I will always support J.k. Rowling. What she is doing is very brave. Men are men and women are women. It weird that the concept has to be said now. Move away from the U.K. and get away from these woke people and their terrible ideology. Side note. Harry potter is doing just fine. The twinks and trannies make up a very small part of her support. So thankful she won’t let theses idiots ruin the franchise.
Except Imane Khelif is and always will be a woman. She was born as a woman with the rare genetic anomaly of having an XY chromosome. She is not trans, there was never any surgery and she passed a very rigorous testosterone testing process. Stop with the blatant misogynistic misinformation
I can’t imagine having to continuously defend one’s lifelong, demonstrably-proven womanhood against a bunch of deranged TERFs that truly represent the furthest thing from real “feminism.” If you are a TERF that feels inclined to attack another woman simply because you think she seems too “manly” or because you heard through the grapevine that she must have “xy” chromosomes, you are not only “the problem,” but also an agressor and a creep. You’re not “defending” women. You’re attacking women. Get a damn clue and be a better human being.
Opinions are like ours. Everybody’s got one I applaud J. K. Rowling for standing up for women’s rights. This one exception doesn’t change the fact, a rare mutant the others that feel like their women when they’re men suffer from mental health problems just look in the DSM 5.5.
You people really need to learn the isms and misogynistic words so you sound less like morons when arguing with these idiots. It’s like two idiots in a debate.
Except that he’s not now, nor has he ever been, a woman. He’s been tested by 2 reputable labs in 2 different countries 2 yrs apart that shows he has XY chromosomes. He likely has a DSD, possibly the same one Caster Semenya (also a man with XY chromosomes & fully functioning internal testes).
Unfortunate genetics. However, numbers can lie or be misinterpreted. If Khalifa has male biological strength, there’s is moot.
I certainly support Rowling. Libs are trying to make the abnormal normal. You can “identify” as an Eccles cake but does not mean anyone will serve you with tea. New studies are showing the trans conversion therapy to be majorly detrimental to the people manipulated into accepting it
Yes, HE is a male. HE will always be a male.
Stop with the nonsense. If you in any way, shape or form have XY in your genome… YOU ARE A MALE FULL DAMNED STOP!
I have friends who have changed gender and moved on with careers that normally would likely not have been open to them. (One is an OB Nurse). Having said that, I brought this article up and asked their opinion. I’ve more than one friend who has gone through or are going through the change process, so I thought three would be representative of the whole. ALL of them said that they could relate to the career path, as it is that person’s choice to follow their heart, but they felt it was a bit like someone who was TG and then decided to go through and change from a woman to a man. Who then competed and won drag shows. However, that’s where their opinions deviate. I guess that is because, although rare, it still appears to have left a bit of resentment between drag competitors apparently.
I mentioned years of previous practice that “K” endured, etc.. and one made a comment similar to one referenced in the article. Which, by the way, they had not read and took my word that I was retelling it correctly. She said, admitting that she felt she was least representative of the whole because she was still going through the process, that she felt that career of boxer was perhaps a poor choice and unfair to the other woman boxers. That, if they felt that they didn’t want to waste the years of effort it took to become such a good boxer, that they could use those skills as a coach or personal trainer. But, to hit another woman with their obvious and possible strength difference, seemed unfair and not representing a woman, but rather the man she was.
However, she did say that had the boxer been a twink before and now was a skilled boxer, that would be a different thing.
I said, how so, given she was still in the same body,etc … She said, perception and protection. Training as a man would likely be different, perhaps even majorly so, than training as a woman.
I was confused about what that meant, but she said for her, even her new breasts were precious to her. The idea of someone possibly punching them was horrendous. She mentioned other things, but I don’t think it’s quite appropriate to mention them here.
The others were more general in there comments. It was debated by the Olympic committee to allow “K” to box as a woman and a choice was made. For them, end of discussion for the most part.
As a woman, I sort of feel that she had an unfair advantage, but can see both positions. I also understand that boxer “K” didn’t always win and that meant she was also still working to be the best she could be, which is what everyone wants as a person dedicated to their career choice.
Do I believe the medal should have gone to someone else? Yes, I do. I Googled and found the match between K and C and couldn’t help but notice the height, weight, and lack of breasts. While fighting, “K” made several hits straight to “C’s” chest. Watch another match between women. You’ll see a glaring difference. It’s not surprising “K” failed other competitions gender eligibility tests.
I also don’t think it’s fair that one can’t debate this in public without fear of retribution. It’s nice have Freedom of Speech. God Bless America!
Khelif isn’t trans which makes all your anecdotes and opinions on whether or not she should have been allowed to compete in the Olympics invalid.
The reason people are facing “retribution” (consequences) for debating/publicly sharing their opinions about her, is because much like yourself they made false claims about her.
If you want to debate topics like this without retribution then you need to make sure that you are properly educated. Because even if the claims that Khelif has xy chromosomes are true that doesn’t automatically make her biologically male and a trans woman. Xy-males and xx-females are not the only two iterations that exist. Xy-females and xx-males also exist along with numerous others.
Agreed. Playing fast and loose with facts to stir people up because she has an axe to grind is reckless and irresponsible, regardless of any potential merits of her perspective (which I’m not commenting on here).
Nonsense. What you are wanting is far more dangerous than anything JKR has said. You want policing and oppression of speech. You need to look through history and see where that has led to.
Show me hateful. She had said some things people don’t agree with but I’ve yet to see anything hateful. Because you don’t agree xoesnt make it hateful. Saying that all trans or all CIS should die in a fire is hateful. Saying that you feel a man is a man regardless of surgery or transition is not hateful. It’s their opinion. I’ve seen a lot of hateful thi gs said about his people and it’s amazing how that is acceptable but people lose their minds if you say anything against the lgbtq community. You being offended does not make it hateful.
People are just soft these days I mean are they wrong It was a dude punching a girl. Unfortunately this is gonna happen until they figure something out like separating them oh wait where just back to male on male female on female lol. Love peace and chicken grease
That was in fact a man fighting against women. Rowling is on the right side of this. I can’t stand the censorship of freedom of speech. I know it’s not the same in the uk or other places, but it should be a fundamental human right.
No he is not. He is an anomaly but was misdiagnosed as a woman at birth. His XY chromosomes show male. He may have been reared as a woman but that does not make him a woman. He should have just lived his life and stayed out of female sports
JKR did nothing wrong. Khelif has male chromosomes. Khelif is not transgender… Khelif is hermaphrodite with male dominant chromosomes.
JKR is not a transphobe, she’s just for basic decency towards women.
OHHH , I AGREE WITH YOU 100 , males and females aren’t just different because of muscle mass. Im a male, gay too, and i still believe that men should stay where they belong and vice versa
Hermaphrodite isn’t a term that is used in relation to humans and hasn’t been for awhile.
There has been no proof that Khelif is intersex and even if she is, it is a much more nuanced conversation than simply looking at chromosomes. An individual can have xy chromosomes and in all other aspects be biologically female.
What JK Rawlings has said is a vicious prejudice attack on an athlete and she should seriously be reprimanded for it through actions of the legal system.
Wrong, trans women are women this is a biological fact that doesn’t change based off your ignorance. Jk Rowling was harassing a woman online yall are pathetic
EVERYONE HAS THE RIGHT TO FREE SPEECH AND , TO EACH THEIR OWN. This is absolutely ridiculous im surprised its not sold as a movie at the twins magic shop of gags. Even tho men can decrease muscle 💪 snd stuff, they are really still men. Male and Female bodies are made up of more than just muscle.. everything about the two is different. And im on JKs side. Not that i keep up regularly with these things , frankly because i think the world already went to hell in a hand basket.
Freedom of speech does not mean freedom from consequences, and not all speech is protected. Hate speech, inciting violence, harassment, slander and libel are all examples of things that are not protected under freedom of speech laws. Libel being the pertinent one in this case
A proud TERF here. JK Rowling is a modern Suffragette. She refuses to take the eradication of women and their rights in silence and is fighting passionately to ensure our safety. No one can think that men competing against women is fair. Men have 30% more muscle mass, they have greater lung capacity, better hand to eye coordination and stronger bones than women. Women should not have to risk their lives to play sport. Khelif is a genetic male. They know this, their country knows this. I have a daughter, I do not want her to share a bathroom, a changing room or compete in sports with men, regardless of what they call themselves.
So, you’re saying that telling the truth makes them uneducated and born through incest. Huh? Of the two comments made, one with details, facts, and honest viewpoint, and the other clearly childish gibberish, I go with the honest viewpoint and facts as RELATED TO THIS SPECIFIC SITUATION.
Am I a TERF? No. However, “K” had an obvious advantage in this and all his other matches. The Olympic committee made the wrong decision here.
If yall cared and weren’t uneducated you’d know.
1. Male and female are sexes they do not determine gender, nor do chromosomes or genitalia. Basic biology proves you inbreds wrong.
2. Trans women are women and take estrogen which helps them not gain as much muscle mass as a C I S man would and are perfectly okay to play in sports.
3. If you were worried about women’s safety you’d worry about the straight cis men going around sa women they don’t care about a locker room or bathroom they go in and sa people. Trans people don’t do that.
4. notice how yall only hate Trans women? It’s because yall are misogynistic as well, transphobia is built in misogyny cause you all think women are weak.
5. If you look into it many Trans WOMEN lost to other women athletes it’s not uncommon lmao. It’s always the couch potatos who don’t play sports crying the most.
6. Before anyone starts crying about “wokeness” and “ideologies” yall don’t know what woke means clearly, being trans isn’t an ideology, and Trans women are women Trans men are men.
Trans pride love is love yall, just cause yall are miserable inbreds doesn’t mean the rest of the world is.
Riley, here’s a basic FACT that you can mull over for a bit… although from seeing your interactions with other people, who have different views than your own, I highly doubt you’ll take anything of substance to heart. I am a man and when I die, I’ll be buried. If an archeologist were to dig me up a 100 years from now, and they observe my pelvis, my bone mass, and any genetic material that may be left, they will find that I was a Male Homosapien. They will not know what I “thought” i was or how I “identified” myself or how I “felt” the world should perceive me. They will have the scientific facts at hand and that is all. As a side note though, don’t you think it’s funny that it’s always a male to female TG that wants to compete at high levels. I have yet to see ONE female transition to male and jump into the UFC or a boxing ring. Just some food for thought. Oh and before you respond, remember what you said, “Trans pride love is about Love yall.” You should practice what you preach, you catch more bees with honey. But I suspect your response, if any, will be soaked in vinegar.
Trans women are women, go focus on the straight men you know the actual rapists and domestic abusers. Yall don’t care about that though yall just wanna be ignorant over basic facts. Trans people have been around forever now and we will continue to be around forever now yall won’t change that lmao.
Gender dysphoria is a treatable medical condition. Some gender diverse people can have this condition some do not. Sex and gender are different aspects of a person. Gender is a social construct and not defined by biological sex. Biology classification is based on physical and physiological characteristics usually assigned at birth. One is culture the other science.
You act like people can’t simultaneously care about BOTH these issues. This is a flimsy and irrelevant point you keep making. I guarantee everyone on this thread cares about straight males SA, gay people SA, and SA in general because it’s a pretty troubling issue. But it has nothing to do with the topic of this conversation, which is whether or not MEN (DNA, actual biology and nature) should go up against WOMEN (natural, biological women), in sporting events. It isn’t hate speech for someone to voice the opinion that they shouldn’t be allowed to do this. At least stay on topic. As an aside, you’re really the only commenter who is being hateful, talking about incest and other really weird insults. GTFO with that BS
Riley, here’s a basic FACT that you can mull over for a bit… although from seeing your interactions with other people, who have different views than your own, I highly doubt you’ll take anything of substance to heart. I am a man and when I die, I’ll be buried. If an archeologist were to dig me up a 100 years from now, and they observe my pelvis, my bone mass, and any genetic material that may be left, they will find that I was a Male Homosapien. They will not know what I “thought” i was or how I “identified” myself or how I “felt” the world should perceive me. They will have the scientific facts at hand and that is all. As a side note though, don’t you think it’s funny that it’s always a male to female TG that wants to compete at high levels. I have yet to see ONE female transition to male and jump into the UFC or a boxing ring. Just some food for thought. Oh and before you respond, remember what you said, “Trans pride love is about Love yall.” You should practice what you preach, you catch more bees with honey. But I suspect your response, if any, will be soaked in vinegar.
It was JK Rowling’s decision to not shake somebody’s hand! She has a right to what she actually stated and for this idiot to make her wrong by threatening prison time on her shows how insane he is!
The question of if I agree with j.k’s beliefs is not relevant. I support Harry Potter because it’s amazing works literature and cinematic achievement. The wizarding world is every growing and impressive. I don’t give a twit about how that person feels about controversial topics. So long as the magic continues to flow. My transgender friends and family feel the same.
People calling JKR “Brave” are objectively awful humans. She is extremely dangerous to the well-being of fellow humans. Supporting that is so wrong.
I boycott everything HP and JKR. I cannot have my money going towards the financial success of such a hate filled person.
You all say this as if she’s the only one who reaps the benefits of that success. With the exception of the books, Harry Potter involves other people you know?
Take the Chamber of Secrets for example. She didn’t write, direct, or produce that movie. Even things such as the design of the Weasleys’ home someone else created. So why are you punishing innocent people’s hard work because of her?
If you enable mentally ill people by accepting any garbage they feel such as the boxer that is a man and wants to beat up women, then you’re a disgusting person!! Rowling is brilliant and free to not agree with the mentally ill bs!
As a trans woman, I have very complicated feelings towards Harry Potter although my feelings for J. K. Rowling are very clear she is a transphobia, and her actions are absolutely disgusting. Those books saved my life during multiple bouts of suicidal ideation due to the fact that I didn’t know that I was trans And it just made me miserable, but once I came out and I was informed of her transfer behavior, even though I owned all the books all the audiobooks I even have robes. I stopped reading and listening to Harry Potter recently some trans. Friends of mine told me to love the art, not the artist. Most of the trans community of abhors her and her behavior and if you’re found to still support Harry Potter most of them are labeled to block you on social media which I think isn’t really fair because like I said my relationship with that media is very complicated. She broke my heart when I started reading the things she said as a freshly out of the closet, trans woman she went as far to write a book where the villain was a man who dress in women’s clothing to enter their spaces and attack them, which is what she believes all of us trans women are
There’s is nothing complicated about what you said. You’re literally making it complicated. If you like Harry Potter, then you like Harry Potter. Why are you obsessing over what JK Rowling thinks? Why are you even thinking about her in the first place?
You are not ‘trans’. You are a mentally ill gender dysphoric who should have gotten MENTAL HEALTH TREATMENT before you cut off your yim-yams.
The MENTAL HEALTH TREATMENT that literally can CURE gender dysphoria 99%+ of the time simply by waiting until 18, doing talk therapy, and doing screenings for hormonal issues from various sources.
I enjoyed, past tense, the Harry Potter series. But I, and the other HP fans, now acknowledge her only for legal purposes. Those of us who spend the most time in the HP universe, the fanfiction authors and readers, recognize her ownership of the series and then reject her and her disgusting beliefs. That anyone calling themselves a feminist and claiming they support women’s rights but deny those rights to a section of our gender is unconscionable. 5 generations of women in my family have fought for women to have equal rights. Who is this little pissant to come along and think she has the right to decide who we are or should be. She’s just a little bigot who wants to pull the ladder up behind her.
You are the fool and bigot. Shame on you. JK Rowling is a normal person with normal values who made the mistake of believing she still had the right to her own opinion. As do we all.
Although I do not agree with JK Rowling’s opinions regarding LGBTQ+ matters, I do believe she, like anyone else, is entitled to her opinions. Her talent and the books, movies, games, plays and theme park experiences that were products of that talent should not be judged due to her personal opinions. The entertainment value of her creative works should be judged only on their own merit.
Comments for ‘Harry Potter’ Star Fined $2.3 Million as J.K. Rowling Faces Possible Jail Time
I will always support J.k. Rowling. What she is doing is very brave. Men are men and women are women. It weird that the concept has to be said now. Move away from the U.K. and get away from these woke people and their terrible ideology. Side note. Harry potter is doing just fine. The twinks and trannies make up a very small part of her support. So thankful she won’t let theses idiots ruin the franchise.
Except Imane Khelif is and always will be a woman. She was born as a woman with the rare genetic anomaly of having an XY chromosome. She is not trans, there was never any surgery and she passed a very rigorous testosterone testing process. Stop with the blatant misogynistic misinformation
I can’t imagine having to continuously defend one’s lifelong, demonstrably-proven womanhood against a bunch of deranged TERFs that truly represent the furthest thing from real “feminism.” If you are a TERF that feels inclined to attack another woman simply because you think she seems too “manly” or because you heard through the grapevine that she must have “xy” chromosomes, you are not only “the problem,” but also an agressor and a creep. You’re not “defending” women. You’re attacking women. Get a damn clue and be a better human being.
Opinions are like ours. Everybody’s got one I applaud J. K. Rowling for standing up for women’s rights. This one exception doesn’t change the fact, a rare mutant the others that feel like their women when they’re men suffer from mental health problems just look in the DSM 5.5.
Except that actually didn’t turn out to be true, did it? He really is a man.
No. She is still a cisgender woman, despite tabloid reports otherwise.
Christopher Kidwell
No, HE is a male. XY in any WAY, SHAPE OR FORM in your genome means… YOU ARE A MAAAAAAAAAALE!
P Smith
I'm a female
You people really need to learn the isms and misogynistic words so you sound less like morons when arguing with these idiots. It’s like two idiots in a debate.
You haven’t read the news recently have you ?
Except she was born a man with XY chromosomes and raised a woman. Still makes her a man
He is a man. Women do not have XY chromosomes and internal testes.
He has failed previous tests.
Except that he’s not now, nor has he ever been, a woman. He’s been tested by 2 reputable labs in 2 different countries 2 yrs apart that shows he has XY chromosomes. He likely has a DSD, possibly the same one Caster Semenya (also a man with XY chromosomes & fully functioning internal testes).
That’s a dude, was banned once already
Cj Alshahri
Unfortunate genetics. However, numbers can lie or be misinterpreted. If Khalifa has male biological strength, there’s is moot.
I certainly support Rowling. Libs are trying to make the abnormal normal. You can “identify” as an Eccles cake but does not mean anyone will serve you with tea. New studies are showing the trans conversion therapy to be majorly detrimental to the people manipulated into accepting it
Christopher Kidwell
Yes, HE is a male. HE will always be a male.
Stop with the nonsense. If you in any way, shape or form have XY in your genome… YOU ARE A MALE FULL DAMNED STOP!
I completely agree! Dressing as a woman and taking female hormones….and even surgery….does NOT make you a woman!
Still love HP. Still love JK. Always will!
Christopher Kidwell
Full stop, end of discussion, shut the hell up there!
I have friends who have changed gender and moved on with careers that normally would likely not have been open to them. (One is an OB Nurse). Having said that, I brought this article up and asked their opinion. I’ve more than one friend who has gone through or are going through the change process, so I thought three would be representative of the whole. ALL of them said that they could relate to the career path, as it is that person’s choice to follow their heart, but they felt it was a bit like someone who was TG and then decided to go through and change from a woman to a man. Who then competed and won drag shows. However, that’s where their opinions deviate. I guess that is because, although rare, it still appears to have left a bit of resentment between drag competitors apparently.
I mentioned years of previous practice that “K” endured, etc.. and one made a comment similar to one referenced in the article. Which, by the way, they had not read and took my word that I was retelling it correctly. She said, admitting that she felt she was least representative of the whole because she was still going through the process, that she felt that career of boxer was perhaps a poor choice and unfair to the other woman boxers. That, if they felt that they didn’t want to waste the years of effort it took to become such a good boxer, that they could use those skills as a coach or personal trainer. But, to hit another woman with their obvious and possible strength difference, seemed unfair and not representing a woman, but rather the man she was.
However, she did say that had the boxer been a twink before and now was a skilled boxer, that would be a different thing.
I said, how so, given she was still in the same body,etc … She said, perception and protection. Training as a man would likely be different, perhaps even majorly so, than training as a woman.
I was confused about what that meant, but she said for her, even her new breasts were precious to her. The idea of someone possibly punching them was horrendous. She mentioned other things, but I don’t think it’s quite appropriate to mention them here.
The others were more general in there comments. It was debated by the Olympic committee to allow “K” to box as a woman and a choice was made. For them, end of discussion for the most part.
As a woman, I sort of feel that she had an unfair advantage, but can see both positions. I also understand that boxer “K” didn’t always win and that meant she was also still working to be the best she could be, which is what everyone wants as a person dedicated to their career choice.
Do I believe the medal should have gone to someone else? Yes, I do. I Googled and found the match between K and C and couldn’t help but notice the height, weight, and lack of breasts. While fighting, “K” made several hits straight to “C’s” chest. Watch another match between women. You’ll see a glaring difference. It’s not surprising “K” failed other competitions gender eligibility tests.
I also don’t think it’s fair that one can’t debate this in public without fear of retribution. It’s nice have Freedom of Speech. God Bless America!
Khelif isn’t trans which makes all your anecdotes and opinions on whether or not she should have been allowed to compete in the Olympics invalid.
The reason people are facing “retribution” (consequences) for debating/publicly sharing their opinions about her, is because much like yourself they made false claims about her.
If you want to debate topics like this without retribution then you need to make sure that you are properly educated. Because even if the claims that Khelif has xy chromosomes are true that doesn’t automatically make her biologically male and a trans woman. Xy-males and xx-females are not the only two iterations that exist. Xy-females and xx-males also exist along with numerous others.
Hope JK goes to prison for her hateful and dangerous rhetoric. Words matter and JK’s words are vile and hurting people.
Agreed. Playing fast and loose with facts to stir people up because she has an axe to grind is reckless and irresponsible, regardless of any potential merits of her perspective (which I’m not commenting on here).
Saying Men don’t belong in the women’s room is a jailable offense to you? You would have been a hit in Germany in the 40s
That seems excessive. But getting her butt sued off for straight up lying and defamation seems appropriate.
Christopher Kidwell
Except… NOT A LIE!
A truth that you dislike.
That means you should NOT be allowed in FEMALE ONLY SPORTS!
Larry Darrell
Nonsense. What you are wanting is far more dangerous than anything JKR has said. You want policing and oppression of speech. You need to look through history and see where that has led to.
Show me hateful. She had said some things people don’t agree with but I’ve yet to see anything hateful. Because you don’t agree xoesnt make it hateful. Saying that all trans or all CIS should die in a fire is hateful. Saying that you feel a man is a man regardless of surgery or transition is not hateful. It’s their opinion. I’ve seen a lot of hateful thi gs said about his people and it’s amazing how that is acceptable but people lose their minds if you say anything against the lgbtq community. You being offended does not make it hateful.
She is not hateful or vile. Only giving her opinion and facts. You are the scary one trying to silence opposing opinions.
You hope she goes to prison for transphobic tweets? Are you serious?! This type of mentality is part of why no takes transphobia seriously.
It’s not enough to say it’s wrong, but people like you have to go overboard and cry like whiny snowflakes, saying the most ridiculous things.
Are you as concerned about the death & rape threats she’s received? No. Didn’t think so.
Fortunately, the idea of J.K. Rowling going to jail for telling the truth is just a ridiculous leftist fantasy 🤣🤣🤣🤣…you are a silly,foolish person
People are just soft these days I mean are they wrong It was a dude punching a girl. Unfortunately this is gonna happen until they figure something out like separating them oh wait where just back to male on male female on female lol. Love peace and chicken grease
I agree! Men cannot change into women or vise Versa. Why should you be threatened with jail or stating the truth?
That was in fact a man fighting against women. Rowling is on the right side of this. I can’t stand the censorship of freedom of speech. I know it’s not the same in the uk or other places, but it should be a fundamental human right.
Have you got proof? You’ve seen Khelif’s medical reports yourself, huh?
NO. Imane Kelif is IN FACT a lifelong cisgender woman.
No he is not. He is an anomaly but was misdiagnosed as a woman at birth. His XY chromosomes show male. He may have been reared as a woman but that does not make him a woman. He should have just lived his life and stayed out of female sports
if it takes a radical feminist to not want men awarded medals for beating up women in public, what is non radical feminism about?
If you are born a male you are a male no matter what you change about your body you will always be a male this is not rocket science
Not only is your statement not “rocket science,” it’s not science, period. It’s made up gobbledigook.
Your fantasy fiction has much to learn from Rowling, even as satire it’s not as funny as she.
Stella Z
JKR did nothing wrong. Khelif has male chromosomes. Khelif is not transgender… Khelif is hermaphrodite with male dominant chromosomes.
JKR is not a transphobe, she’s just for basic decency towards women.
Michael T
OHHH , I AGREE WITH YOU 100 , males and females aren’t just different because of muscle mass. Im a male, gay too, and i still believe that men should stay where they belong and vice versa
In fact, men in women’s sports are getting mud on gays who just want, for the most part, to just be left in peace.
AGREE 100%!
Hermaphrodite isn’t a term that is used in relation to humans and hasn’t been for awhile.
There has been no proof that Khelif is intersex and even if she is, it is a much more nuanced conversation than simply looking at chromosomes. An individual can have xy chromosomes and in all other aspects be biologically female.
Gloriann Iervolino
What JK Rawlings has said is a vicious prejudice attack on an athlete and she should seriously be reprimanded for it through actions of the legal system.
No, how can you honestly sit there and watch that man beat up that woman and sit there and have no problem with that you must be stupid
Except he has been officially found to be a MAN.
You do know that the athlete is a MAN, right? No matter what HE calls HIMSELF, HE is, and always will be, a MAN!
Wrong, trans women are women this is a biological fact that doesn’t change based off your ignorance. Jk Rowling was harassing a woman online yall are pathetic
You’re whining about a woman calling another woman a man on social media and you’re calling someone else pathetic? Lmao
Michael T
EVERYONE HAS THE RIGHT TO FREE SPEECH AND , TO EACH THEIR OWN. This is absolutely ridiculous im surprised its not sold as a movie at the twins magic shop of gags. Even tho men can decrease muscle 💪 snd stuff, they are really still men. Male and Female bodies are made up of more than just muscle.. everything about the two is different. And im on JKs side. Not that i keep up regularly with these things , frankly because i think the world already went to hell in a hand basket.
Freedom of speech does not mean freedom from consequences, and not all speech is protected. Hate speech, inciting violence, harassment, slander and libel are all examples of things that are not protected under freedom of speech laws. Libel being the pertinent one in this case
B Smith
A proud TERF here. JK Rowling is a modern Suffragette. She refuses to take the eradication of women and their rights in silence and is fighting passionately to ensure our safety. No one can think that men competing against women is fair. Men have 30% more muscle mass, they have greater lung capacity, better hand to eye coordination and stronger bones than women. Women should not have to risk their lives to play sport. Khelif is a genetic male. They know this, their country knows this. I have a daughter, I do not want her to share a bathroom, a changing room or compete in sports with men, regardless of what they call themselves.
“Proud terf” funny way to say your mommy and daddy are siblings and you are uneducated.
So, you’re saying that telling the truth makes them uneducated and born through incest. Huh? Of the two comments made, one with details, facts, and honest viewpoint, and the other clearly childish gibberish, I go with the honest viewpoint and facts as RELATED TO THIS SPECIFIC SITUATION.
Am I a TERF? No. However, “K” had an obvious advantage in this and all his other matches. The Olympic committee made the wrong decision here.
If yall cared and weren’t uneducated you’d know.
1. Male and female are sexes they do not determine gender, nor do chromosomes or genitalia. Basic biology proves you inbreds wrong.
2. Trans women are women and take estrogen which helps them not gain as much muscle mass as a C I S man would and are perfectly okay to play in sports.
3. If you were worried about women’s safety you’d worry about the straight cis men going around sa women they don’t care about a locker room or bathroom they go in and sa people. Trans people don’t do that.
4. notice how yall only hate Trans women? It’s because yall are misogynistic as well, transphobia is built in misogyny cause you all think women are weak.
5. If you look into it many Trans WOMEN lost to other women athletes it’s not uncommon lmao. It’s always the couch potatos who don’t play sports crying the most.
6. Before anyone starts crying about “wokeness” and “ideologies” yall don’t know what woke means clearly, being trans isn’t an ideology, and Trans women are women Trans men are men.
Trans pride love is love yall, just cause yall are miserable inbreds doesn’t mean the rest of the world is.
Riley, here’s a basic FACT that you can mull over for a bit… although from seeing your interactions with other people, who have different views than your own, I highly doubt you’ll take anything of substance to heart. I am a man and when I die, I’ll be buried. If an archeologist were to dig me up a 100 years from now, and they observe my pelvis, my bone mass, and any genetic material that may be left, they will find that I was a Male Homosapien. They will not know what I “thought” i was or how I “identified” myself or how I “felt” the world should perceive me. They will have the scientific facts at hand and that is all. As a side note though, don’t you think it’s funny that it’s always a male to female TG that wants to compete at high levels. I have yet to see ONE female transition to male and jump into the UFC or a boxing ring. Just some food for thought. Oh and before you respond, remember what you said, “Trans pride love is about Love yall.” You should practice what you preach, you catch more bees with honey. But I suspect your response, if any, will be soaked in vinegar.
The delusion is strong in this one.
Brienne Kirby
Absolutely correct thank you very much for saying it
Free speech isn’t freedom of consequences you snowflake
Trans women are women, go focus on the straight men you know the actual rapists and domestic abusers. Yall don’t care about that though yall just wanna be ignorant over basic facts. Trans people have been around forever now and we will continue to be around forever now yall won’t change that lmao.
Gender dysphoria is a treatable medical condition. Some gender diverse people can have this condition some do not. Sex and gender are different aspects of a person. Gender is a social construct and not defined by biological sex. Biology classification is based on physical and physiological characteristics usually assigned at birth. One is culture the other science.
You act like people can’t simultaneously care about BOTH these issues. This is a flimsy and irrelevant point you keep making. I guarantee everyone on this thread cares about straight males SA, gay people SA, and SA in general because it’s a pretty troubling issue. But it has nothing to do with the topic of this conversation, which is whether or not MEN (DNA, actual biology and nature) should go up against WOMEN (natural, biological women), in sporting events. It isn’t hate speech for someone to voice the opinion that they shouldn’t be allowed to do this. At least stay on topic. As an aside, you’re really the only commenter who is being hateful, talking about incest and other really weird insults. GTFO with that BS
Objectively false.
Riley, here’s a basic FACT that you can mull over for a bit… although from seeing your interactions with other people, who have different views than your own, I highly doubt you’ll take anything of substance to heart. I am a man and when I die, I’ll be buried. If an archeologist were to dig me up a 100 years from now, and they observe my pelvis, my bone mass, and any genetic material that may be left, they will find that I was a Male Homosapien. They will not know what I “thought” i was or how I “identified” myself or how I “felt” the world should perceive me. They will have the scientific facts at hand and that is all. As a side note though, don’t you think it’s funny that it’s always a male to female TG that wants to compete at high levels. I have yet to see ONE female transition to male and jump into the UFC or a boxing ring. Just some food for thought. Oh and before you respond, remember what you said, “Trans pride love is about Love yall.” You should practice what you preach, you catch more bees with honey. But I suspect your response, if any, will be soaked in vinegar.
It was JK Rowling’s decision to not shake somebody’s hand! She has a right to what she actually stated and for this idiot to make her wrong by threatening prison time on her shows how insane he is!
She actually does not have a right to make libelous claims. That’s not protected speech.
The question of if I agree with j.k’s beliefs is not relevant. I support Harry Potter because it’s amazing works literature and cinematic achievement. The wizarding world is every growing and impressive. I don’t give a twit about how that person feels about controversial topics. So long as the magic continues to flow. My transgender friends and family feel the same.
I stand by JKR. I support her and her art. Have you noticed that female to male trans people have more poise and peace about them?
I don’t think the author understands the word transphobic. One can support and protect women without being transphobic.
People calling JKR “Brave” are objectively awful humans. She is extremely dangerous to the well-being of fellow humans. Supporting that is so wrong.
I boycott everything HP and JKR. I cannot have my money going towards the financial success of such a hate filled person.
Ouch. That will teach them.
You all say this as if she’s the only one who reaps the benefits of that success. With the exception of the books, Harry Potter involves other people you know?
Take the Chamber of Secrets for example. She didn’t write, direct, or produce that movie. Even things such as the design of the Weasleys’ home someone else created. So why are you punishing innocent people’s hard work because of her?
If you enable mentally ill people by accepting any garbage they feel such as the boxer that is a man and wants to beat up women, then you’re a disgusting person!! Rowling is brilliant and free to not agree with the mentally ill bs!
Brienne Kirby
As a trans woman, I have very complicated feelings towards Harry Potter although my feelings for J. K. Rowling are very clear she is a transphobia, and her actions are absolutely disgusting. Those books saved my life during multiple bouts of suicidal ideation due to the fact that I didn’t know that I was trans And it just made me miserable, but once I came out and I was informed of her transfer behavior, even though I owned all the books all the audiobooks I even have robes. I stopped reading and listening to Harry Potter recently some trans. Friends of mine told me to love the art, not the artist. Most of the trans community of abhors her and her behavior and if you’re found to still support Harry Potter most of them are labeled to block you on social media which I think isn’t really fair because like I said my relationship with that media is very complicated. She broke my heart when I started reading the things she said as a freshly out of the closet, trans woman she went as far to write a book where the villain was a man who dress in women’s clothing to enter their spaces and attack them, which is what she believes all of us trans women are
There’s is nothing complicated about what you said. You’re literally making it complicated. If you like Harry Potter, then you like Harry Potter. Why are you obsessing over what JK Rowling thinks? Why are you even thinking about her in the first place?
Christopher Kidwell
You are not ‘trans’. You are a mentally ill gender dysphoric who should have gotten MENTAL HEALTH TREATMENT before you cut off your yim-yams.
The MENTAL HEALTH TREATMENT that literally can CURE gender dysphoria 99%+ of the time simply by waiting until 18, doing talk therapy, and doing screenings for hormonal issues from various sources.
Transgender is a mental illness. Seek professional help!
Evelina Shuman
JK Rowling is a hero to women! Men cannot steal women’s identities and should not come into female only spaces!
I enjoyed, past tense, the Harry Potter series. But I, and the other HP fans, now acknowledge her only for legal purposes. Those of us who spend the most time in the HP universe, the fanfiction authors and readers, recognize her ownership of the series and then reject her and her disgusting beliefs. That anyone calling themselves a feminist and claiming they support women’s rights but deny those rights to a section of our gender is unconscionable. 5 generations of women in my family have fought for women to have equal rights. Who is this little pissant to come along and think she has the right to decide who we are or should be. She’s just a little bigot who wants to pull the ladder up behind her.
You are the fool and bigot. Shame on you. JK Rowling is a normal person with normal values who made the mistake of believing she still had the right to her own opinion. As do we all.
Christopher Kidwell
The pissant is that BIOLOGICAL MALE who is trying to beat up on women in a WOMEN’S LEAGUE!
HE needs banned…. FOREVAH from that league!
Although I do not agree with JK Rowling’s opinions regarding LGBTQ+ matters, I do believe she, like anyone else, is entitled to her opinions. Her talent and the books, movies, games, plays and theme park experiences that were products of that talent should not be judged due to her personal opinions. The entertainment value of her creative works should be judged only on their own merit.
JK Rowling has done nothing but made the world a better place. Having normal values you were raised with is not a crime. I will always support her.
Rowling will never be wrong for speaking truth to a world gone mad. God bless her.
Rowling and Grunt needs to gtf out of the UK!
The freak boxer is a man, a mentally ill man!! He hasn’t won anything! He’s a coward!