I think those guests should be banned from the park for life for slandering the amazing work of Walt Disney. These are pirates. They’re supposed to be villains. You can’t have certain stories without villains and it certainly does not mean that the Disney company is advocating raping women. And to be upset that the pirates are giving medicine gazes to some particular guest and not others, simply because they’re women, it’s just nuts. If these people are that easily offended, it probably means that they’re insane and they’re a danger to those around them. Therefore and then from the park.
Well Said
People that are that easily offended need to go home and not darken the parks.
Get over it and grow up.
Pull up your panties or big boy shorts and go home.
PS Do not ever join the military, you will not make it through day 1.
I think those guests should be banned from the park for life for slandering the amazing work of Walt Disney. These are pirates. They’re supposed to be villains. You can’t have certain stories without villains and it certainly
I have an idea !! Don’t ride !! Knock it off with the I am offended bull . The world needs to stop changing things cuz a small group of idiots don’t like it . Grow up idiots
Our family was stuck on Space Mountain in Orlando over 10 years ago. So I opened up my backpack and had a sandwich and some chips.
Eventually they had to lead us off and down and while we were high up, I don’t remember the kids feeling scared or panicked. But what I definitely remember was the amazing amount of dust on everything! It was an inch or more high in areas. I’m sure they clean it every so often, but we’re always in the dark so it’s not a priority. Regardless, it was definitely time for some long overdue cleanup that day.
How many people remember the ORIGINAL Pirates chase scene being redone after years of it running? My first trip to Disneyland in the 1980’s had a Pirate chasing a woman as she laughed!
When I went to DisneyWorld in 1992 I noticed that they had y Pirate being chased by a female with a broom!
My sister and her husband were trapped for over 40 minutes in the middle of “It’s a Small World” with the song constantly playing! You can guess how she reacts when I whistle the song ! She went back on with her kids years later and never more!
I never found this ride offensive and quite frankly I think it’s ridiculous that people do. This is one of my favorite rides. I think it’s a joke that Disney is changing everything because negroes want to see negro characters Hispanics want to see spiccharacters . This is America and there is nothing wrong with the briar rabbit it is a classic there is nothing wrong with any of these Disney things it’s ridiculous. Sadly Disney world has declined numerously because of a high cost tickets when people can’t even afford to go and I’m surprised Disney world is actually still in business because it’s definitely not the happiest place on earth.
This is a terribly hate-filled comment and you should feel ashamed of using that kind of language. It’s clear you are bitter you can’t afford Disney anymore and hey buddy I agree with ya! These corporations take us for all we have. I hope one day you learn black and Hispanic people are not the enemy, it’s corporate greed and greed in general. Fight the real enemy. There are plenty of black and brown people on your side. I truly hope the anger you possess is one day filled with gratitude that we get to share this beautiful planet with others, even if they don’t look like us. God bless you.
Glad I’m not the only one who questioned the black & Hispanic comment as being on then racist side.
I never found the ride as offensive. Pirates chasing women (as they would have done during their time). Woman with broom chasing after pirate (to whack him) is a comical twist that’s enjoyable. Even pirates selling women (I mean chickens) isn’t offensive — when considering the world the ride is storytelling about.
I think Disney’s attempts at erasing history (such as what they did to Song of the South/Splash Mountain) is wrong; and more harmful than offending the white wives of rich white men (BLM actually STOOD for something, before they started chanting to dismantle ALL the American police force. BLM wanted JUSTICE. Angry people — starting with the white wives — corrupted what that group was about).
The issue IS corporate greed. WHO are they catering to? The ones with LOTS of MONEY, if course!
It is Disney who has pushed the racist agenda, not any race or group of patrons. Disney made up the excuse for Splash Mountain going away. Disney made up the reason for the changes to Pirates and then left Depp in it.
Walt Disney would be turning in his grave to see have a few woke people destroyed my favorite ride pirates of the Caribbean. They ruined Walt’s vision there was nothing offensive on this ride he saw what it was pirates as villains nothing more! If woke people can’t understand this i feel sorry for them get a grip on life ! Not everyone feels like you do. You should be banned from disneyland for life for pulling that stunt !!!
I can confirm that Pirates will be restored by its 75th if not even much sooner. Brides will be auctioned again, pirates will chase the women complete with a woman hiding in the barrel from the “pooped pirate” and no more Jack Sparrow or any movie references. It’ll be so nice to enjoy Pirates and WDW the way they were meant to be again with the woke crowd boycotting Disney products and calling Disney a “MAGA supporting insensitive company stuck in the 1960s” as they protest outside the gates. Like anyone will miss them.
These morons who get offended if a cow farts should just shut up and leave us sane people alone. When did America get so soft and offended by everything? It is really stupid. I grew up with this ride and never found it like that. My wife who is from a different country thinks that those people are idiots. get a life and grow up. Stop this madness.
It’s people like these who ruin it for everyone else. If you want to sanitize history as well as the future, go live in a plastic bubble. Opps, sorry, plastic has forever chemicals. Oh well, life’s a bitch and then you die !!!
So people think WDW is “rapey” and the robots are looking at them?
That’s mental illness. Stay home, and take some medication; the rest of us aren’t here to indulge your neurotic woke mental illness crap.
Some – very few people (like Jess Clopy the author) find a problem with everything. GROW UP and get a pair. Life is hard, its no fair and nearly 100% of the world is not concerned about such bul$t as this. They are fighting for their existence – e.g. Ukraine. But idiots like Jess have to get their panties twisted about NOTHING. GROW UP you disgusting little wuss.
First, they are automated puppets, not real people. Second, they look at men and women the same way. If you’re that easily offended, stay home for the rest of your life. Disney don’t change for these IDI0TS. They ruin everything for everyone.
I have a friend who got in trouble with the building manager (the apartment complex he used to live at), because of a cardboard stand-up of Worf (Klingon from Star Trek). Too many residents complained to the landlord that someone kept staring at them, from my friend’s apartment.
My friend (a Trekkie) has a cardboard stand-up of Worf. He stored that cutout by a window that happened to face the courtyard. Apparently, Worf was staring, menacingly, at the residents.
Almost all guests research rides, have watched utube videos, etc. no excuss your offended except all you want is publicity. Go ride Peter Pan and stop whining about how offended you were. Better yet don’t even bother to come back to what ever country park you went too.
Honestly, this is sad. Pirates (from the articles that I’ve read) are/were a lot worse than their being portrayed in this ride. Pirates really did abuse women, steal gold, etc. This is just a ride. I’ve seen the animatronics stare at me. It does feel a little strange but, I remember that they’re robots and that the real thing would be a lot worse. I was never offended by the selling woman scene. I just saw it as something that might have actually occurred by actual pirates. This is just a scaled down family friendly ride. That’s all. And, it’s really getting annoying that they keep changing the ride just to make some people happy while others are upset. I wasn’t offended by Splash Mountain at all. Getting rid of it was sad. If you keep doing this how are kids going to learn the difference from fantasy and reality? Kids should be able to see (at least a bit) of what the real world is like by going on rides that show what these issues are like but, in a fun way. Besides, it’s not like these robots are going to run to your daughters and abuse them. Come on!!!!
The tide is beginning to turn. People (including me!) have had enough of these easily offended types. Like the one story of one offended person complaining about the mention of Al Jolson in Carousel of Progress! It’s beyond ridiculous! These people need to be thrown back into their crib. And not allowed out till they’ve grown up!
Comments for Guests Climb Out of Disney’s “Offensive” Pirates of the Caribbean Ride, Take Emergency Exit
Credit: Ed Aguila, Inside the Magic
Lori L.
They changed this over 10 years ago at Disneyland in Anaheim on Pirates. They sell chickens, not women, so which park wasn’t changed?
Disneyland Tokyo.
I think those guests should be banned from the park for life for slandering the amazing work of Walt Disney. These are pirates. They’re supposed to be villains. You can’t have certain stories without villains and it certainly does not mean that the Disney company is advocating raping women. And to be upset that the pirates are giving medicine gazes to some particular guest and not others, simply because they’re women, it’s just nuts. If these people are that easily offended, it probably means that they’re insane and they’re a danger to those around them. Therefore and then from the park.
Well said!
Thank you!
Well Said
People that are that easily offended need to go home and not darken the parks.
Get over it and grow up.
Pull up your panties or big boy shorts and go home.
PS Do not ever join the military, you will not make it through day 1.
I think those guests should be banned from the park for life for slandering the amazing work of Walt Disney. These are pirates. They’re supposed to be villains. You can’t have certain stories without villains and it certainly
Haven’t you been spanked by your spouse? That’s humorously wicked?
Offended by woke people
Time to put all these woke, offended softies on an island so they can have their perfect utopia. They’re ruining everything for the masses.
I have an idea !! Don’t ride !! Knock it off with the I am offended bull . The world needs to stop changing things cuz a small group of idiots don’t like it . Grow up idiots
Starting with Jess from this board. She takes every possible woke position there is. She is ridiculous.
Everything is now “woke”. Seriously enough already. If you are offended by the Pirates ride you are 💯 entitled to not ride it.
Couldn’t agree more!
Bertrand Sitzwell
Our family was stuck on Space Mountain in Orlando over 10 years ago. So I opened up my backpack and had a sandwich and some chips.
Eventually they had to lead us off and down and while we were high up, I don’t remember the kids feeling scared or panicked. But what I definitely remember was the amazing amount of dust on everything! It was an inch or more high in areas. I’m sure they clean it every so often, but we’re always in the dark so it’s not a priority. Regardless, it was definitely time for some long overdue cleanup that day.
Scott C
How many people remember the ORIGINAL Pirates chase scene being redone after years of it running? My first trip to Disneyland in the 1980’s had a Pirate chasing a woman as she laughed!
When I went to DisneyWorld in 1992 I noticed that they had y Pirate being chased by a female with a broom!
My sister and her husband were trapped for over 40 minutes in the middle of “It’s a Small World” with the song constantly playing! You can guess how she reacts when I whistle the song ! She went back on with her kids years later and never more!
Tyler Casey
I never found this ride offensive and quite frankly I think it’s ridiculous that people do. This is one of my favorite rides. I think it’s a joke that Disney is changing everything because negroes want to see negro characters Hispanics want to see spiccharacters . This is America and there is nothing wrong with the briar rabbit it is a classic there is nothing wrong with any of these Disney things it’s ridiculous. Sadly Disney world has declined numerously because of a high cost tickets when people can’t even afford to go and I’m surprised Disney world is actually still in business because it’s definitely not the happiest place on earth.
Tyler Martinez
This is a terribly hate-filled comment and you should feel ashamed of using that kind of language. It’s clear you are bitter you can’t afford Disney anymore and hey buddy I agree with ya! These corporations take us for all we have. I hope one day you learn black and Hispanic people are not the enemy, it’s corporate greed and greed in general. Fight the real enemy. There are plenty of black and brown people on your side. I truly hope the anger you possess is one day filled with gratitude that we get to share this beautiful planet with others, even if they don’t look like us. God bless you.
Danny O.
Glad I’m not the only one who questioned the black & Hispanic comment as being on then racist side.
I never found the ride as offensive. Pirates chasing women (as they would have done during their time). Woman with broom chasing after pirate (to whack him) is a comical twist that’s enjoyable. Even pirates selling women (I mean chickens) isn’t offensive — when considering the world the ride is storytelling about.
I think Disney’s attempts at erasing history (such as what they did to Song of the South/Splash Mountain) is wrong; and more harmful than offending the white wives of rich white men (BLM actually STOOD for something, before they started chanting to dismantle ALL the American police force. BLM wanted JUSTICE. Angry people — starting with the white wives — corrupted what that group was about).
The issue IS corporate greed. WHO are they catering to? The ones with LOTS of MONEY, if course!
It is Disney who has pushed the racist agenda, not any race or group of patrons. Disney made up the excuse for Splash Mountain going away. Disney made up the reason for the changes to Pirates and then left Depp in it.
For pity sake! This offended crap is going too far! You are upset about that but not by drag queens making a mockery of the female species???
Danny O.
Quit telling females to strip…and claiming it’s about birth records, rather than your own perverted desires!
People wanting attention, and looks like they’re getting it. The attention they deserve is to get a hefty fine.
Haven’t been to Disney since they took away the auction “we wants the red head!”. It’s not like they need my money anyway
I’m offended! They took my favorite ride and destroyed it. Pirates were criminals, not a bunch of nice guys. We want the redhead!!!
Walt Disney would be turning in his grave to see have a few woke people destroyed my favorite ride pirates of the Caribbean. They ruined Walt’s vision there was nothing offensive on this ride he saw what it was pirates as villains nothing more! If woke people can’t understand this i feel sorry for them get a grip on life ! Not everyone feels like you do. You should be banned from disneyland for life for pulling that stunt !!!
I can confirm that Pirates will be restored by its 75th if not even much sooner. Brides will be auctioned again, pirates will chase the women complete with a woman hiding in the barrel from the “pooped pirate” and no more Jack Sparrow or any movie references. It’ll be so nice to enjoy Pirates and WDW the way they were meant to be again with the woke crowd boycotting Disney products and calling Disney a “MAGA supporting insensitive company stuck in the 1960s” as they protest outside the gates. Like anyone will miss them.
These morons who get offended if a cow farts should just shut up and leave us sane people alone. When did America get so soft and offended by everything? It is really stupid. I grew up with this ride and never found it like that. My wife who is from a different country thinks that those people are idiots. get a life and grow up. Stop this madness.
Bear N
It’s people like these who ruin it for everyone else. If you want to sanitize history as well as the future, go live in a plastic bubble. Opps, sorry, plastic has forever chemicals. Oh well, life’s a bitch and then you die !!!
So people think WDW is “rapey” and the robots are looking at them?
That’s mental illness. Stay home, and take some medication; the rest of us aren’t here to indulge your neurotic woke mental illness crap.
Some – very few people (like Jess Clopy the author) find a problem with everything. GROW UP and get a pair. Life is hard, its no fair and nearly 100% of the world is not concerned about such bul$t as this. They are fighting for their existence – e.g. Ukraine. But idiots like Jess have to get their panties twisted about NOTHING. GROW UP you disgusting little wuss.
First, they are automated puppets, not real people. Second, they look at men and women the same way. If you’re that easily offended, stay home for the rest of your life. Disney don’t change for these IDI0TS. They ruin everything for everyone.
Danny O.
I have a friend who got in trouble with the building manager (the apartment complex he used to live at), because of a cardboard stand-up of Worf (Klingon from Star Trek). Too many residents complained to the landlord that someone kept staring at them, from my friend’s apartment.
My friend (a Trekkie) has a cardboard stand-up of Worf. He stored that cutout by a window that happened to face the courtyard. Apparently, Worf was staring, menacingly, at the residents.
Almost all guests research rides, have watched utube videos, etc. no excuss your offended except all you want is publicity. Go ride Peter Pan and stop whining about how offended you were. Better yet don’t even bother to come back to what ever country park you went too.
Zilma A Osle
Honestly, this is sad. Pirates (from the articles that I’ve read) are/were a lot worse than their being portrayed in this ride. Pirates really did abuse women, steal gold, etc. This is just a ride. I’ve seen the animatronics stare at me. It does feel a little strange but, I remember that they’re robots and that the real thing would be a lot worse. I was never offended by the selling woman scene. I just saw it as something that might have actually occurred by actual pirates. This is just a scaled down family friendly ride. That’s all. And, it’s really getting annoying that they keep changing the ride just to make some people happy while others are upset. I wasn’t offended by Splash Mountain at all. Getting rid of it was sad. If you keep doing this how are kids going to learn the difference from fantasy and reality? Kids should be able to see (at least a bit) of what the real world is like by going on rides that show what these issues are like but, in a fun way. Besides, it’s not like these robots are going to run to your daughters and abuse them. Come on!!!!
The tide is beginning to turn. People (including me!) have had enough of these easily offended types. Like the one story of one offended person complaining about the mention of Al Jolson in Carousel of Progress! It’s beyond ridiculous! These people need to be thrown back into their crib. And not allowed out till they’ve grown up!