Since Disney is slowly removing America from their parks, anyway, it makes sense for them to close the Hall of Presidents. Besides, bringing back Muppets would be a good possible move on their part.
No Disney is not removing America from the parks and has no legal right to. MuppetVision is not closing either. Disney management would go to jail for trying to remove America from the parks.
I look forward to seeing a proper recreation of history as the Liberty Tree becomes the Liberty Stump after being cut down by occupying British soldiers and used as firewood in the living room of the Carousel of Progress family. Sam Eagle will be watching helpless from a rocking chair on the Liberty Tree Tavern porch, weeping in his Joffrey’s.
Be sure to take a photo of you in Frontier Land along the Rivers of America and Tom Sawyer Island while holding a photo of you from Splash Mountain. Luckily, Iger hasn’t started his deconstruction of Main Street, yet. And now the reports are talking about the Hall of Presidents.
“no legal right to.”
How so? Disney parks are Disney’s property. They can turn half the park into business offices, if they feel like it. It would cost them money to do the reconstruction and permits must be filed. However, they have all the legal rights to do with their property as they please.
“MuppetVision is not closing either.”
I guess you can also get a photo of you in front of Muppet Vision 3D (in 2025), as well, while you’re getting the other photos.
“Disney management would go to jail for trying”
On what charges? Do you even know how United States law even works?
Example: One of the people — in the complex where I live — has both an American flag and a MAGA flag. She had removed those flags, put them back, removed them again, put them back up, and removed them once more. All since the end of March of this year. In mid-November, she put up Christmas lights in the shape (and colors) of the American flag. She’ll be removing those in January. Her property. Her rights to do with her American symbols that she chooses to do. Nothing illegal about that. She hasn’t gone to jail for removing the flags from her house; and she never will…because there are no laws being broken.
It’s not Disney’s property at all. It’s the government’s. Disney must obey Washington at all times and is required to have Americana in the parks.
Oh, I’ll be taking pictures along the Rivers of America and Tom Sawyer in 2046 for the 75th because yes they’re still there then. I was there. Time travel is real and we can talk to people in the past. Splash Mountain is also alive and well, too and there is no such thing as Tiana’s Bayou Adventure. It’s a hoax. I’ll also be taking my picture in front of Muppet Vision in 2046 along with The Great Movie Ride which is back along with Maelstrom and Alien Encounter.
What charges will Disney management be going to jail for? Insurrection and treason against the United States, as well as espionage, and obstructing government officials. They’ll be named in front of the HUAC just like Walt himself would’ve and I will be doing.
You will show proper respect to military personnel, civvie. I outrank you and you are required to do what I tell you. I speak the truth and none of these “announcements” Disney made are real or happening. Nothing is closing except all Marvel, Star Wars, and Pixar attractions due to the company being broken up like Standard Oil, Ma Bell, and Google. Disney has no right to run the parks the way they want to and when I take over and make Disney great again, everything will be done by asking “What would Walt do?” again like it was after his passing under Card Walker, Ron Miller, and Michael Eisner. And yes time travel is real and we can speak to people in the past. I was there for WDW’s 75th on October 1, 2046.
You realize it’s against the law to insult the military? You also realize I have family in Congress? I speak the truth and this is why I will restrict the parks to Disney purists only when I take over and be the Trump it needs. The parks are private clubs for members only. Like I’ll be sued?
I realize that it’s fun to insult YOU and it’s also easy to push your buttons. Now pipe down, civvie, and get back to your cell. Don’t make me get the rolled-up newspaper again and discipline you in a public forum.
Why does everyone believe this to be an article speaking fact? This is all conjecture and until official information around what is being done with the Hall of Presidents is released there is no reason to assume anything is being closed. Certainly people can debate what should be done but criticizing Disney for something that hasn’t been announced much less done is irresponsible. The more articles I read from this site the more I realize it is simply for clicks and to get the masses riled up. There’s plenty Disney can be held accountable for. This article to me is irresponsible.
To add my opinion Disney removing older attractions that don’t have the popularity to warrant their remaining in the parks is a necessary business decision. If people cared as much when things are open as they do when announcements of closures are made then maybe those attractions wouldn’t be removed. By no means am I saying this applies to Hall of Presidents. I am making a general statement that applies to many attractions include Tom Sawyer Island and MuppetVision 3D. I was in Disney recently and the parks were extremely crowded. We visited Tom Sawyer Island and it might as well have been a ghost town. MuppetVision 3D’s theater was 90% empty. Both of these were at peak times in the park. If these things and many others were so necessary to keep then they would be well visited attractions.
Disney corrupted the Hall Of Presidents 30 years ago when they removed the original Lawrence Dobkin narrated program from Opening Day, and which featured Royal Dano delivering a superior vocal performance as Lincoln to his “Great Moments” one. The 1993 program with the PC (and historically inaccurate) Maya Angelou, the removal of Dano’s vocals and the original Lincoln speech (all because a Communist historian named Eric Foner hated it) and letting Clinton speak (because of Michael Eisner’s kissy-kissy relationship with the Democratic Party) desecrated a Disney classic and none of the subsequent versions so much as came to close to the aesthetic perfection of the 1971-1993 original.
That said, if Disney wants to regain a smidgen of credibility that they have flushed over the last few decades with their slavish devotion to radical left-wing agendas, they should let Trump return. Removing it will be just another sign of their perpetual middle finger to Middle America and their devotion to an out-of-step agenda pushed by an intolerant minority
Comments for Disney’s Trump Feud May End the Hall of Presidents
That would be stupid of Disney !
Mary Kosloske
This is unworthy of Disney! It’s an amusement park not the United Nations. Just stick to entertaining and leave politics out of it.
Very bad possible move by Disney !
Changing this to a Muppets attraction would be amazing. The Muppets are universally beloved and free of controversy.
Danny O.
Since Disney is slowly removing America from their parks, anyway, it makes sense for them to close the Hall of Presidents. Besides, bringing back Muppets would be a good possible move on their part.
No Disney is not removing America from the parks and has no legal right to. MuppetVision is not closing either. Disney management would go to jail for trying to remove America from the parks.
Spank You Very Much
I look forward to seeing a proper recreation of history as the Liberty Tree becomes the Liberty Stump after being cut down by occupying British soldiers and used as firewood in the living room of the Carousel of Progress family. Sam Eagle will be watching helpless from a rocking chair on the Liberty Tree Tavern porch, weeping in his Joffrey’s.
Danny O.
Never going to happen and I look forward to you being deported back to Mexico.
Spank You Very Much
Ay caramba. Voy a pegarte nalgadas, pendejo.
Danny O.
“Disney is not removing America from the parks”
Be sure to take a photo of you in Frontier Land along the Rivers of America and Tom Sawyer Island while holding a photo of you from Splash Mountain. Luckily, Iger hasn’t started his deconstruction of Main Street, yet. And now the reports are talking about the Hall of Presidents.
“no legal right to.”
How so? Disney parks are Disney’s property. They can turn half the park into business offices, if they feel like it. It would cost them money to do the reconstruction and permits must be filed. However, they have all the legal rights to do with their property as they please.
“MuppetVision is not closing either.”
I guess you can also get a photo of you in front of Muppet Vision 3D (in 2025), as well, while you’re getting the other photos.
“Disney management would go to jail for trying”
On what charges? Do you even know how United States law even works?
Example: One of the people — in the complex where I live — has both an American flag and a MAGA flag. She had removed those flags, put them back, removed them again, put them back up, and removed them once more. All since the end of March of this year. In mid-November, she put up Christmas lights in the shape (and colors) of the American flag. She’ll be removing those in January. Her property. Her rights to do with her American symbols that she chooses to do. Nothing illegal about that. She hasn’t gone to jail for removing the flags from her house; and she never will…because there are no laws being broken.
It’s not Disney’s property at all. It’s the government’s. Disney must obey Washington at all times and is required to have Americana in the parks.
Oh, I’ll be taking pictures along the Rivers of America and Tom Sawyer in 2046 for the 75th because yes they’re still there then. I was there. Time travel is real and we can talk to people in the past. Splash Mountain is also alive and well, too and there is no such thing as Tiana’s Bayou Adventure. It’s a hoax. I’ll also be taking my picture in front of Muppet Vision in 2046 along with The Great Movie Ride which is back along with Maelstrom and Alien Encounter.
What charges will Disney management be going to jail for? Insurrection and treason against the United States, as well as espionage, and obstructing government officials. They’ll be named in front of the HUAC just like Walt himself would’ve and I will be doing.
Cheryl M Butler
Wow, Steve. You didn’t leave any Kool-Aid for the rest of us.
You will show proper respect to military personnel, civvie. I outrank you and you are required to do what I tell you. I speak the truth and none of these “announcements” Disney made are real or happening. Nothing is closing except all Marvel, Star Wars, and Pixar attractions due to the company being broken up like Standard Oil, Ma Bell, and Google. Disney has no right to run the parks the way they want to and when I take over and make Disney great again, everything will be done by asking “What would Walt do?” again like it was after his passing under Card Walker, Ron Miller, and Michael Eisner. And yes time travel is real and we can speak to people in the past. I was there for WDW’s 75th on October 1, 2046.
I love this guy, total nut job and not only owns it but runs with it! I respect that haha. And the civie stuff is gold.
You realize it’s against the law to insult the military? You also realize I have family in Congress? I speak the truth and this is why I will restrict the parks to Disney purists only when I take over and be the Trump it needs. The parks are private clubs for members only. Like I’ll be sued?
Spank You Very Much
I realize that it’s fun to insult YOU and it’s also easy to push your buttons. Now pipe down, civvie, and get back to your cell. Don’t make me get the rolled-up newspaper again and discipline you in a public forum.
If you Mensa candidates believe what is written on this site as fact then you deserve what you get in life.
Why does everyone believe this to be an article speaking fact? This is all conjecture and until official information around what is being done with the Hall of Presidents is released there is no reason to assume anything is being closed. Certainly people can debate what should be done but criticizing Disney for something that hasn’t been announced much less done is irresponsible. The more articles I read from this site the more I realize it is simply for clicks and to get the masses riled up. There’s plenty Disney can be held accountable for. This article to me is irresponsible.
To add my opinion Disney removing older attractions that don’t have the popularity to warrant their remaining in the parks is a necessary business decision. If people cared as much when things are open as they do when announcements of closures are made then maybe those attractions wouldn’t be removed. By no means am I saying this applies to Hall of Presidents. I am making a general statement that applies to many attractions include Tom Sawyer Island and MuppetVision 3D. I was in Disney recently and the parks were extremely crowded. We visited Tom Sawyer Island and it might as well have been a ghost town. MuppetVision 3D’s theater was 90% empty. Both of these were at peak times in the park. If these things and many others were so necessary to keep then they would be well visited attractions.
This Just In...
You’re just NOW realizing this S|TE wants to generate CL|CKS?
Newsflash: The G|FT C@RD contest isn’t real either.
Cheryl M Butler
Why don’t they put the Lincoln exhibit in? Store the other figures until a less controversial time.
In other words, store them forever?
I think the Biden anamatronic should be put into a rocking chair. lol
Disney corrupted the Hall Of Presidents 30 years ago when they removed the original Lawrence Dobkin narrated program from Opening Day, and which featured Royal Dano delivering a superior vocal performance as Lincoln to his “Great Moments” one. The 1993 program with the PC (and historically inaccurate) Maya Angelou, the removal of Dano’s vocals and the original Lincoln speech (all because a Communist historian named Eric Foner hated it) and letting Clinton speak (because of Michael Eisner’s kissy-kissy relationship with the Democratic Party) desecrated a Disney classic and none of the subsequent versions so much as came to close to the aesthetic perfection of the 1971-1993 original.
That said, if Disney wants to regain a smidgen of credibility that they have flushed over the last few decades with their slavish devotion to radical left-wing agendas, they should let Trump return. Removing it will be just another sign of their perpetual middle finger to Middle America and their devotion to an out-of-step agenda pushed by an intolerant minority