REPORT: JK Rowling’s ‘Harry Potter’ Company Faces Financial Woes Amid Franchise Loss Rumors

Comments for REPORT: JK Rowling’s ‘Harry Potter’ Company Faces Financial Woes Amid Franchise Loss Rumors

Harry Potter holding the Sword of Godric Gryffindor

Credit: Warner Bros.


  1. James

    She’s not nor has ever been anti trans. This continuous push to (label) her needs to stop. The trans (movement) has some serious issues that need to be addressed and she’s right to have called attention to it. Ppl like Radcliffe, and let’s be clear I’m a fan of his, just say what they (have) to say because they don’t want the mob to come after them.

    1. Civil righst

      It was the sexual harasser JK Rowling who started all of this, she is an oligarch and saw that trans people were being given rights, she thinks she has a right to dictate to society what our laws our and what our rights are. In typical darvo fashion, she and her activist goons have started all of this, but you blame trans people simply for being the victim of her sexual harassment and predatory behavior. The oligarchs need to be brought low. You are their slave.

      > Ppl like Radcliffe, and let’s be clear I’m a fan of his, just say what they (have) to say because they don’t want the mob to come after them.

      How dare you suggest that Radcliffe doesn’t actually believe in the civil rights of others, or like JK Rowling is an oligarch bully who sexually harasses others and tries to ban trans people from public spaces because of her predatory nature. Radcliffe is nothing like this, and never will be. He’s not an oligarch like Rowling, nor is he a predator person.

  2. Craig

    Cursed Child is not doing well.brcause it has been out for quite sometime and it is fan fiction.

  3. Michael

    I’m so sorry the people that u made famous, have turned there backs on u due to this ridicules trans garbage , there is man and there is women , that’s it ! Only a small majority of the mentally unstable will keep pushing this rhetoric, it’s on its way out ! We love u JK , thanks so much for what u have brought us

    1. C

      being trans is in no way on its way out. it was here before her and will outlive her bigotry. deal with it. you have no concept of how it works, so it’s really best to keep your mouth shut. like rowling should have.

      1. Cindy

        So, you can spout your opinion but anyone against it can just shut up. Mighty enlightened of you. I don’t care what anyone does as an adult, but children should not be subjected to surgeries and drugs until they have had counseling and reached adulthood. Then, don’t think you are the other gender automatically. No one knows what it is really like to be female unless you are one. You can mimic all you want, but being a woman is more than just the right look.

        1. civil rights

          Why do you think anybody cares what you think a woman is? Am I supposed to monitor your every though? Your beliefs are irrelevant – believe they are whatever you want. It’s your sexually harassing behavior that is the issue.

    2. Daniel

      This was called common sense for millenia until a poorly educated and easily manipulated generation became old enough to complain.

      1. Civil righst

        Nobody cares what you believe, if you’re too stupid to understand what trans people are, keep it to yourself. You’re behavior is the problem, not your ignorant “beliefs”. Stop sexualling harassing trans people. Stop allying with oligarchs to destroy our rights.

  4. I wonder if they are gonna do any gender swaps because of this,

    Any ideas??


    There is a third, much larger, contingent that could not care less about this “controvery”. They made Legacy explode. They will also continue to support Rowling and Harry Potter because they aren’t tied to any narrative.

  6. TomW

    JK is on the right side now f women’s rights, and the world is largely rejecting the harmful activist ideologies.

  7. Cord

    I feel bad for her. She was pushed out of her own creation and ostracized by people she helped get famous for speaking the truth when it wasn’t popular to do so. MOST people who aren’t trans don’t think they should be im the wrong locker rooms, bathrooms, or sports or getting life changing surgeries and hormone adjuatments as LITERAL CHILDREN. I lean left almost all the way across the board and I still am against this crazy BS. Luckily for JK Rowling, she has enough money, nothing can hurt her in this lifetime. She’s set to have an amazing rest of her life regardless of the misdirected hate.

  8. Thruther

    This article reminds me of when she first made those pro-women comments and the entire media was going to boycott the HP game Hogwarts Legacy – it became Warner Brothers best selling game. Harry Potter has never been hotter. The products are everywhere and with a new reboot series coming, it will rejuvenate the franchise and get a new generation of Potterheads. Shes gonna be filthy rich.

    1. Civil righst

      You and the other “pro woman” sexual harassers and predators are in for a rude awakening. Trans people have always existed, and will always exist. Your legal repression and bullying and sexual harassment of them just because they have the gall to exist notwithstanding. You and other bigotry activists are going to be destroyed. You’ve already spent yourself.


  9. Eric you

    I think church of the rock in south Winnipeg Canada should use harry potter as the overall theme for this years Easter play just imagine lord Voldemort makes a great satanic archetype he might even says a few lines that are found in the bible and even have their own version of harry potter being a messianic archetype of course this one is a very cool musical version with some nice modern songs and some comedic moments and some cool action and special effect moments as well.

  10. Eric you

    I also think we could be seeing James Cameron very popular avatar movie be turned into a Easter musical parody of sorts I wonder if the messianic variant might die and come back to life somehow different from the movie another way to parody a popular movie franchise could be something from Disney like snow white sleeping beauty cinder Ella Pocahontas the little mermaid Aladdin Mulan the princess and the frog Peter pan Hercules or some other Disney movie like Moana or frozen.

  11. Eric you

    I think Rapunzel the Disney tangled version could be turned into a great musical parody Easter passion drama or play for the church of the rock in south Winnipeg Canada or Raya the last dragon but a twist with the main character dying and coming back to life I wonder if national treasure or treasure island could be used as well or even a Easter version of the greatest showman movie parody.

  12. Eric you

    I also think a Easter musical parody of the phantom of the opera could be cool or Disney Enchanted that Spanish Columbian one with the magical house that grants special abilities to some very special people who live in this house known as the Madrigal family or even coco I also think a Easter parody of stranger things could be quite cool and interesting with eleven being the one who is killed and comes back to life.

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