The only impact Trump will have on Disney is that he might say a few works in the Hall of Presidents and you have a few more dollars to spend and it will cost less to drive to the parks
“Trump was president for…years before Biden,” one Disney Parks fan commented. “Y’all weren’t scared then what’s the difference now?”
What’s the difference? We all know (except Maga) what Trump was like. However, Maga Trump is MUCH WORSE! Between what he claims he will do and Project 2025, America has lost. Heterosexual Christian white male supremacy is something Maga can get behind; but not me. That’s not what Disney is about.
Of course, Woke Disney is against white males in general…so there’s that. And Woke Disney being “Pride above heterosexual” is also in defiance against the dictator gaining power in 2025. Disney might get hit hard, if they stick to wokeness. Or Disney might (due to greed) conform. Either way, Disney WILL be changing.
People should pay better attention. Pres. Trump live on TV stated that he had no part in writing project 2025 and that he in fact did not agree with it. Disney didn’t change one bit when he was President the first time and it won’t change again for park goers. In his speech he stated he wanted America great for everyone. Never once did he mention “white males” nor any other group. He said everyone!! Those are the facts
Let’s see under Trump disney parks did not discriminate agent people with severe illness that where not autistic or develop disabled that are unable to use standard q lines. Under Biden that changed also as anyone else noticed that we quit going to Disney along with our family and friends.
So things change. I keep hoping the magic will return but until then we are not going to the parks.
Please stop making this man look bad he was attacked in the beginning and is still being attacked it needs to stop we have too many bullies act like adults and STOP MAKING HIM LOOK BAD IITS NOT RIGHT.
Oh how sad! These poor people are now suffering from “Fake New Syndrome” after years of being told horrible, ridiculous lies about President Trump all these years. The Fake New Agencies and overly wealthy actors and actresses got so bad they weren’t even covering up the fact that they were telling totally mad, made up lies and the poor weak-minded people, instead of Fact Checking what they were being told just believed all their bull. Brain wash the people and see all the horrid things that they can and will do!
When things are proven and on record they aren’t lies. He was found guilty of 34 felonies in a court of law by a jury of his peers.
We have seen irrefutible proof that he paid off Stormy Daniels.
We have live feeds from his rallies of his disgusting rants filled with insults, lewd language and only a few days before the actual election, miming a lewd act.
But, carry on trying to gaslight even though Trump won and the rest of us apart from the super rich lost.
Just be prepared, should he impose tarriffs as he promised, for the price of all foreign made Disney merch to increase as those tarriffs don’t affect the country of manufacture, but the American consumer.
And Bill Clinton had to fork out $850,000 to Paula Jones. Trump has already been president one time and we visited WDW while he was prez. Guess what? Black people and other minorities were allowed in the park. And what does his “morals” have anything to do with WDW. BTW, Jill Biden was MARRIED when she and Joe started dating. Yes, Joe broke up a marriage. Now get over your TDS. BTW, it has been revealed that the Biden/Harris FEMA team actually skipped houses in Florida with Trump signs after Helene as ordered by a FEMA supervisor. “The Federal Emergency Management Agency admitted that one of their staffers ordered relief workers to ignore hurricane-damaged homes that had Trump signs.
The Daily Wire exclusively reported the story after a whistleblower came forward with evidence that disaster relief was provided based on political party affiliation. At least 20 homes were passed over.”
Things have changed at Disney in the last 4 years more that it ever will in the next 4, for one, my family and I are not visiting the parks because they have become a woke mess, to the point where they do not say ladies and gentlemen or boys and girls in the parks anymore to pander to a small minority, so spare me the outrage. this is a business that mainly makes its profit from parents, and we have been patiently taking it on the chin from Disney. What needs to happen is the removal of Bob Iger once and for all so that Disney can get back to entertainment and back off from policy making and indoctrination.
I’m disgusted at the lack of a proper dress code. Women walking around in bikini tops and micro shorts. Wear them on the beach, but not at a theme park. The irony of the sign as you enter the food court at Pop telling guests they have to wear shirts and shoes, but a bikini or bra are not shirts.
Then of course is those skin tight onesies that leave nothing to the imagination.
I’m no prude, I believe in dressing appropriately for the location. Worse are the parents who allow their tweens and young teens dress like this.
It’s the gullible stupidity of people that got Trump elected.
The only negative impact will be having to have the first convicted felon and serial sex offender talking to your kids.
Wait until they find out they just voted away female rights, black rights, Pride rights, and the rights/freedoms of many Americans that have less than a six-figure annual income.
They may be smug now. but watch how they start to crumble after it effects them, too. 🍿
Ever hear of Bill Clinton? Or his “bimbo eruptions”? He had to pay out $850,000 to Paula Jones. Did you know when Joe Biden started dating Jill, she was married to Bill Stevenson.
Maybe you should go back and read about JFK and his involvement with the opposite sex. Bill Clinton was, and probably still is, a serial sex offender. I am not even talking about Lewinski.
Most, if not all, of our presidents have actually been horrible people.
The press back in the old days didn’t have the reach they do now, and in JFK’s time, pretty much had an agreement not to talk about scandalous stuff.
People making these kind of comments and videos are exactly the problem! People are actually stupid enough to believe them. Enough is enough already! America has spoken and we are tired of the lies! Spend the next four years finding your moral code.
Wow! These liberal trolls are hurting, lashing out here like the maniacs they worship. Do us all a favor Libs, don’t go to the Disney Parks and buy tickets to the Kimmel show and The View.
Oh yes, things will change….to the better if you can deal with a large increase in crowds, happier park goers and well behaved people. The economy will be booming, gas, flights and food will be cheaper. Americans will have more spending money. The end of “Woke” Disney will make most feel more appreciated for being there, not intimidated by a tiny percentage of park goers.
I will be going back after four years with a smile!
No clue if it would impact the resorts – pretty strict on hiring so lack of employees will not happen. Racism is not to be a part of Disney Parks, Resorts or Vacation clubs ever. I hope it stays this way !
Comments for Trump’s Re-Election Prompts Concern From Disney Fans About Park Inclusivity
Tony from Virginia
The only impact Trump will have on Disney is that he might say a few works in the Hall of Presidents and you have a few more dollars to spend and it will cost less to drive to the parks
Oh really people get a grip
Danny O.
“Trump was president for…years before Biden,” one Disney Parks fan commented. “Y’all weren’t scared then what’s the difference now?”
What’s the difference? We all know (except Maga) what Trump was like. However, Maga Trump is MUCH WORSE! Between what he claims he will do and Project 2025, America has lost. Heterosexual Christian white male supremacy is something Maga can get behind; but not me. That’s not what Disney is about.
Of course, Woke Disney is against white males in general…so there’s that. And Woke Disney being “Pride above heterosexual” is also in defiance against the dictator gaining power in 2025. Disney might get hit hard, if they stick to wokeness. Or Disney might (due to greed) conform. Either way, Disney WILL be changing.
You are in desperate need of drugs and therapy sir.
People should pay better attention. Pres. Trump live on TV stated that he had no part in writing project 2025 and that he in fact did not agree with it. Disney didn’t change one bit when he was President the first time and it won’t change again for park goers. In his speech he stated he wanted America great for everyone. Never once did he mention “white males” nor any other group. He said everyone!! Those are the facts
Thank you for stating the FACTS!!
Jack Jones
He even stated he would like if they just burned their Project 2025 “manual”.
Your comment is probably the most idiotic comment I have seen this week. You Liberals are damaged goods. Your mindset is just off the chains crazy.
Darrell C Parks
So tell us, what was Trump like? The Trump I have saw in a photo several times with Rosa Parks and Muhammed Ali? The Trump that won a MLK award?
Let’s see under Trump disney parks did not discriminate agent people with severe illness that where not autistic or develop disabled that are unable to use standard q lines. Under Biden that changed also as anyone else noticed that we quit going to Disney along with our family and friends.
So things change. I keep hoping the magic will return but until then we are not going to the parks.
Please stop making this man look bad he was attacked in the beginning and is still being attacked it needs to stop we have too many bullies act like adults and STOP MAKING HIM LOOK BAD IITS NOT RIGHT.
Oooo Please Trump will continue to be hated by thousands nobody has a right to tell someone to stop. We all grown ass adults.
Stop being a hater.
Jack Jones
Then how about you act like it instead of constantly sounding like a middle school bully.
P Robert
Oh how sad! These poor people are now suffering from “Fake New Syndrome” after years of being told horrible, ridiculous lies about President Trump all these years. The Fake New Agencies and overly wealthy actors and actresses got so bad they weren’t even covering up the fact that they were telling totally mad, made up lies and the poor weak-minded people, instead of Fact Checking what they were being told just believed all their bull. Brain wash the people and see all the horrid things that they can and will do!
When things are proven and on record they aren’t lies. He was found guilty of 34 felonies in a court of law by a jury of his peers.
We have seen irrefutible proof that he paid off Stormy Daniels.
We have live feeds from his rallies of his disgusting rants filled with insults, lewd language and only a few days before the actual election, miming a lewd act.
But, carry on trying to gaslight even though Trump won and the rest of us apart from the super rich lost.
Just be prepared, should he impose tarriffs as he promised, for the price of all foreign made Disney merch to increase as those tarriffs don’t affect the country of manufacture, but the American consumer.
Danny O.
I agree with Diane. 💯
On appeal.
Darrell C Parks
And Bill Clinton had to fork out $850,000 to Paula Jones. Trump has already been president one time and we visited WDW while he was prez. Guess what? Black people and other minorities were allowed in the park. And what does his “morals” have anything to do with WDW. BTW, Jill Biden was MARRIED when she and Joe started dating. Yes, Joe broke up a marriage. Now get over your TDS. BTW, it has been revealed that the Biden/Harris FEMA team actually skipped houses in Florida with Trump signs after Helene as ordered by a FEMA supervisor. “The Federal Emergency Management Agency admitted that one of their staffers ordered relief workers to ignore hurricane-damaged homes that had Trump signs.
The Daily Wire exclusively reported the story after a whistleblower came forward with evidence that disaster relief was provided based on political party affiliation. At least 20 homes were passed over.”
Things have changed at Disney in the last 4 years more that it ever will in the next 4, for one, my family and I are not visiting the parks because they have become a woke mess, to the point where they do not say ladies and gentlemen or boys and girls in the parks anymore to pander to a small minority, so spare me the outrage. this is a business that mainly makes its profit from parents, and we have been patiently taking it on the chin from Disney. What needs to happen is the removal of Bob Iger once and for all so that Disney can get back to entertainment and back off from policy making and indoctrination.
I’m disgusted at the lack of a proper dress code. Women walking around in bikini tops and micro shorts. Wear them on the beach, but not at a theme park. The irony of the sign as you enter the food court at Pop telling guests they have to wear shirts and shoes, but a bikini or bra are not shirts.
Then of course is those skin tight onesies that leave nothing to the imagination.
I’m no prude, I believe in dressing appropriately for the location. Worse are the parents who allow their tweens and young teens dress like this.
It’s the gullible stupidity of people that got Trump elected.
The only negative impact will be having to have the first convicted felon and serial sex offender talking to your kids.
I’m sorry for your advanced TDS. I know you are hurting now. But, congratulations to Harris/Balz for finishing SECOND!!
Danny O.
Wait until they find out they just voted away female rights, black rights, Pride rights, and the rights/freedoms of many Americans that have less than a six-figure annual income.
They may be smug now. but watch how they start to crumble after it effects them, too. 🍿
Slander. Be careful.
Darrell C Parks
Ever hear of Bill Clinton? Or his “bimbo eruptions”? He had to pay out $850,000 to Paula Jones. Did you know when Joe Biden started dating Jill, she was married to Bill Stevenson.
Jack Jones
Maybe you should go back and read about JFK and his involvement with the opposite sex. Bill Clinton was, and probably still is, a serial sex offender. I am not even talking about Lewinski.
Most, if not all, of our presidents have actually been horrible people.
The press back in the old days didn’t have the reach they do now, and in JFK’s time, pretty much had an agreement not to talk about scandalous stuff.
Oh the horror!
People making these kind of comments and videos are exactly the problem! People are actually stupid enough to believe them. Enough is enough already! America has spoken and we are tired of the lies! Spend the next four years finding your moral code.
Wow! These liberal trolls are hurting, lashing out here like the maniacs they worship. Do us all a favor Libs, don’t go to the Disney Parks and buy tickets to the Kimmel show and The View.
Oh yes, things will change….to the better if you can deal with a large increase in crowds, happier park goers and well behaved people. The economy will be booming, gas, flights and food will be cheaper. Americans will have more spending money. The end of “Woke” Disney will make most feel more appreciated for being there, not intimidated by a tiny percentage of park goers.
I will be going back after four years with a smile!
A B Lyne
Get a life people! All will be much better now that Trump is President! Stop whining. Be grown ups for once in your life!
No clue if it would impact the resorts – pretty strict on hiring so lack of employees will not happen. Racism is not to be a part of Disney Parks, Resorts or Vacation clubs ever. I hope it stays this way !
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