That is a shame, if you have never been there you will miss out on one of the nicest parks in America. In my opinion, much nicer than Disney or any other amusement park just for the beauty, down home kindness and southern hospitality that you encounter from the associates and the food is outstanding. Real home cooked food. I love Dollywood and during this season it is especially beautiful. Give it another chance if you have never been, maybe on a day that is less popular.
The best time to go to Dollywood is in Autumn. Weather is great and the scenery is beautiful (not just inside the park). This goes for all other attractions in and around the Smokey Mountains.
Tourists are upset for going to a “THEME PARK” and it being crowded…..make this make sense people. It’s not news, it’s been a thing ever since day one at any tourist destination spot.
I don’t understand how a tourist going to a tourist attraction at one of the busy times of the yr can butch about waiting in long lines made of other tourists trying to do the same thing. I guess people expect for there to be a special line just for them with no waiting. Please just go away, eat your
Skittles and keep dreaming.
We went a couple of weeks ago on a Thursday. The park was at low capacity, rides were a walk on. It was perfect. I’d never go to a park our tourist spot on a holiday weekend. That’s the wrong time to go.
It’s usually crowded on holidays. But so is Disney. It’s to be expected. They have ample parking, and the parking lines move fast as they have a lot of parking ticket booths.
You can’t be serious. Have you ever listened to what comes out your soon to be president’s mouth? Maybe, if being a so-called “leader”, he would lead by example & stop calling people vile names & literally threatening people, just maybe he could actually be a role model! It STARTS at the top!
What the heck has Donald Trump got to do with Dollywood. You people have lost your minds. I’m sure glad he will be our next President. You grippers haven’t apparently been to the grocery store, since Grandpaw Biden took office. I believe Mr. Trump will repair a lot of things that J.B. has torn down. He did fine before. The leftist are to blame for the US. of A’s problems and they didn’t give a hoot about you, me or anyone else. Ask Joe, he has even pardoned his own son for more offenses than you can count. Good thing he’s going out of office before he can do more harm.
Such a hard pill to swallow for the yellow dog Dems. However by pardoning his own son, I believe there are quite a few in prison now that need to be pardoned and released based on Hunter Bidens pardon. These people are totally ignorant to damage the Democrats have done to this country. My hope is that DT goes after the Biden Crime family with a vengeance,Nancy Pelosi for her January 6th lies and setting up the attack on the White House which the Dems were 100% behind and Hilary Clinton Russian collusion lie that cost tax payers millions. He can only serve this 4 year term and has nothing to lose by going after them just as they have attacked him for these past 4 years.
Just wait, you have something else coming hahaha.
Food prices will never go down, take a picture and compare in a year. Nothing will go down. We have the best recovered economy!
There is always some idiot that must bring Trump into everything. I guess they must be deeply in love with him as he lives rent free in their minds. Your comment is about as useful as a submarine with a screen door.
My family and I were there on Black Friday! No complaints here other than bring cold but we were prepared for that! If you think Dollywood was busy try Disney next time!
Dollywood’s always going to be crowded over Thanksgiving weekend and right around Christmas. However, more people are probably seeking to go right now because of what they just went through with the hurricanes and just want something to look forward too and have a good time.
We own quite a few shares in Dollywood corporation ,but I have to tell you that the locals actually stink ,like I don’t think they even bathe anymore . I hear that the Tennessee water is polluted so I can understand that but do they sell deodorant. ???? Stink stink stink these southerners smell really bad
We own quite a few shares in Dollywood corporation ,but I have to tell you that the locals actually stink ,like I don’t think they even bathe anymore . I hear that the Tennessee water is polluted so I can understand that but do they sell deodorant. ???? Stink stink stink these southerners smell really bad
I just wish that the locals would use soap and water before coming out to the park ! You can smell their offensive body odor a country mile away. It made my 2 year old child cough and her eyes began to water from all that bad body odor. Luckily I carried a can of deodorant and when I sprayed them, the Southerners ran away !!!! Hahaha body odor gone !!! Thank you White Jesus !!!!!
Dolly Parton may be getting richer as one park goer commented, but, if they truly knew a damn thing about Dolly Parton, then, they would know that the minute she makes it, she gives it away. She has helped people that lost everything thing after the was on fire, her reading program that gives millions of children books delivered to their homes. She has also given money to victims of the latest mess in our state, the hurricane victims that lost everything when the mountain couldn’t hold all that rain and the soil that no longer had the vegetation to it from creating mud slides. So, before you open your mouth and bitch because you schedule your vacation during one of the busiest weeks of the year, find out what Dolly Parton stands for and how much of the money is given away by her.
We went to Dollywood on Monday, November 18th. We arrived at Dollywood at 10am before the park opened at 11am so I could get a ECV Scooter. We bought our tickets online the night before so we would not have to wait in line to buy the ticket to get into the park. We had a wonderful day at Dollywood even though there was a bit of a wait in some of the attractions. You shouldn’t blame Dollywood because of your lack of planning and due diligence before you visited the park.
I go with my this Tuesday, almost 7 hours from SC, was wonderful park and hotel ( Dreammore) beautiful, good food and shopping, Compare to others was not crowded, I hope can I back soon, thanks Dolly I would like see you there.
Has anyone else noticed that we can’t have conversations anymore without immature and hateful leftists making their disgusting thoughts known to all? You know, that inclusive joyful group of people? Gross.
Oh boohoo after right wingers called Obama every name in thr book, called Michelle a monkey, called Mexicans rapists, and literally called Trump voters poorly educated, whaaaaaaaa that someone called Trump fat.
Truth! They absolutely worship him, very odd, but it’s ” groupthink”. For the gullibles. Thank God Biden pardoned his son. The poster Josie doesn’t know tRump ALREADY said he was pardoning the convicts from Jan.6, AND tRump is a rapist-felon! Not quite on the same level, Josie.
Grow up, Claudette. Those aren’t leftists. They are trolls, and tbh, they probably aren’t even American. But your Russian programming is working. Keep drinking that kook aid and hating other Americans. You’re the one that looks silly and acting hateful. If you ignore trolls, they go away. 💡
Dolly is one of best conscientious people out there. Very disturbed about the negative comment” she keeps getting richer . Like she is greedy. Stop that. Dolly is GOOD people.
I was there Wednesday before Thanksgiving. Did not have a problem with parking. And yes the rollercoasters were busy, but not a big deal. Had a great experience at Dollywood.
My family and I were there at Dollywood for Thanksgiving in 2023 and we had a blast! Sure it was crowded, but nothing bad. We loved it and look forward to coming back.
My advice for those who don’t like crowds is to pick another weekend or just don’t go.
Merry Christmas
Don’t complain about something no one has control of/ not even Dolly and further more you don’t have to be so conceded about the amount of people. There are people that can only dream about visiting Dollywood, like me and my family. Get over it you don’t have the right to complain or think that it’s Dolly’s fault!!!
I retired from a huge central Florida theme park and always heard about the crowds. When I suggested they come off season it was like I was offending them. LOL. I’m retiring to TN and hope to visit Dollywood during the Christmas season. Of course I’ll go before schools let out so I can enjoy it. Plan ahead people.
I was there 1 week earlier with my family and had an excellent time. Not crowded at all. Took just 10 minutes to the parking lot and then another 10 minutes from there to the actual park. We went to several shows with no wait time. We had lunch with no wait time. The longest time we waited was to get a loaf of cinnamon bread, and even that wasn’t long. Bottom line if you are going to any amusement park on a holiday week it is going to be massively busy.
Please tell me where all these people are getting $ from. Nobody is working anymore. They just go out every night and eat or go to dolly wood in crowds. After the pandemic everyone just stopped working. That’s why it’s so crazy on the highways
Just wait, you have something else coming hahaha.
Food prices will never go down, take a picture and compare in a year. Nothing will go down. We have the best recovered economy!
Good God Almighty! Anyone with a little sense knows theme parks are crowded as heck during holiday periods!!!! Spring Break, Thanksgiving weekend and Christmas break! Stay home if you can’t deal with the madness!!! As a cast member at Disneyland who works in Toontown, I have to hide my laugh when guests complain to me about the over crowded conditions during holiday periods!
I was there the same day had a awesome time as always all I can say is if you don’t like crowds then stay home I love Dollywood and always enjoy every minute I am there.
Next time call ahead to rent the park out for your ungrateful self. People just want some dumb reason to complain and should just stay home and never leave so others don’t have to deal with them
We went on Friday after Thanksgiving anticipating long waits. We arrived around 1 and stayed til 8. We drove right in. There was only one car in front of us at the gates. Tram wait was short and only a few people in line at the ticket counter. Took us less than 10 mins to get into the park. We anticipated long lines for rides but was pleasantly surprised that they were not long at all. We had small children and didn’t do the big coasters so I can’t speak to that. Maybe plan you visit to arrive after 11 am and skip the lines. I went on the same rides and saw the same shows and avoided the aggravation.
To the person who said, “She gets richer and we get aggravated at ourselves,”… YOU know people who own these parks are rich, it doesn’t mean you have to spend your money to go. Stay home. It really is that simple. Instead of trying to blame the long lines on rich people who because they have the means, built a park for families to go and make memories with their loved ones, created jobs for those in the communities, just go on a day that is not a holiday weekend. Or stay home and don’t give them your business. Be kind. Stop looking for reasons to blame others for your mistakes. Not everything is thier fault. You have the freedom to choose your own paths.
Comments for Thousands Stranded Outside Dollywood, Park Melts Down Amid Holiday Crowds
So, the same people going to the park are complaining about it being over crowded – by other people going to the park.
Someone needs to explain the concept of the early bird.
That’s why pro crastination is an out of order habit that creates chaos in our lives. Be in order, avoid chaos
Curt Callis
Stop complaining 😒 just stop.
That’s right dump ass’s.
What did you expect during Thanksgiving. I didn’t think it was that busy on Friday after Thanksgiving. Go during the week in the middle of July.
We went Saturday afternoon, people were leaving already we got great parking. Park was still crowded but it was no more than expected.
Elizabeth grygelko
Procrastination is gone word
We went on Wednesday before Thanksgiving, and it was lovely!
I went on the 27th and it was so bad until we didn’t even get inside so we lost the cost to park. We will never go again m
I’m glad you won’t be back. Dollywood doesn’t need folks with bad attitudes.
That is a shame, if you have never been there you will miss out on one of the nicest parks in America. In my opinion, much nicer than Disney or any other amusement park just for the beauty, down home kindness and southern hospitality that you encounter from the associates and the food is outstanding. Real home cooked food. I love Dollywood and during this season it is especially beautiful. Give it another chance if you have never been, maybe on a day that is less popular.
GMan Stiles
So, the same people going to the park are complaining about it being over crowded – by other people going to the park.
Someone needs to explain the concept of the early bird.
The best time to go to Dollywood is in Autumn. Weather is great and the scenery is beautiful (not just inside the park). This goes for all other attractions in and around the Smokey Mountains.
True, never had problem anywhere Nov of 2023. Of course we are retired, yeah for us!!!!!
Tourists are upset for going to a “THEME PARK” and it being crowded…..make this make sense people. It’s not news, it’s been a thing ever since day one at any tourist destination spot.
I don’t understand how a tourist going to a tourist attraction at one of the busy times of the yr can butch about waiting in long lines made of other tourists trying to do the same thing. I guess people expect for there to be a special line just for them with no waiting. Please just go away, eat your
Skittles and keep dreaming.
Andre Wallace
We went a couple of weeks ago on a Thursday. The park was at low capacity, rides were a walk on. It was perfect. I’d never go to a park our tourist spot on a holiday weekend. That’s the wrong time to go.
I see negative comments on how people had to wait in lines,and that it wasn’t worth well pick another time to go,it is the holidays!!!!
Said perfect.Restaurant lines can be the same way,no one’s fault,live with it.
Jessica Zeh
A group of us went on Sat, n it wasnt bad. We got there at 12 walked right in. A bit chilli
L. Sargent
It’s usually crowded on holidays. But so is Disney. It’s to be expected. They have ample parking, and the parking lines move fast as they have a lot of parking ticket booths.
You can’t be serious. Have you ever listened to what comes out your soon to be president’s mouth? Maybe, if being a so-called “leader”, he would lead by example & stop calling people vile names & literally threatening people, just maybe he could actually be a role model! It STARTS at the top!
What the heck has Donald Trump got to do with Dollywood. You people have lost your minds. I’m sure glad he will be our next President. You grippers haven’t apparently been to the grocery store, since Grandpaw Biden took office. I believe Mr. Trump will repair a lot of things that J.B. has torn down. He did fine before. The leftist are to blame for the US. of A’s problems and they didn’t give a hoot about you, me or anyone else. Ask Joe, he has even pardoned his own son for more offenses than you can count. Good thing he’s going out of office before he can do more harm.
Joyce Forsh
WOW… 😞
Such a hard pill to swallow for the yellow dog Dems. However by pardoning his own son, I believe there are quite a few in prison now that need to be pardoned and released based on Hunter Bidens pardon. These people are totally ignorant to damage the Democrats have done to this country. My hope is that DT goes after the Biden Crime family with a vengeance,Nancy Pelosi for her January 6th lies and setting up the attack on the White House which the Dems were 100% behind and Hilary Clinton Russian collusion lie that cost tax payers millions. He can only serve this 4 year term and has nothing to lose by going after them just as they have attacked him for these past 4 years.
Just wait, you have something else coming hahaha.
Food prices will never go down, take a picture and compare in a year. Nothing will go down. We have the best recovered economy!
Keith Kennedy
There is always some idiot that must bring Trump into everything. I guess they must be deeply in love with him as he lives rent free in their minds. Your comment is about as useful as a submarine with a screen door.
WTF does that have to do with Dollywood? You show your ignorance in your words.
I thought Trump was going to fix this
He’s big enough to be a ride at any theme park.. Tourists are the rudest and feel entitled.. GO BACK HOME..YOU ARE RUINING TENNESSEE
Claudette Casey
You realize America has other residents too, right? You and your vile hate can gfy
Claudette Casey
Why does your hate have to be inserted into everything? Ruiner.
Michael Turner
I was at DollyWood on the 26th with my family. We had a great time. Seems like some people find ways to complain.
I agree- I was there Black Friday – no complaints. Perhaps this is not a reliable report on Dollywood🤔
My family and I were there on Black Friday! No complaints here other than bring cold but we were prepared for that! If you think Dollywood was busy try Disney next time!
Dollywood’s always going to be crowded over Thanksgiving weekend and right around Christmas. However, more people are probably seeking to go right now because of what they just went through with the hurricanes and just want something to look forward too and have a good time.
James Vanderbuilt
We own quite a few shares in Dollywood corporation ,but I have to tell you that the locals actually stink ,like I don’t think they even bathe anymore . I hear that the Tennessee water is polluted so I can understand that but do they sell deodorant. ???? Stink stink stink these southerners smell really bad
Patrick K
Dollywood Corporation?
Dollywood is owned by Herschend Family Entertainment, a family owned business and is not publicly traded.
I like bricks.
Billy Bob Rey
We own quite a few shares in Dollywood corporation ,but I have to tell you that the locals actually stink ,like I don’t think they even bathe anymore . I hear that the Tennessee water is polluted so I can understand that but do they sell deodorant. ???? Stink stink stink these southerners smell really bad
Did you enjoy the smelly odors?
Cool dude
I farted near the southerns and they enjoyed the odor that came out. Yummy stinky farts!!!!
Claudette Casey
Just stay inside away from others, vile creature. Or, move to Cali.
Claudette Casey
You voted Kamala didn’t you? Your vile demeanor exposes you. Js.
The odors was so strong that it made people high!!
Becca Williams
I just wish that the locals would use soap and water before coming out to the park ! You can smell their offensive body odor a country mile away. It made my 2 year old child cough and her eyes began to water from all that bad body odor. Luckily I carried a can of deodorant and when I sprayed them, the Southerners ran away !!!! Hahaha body odor gone !!! Thank you White Jesus !!!!!
Did their butts smell??
Daisy Duke
One southern actually came near me just when I fart, and he had a joyful face, thank you White Jesus!
Dolly Parton may be getting richer as one park goer commented, but, if they truly knew a damn thing about Dolly Parton, then, they would know that the minute she makes it, she gives it away. She has helped people that lost everything thing after the was on fire, her reading program that gives millions of children books delivered to their homes. She has also given money to victims of the latest mess in our state, the hurricane victims that lost everything when the mountain couldn’t hold all that rain and the soil that no longer had the vegetation to it from creating mud slides. So, before you open your mouth and bitch because you schedule your vacation during one of the busiest weeks of the year, find out what Dolly Parton stands for and how much of the money is given away by her.
We went to Dollywood on Monday, November 18th. We arrived at Dollywood at 10am before the park opened at 11am so I could get a ECV Scooter. We bought our tickets online the night before so we would not have to wait in line to buy the ticket to get into the park. We had a wonderful day at Dollywood even though there was a bit of a wait in some of the attractions. You shouldn’t blame Dollywood because of your lack of planning and due diligence before you visited the park.
Joyce Leach
Why go if you’re going to complain? You should know it’s going to be çrowded. It’s holiday season. Cheer up! 🎅🎄🦌☃️🤔
I go with my this Tuesday, almost 7 hours from SC, was wonderful park and hotel ( Dreammore) beautiful, good food and shopping, Compare to others was not crowded, I hope can I back soon, thanks Dolly I would like see you there.
Claudette Casey
Has anyone else noticed that we can’t have conversations anymore without immature and hateful leftists making their disgusting thoughts known to all? You know, that inclusive joyful group of people? Gross.
Yo mama
You must enjoy these gross odor comments that’s why you are here 🥴😂😅🤣
Oh boohoo after right wingers called Obama every name in thr book, called Michelle a monkey, called Mexicans rapists, and literally called Trump voters poorly educated, whaaaaaaaa that someone called Trump fat.
Truth! They absolutely worship him, very odd, but it’s ” groupthink”. For the gullibles. Thank God Biden pardoned his son. The poster Josie doesn’t know tRump ALREADY said he was pardoning the convicts from Jan.6, AND tRump is a rapist-felon! Not quite on the same level, Josie.
Claudette Casey
Hey, mods!! Anybody paying attention to the hateful, inappropriate comments being made by the joyful folks? Won’t be returning to this site.
Grow up, Claudette. Those aren’t leftists. They are trolls, and tbh, they probably aren’t even American. But your Russian programming is working. Keep drinking that kook aid and hating other Americans. You’re the one that looks silly and acting hateful. If you ignore trolls, they go away. 💡
I like bricks.
Love that you start with the “hateful leftists” .
All appeasers face the same fate.
May God have mercy on your soul.
We Shall Not.
Lol dolly has huge hooters does she own a hooters lol ?
She has huge hooters lol.
Dolly helped poison people www
Dolly is one of best conscientious people out there. Very disturbed about the negative comment” she keeps getting richer . Like she is greedy. Stop that. Dolly is GOOD people.
Grayce Gadson
We went a month ago and had a great time. Off season for everything, Holidays for home.
I was there Wednesday before Thanksgiving. Did not have a problem with parking. And yes the rollercoasters were busy, but not a big deal. Had a great experience at Dollywood.
My family and I were there at Dollywood for Thanksgiving in 2023 and we had a blast! Sure it was crowded, but nothing bad. We loved it and look forward to coming back.
My advice for those who don’t like crowds is to pick another weekend or just don’t go.
Merry Christmas
Jamie Lee
Don’t complain about something no one has control of/ not even Dolly and further more you don’t have to be so conceded about the amount of people. There are people that can only dream about visiting Dollywood, like me and my family. Get over it you don’t have the right to complain or think that it’s Dolly’s fault!!!
I retired from a huge central Florida theme park and always heard about the crowds. When I suggested they come off season it was like I was offending them. LOL. I’m retiring to TN and hope to visit Dollywood during the Christmas season. Of course I’ll go before schools let out so I can enjoy it. Plan ahead people.
Paul W
Visiting a theme park on a popular holiday and finding crowds there? Whoda thunk it??
Keith Kennedy
I was there 1 week earlier with my family and had an excellent time. Not crowded at all. Took just 10 minutes to the parking lot and then another 10 minutes from there to the actual park. We went to several shows with no wait time. We had lunch with no wait time. The longest time we waited was to get a loaf of cinnamon bread, and even that wasn’t long. Bottom line if you are going to any amusement park on a holiday week it is going to be massively busy.
Please tell me where all these people are getting $ from. Nobody is working anymore. They just go out every night and eat or go to dolly wood in crowds. After the pandemic everyone just stopped working. That’s why it’s so crazy on the highways
Just wait, you have something else coming hahaha.
Food prices will never go down, take a picture and compare in a year. Nothing will go down. We have the best recovered economy!
Sergio Sandoval
Good God Almighty! Anyone with a little sense knows theme parks are crowded as heck during holiday periods!!!! Spring Break, Thanksgiving weekend and Christmas break! Stay home if you can’t deal with the madness!!! As a cast member at Disneyland who works in Toontown, I have to hide my laugh when guests complain to me about the over crowded conditions during holiday periods!
I was there the same day had a awesome time as always all I can say is if you don’t like crowds then stay home I love Dollywood and always enjoy every minute I am there.
Next time call ahead to rent the park out for your ungrateful self. People just want some dumb reason to complain and should just stay home and never leave so others don’t have to deal with them
We went on Friday after Thanksgiving anticipating long waits. We arrived around 1 and stayed til 8. We drove right in. There was only one car in front of us at the gates. Tram wait was short and only a few people in line at the ticket counter. Took us less than 10 mins to get into the park. We anticipated long lines for rides but was pleasantly surprised that they were not long at all. We had small children and didn’t do the big coasters so I can’t speak to that. Maybe plan you visit to arrive after 11 am and skip the lines. I went on the same rides and saw the same shows and avoided the aggravation.
To the person who said, “She gets richer and we get aggravated at ourselves,”… YOU know people who own these parks are rich, it doesn’t mean you have to spend your money to go. Stay home. It really is that simple. Instead of trying to blame the long lines on rich people who because they have the means, built a park for families to go and make memories with their loved ones, created jobs for those in the communities, just go on a day that is not a holiday weekend. Or stay home and don’t give them your business. Be kind. Stop looking for reasons to blame others for your mistakes. Not everything is thier fault. You have the freedom to choose your own paths.