This Thanksgiving, Cast Members Suffer Another Major Setback

Comments for This Thanksgiving, Cast Members Suffer Another Major Setback

A group of people smiling and posing together in an outdoor setting, with a mix of casual and themed clothing. The background shows a building with decorative elements reminiscent of Bob Iger's visionary style. The atmosphere is cheerful and friendly.

Credit: Disney Parks


  1. Kathy

    Why would any company not do this on their own or wait for a President to make some sort of Executive decision for heat protection.
    That says a lot of the COMPANY.
    Disney needs to stop blaming the state Government for common sense. Stop being political. If you care about your CM then do the right thing.
    Cut your salary “BOB”
    (and others) and so the right thing!

  2. Cheryl M Butler

    I remember wearing a cool neck device and having two water bottles. Still took the stuffing right out of me. It’s hot out there, people. Hollywood Studios.

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