Norovirus Concerns Rise at Disney World as Guests Report Influx of Sickness

Comments for Norovirus Concerns Rise at Disney World as Guests Report Influx of Sickness

A statue of Walt Disney and Mickey Mouse stands in front of Sleeping Beauty Castle at Disneyland. An inset shows a gloved hand holding four test tubes with orange caps, hinting at renewed restrictions and CDC alerts influencing the theme park's operations.

Credit: Inside The Magic


  1. Danny O.

    And WHAT are the symptoms of the alleged “food poisoning” from Dole Whip?

    I believe we have a connection! It was never the case of Dole Whip. Merely a coincidence.

  2. Danny O.

    Didn’t Disney have problems during the pandemic? You know. Where they opened until too many cases occurred. And then re-opened early (with the CDC recommended restrictions — although the CDC & WHO advised against opening until Covid was under better control) to get more money.

    I’m not saying they should close for the stomach flu. I’m just suggesting that they take better precautions. Learn from the past. Isn’t that what they’re known for? Isn’t ERASING the past the same as LEARNING from it? It’s not like they’re doing this for CORPORATE GREED, after all.

    Okay. I’m done venting. I still hope that Disney takes precautionary measures during this time. At least, until the stomach flu in Disney World is better under control.

    1. Thoughtful

      My suggestion is use Bleach and clean like they did when Chapek was in charge during the “Pandemic”. Whatever might be thought of him, I was in the Parks then and it was actually one of the best times I’ve had recently and i never got sick. Liked the hand sanitizer stations at end of rides.
      Bleach kills everything. Teach your kids to wash their hands and keep them off others and away from eyes; ears; nose and mouth..the gateway to germs. My EMS Supervisor said it all the time 🙂

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