All Guests To Adhere to Major Entry Changes as Disney Park Introduces New Strategy

Comments for All Guests To Adhere to Major Entry Changes as Disney Park Introduces New Strategy

Mickey Mouse stands in front of Sleeping Beauty Castle at Disneyland Park, Disneyland Resort

Credit: Disney


  1. Whitney E. Eads

    Who hates the magic band concept??? No more lanyards needed. That decreases pin needs.

  2. A way of forcing guests to buy expensive magic bands (which require charging and don’t hold charge well) and cutting employees and personal touch. If it was really for guest convenience, they would provide inexpensive or free bands.

    1. Terry

      Bwahaha….you don’t have a clue…you don’t like it don’t go…we won’t miss you

  3. David

    Will the turnstiles work with all versions of the Magic Bands?

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