH.

  2. Gran Torino

    Mickey Mouse has now become an American cultural icon on par with John Henry, Paul Bunyan, or Casey Jones.

    It’s only fair that he now belong to all of us!

    1. Robert

      Mickey Mouse is far and away the more well known ip of that grouping. Ask any five year old and they won’t know who Paul Bunyan is but ask them about Mickey and they’ll speak volumes. I say this because I think it lends weight to the idea that Mickey belongs to all of us.

      1. Dr

        Disney should be able to keep the copyright on all of the characters they have created since the very first. It’s nice to have a cartoon or a movie that my kids can watch at any age

  3. Ptoughneigh

    I got copyright struck by Warner Bros on a post that Facebook said was there (copyright they bought) that said they forever factor in the age of the song of its conception, not its release. Even though it was about 15 seconds, which would fall under “fair use,” I pointed out that I no longer owned rights to it. I don’t like when companies bully their so-called intellectual property especially when they have no reason to just die the hell of it.

  4. Michael


  5. Adam

    Honestly I think it’s crap that we are allowing them to act like the later copyrights are for “later versions” of the character. This is and obvious falsehood, and all claims towards the ownership of “Mickey” should have ended last year. Perfect example of rich corporations doing pretty much whatever they want.

    1. Daryl-Rhys

      Mickey should be protected from the public and anyone who says differently deserves death

    2. Tony

      It’s fair that later versions stay under copyright, otherwise there’s no commercial reason to make new content as expiry approaches and passes

    3. Terry

      Your copyright has expired you sir need to return to Russia

  6. Yea Me

    If it would stop some idiot from taking a well known children’s character, and making a very crappy horror movie, then sure.

    1. Danny O.

      Have you ever considered that the REASON “very crappy horror movies” made off well known children’s characters ARE because of how “valuable” a hundred-plus year old “never been released to the public…ever before” is?

      I haven’t seen any Betty Boop or Felix the Cat horror. Okay. So Betty Boop is for adults — rather than children. Still…those characters are older than Micky. And yet, THEY went to public domain LONG ago. Even OSWALD is older than Steamboat Willie!

      I haven’t seen any horror movies based on public domain characters until Disney kept attempting to capitalize on Walt’s iconic cash cows (and I’m not talking about Clarabelle).

  7. John

    I’d say considering the company is still actively using their IP (Mickey), and is still thebface of the company, they should be able to keep it from going to the public. Meanwhile Popeye, who also releases to public next year, is definitely not being used and rarely shows up anywhere now, so it makes sense for him to be in the public domain.

  8. Daryl-Rhys

    Yes absolutely. People can’t be trusted.

  9. Anil Thomas

    I think it depends but ultimately this is good for the creative industry as a whole because it forces corporations/creatives to either use use the IP and make current copyrights for them or leave it to someone else to develop and take to new directions. Basically companies have to sh!t or get off the pot and let someone else have a turn. Let’s not let some hedge fund brats monopolize an ancient IP forever just because they were wealthy enough to buy it.

  10. I disagree with most commenters on two grounds. The first is that copyrights and patents should protect the original creator, not some corporation treating it as an asset decades after the creator’s death. Second, the US Constitution gives congress the right to protect creators for a “limited” period. The current 95 years is already far too long. IMO, 50 years is much more sensical and is the US historical norm

    1. Danny O.


    2. Tony

      Agreed. I’d reduce copyright to 50 years too. But Americans are lucky films expire after only 95 years.

      In the UK, EU, Australia and New Zealand copyright lasts even longer! The director, writer(s) and composers are defined as the author and copyright expires 70 years after the last one of them dies. So it last well over 100 years.

      That’s why modern Disney films often say the UK is the original jurisdiction for copyright purposes – it makes the copyright last longer everywhere.

  11. Mel

    No, it shouldn’t be extended. It shouldn’t have been extended to begin with.
    Let them keep their newer versions protected; but the idea that a company should have the ability to skirt the rules just because something got “popular enough” is ridiculous

    1. Danny O.


  12. Anne

    I brought Mickey Mouse to life. He’s my beloved character. — Walt Disney

    Let’s give Mickey Mouse away! — Bob Iger

  13. Rujek Crost

    The fact is Disney created the character of Mickey Mouse. If you are going to copyright something, all versions of the character should be protected no matter what outfit the said character is wearing. I mean if you want to get technical, that’s what this all about. It’s all about the outfit he is wearing. So because he is in a different outfit, it’s a different Mickey? No, it’s the same Mickey Mouse he just changed his clothes. This is where copy writing loses me. Shouldn’t matter, it’s still Mickey Mouse.

  14. Micky Mouse as action movie
    Betty Boop as Western movie
    Felix the cat as syfy movie

  15. The new 3 Stooges as illumination animation films

  16. I think I all agree with you – I personally think that the U.S. government should protect Mickey Mouse and all Disney characters, including those who were introduced in The Karnival Kid, and we should also nicely and calmly demand that The Walt Disney Company should further protect their copyrighted characters including new ones that shouldn’t be released in the Public Domain next year in 2025. I’m generally not making fun of all those who entered the public domain, and we’re going to sue all public domain stuff including horror reimaginings of our favorite beloved Disney characters such as Pooh and his Friends, Peter Pan, and Bambi. I’ve been a 22-year-old young man whose mind is stuck in a mere 14-year-old’s body, and have also endured myself with my favorite Disney films, including those who collaborated with Pixar. We should sign a worldwide U.S. petition for bringing all copyrighted Disney and Pixar movies (including newer ones) into not losing their rights from the U.S. government. For example, Winnie The Pooh: Blood and Honey is a completely messed up and twisted scary movie that was followed by its sequel, Winnie The Pooh: Blood & Honey 2, which is also in the same lame mess as with the first film as well.

    Therefore, The Walt Disney Company and Disney itself should really take a courageous and motivational stand against all twisted and messed-up restricted iterations of its protected characters and they should also win back their copyrighted rights of all Disney & Pixar characters, including newly introduced ones, and so on.

    I definitely hope this comment by me will further strengthen and further support Walt Disney’s rights that mainly belong to ALL of the Disney movies we’ve seen or watched with our families and loved ones. I’m the BIGGEST kid-at-heart ever!

    Remember: It’s about time we stand up against all horror-themed re-iterations and rise as one nation altogether!


  17. Please, I don’t want to lose Mickey Mouse, he’s the most important iconic leading main leader of Disney franchise forever and I love him growing up.
    Mickey Mouse should be reminded kept loved and very important forever generations.

  18. Mickey mouse was created by Walt Elias Disney not the Disney corp they don’t have a say that they created him this is a lot of bull I ever heard maybe next time leave mickey mouse out of the Disney corp’s greedy hands don’t you think

    1. Danny O.

      I agree that the original creator — rather than the greedy corporation — is whom the copyright OS for. However…if the greedy corporation is able to follow what the original creator intended, an additional decade wouldn’t hurt. That is, up to a certain point.

  19. Mickysux

    The horror movies coming from this will be hilarious.

  20. Adizze

    Disney is built off of expired copywrite use almost all fairy tales they have made such as jack and beanstock and rewriting the story. Alice and wonderland things like that. They take stories the time but want their stuff protected forever. Unless every single experience is 100 % it is very hypocritical to say they get to protect their intellectual property but they can use everyone elses.

  21. Zilma A Osle

    I think that Disney should be able to keep anything that was created by the Disney brothers and anything else that has been created since then by the company that was created by Walt and Roy Disney. It’s not just that people would use the likeness of Mickey to make scary movies. They could (cause some people have a very sick mind) use his likeness in a movie that Mickey ends up abusing kids. Think about it. Mickey’s image is of an innocent mouse. If he became available in the public domain then people could use his image and tarnish Mickey’s innocent reputation/appeal. I think that if it’s something as innocent that was created by a person (Walt and Roy Disney) then the company that they created should never have to share the rights of Mickey’s image and/or any characters that was created by the Disney brothers and/or the Disney company. They want to keep that image innocent. You let it become public domain and people can tarnish that image instantly.

  22. JasonAW3

    I can see Mickey used in parodies, but as this is an iconic character, associated with the Disney corporation, I suspect that it SHOULD be covered by corporate trademarks. I’m rather surprised they haven’t filed official trademark status before now.

  23. Matthew gogeta Chrono clock trigger

    2660 NOSUM clock android GOD Time compass ⌚ future clock through in the end Time gate compassion Earth robots coming no Jesus Christ he die electric deaths laboratory few years ago terminator coming down and lizard and more science god universe ancient world timeline 2794 dates NASA questions comments New plan doomsday property of Time compass Time

  24. Matthew SAN gogeta Chrono clock trigger

    Supreme Kai z master Matthew San gogeta Chrono clock trigger dragon Ball Red ribbon extreme series Matthews san gogeta Chrono trigger says monster New villain God coming down New future Time Dragonball series Red ribbon extreme science fiction aliens poison monster coming Mayan clock 2660?????? Dates NASA builds SpaceX stations 2050-2280 more questions comments alien history 2 books continue New dateline NASA questions computer android GOD universal coming New science fiction find mystery aliens planet what’s going on mission comes till next generation explorer later

  25. Stephen Lebed

    Nothing stops Disney from creating new works with Mickey Mouse. They just can’t stop anyone else from making stuff with the same character.

  26. Shadowfire

    I think it’ll be more fun if they don’t have the exclusive rights to Mickey Mouse.

  27. Alex

    Mickey is Disney’s and should stay Disney’s

  28. Noah

    Good even if y’all don’t use public domain characters in the best ways

  29. Cameron McElroy


  30. Kcheeks68

    The reason I love DISNEY and DISNEYLAND is because of MICKEY MOUSE!! They should keep MICKEY MOUSE!!!! If they change or get rid of MICKEY MOUSE, I am not sure if I will continue to come to Disneyland or buy any more Mickey Mouse merchandise. I will be very disappointed if they say goodbye to Mickey Mouse. I have so much Mickey Mouse merchandise that I wear and is in my home.

    1. Danny O.

      Disney ISN’T getting rid of Mickey Mouse. He’s their brand. Their cash cow.

      Disney is just being salty about not being able to keep EXCLUSIVE rights (for their own pockets).

      They’re making an empty threat of “If WE can’t be the ONLY ones that get rich off that character, then we won’t use him anymore!”

  31. LouiB

    I find it sort of humorous that the Disney company that was able to use Snow White and so many other stories to create their version of these characters didn’t have to pay anyone to use them as they were no longer protected by copyright but people here think that Disney’s shall now be protected.

  32. Greg Giordano

    If Disney is allowed to extend its copyright protection, so should other artists, in other genres, also be afforded the same protection. I am NOT necessarily advocating for eternal copyright protection, I am simply pointing out that laws like this should be applied to all or to none, not just to those who can afford to be cherry-picked.

  33. DJ

    Mickey Mouse “IS” Disney

  34. DJ

    It is really a shame that a truly magical company such as Disney should have to get a copyright to protect their characters and more from any opportunists looking to make money through the explotation of Disney’s success.

    1. Joe

      I agree

  35. David A

    Should Ford Motor Company lose it’s emblem? Should states lose their parks and roads that are 100yrs old. Should General Electric lose its emblem?
    Mickey Mouse is Disney. If companies want their own character let them create one!

  36. Valerie

    This’ll be the end of Disney, how can they even think of removing Mickey Mouse when this is what Disney built on 😡

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