Five Years Later, Disney Confirms 'Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker' Is Getting Remade

Comments for Five Years Later, Disney Confirms ‘Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker’ Is Getting Remade

Rey fighting Kylo Ren in the ocean in 'The Rise of Skywalker'

Credit: Lucasfilm


  1. Joe

    No thanks. Disney has completely lost my trust. They’re better off selling. A new company could decanonize all the Disney crap and start over.

    1. Craig

      Agree 100%

    2. Don Coleman

      Too little, too late, Disney! You have to disavow the Sequels and use CGI to give us what we deserved! AND KATHLEEN KENNEDY MUST HAVE NOTHING TO DO WITH THEM. OR STAR WARS IS FINIDHED!

      1. David

        Well said.

    3. Devin

      I also agree 100%. When this article started that Rey is the most important character in the franchise at this point, I was like they really are clueless to what the fans like and want. That character inspired no desire for me to be invested in the last two films, and all live action series after that have been better, yet not much better.

      Disney just needs to either throw in the towel and sell as you stated, or take Lucasfilm away from Kennedy because she is just clueless how to manage this franchise.

    4. David

      I also concur.

    5. Steve

      Disney will be losing Lucasfilm entirely under antitrust.

    6. David


    7. David

      I agree and great idea.

  2. best to make Rey fall to the dark side.

    1. Cb

      Even tho i think there is no new hope for star wars as long as k.k. is involved,having.rey go dark wouldnt suck to badly if written right,could a more interesting storyline than last ones and dor sure way better than what their planning the a new rey jedi order.

  3. Simeon

    Its definitely nice that they’ll round out some of the plot points. I wish they’d do a Lion King 1.5 Ya know? Take the time to show ON SCREEN the different plot points that sure up what happened in the sequel trilogy.

    Can’t wait for the new projects I’m just hoping we get activist/peacekeeper Jedi stories. Tired of the “galaxy is at stake” storylines

  4. Andrew

    Sooo…basically, there is no remake of The Rise of Skywalker, there’s just a comic book being released. Got it. That was totally misleading.

    1. John

      I know right?!
      Took a long time to say nothing interesting. Woohoo, comic books.

  5. Rusty

    Disney blaming politics for quality failures and being out of touch with their own customers. Ironic.

    1. Chris pierce

      Seriously.Claiming that the Acolytes backlash was due to people of color. You gotta be kidding me. The first 2 seasons of Mando was good. Because it was made well with cool optics and story writing. I think its too late, they killed something that I loved my whole life. And the wont get ke back this way.

      1. Devin

        Agreed! I’m a “person of color”, as they so LOVE to call us now days, and that had nothing do with the crap that “The Acolytes” was. I think they just assumed that adding people of color mixed in would mask the crap script and directing the show had. Same with Echo. Poorly written characters in poorly written situations. Nuff said.

        1. Ollie

          Calling the fans “toxic” makimg us out to be racist…no big surprise but it really does sound like a disney written article. The acolyte sucked because it was poorly made. The jedi werent wise. The men were all spineless and the women were are snarky. There was nothing old republic aboit any of it. Star wars is chock full of people of all ethnicities. Pretty shameful to try and claim otherwise and make it about that…

    2. Brian

      Agree 100%

    3. Gerard

      I strongly disagree with the the characterization of the Accolyte as “woke.” I disliked it because it was just one more tired story about sliding over to the dark side. BORING!

  6. Chris pierce

    Seriously.Claiming that the Acolytes backlash was due to people of color. You gotta be kidding me. The first 2 seasons of Mando was good. Because it was made well with cool optics and story writing. I think its too late, they killed something that I loved my whole life. And the wont get me back this way. Suck It KK.. You are the worst.

  7. Lefty

    Yall need to STOP lying. Yall lie like Persian rugs

  8. clem fandango

    the acolyte failed because it was a terribly written and poorly acted show. sure there are some racists out there. but it falls entirely on leslie hedland and amlanda for the wooden acting, and nonsense plot.

  9. Joe Smith

    Just wanted to comment. The backlash wasn’t because there were people of color, it was because they destroyed storyline continuity and introduced ideas of politics of the times that should have been left out of the movies and TV shows. Oh, and most importantly, the Acolyte was canceled because the writers had no idea of Star Wars lore and insulted their base of fans with horrible story telling, continuity of story and just bad acting.

  10. Berg

    Rey is the best way forward!
    She is a woman, maybe that’s a problem for conservative minded people? I always wonder

    1. Sean

      What a stupid comment. Disney has done one really good star wars movie, Rouge One. Everything else has been crap. But you would rather blame the movie goer instead of the crappy story lines and writing.

    2. Jay

      If the only positive thing you can say about Rey is that she’s a woman, then you’ve got problems. A characters sex should be the least important thing.

      1. Frankie

        Why can’t they make a new s.w. movie? , they have killed s.w. , the only thing they can do is copy or turn it around!, we need a good vs. evil.stop tring to go back go forward!

    3. Steve

      Rey being a woman isn’t the problem. Leia is a woman and no problem whatsoever. Look at which of them was well written as a character. Hint: Leia.

    4. Jeremy

      Do you think Disney & Kathleen Kennedy were Trying to Push an Agenda & Force Star Wars Fans to Except it or Go away 🤔

    5. Ollie

      Why would it be a problem for conservatives? What a goofy thing to say haha conservatives like women ya know… all disney had to do was make kotor canon. They couldve made 6 movies out of those old games, not been creative at all and the fans wouldve loved it

  11. Kevin Maynard

    It doesn’t matter how many times the media attempts to make the “Toxic Fan” theory stick because it simply isn’t true. I personally am not a fan of the king but think of Star Wars fans like Elvis fans. There is one authentic Elvis who created his own legacy. Now compare that to the hundreds and hundreds of Elvis impersonators who poorly at best use his persona for monetary gain. Sure some of them actually believe that they are true fans themselves but actual Elvis fans spot an insincere imposter a mile away and it’s insulting. We real Star Wars fans are insulted by the lack of respect in the writing the purposeful hiring of non fans and Maverik type treatment of well established lore made to glorify the shows creators more than Star Wars itself. Frankly I’m sick and tired of the entire cast and crew of the acolyte hiding behind the isms and ist’s to simply avoid responsibility for cocking up what sounded like a promising idea for a show. You don’t know one dang thing about me but because I hated your terrible show I’m automatically labelled x,y, and z. Well F you!

  12. migrant_hunter-1488

    these people should be captured IRL. but disney will do none of this. the public, the (meaningful) world, has spoken, trump won, DEI lost, LGBT lost, BIPOC lost. woke is going bye-bye if anyone can’t see 2 feet ahead of themselves. y’all are about to find out multinational corporations couldn’t possibly care less about these people now that promoting these tired ideas is fiscally radioactive ☢️ censorship cannot stop whats coming. I’m so sorry.

  13. Tim

    Can we just start over and make Luke a fierce warrior instead of a scared wimp hiding on an island

    1. Frankie


    2. David

      That is a great Idea! Probably the best one I’ve seen.

  14. Jay

    The “force awakens” was good. The reason the other movies suck is because they went woke.

    1. Jeb

      What does “woke” mean?

      1. Jack Hammer

        Ahh.. The willfully ignorant, or just the troll trying desperately for a “gotcha”

    2. Worse than that. They were poorly written, have very little continuity, and Luke and Vaders story arcs were dishonored by bringing back Palpatine.
      They should have brought in the Yuuzan Voung. That would have left the past story arcs some integrity.

      1. David

        Or, Darth Maul. They killed that charactor off sooner than they should have. He should have lasted at least two movies or, more…

  15. Steve Glenn Pepper

    The Acolyte was an awful show and it seemingly contradicted the rest of the SW Universe. That is entirely why it failed.

  16. Steve Glenn Pepper

    Disney needs to either sell off SW or take a complete hands off approach, including firing KK. It is clear by now that outside a few TV series, Disney has no ability to create effective, quality SW content. Trying to Disney-ify Star Wars was, is, and will forever be a dumb idea.

    1. Jeremy

      I think Disney is Finally Figuring Out DEI Destroys Buizness…. Kathleen Kennedy will never Come back to Media …..What a Pitty Buiznesses Caint Sue Woke People for Loosing $100’s of Millions 🤔

  17. Jeremy

    Should’ve Stuck to the Cannon Story Line….With Han & Leia’s Children Jacen ,Jenaya & Anikan …..Also Luke & Mara Jades Son ….Ben Skywalker….And Don’t Forget all the Characters from the New Jedi Order Who have already got there own Books ….Disney & Kathleen Kennedy already Stole the Character (Admiral Thrawn) from Timothy Zahn….The Fans that Grew up from the 70’s & 80’s Shared there Passion of Star Wars with their Children & Grandchildren….After Killing off Han ,Luke & Leia Characters and adding Rey Skywalker this Franchise is Ruined ….This New Disney Franchise is Definitely Political and Bias only towards 1 agenda ….George Lucas Star Wars Movies were Never used for Politics ,It was Movies for People to Escape from this Stress full World into a World of Hope , Heroism & Family….Fans Can’t Relate to Rey Skywalker because She was a Perfect Person with No Flaws and No Back Story and No Limits (A Mary Sue)….I didn’t think the Woke Culture was a Real thing…Been Following Disney and Seeing all the Failures in Star Wars ….Facts Don’t Lie (Go Woke or Go Broke)….Why Would a Company Force an Agenda for the Insignificant Minority who have no Passion for Star Wars and Does not Care about the Characters and their Stories and Will Not Spend Money for Support ….When a Woke Agenda has a Platform to Dictate to Fans That We Must accept this Way of Thinking…it’s definitely Brainwashing…..I Can See all these People in the Near Future that have Spent the Past Years Putting Down Star Wars Fans for not Spending Money and Criticizing Disney on their Failure towards Star Wars ,Ending their Careers ……I Think George Lucas is Disgusted on How Kathleen Kennedy Killed Lucasfilm……I think the Fans have Spoken and Being Woke Doesn’t Work.

    1. 49er LA

      Insignificant Minority? What are you trying to say? Star wars came out in the 80s and Tons of “Minorities” loved star wars. Those lines were Filled with all kinds of people to see star wars. You think Stars Wars is a White only movie? The Word “Woke” is used to mask the people Racism. Instead of straight up saying you don’t want people of color or minorities in certain movies, Jobs, and schools you say “Woke” its blatantly obvious now and if you all talk about that in public just know everyone is looking at you as a complete racist when you are not around your own kind. Since when is adding people of color in movies a woke agenda? What movies have to always have white leads and stories?? Its been less than 50 years that people of color have been getting this much opportunities in TV and Movies and yall are getting mad calling it woke when Hollywood has been completely dominated by white for over 100 years “Woke” = Racist

  18. Summer

    Disney can’t create anything new now that then only thing they care about is destroying families. They don’t care about children, just money.

    They will spend the rest of their cursed existence beating dead horses.

  19. Bill

    Since Disney got their greedy little hands on the franchise, with the exception of a few titles, has been disastrous. The Force Awakens was just A New Hope 2.0, but in a bad way. From an orphan on a desert planet escaping in a YT1300 to an old man dying at the hands of a hooded, caped, dark figure. It’s LAZY writing NOT paying homage to something. Disney has really fouled SW up. IMMO, Rogue One and Andor are the only content that I like. Mando was OK the first season, maybe season and one half. Kenobi was meh, as they changed canon in it. The Acolyte and Osaka, I didn’t waste my time. Very sad.

  20. John

    There is no point in remaking a show if they can’t agree what went wrong in the first place. No respect to the source material, no respect to the people who are paying to see it. Just gripes and complaints.

  21. Chazatl

    Kennedy can’t be trusted.
    Day one were I CEO. Kennedy would be fired.
    Then hire a real professional who grew up an actual Star Wars fan. Nuke and pave the sequel trilogies explaining that series as a banta haze filled dream.
    Take the acolyte and delete it from the archives and any reference to it. Just like the awful Star Wars Christmas special.
    Maybe all of that wouldn’t happen but firing Kennedy would be a big start.

  22. Brian

    Yes, 100 % coorrect

  23. Kathleen Kennedy could care less about the fans all she sees is $$$$

  24. Mark Richards

    TLDR: Disney haven’t learnt their lesson.
    Disney doesn’t understand Star Wars. Disney doesn’t understand that you can’t just go around rewriting everything.

  25. Disney, you ARE the dark side. You will be forever known as the company that killed Star Wars. My advice to you is, pick up the lightsaber, turn it to face you, and then turn it on.

  26. Baron McNasty

    Star Wars X (10) through VII (7)?!

    1. Menerfer

      Pretty much, almost all of the comments above are valid. Most studios, when something works, they create a franchise. You all know this. Sometimes too much of something renders it valueless.
      Star Wars: A New Hope literally saved my life, when it came out on May 4, 1977. Through no fault of my own, I was in a bad situation. The “S” word was a real possibility. After seeing this wonderful film, I thought to myself, ” If he can get out, so can I.” And I did. So, for me, any George Lucas approved Star Wars film/book/etc. is canon. He created it. I have to say, however, that I did NOT like the way Han Solo died ( yes, major Han Solo/ Harrison Ford fan). And in this day and age when CGI is king, they need to bring it back to the Sentient Being/Human side of things. More story, less effects. Done ranting
      ( rambling?), for now…

  27. Dave

    Not interested. I walked out of the theatre before the ending of the 1st movie. I did not bother with the following two. They did no justice to the original characters by giving them more screen time and a proper send off before handing over the reigns to the next generation. Look at Star Trek Picard! It was one last adventure with a proper sendoff before closing their chapter. If Disney wants to get rich, they need to LISTEN to their fan base! Their toys and games would also do well. Ok! I’m done!

  28. Patrik

    Please fix your Roman numerals, X through XII (12) not VII (7). I’m usually not pedantic, but that was driving me crazy lol sometimes such mistakes make you lose journalistic credibility I guess

  29. Bryan

    My beloved Star Wars franchise…ruined. As soon as young Anakin yelled “Woohoo” and Jar Jar spoke it’s first word the movie theatre was silent and stages of grief began. Disney ruined Star Wars…this is no longer a debate.

  30. Steve Auston

    Disney needs to take a chapter from Maverick. Just make a great movie without trying to piss people off.

  31. Markham D

    Leave the dead dog alone, just as they should have left a dead Sith emperor. Rey is not a popular character, certainly light years behind Luke. Rise of Skywalker was awful which no amount of remakes will fix

  32. Clayton

    Why tho?

  33. Jeremiah

    if you’re going to remake one of those movies, remake Last Jedi, it’s the worst of the three.

  34. Gabby

    Personally, I like all of the star wars movies and spin-offs. I know a lot would disagree, but I’m always up for a new star wars film. The new ones weren’t really as bad as everyone makes them out to be. So I’m pretty excited for this.

  35. Bob

    I tell you if Disney Star Wars wants to throw money out the window I will show up and pick it up with a pillowcase.

    Why on earth would they want to recreate the worst Star Wars movie ever made? Of course this doesn’t exclude the utter horse shhhht call the Acolyte. I’m talking about movies here.

    As far as I’m concerned Star Wars died with The Force Awakens.

  36. Dlsn

    Make new stuff good instead of wasting time trying to improve the old. Changing stuff that was already made started with the original series Special Editions and invariably have made the movies worse.

  37. B Smith

    Does no one at Disney have new ideas any more? Everything is a remake of something else. When they do “re-imagine” they can’t even get that right, as the dire “Little Mermaid” and “Dumbo” prove. Disney always led the way in storytelling and imagination, now everything is a blatant money grab because they can’t be bothered to be original. They deserve to lose everything. They treat their theme park visitors, subscribers, guests and employees with utter contempt. They think people will simply keep paying while putting up with their “alphabet” and “DEI” nonsense and price gouging. Disgusting company that deserves to fail.

  38. Dave O.

    I suggest recasting Leia’s character for The remake of The Rise of Skywalker with a live actor instead of CGI. As much as I love Carrie Fisher but how about another character the fans all know and love like Karen Allen as Leia. Or maybe a combination of more acting scenes of a CGI Carrie Fisher combined with a live actors voice lines. That worked exceptionally well with The appearance of Max Loyd-Jones and Mark Hamill voice as Luke in seasons 2 The Mandalorian and The Book of Boba Fett.

    1. Dave O.

      Might I add one of the greatest moments in Star Wars Rebels was the voice of James Arnold Taylors as the voice of Alec Guinness Obi-Wan as all the fans accepted this mighty role that Arnold portrayed.

  39. Keith

    I find myself both in agreement with, and simultaneously irritated by, almost EVERY SINGLE ONE of these prospective opinions! (Especially concerning people`s, either utter disdain for, OR the apparent NEED to foist ALL facets of the “WOKE” or “DEI-based” agenda of, seemingly EVERY American life & in EVERY Movie, Book, Comic, Song, Love, Friendship, etc. on us, whether we want it or not!) And, before you feel it a needed event, for anyone who claims a loving, inclusive heart, to blindly attack me, PLEASE HEAR ME OUT!?! I love ALL Races, Sexes, LGBTQ++ & I REALLY DO want everyone to be happy! But please, Disney, can you at least TRY to START by serving us up with some actual STORYLINE above all?? And, if not…PLEASE, just leave all of us ACTUAL STAR WARS FANS with something resembling Star Wars, or STOP WASTING OUR TIME & MONEY! Disney`s apparent NEED to pull STAR WARS & EVERY single thing about what makes it FUN & MAGICAL, completely OUT of the franchise, HAVE BEEN NOTHING SHY OF A GLOBAL PLAGUE TO EVERY FAN WHO CARES AND HOPES FOR REAL STAR WARS TO RETURN ONE DAY SOON! To close…I am PROUD to be both WOKE & DEI, in EVERY possible way! I loved Rey as a great JEDI HERO! But Jesus…MUST WE ALL, BE EVERYTHING, TO EVERYONE?? ONLY A LEGITIMATE GROUP IF YOU CARRY A SPECIAL PRONOUN?? Please stop all of the bull crap, for the love of SANITY!

  40. Menefer

    Pretty much, almost all of the comments above are valid. Most studios, when something works, they create a franchise. You all know this. Sometimes too much of something renders it valueless.
    Star Wars: A New Hope literally saved my life, when it came out on May 4, 1977. Through no fault of my own, I was in a bad situation. The “S” word was a real possibility. After seeing this wonderful film, I thought to myself, ” If he can get out, so can I.” And I did. So, for me, any George Lucas approved Star Wars film/book/etc. is canon. He created it. I have to say, however, that I did NOT like the way Han Solo died ( yes, major Han Solo/ Harrison Ford fan). And in this day and age when CGI is king, they need to bring it back to the Sentient Being/Human side of things. More story, less effects. Done ranting
    ( rambling?), for now…

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