“Offensive” Pirates of the Caribbean Closed Abruptly at Disneyland

Comments for “Offensive” Pirates of the Caribbean Closed Abruptly at Disneyland

Captain Jack Sparrow in front of boats lined up on the Pirates of the Caribbean ride after it broke down.

Credit: Inside the Magic


  1. First of all, as a woman I can not fathom anyone feeling “gawked” At or “violated “ by an animatronic! If that’s the case then those women have issues. We were there a week ago & enjoyed the ride as we always have. Disney please don’t let small minded people steel our joy. They can pass up the rides they don’t like.

    1. Grace

      i completely agree with you

    2. Nikki

      Agree with you 100%! So sick of people ruining the magic due to their utter stupidity.

    3. Danny O.

      Those women have seen too many horror films like FNAF.

      This reminds me of an incident with my friend. He had a cardboard cutout of Warf (from Star Trek). He stored it (when it wasn’t on display) against a window (which happen to face the courtyard). His apartment manager gave him a warning for that. Complaints came in that the Klingon was staring at them through the window. My friend was forced to move that cutout into a storage unit.

    4. Karole

      Completely agree with you. The “Karens” need to stay off the ride and not ruin it for the rest of us that enjoy the ride and have for years!

      1. Karen

        My name is Karen and I love the ride! Not offended here!!

      2. cinnamonsiren

        We should maybe call them Nancys now that the Nancy turned in the CEO capper. I thought we were all, I am spartacus’ing that dude.

        1. Pam

          Not Karen’s or Nancy, let’s just call them what they really are…jackasses with to much time on their hands. They are delusional if they think a robot ” is gawking at them”. DONT GO ON THE DAMN RIDE IF YOUR “OFFENDED” by something ,,😡

          1. Big B

            Well said!

      3. Chas

        It was probably a Shaniqua not a Karen.

      4. Chas

        Most likely a Shaniqua not a Karen.

    5. Karen


      1. Chelli

        Oh for crying out loud. People grow up. It’s a ride, if you don’t like it, don’t ride it. Some people are not happy unless they are complaining.

    6. Ditto. Stay off the ride if you dont like it and feel uncomfortable.. but everyone needs to stop erasing history. geezus! BTW.. ITS MY FAVORITE RIDE!!!!!

    7. Kathy

      I completely agree with you!!! Love this ride!!!

    8. I agree 100% These women have nothing else to complain about PLEASE Disney stop listening to the very small minority!

    9. BattlebornMomma

      Agree! This ride is a classic! Our grandma’s leading the female sexual revolution would laugh at how prude things have gotten!

    10. Alice

      So totally agree. I mean I respect people’s very active imaginations but what the heck are these women fantasizing about when they come up with that! I bet when they were children and rode it they didn’t get offended. I mean seriously people. Despite how horror movies go the animatronic pirates are not going to suddenly get up, dust themselves off, and come after you to do “Rapey” things let alone gawk at you. After all they know what it is like to be gawked at so why would those be the first thing they do should they come to life? (Plus pretty sure when the ride was designed and then built that part of the anatomy was left out so they couldn’t do that even if they wanted to. If you don’t like the ride then don’t ride it again.

      On a fun note. What do you guys think an animatronic pirate would want to do should it ever came to life? Me I think it would try to find a way to get drunk.

    11. Lisa

      I also agree!! Feeling like I was gawked at by a animatronic?? Those people need therapy!! A little paranoid??

    12. Roger Kirkland

      Thank you for the voice of Sanity!!

  2. Being real

    wtf? the lady’s today are tripping! How are you going to feel gawked at by a robot? They don’t even look or pay attention to you. If anything, all you are to them are just ghosts on a passing boat.

    Seriously it’s historically accurate and they changed it already enough to fit their needs. Someone should make a theme part just for sensitive feminist.

  3. Danny O.

    “Other women recalled feeling gawked at by the male pirate animatronics.”

    Woman: Those robotic pirates kept gawking at me! I know they wanted my body! They wanted to ravish me hard…with their strong masculine arms and their piercing gaze. I swear that one of them was having an erection while looking down my low-cut blouse. No…I was NOT fantasizing about that!

    Animatronic: …
    (Animatronics are programmed to move a specific way and have specific audio. They don’t actually have thoughts nor any form of intentions in any way.)

    One has to question the women who are so full of themselves that even non-lifeforms are staring directly at them. Yes. Females HAVE been the target of many males…before the 1980’s. The last I checked, it has been FOUR DECADES since women were thought of as “powerless” (by both the males AND the females of that society). If ANYONE is going to be raped and/or murdered, it could be of ANY gender.

    And I don’t like that image of Captain Jack Sparrow (above) INTENTIONALLY staring DIRECTLY at ME! 🤣

  4. cinnamonsiren

    History is offensive. That doesn’t mean we whitewash it or change it to save people’s fee fees.

    1. Danny O.

      Agree 💯%!

      This started when parents who didn’t have the childhood they wished they could have started catering to their kids. If their offspring lost at a competition, that offspring would be rewarded with an extra special treat. This led to overly affirmations.
      THOSE kids grew up and became parents.
      They went further into “participation trophies”.

      What’s better than affirmations and participation trophies? Your parents catering to your every whim! Yup. The “participation trophy” kids became parents and did just that. They did whatever their offspring commended of them. And now THOSE kids have grown up. I wonder how they ended up thinking they were “entitled” and better than everyone else? 🤔

      Anyway, to “save those hurt feelings”, anything bad that happened in the past should be hidden (according to these “entitled” people)! Have a black child? It’s clear that the child should never know that slavery once existed. Have a female child? Gotta’ make sure that the child never know what life was like for females before the 1970’s. Everything was Pleasantville in the past!

      To those that believe catering to your child 24/7 is the right way to raise them: GROW UP! The REAL world isn’t made up of ONLY “sunshine & rainbows”. You have to take in the BAD with the good. How else is one to learn? How else can one improve themselves; as well as the society they influence?

      When you erase history — just because someone’s feelings might get hurt — you make people afraid of their own shadows. Or, in THIS case, animatronics that “gawk” at women. Because we all know that a computer can identify personal gender and CHOOSE (outside of their own programming) to gawk at specific people.

  5. Chas B.

    I am sure it was a Sheniqua not a Karen

  6. Wanda

    If women feel that way on the Pirates ride then they shouldn’t ride it. I am 72 years old and it has always been my favorite ride. If those women would study history then they would understand Pirates

  7. Neil

    OMG, people are such infants. They obviously haven’t lived in the world long enough to develop their brains as well as skins tougher than tissue paper. Disney should tell all of these easily offended people to seek entertainment elsewhere, and take their “activism” with them. Grow up, people.

  8. Why go to a ride if you don’t like it and then complain. STAY HOME. A few woke women always find something sexual in what ever they see ! Your the one with the issue ? See a doctor about your complaints .not Disney .

  9. Lee

    It’s a ride to show what life was like or thought to be like at that time. It should be a learning lesson done in fun. It’s not in today’s time. Even though there are place like it today.


    OMG, Are you serious? How stupid can a person be? And I work with the public as an Attractions host in a famous Zoo. (And I have delt with some believe me). And other
    theme parks. IF Disney caves in again to a stupid and absurd complaint just bow to someone’s whim to push their censorship because they hate a ride “and therefore Noone should be able to enjoy it.” DONT RIDE IT. PERIOD. Look Karen, you don’t own the park.

  11. BattlebornMomma

    We were there a month ago and so many rides kept shutting down that I can’t say I’d be excited to go back. My kids were stuck inside Haunted Mansion for an hour! Disneyland in general was pretty disappointing. Thank goodness Adventureland went much better.

  12. Cat

    If you don’t like it then don’t ride it! Why ruin it for everyone else.

  13. Jon

    i’m sick and tired of all this offensive crap. there was nothing ever wrong with the ride in the first place. people are getting to picky and stupid. back when these rides were built, the average way of life was a lot more less offensive. today people are just to stupid. today’s thinking is offensive to me. more “r” rayed movies and now the “PG” movies are worse than yesteryear “R” rated movies. We need to go back a few years and tell people to grow up

  14. Peter

    Pirates are supposed to be “rapey”, they weren’t outstanding citizens. There’s a reason why they were the original cinema bad guys.

    Maybe they should build a smaller park somewhere in the Caribbean where their history is appreciated, along other water/boat based rides from IPs such as Treasure Island and Atlantis, that have been phased out of LA and Orlando.

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