Please stop caving yo the woke generation. They will find problems in everything. There was nothing wrong with the original Splash Mountain, lived the movie and the themed attraction, please bring it back.
Otherwise look to what Lenin and the purge caused in Russia. Destroy history, destroy the common shared experience, cause class (race Struggle) find something wrong with everything that is right and good and promote every made up offense that delicate little cry babies point out. Be offended about EVERYTHING unless it glorifies a perverted world view.
I agree! Stop catering to the small percentage of woke folks and listen to the major percentage of folks that love the original attraction. Go woke, go broke. Wake up, Disney leaders!!!
Will you just shut up already?! Disney is NOT going woke anymore! Disney is NOT a company that thinks you’re not astute or discerning at all!
Disney is changing for the better, and my friends and I are going to make that happen! Start supporting a company driven by the need to change for the better! We’re abolishing the woke agenda permanently and restoring Disney back to the way Walt envisioned it! Splash Mountain is coming back and Tiana’s Bayou Adventure will be remade into a Jungle Cruise-style ride. And don’t think that I’m joking here because I’m deadly serious about what I said! You’d better watch what you say!
In response to the paid influencer tweet: the paid influencers are also a big part of the problem. Maybe listen to the paying customers rather than some influencer living their entire lives behind a screen instead of the real world.
Since there was nothing remotely racist in the Splash Mountain Ride, I never understood why people got so upset. Yes, thee story on which it was based did follow the beliefs of people back in the time it was set. That 8s history. History should not be changed. It is there fir us to learn from so we don’t make the same mistakes. That being said, I can understand that many people today are not familiar with the characters that were featured in Splash Mountain, and why, in that case they may have wanted to re-theme it to appeal to a younger audience. That has nothing to do with being woke, but everything to do with staying relevant. Obviously, their choice was not popular with most people over the age of 40, who grew up riding Splash Mountain, even if they weren’t familiar with the story. Disney’s biggest mistake was making the change based on politics instead of trying to appeal to a wider audience. The sooner politics stops being so divisive, the better off everyone will be!
What’s hilarious to me is that people dont realize TBA is actually the rac*$t one! In the ride, Tiana is somehow tied to a salt mine. Look up the history of salt mines and $l*very!
No question Universal is laughing at Disney. Re-theming the most popular ride Splash Mountain to pander to woke that probably doesn’t even go to the parks and hasn’t seen the movie. Disney is overrun by woke activists that don’t have a clue what that are doing. Splash Mountain was a draw. Tiana isn’t.
Them woke activists are a product of the woke idiots of the Biden Harris administration and as we see they ran this country same as their counterparts at Disney ruining and tearing down whatever they touch, it’s a disgrace.
The purpose of Disney is not for you to relive your childhood through certain rides… The purpose of Disney is for today’s children to enjoy rides that are special to them. I loved and miss Mr Toad’s Wild Ride, but you don’t see me throwing a fit about it on the internet and making hateful remarks about Pooh Bear fans
Incorrect. Walt himself said the park was for families. Not just children. Us adults who have children and grandchildren should still be able to experience things that were special to them growing up. Not everything at the parks needs to be turned into IP nonsense or changed to appease a very small minority.
I had an open mind about Tiana, but it’s nowhere near what Splash Mountain was. Splash Mountain was my favorite ride because of its cheerfulness. Tiana is a boring ride through dark foliage, and uninteresting characters.
Anything outlandish, crazy, meaning to ruin or tear down in the name of saving something without a positive outcome, libturd ideals without morals, self hating nation hating, can’t assimilate or fit in must have change but not in it for a positive reason, too much to list actually it’s just plain stupidity designed to tear this country down and divide it started with the Kenyan and big Mike.
Nope. I’ve tried asking this very thing, and the response is always some “echo chamber” definition manufactured by their favorite partisan “news” outlet and spoon-fed to loyal followers. These are the noncritical thinkers of the world we’re talking about. There might be reasonable Republicans in the world, but they don’t seem to visit this site.
Yes, its the winey people in this world that think their point of veiw is the only thing that matters, and will scream like little babies till they get their way …but now the adults are back in the room, go MAGA.
What is woke? Woke is a person, he or she that thinks there are more then two genders. They think Men and Women are the same. They base everything on their feelings and not facts. They are obsessed with their in their bio. They can’t handle adversity or facts. They will find anything that they don’t like and demand it be erased or canceled like Splash Mountain or anything that happened in history. When they are wrong and have no facts to back it up, they call you “a sexist, a bigot, a racist.” They believe all straight white people are bad and they find masculinity for men “offensive.” They believe in feminism that all women are right and women are not to be held accountable for anything. They believe children can have sex change operations and last but not least, they hate history. They want to erase anything that their over sensitive feelings can’t handle. Like Splash Mountain or the Movie Song of the South which they probably have never seen.
All I ever knew was the “Zippity Doo Dah” song. Guarantee everyone complaining never even knew Splash Mountain was themed to a movie, before 2020. My issue with the retheme is that Disney picked a movie that did not fit the ride system, and made it was boring as possible. Not to mention, the lack of any catchy music.
I was born in 1975 and I’ve seen Song Of The South many times. In fact, it was the first Disney movie I ever saw. It was and still is a fantastic story that isn’t racist one bit. It’s whiny, misinformed white people that say everything is “racist”. Just like what they did to our beloved Jungle Cruise
And my mindset as well. You realize you’re giving us a compliment, right? I wear woke on my sleeve proudly, because knowledge and compassion are virtues, not insults. But thanks for proving that you can’t define it either with that cop-out response.
Here’s the thing about Polly, it/they/them/she whatever, thinks that if (insert here) talks the loudest that makes them the smartest and most knowledgeable. They throw words around but they don’t have any tangible meaning. They apply broad concepts, which I will grant them are valid and important ones, to every single facet of life without realizing that in the real world not all two circumstances, people, organizations you name are alike. They can’t comprehend that and then try to apply the same broad concepts to every situation no matter what and lash out at those who don’t…but what do I know, I can’t critically think.
Polly, Polly Polly…. if you’re lucky, you might be able to find yourself a cry room at the park. Just ask the nearest attendant. Keep trying though, you may come up with a reasonably intelligent concept all on your own and then ask your nearest Attendent if there is an a participation trophy for you or something like it because “you did it”! YEA Polly!! ( just giving you your needed positive affirmation in advance because I believe in you)
It means the tail is wagging the dog !! 13% of the population is imposing its will on the country and one party is pandering to them and not doing sh_t to improve their lot !! This will take a lot of your time, but check it out…..I mean the REAL statistics ! Folks are WORSE OFF today than they were in 1964 !!!!!!!!
If you check the history of Africa, especially during the 17th to 19th centuries, you will see that survival was a major issue. The infant and maternal fatality rates were below 50% for extended periods. There was cannabalism when famines struck ! Tribal warfare, plagues, etc,etc.
I’ll catch hell for this but slavery was salvation for the ones taken from Africa.
The WOKE agenda needs to go away from Disney operations, stay out of politics and do your job. Maintain the attractions, expand the parks and stop the alcoholic brawls throughout the complex.
The altercations are your fault due to wait times at attractions. Your resolve was to make it even worse with Lightning Lanes.
More money for you and more frustration for those cannot afford “Disney California Prices”.
Nothing makes me happier than reading about all the issues the unneeded and unwanted retheme is having. As someone who loved Splash Mountain as well as Song of the South, I always said destroying a beloved attraction and replacing it with PATF was a bad ides. Give Tiana her own ride. There was nothing wrong with Splash Mountain or the movie it was based on. Ignorant, misinformed people are the only ones who were crying about it. The same ones that complained about Jungle Cruise. Give us back our Splash Mountain!!
They never changed it and have no legal right to change it. I was there for WDW’s 75th in 2046 and Splash Mountain is alive and well to celebrate the centennial of Song of the South, too. There’s no trace of Tiana thanks to the Make Disney Great Again movement’s management banning of Tiana in the parks like Pete Rose was banned from baseball for betting on games.
Since there was nothing remotely racist in the Splash Mountain Ride, I never understood why people got so upset. Yes, thee story on which it was based did follow the beliefs of people back in the time it was set. That 8s history. History should not be changed. It is there fir us to learn from so we don’t make the same mistakes. That being said, I can understand that many people today are not familiar with the characters that were featured in Splash Mountain, and why, in that case they may have wanted to re-theme it to appeal to a younger audience. That has nothing to do with being woke, but everything to do with staying relevant. Obviously, their choice was not popular with most people over the age of 40, who grew up riding Splash Mountain, even if they weren’t familiar with the story. Disney’s biggest mistake was making the change based on politics instead of trying to appeal to a wider audience. The sooner politics stops being so divisive, the better off everyone will be!
Saying that the younger generation doesn’t care about Splash Mountain is just a lie. I am in my early twenties, and it was my favorite attraction. I am very sad it is gone, and I think TBA is a shadow of its former self, but it is almost a definite guarantee that Splash Mountain will NEVER return. It absolutely sucks, but it is what it is. I stand with Disney Legend Tony Baxter and what he said- “there was nothing in that ride that was detrimental to anybody”. He also said we are overboard today. He is right. I get that the film’s backstory had outdated depictions as did all films in that time period, but we have grown. Stop crying about a film near a century old. We’ve made progress since then.
Except Splash Mountain is not closed in any of the US parks. There is no Tiana’s Bayou Adventure. I was there for Disneyland’s centennial in 2055 and WDW’s 75th in 2046 and guess what? Splash Mountain is alive and well with no trace of Tiana to be found. That’s right time travel is real and I have ways of knowing what happens to Disney in the future. Doc Brown would be impressed.
Splash Mountain was the ride my family anticipated and rode numerous times during our park stay. Walt Disney built theme parks for families, not a “woke” generation.Bring Disney back to a family organization where I can continue to bring my children and grandchildren!
Comments for Surprise Disney News Sparks Hope for Splash Mountain’s Return
Andrew Coates
Please stop caving yo the woke generation. They will find problems in everything. There was nothing wrong with the original Splash Mountain, lived the movie and the themed attraction, please bring it back.
Define Woke 😡
Blackstar, they can’t.
What is your definition of it?
evidently you – look in the mirror.
Otherwise look to what Lenin and the purge caused in Russia. Destroy history, destroy the common shared experience, cause class (race Struggle) find something wrong with everything that is right and good and promote every made up offense that delicate little cry babies point out. Be offended about EVERYTHING unless it glorifies a perverted world view.
Anyone that is upset about the election results of Nov 5, 2024
I agree! Stop catering to the small percentage of woke folks and listen to the major percentage of folks that love the original attraction. Go woke, go broke. Wake up, Disney leaders!!!
Another person who thinks they know what “woke” means. *hard eye-roll*
Forget woke….the ride has proven that it sucks!
Stop supporting a company that thinks you are not astute and discerning.
Will you just shut up already?! Disney is NOT going woke anymore! Disney is NOT a company that thinks you’re not astute or discerning at all!
Disney is changing for the better, and my friends and I are going to make that happen! Start supporting a company driven by the need to change for the better! We’re abolishing the woke agenda permanently and restoring Disney back to the way Walt envisioned it! Splash Mountain is coming back and Tiana’s Bayou Adventure will be remade into a Jungle Cruise-style ride. And don’t think that I’m joking here because I’m deadly serious about what I said! You’d better watch what you say!
In response to the paid influencer tweet: the paid influencers are also a big part of the problem. Maybe listen to the paying customers rather than some influencer living their entire lives behind a screen instead of the real world.
Spank You Very Much
Tell us which ones are the paid influencers. Point them out to us. LMAO
One is Tom from WDW News Today
Spank, did you even read the twitter post? Stop being arrogant, seriously, dude…
Since there was nothing remotely racist in the Splash Mountain Ride, I never understood why people got so upset. Yes, thee story on which it was based did follow the beliefs of people back in the time it was set. That 8s history. History should not be changed. It is there fir us to learn from so we don’t make the same mistakes. That being said, I can understand that many people today are not familiar with the characters that were featured in Splash Mountain, and why, in that case they may have wanted to re-theme it to appeal to a younger audience. That has nothing to do with being woke, but everything to do with staying relevant. Obviously, their choice was not popular with most people over the age of 40, who grew up riding Splash Mountain, even if they weren’t familiar with the story. Disney’s biggest mistake was making the change based on politics instead of trying to appeal to a wider audience. The sooner politics stops being so divisive, the better off everyone will be!
What’s hilarious to me is that people dont realize TBA is actually the rac*$t one! In the ride, Tiana is somehow tied to a salt mine. Look up the history of salt mines and $l*very!
Spank You Very Much
You had me at “somehow”. You can’t even explain how. LMAO.
Enough of this mentally awake equality fag crap, we won and are taking back the USA in 2025, thank you Mr. Trump and the power of project 2025.
So glad we never have to vote again.
Are you stupid get a live steve .
Remember that when the prices go UP thanks to him.
& you thought things would be better?
Like they went up before when he was president the economy was the best in 60 years oh I forgot that was Obama economy huh
Aunty Polly
I predict one of the first things Trump does is take credit for Biden’s economy.
Mike G
Steve, please go and seek help
Right, Mike? Freaking wacko this guy is.
You are the Meg of this comment section, SHUT UP MEG. (Steve.)
No question Universal is laughing at Disney. Re-theming the most popular ride Splash Mountain to pander to woke that probably doesn’t even go to the parks and hasn’t seen the movie. Disney is overrun by woke activists that don’t have a clue what that are doing. Splash Mountain was a draw. Tiana isn’t.
Them woke activists are a product of the woke idiots of the Biden Harris administration and as we see they ran this country same as their counterparts at Disney ruining and tearing down whatever they touch, it’s a disgrace.
Couldn’t agree more with all the comments on how woke this has become. I’m here now and I can tell you people are walking right past this “attraction”
Splash Mountain is better and its not even close. Bring it back!!!
Ariana Sweatt
Bring back my childhood!!! I was lucky to experience it in 2012!
Best ride ever rode it twice in 1981 as a teen I’d love to ride it again.
Spank You Very Much
It didn’t exist in 1981. Nice try. Thanks for playing. LMAO
The ride opened in 89, maybe just a typo of some sort.
Kiss My Grits Dum-Dum Trumpers
The purpose of Disney is not for you to relive your childhood through certain rides… The purpose of Disney is for today’s children to enjoy rides that are special to them. I loved and miss Mr Toad’s Wild Ride, but you don’t see me throwing a fit about it on the internet and making hateful remarks about Pooh Bear fans
No it is not for kids. Never was and never will be.
Mike G
Incorrect. Walt himself said the park was for families. Not just children. Us adults who have children and grandchildren should still be able to experience things that were special to them growing up. Not everything at the parks needs to be turned into IP nonsense or changed to appease a very small minority.
I had an open mind about Tiana, but it’s nowhere near what Splash Mountain was. Splash Mountain was my favorite ride because of its cheerfulness. Tiana is a boring ride through dark foliage, and uninteresting characters.
Can ANY Republican define “woke”?
Anything outlandish, crazy, meaning to ruin or tear down in the name of saving something without a positive outcome, libturd ideals without morals, self hating nation hating, can’t assimilate or fit in must have change but not in it for a positive reason, too much to list actually it’s just plain stupidity designed to tear this country down and divide it started with the Kenyan and big Mike.
Aunty Polly
Nope. I’ve tried asking this very thing, and the response is always some “echo chamber” definition manufactured by their favorite partisan “news” outlet and spoon-fed to loyal followers. These are the noncritical thinkers of the world we’re talking about. There might be reasonable Republicans in the world, but they don’t seem to visit this site.
You also live in an “echo chamber” based on your US against Them mentality.
I have voted Blue that last 20 years and all of this pandering to a small, almost non existent customer base is becoming annoying.
Dave 62
Yes, its the winey people in this world that think their point of veiw is the only thing that matters, and will scream like little babies till they get their way …but now the adults are back in the room, go MAGA.
What is woke? Woke is a person, he or she that thinks there are more then two genders. They think Men and Women are the same. They base everything on their feelings and not facts. They are obsessed with their in their bio. They can’t handle adversity or facts. They will find anything that they don’t like and demand it be erased or canceled like Splash Mountain or anything that happened in history. When they are wrong and have no facts to back it up, they call you “a sexist, a bigot, a racist.” They believe all straight white people are bad and they find masculinity for men “offensive.” They believe in feminism that all women are right and women are not to be held accountable for anything. They believe children can have sex change operations and last but not least, they hate history. They want to erase anything that their over sensitive feelings can’t handle. Like Splash Mountain or the Movie Song of the South which they probably have never seen.
“They are obsessed with their pronouns in their bio.”
If you were not born before 1960 you probably never saw the movie, young people do not even know Uncle Remus
All I ever knew was the “Zippity Doo Dah” song. Guarantee everyone complaining never even knew Splash Mountain was themed to a movie, before 2020. My issue with the retheme is that Disney picked a movie that did not fit the ride system, and made it was boring as possible. Not to mention, the lack of any catchy music.
Mike G
I was born in 1975 and I’ve seen Song Of The South many times. In fact, it was the first Disney movie I ever saw. It was and still is a fantastic story that isn’t racist one bit. It’s whiny, misinformed white people that say everything is “racist”. Just like what they did to our beloved Jungle Cruise
Oliver D.
Splash Mountain.
Yes I can define woke. It means the mindset of Southernboisb.
And Blackstar apparently
Aunty Polly
And my mindset as well. You realize you’re giving us a compliment, right? I wear woke on my sleeve proudly, because knowledge and compassion are virtues, not insults. But thanks for proving that you can’t define it either with that cop-out response.
How do you use that “knowledge and compassion” in daily life?
Uncle Buck
Here’s the thing about Polly, it/they/them/she whatever, thinks that if (insert here) talks the loudest that makes them the smartest and most knowledgeable. They throw words around but they don’t have any tangible meaning. They apply broad concepts, which I will grant them are valid and important ones, to every single facet of life without realizing that in the real world not all two circumstances, people, organizations you name are alike. They can’t comprehend that and then try to apply the same broad concepts to every situation no matter what and lash out at those who don’t…but what do I know, I can’t critically think.
Polly, Polly Polly…. if you’re lucky, you might be able to find yourself a cry room at the park. Just ask the nearest attendant. Keep trying though, you may come up with a reasonably intelligent concept all on your own and then ask your nearest Attendent if there is an a participation trophy for you or something like it because “you did it”! YEA Polly!! ( just giving you your needed positive affirmation in advance because I believe in you)
Dan F.
It means the tail is wagging the dog !! 13% of the population is imposing its will on the country and one party is pandering to them and not doing sh_t to improve their lot !! This will take a lot of your time, but check it out…..I mean the REAL statistics ! Folks are WORSE OFF today than they were in 1964 !!!!!!!!
If you check the history of Africa, especially during the 17th to 19th centuries, you will see that survival was a major issue. The infant and maternal fatality rates were below 50% for extended periods. There was cannabalism when famines struck ! Tribal warfare, plagues, etc,etc.
I’ll catch hell for this but slavery was salvation for the ones taken from Africa.
Dan F.
Correction: Infant mortality rates were ABOVE 50%.
I think I prefer Splash Mountain because I’m a 90’s guy.
Roger Stevens
ta is a disappointment and big mistake. Dismantle it and bring back SPLASH MOUNTAIN.
The WOKE agenda needs to go away from Disney operations, stay out of politics and do your job. Maintain the attractions, expand the parks and stop the alcoholic brawls throughout the complex.
The altercations are your fault due to wait times at attractions. Your resolve was to make it even worse with Lightning Lanes.
More money for you and more frustration for those cannot afford “Disney California Prices”.
Wake up, you just got smashed by Universal.
Dyke Finger
Splash Mountain is still in Tokyo. We’ve seen it there this year. Just like the Non-woke Pirates. Great!
Mike G
Nothing makes me happier than reading about all the issues the unneeded and unwanted retheme is having. As someone who loved Splash Mountain as well as Song of the South, I always said destroying a beloved attraction and replacing it with PATF was a bad ides. Give Tiana her own ride. There was nothing wrong with Splash Mountain or the movie it was based on. Ignorant, misinformed people are the only ones who were crying about it. The same ones that complained about Jungle Cruise. Give us back our Splash Mountain!!
They’ll never reverse it back after spending all that money. Their pride won’t let them admit they made a mistake
They never changed it and have no legal right to change it. I was there for WDW’s 75th in 2046 and Splash Mountain is alive and well to celebrate the centennial of Song of the South, too. There’s no trace of Tiana thanks to the Make Disney Great Again movement’s management banning of Tiana in the parks like Pete Rose was banned from baseball for betting on games.
Since there was nothing remotely racist in the Splash Mountain Ride, I never understood why people got so upset. Yes, thee story on which it was based did follow the beliefs of people back in the time it was set. That 8s history. History should not be changed. It is there fir us to learn from so we don’t make the same mistakes. That being said, I can understand that many people today are not familiar with the characters that were featured in Splash Mountain, and why, in that case they may have wanted to re-theme it to appeal to a younger audience. That has nothing to do with being woke, but everything to do with staying relevant. Obviously, their choice was not popular with most people over the age of 40, who grew up riding Splash Mountain, even if they weren’t familiar with the story. Disney’s biggest mistake was making the change based on politics instead of trying to appeal to a wider audience. The sooner politics stops being so divisive, the better off everyone will be!
Says you.
Saying that the younger generation doesn’t care about Splash Mountain is just a lie. I am in my early twenties, and it was my favorite attraction. I am very sad it is gone, and I think TBA is a shadow of its former self, but it is almost a definite guarantee that Splash Mountain will NEVER return. It absolutely sucks, but it is what it is. I stand with Disney Legend Tony Baxter and what he said- “there was nothing in that ride that was detrimental to anybody”. He also said we are overboard today. He is right. I get that the film’s backstory had outdated depictions as did all films in that time period, but we have grown. Stop crying about a film near a century old. We’ve made progress since then.
Except Splash Mountain is not closed in any of the US parks. There is no Tiana’s Bayou Adventure. I was there for Disneyland’s centennial in 2055 and WDW’s 75th in 2046 and guess what? Splash Mountain is alive and well with no trace of Tiana to be found. That’s right time travel is real and I have ways of knowing what happens to Disney in the future. Doc Brown would be impressed.
Splash Mountain was the ride my family anticipated and rode numerous times during our park stay. Walt Disney built theme parks for families, not a “woke” generation.Bring Disney back to a family organization where I can continue to bring my children and grandchildren!
Danny O.