Disney Fans Demand Big Changes at Magic Kingdom Attraction After Election

Comments for Disney Fans Demand Big Changes at Magic Kingdom Attraction After Election

Guests at Magic Kingdom

Credit: Kaleb Tapp, Unsplash


  1. Rob Robinson

    If Disney was to do that they will get such a strong response with over half the country boycotting Disney World.

    1. PJ

      We already do. It’s too expensive.

      1. Elfmama

        Isn’t he displayed already? And what about LBJ? And Nixon? How did we ever survive those displays?

        1. JPL

          They don’t speak. Only a few of the historical presidents speak and then the sitting president.

      2. Kat

        I I am so over the woke mentality ruining Disney attractions and movies. We don’t need to remake everything to follow their agenda. It is so out of control. Enjoy yourselves. I have no interest in ever going again. They’ve taken the magic out. Kids going there weren’t going to care about trump being among the hall of presidents.

      3. Karen King

        That’s for sure. We haven’t been back for several years. Can’t afford it.

    2. michael a.

      I agree, My family has visited WDW approximately 50-60 times, but this would be the final straw for me. Honor Trump as you would every other president. If you are too immature to handle it, there are many other attractions, enough is enough.

    3. Kathleen Barker

      Most of us can no longer afford Disney, so get rid of that old dinosaur of an attraction.

  2. Jim Holderman

    I feel Disney should hold a contest for the 47th Presidents speech. The speech must consist of exact quotes from his campaign speeches.

    1. Danny O.


  3. Z

    It seems hatred for Trump is so strong, some are willing to erase the history of all presidents even JB. Disney have the fortitude to say no.

  4. James F Rucker, Jr

    And this is why many Americansm such as myself will no longer spend one penny inside the disney compound…….

  5. Greg

    Typical liberal move. Instead of just not going to the Hall of Presidents, they want to prevent everyone from going to it by shutting it down. If you don’t like a TV show, turn the channel and don’t watch it. Don’t demand that it’s taken off the air and prevent people who enjoy the show from watching it!

    1. Cassie

      You mean like the way freedom of choice was taken away from all Americans? There’s a reason Disney doesn’t have a location in Russia. If Disney was smart, they’d pull out of the US as well before Project 2025 is in full swing and takes away the rest of our freedoms.

      1. Cackles

        Please step away from the bong.

      2. David A.

        Why are you still watching MSNBC? Do your research! FactCheck.org. Trump has stated he does not support Project 2025. The liberal media stated this was his agenda, which is another untruth. Disney should not pick and choose who should be included or not. More than half the country voted for Trump. Which ever party is in power, the other side should suck it up and go on with their lives. I did when Biden was elected.

      3. JV

        Pres. Trump did not write and went on LIVE TV and stated for the record that he doesn’t support project 25.

      4. Bob

        One day, i hope you wake up to the lies being fed to you. Youre easier to control through emotions, which theyve mastered. Instead of being mad at the truth, be mad at those that intentionally misled you. Or dont….and continue to live upset, disappointed, and confused.

  6. Jacob

    Unfortunately, this attraction has been divisive for a long while now, regardless of who the winning president was in any given year. I remember hearing audience jeers and scoffs during the GWB speech way back in 2001. It might be overdue for a reimagining or closure if tension among audience members continues to escalate and make the environment feel less safe and family-friendly. It’s a sad state of things when Disney has to consider closing a classic and beloved attraction for the same reason it ended up closing the BET nightclub on Pleasure Island, but that’s where we are.

  7. Gary

    Disney should stick with the tradition that Walt started !

    1. Danny O.

      Bring back Disney! Neither “wokness” nor corporate greed have anything to do with Walt’s vision! Disney was meant to be fun for families! Fun for ALL people — regardless of age, race, gender, religion, preference, income level, and even political views! Great immersive storytelling was supposed to be the focus…NOT politics!

    2. Creta

      You are absolutely correct! Trump is the President of these United States! UNITED is the word! He won by millions of votes!

    3. Linda

      Absolutely, If you don’t like President Trump then stay away like I have since President Biden has been in office. This is one of the last legacy’s Of Walt Disney!

      1. Kevin

        Here we go again, crazy woke,lib people who are butt hurt over the election outcome want to destroy something,I did not like that Obama had win nor did I like Joe biden fir that matter I wasn’t crazy about gw bush even though I voted for him I came to that realization after 4 yrs. But to say they should shut down a show that teaches about our country’s presidents and the troubles dome of them had to overcome just because your candidate did not when is shameful and wrong you are teaching our kids to give up and shut down or destroy if you are not happy my opinion that is truly un-American..leave the show alone if you don’t like the presidents then you should just not go in ,I went in and watched our history no matter who the president was.

        1. Well said Kevin. Trying to erase history to please a few. He was elected and should be included. I’m sure Disney can portray it with dignity as it is our history. Anyone not wanting to see ALL Presidents should not go in.

      2. Joby

        Washington owned slaves. Clinton was an adulterer. I despise Trump, but why is he the deciding factor on the ride staying open when so many others have a past too?

        1. JV

          Thank you very much for that. Well said!!!

        2. Danny O.

          “Washington owned slaves. Clinton was an adulterer.”

          I’ve heard about the texts to black people, since Wednesday, November 6, 2024. And I believe Trump has Clinton beat. The only difference: Those that were with Clinton WANTED to be. Not everyone (most were not) that Trump was with will were willing.

  8. Tsd1958@aol.com

    If we want to play the name game, there are those who can say that Joe Biden was just as divine as they claim Donald Trump to be.
    They rammed illegal entry into the country down people throats and told people they weren’t allowed the feel or think they do because they are wrong if they do. To me, that is just as divisive as what they claim DT is doing.
    How about everyone just put there Big Girl/Big Boy pants on and deal with it. It’s called life, sometimes it’s good and sometimes bad….but in the end we all have to accept it for what it is. If you have an issue with a figure being featured and you’re offended, then DONT GO to the attraction. It’s simple. Remember, all of Disney If a safe space If that is what you need right now or going forward.

    1. Tsd1958@aol.com

      Damn auto-correct…
      Joe Biden was not divine…..it should say divisive!!!

      1. Danny O.

        Maybe auto-correct knows you’re hiding how you truly feel? 🤣

  9. David

    It’s historical! These are our presidents whether you like them or not. It’s a great attraction. Keep it going. Don’t be one of the idiots that want to rewrite or erase our history!

  10. Bonzer

    Since Trump won twice with Biden in between, shouldn’t he should get two animatronic statues?

    Dems, the party of banning things.

    1. Josh

      Grover Cleveland only has One animatronic even though he was in the same boat as Trump is in now. Trump I’m sure will still demand that he has two because that’s how he is.

  11. I believe Washington, Lincoln, Kennedy, LBJ and Bush were divisive in their times. I don’t like Trump, but he was elected just like all the rest of the Presidents. Include him and educate your children according to your own values.

    1. Disdad

      Well said!

  12. lmariel

    Trump won both the electoral and the popular vote. That should say it all. I consider this attraction to be part of our history. I chose not to listen to Obama when he was the one featured. My choice. But I do not believe we should cancel.any.of.our history. Just learn from it.

    1. Danny O.

      “I do not believe we should cancel.any.of.our history. Just learn from it.”

      Song of the South? It’s not Disney’s way to not cancel history. I’m just glad that I have one last time at Disney before the MAGA dictatorship causes its demise.

      Well…Disney, themselves, are doing a good job at sabotaging themselves. However, it will be up to Disney to decide which side to join: Those that believe in liberty, justice, freedom & rights for all — or Those that thought six-figure income, heterosexual, Christian, white male supremacy would protect their mothers…their wives…their daughters…their nieces…their granddaughters…and anyone with less than a six-figure annual income.

      Let us not forget the lines will be shorter after our taxes increase for deporting many, many, MANY people. Both Trump & Vance stated that even LEGAL immigrants would be considered “illegal” for the purpose of deportation.

      1. L

        Wow, you seem a little upset there. Maybe you’ve forgotten the migrant crime that has flourished in this country in the last two years. Or perhaps the skyrocketing housing costs because these people need a place to live. We have no problem with immigration. This country was built on immigration. DO. IT. THE. RIGHT. WAY. If you don’t like it, go somewhere else. I find it hysterical that you say this is all “white, straight, Christian, six-figure income men”. I thought you claimed to be part of the inclusive, tolerant party? Doesn’t sound very inclusive or tolerant to me. Trump’s movement is based on the four years of terror we’ve faced. The other side doesn’t care about this country, they don’t care about you. They want you to be slave to the system, never owning anything, dependent on the government, and being happy about it.

        If Disney axes this attraction just because of the election, that would be a very very unwise move for them.

  13. Tami Johnson

    It’s not Disney’s job to choose who goes into the Hall of Presidents. It’s not called the Hall of Presidents That We Choose. Its called the Happ of Presidents. Leave history alone for all to see. Here’s another tip, don’t go if you don’t want to see it as an all inclusive Presidential show.

  14. GmM

    I can’t remember the last time Disney had values. Get over it, stop your whining. Trump won!

  15. MJP

    WOW! Is all I can say!

  16. C

    Trump is the next President of the US.
    He should be there like every President before him.
    Disney would be promoting Prejudice and Racism….if its ok for a young man to be in a dress working Tower of Terror, then let President Trump take his rightful place in the President’s Hall he won the election,,,,Disney do what’s right and don’t change the rules for a few whiners.

  17. Boo hoo my team didnt win do lets see how much we can destroy this from the liars claiming to be the party that unites then practically destroyed the country by allowing millions upon millions if illegals into the country, Clinton holds the record fir deportations with Obama second (gee both Democrats) . Want to guess who deported the least, he’s going to be the next President. But you’ll continue to believe the lies because you need to grow up and use your brain. Enough of the childish cancel crap.

  18. Jack Jones

    A bunch of mis-informed, whiny, crybabies. The notion that Trump is going to close down Disney is a Democrat conspiracy theory.
    People on both sides of this country have lost their minds.

  19. I am sick of the political propaganda intrusion in every part of our lives. President Trump won therefore he should be displayed as is the tradition. End of story.

  20. Maria

    Since he is already in the Hall of Presidents, that is it. None of the other Presidents who served more than one term are in there more than one time. Even Grover Cleveland who was the 22nd and 24th President is only in there once.


      I’m selling all of my Disney Stocks! Enough of this Liberal Crap!

  21. Chris B

    And now its come to this lol. All of the weak crybaby democrats that didn’t like the election outcome should just go on Tianas breakdown adventure over and over and cleanse their feeble minds.

  22. Tom

    Ok Disney time to put your big boy pants on snd not bend to political pressure. Your core purpose is entertainment stick to it. GE wound up losing its place on the DOW by venturing into finance not its core business. Learn the lesson entertain people like Waltvintened to do from the beginning.

  23. Teri

    What about Obama the most divisive President we have had to sit thru did any of you liberals complain about him! He had the ability to bring the best to this country and chose to divide instead and continues to spew venom whenever he can!

  24. Stop being so petty and give Trump a chance! Why don’t they redo his face and make him look like Trump and not Hilary Clinton. Most of the faces look so angry!

    1. Karen King

      Hahaha! I am glad that i am not the only one who thinks that Trump looks like Hillary!

      1. Karen King

        I think Disney got ahead of itself there. Kind of like the news paper declaring Dewey the winner over Harry Truman. A big “Oops, now what?” moment.

  25. BT

    Seems to me the most divisive folks are the ones wanting to erase any aspect of those who are of the conservative persuasion from history here. It’s the progressive liberals who won’t tolerate anyone or anything that differs from their point of view. Erase Trump from history and this exhibit and disney will definitely suffer the consequences.

  26. Tim s

    It is so unfortunate that truly uneducated people allow emotions to make their decisions. Because they are backed by social and visual media platforms those voices are heard the loudest and Disney has bent to appease that side of public view. Disney should return to its original values and lead, not follow those with clearly a different agenda. Disney should stand firm in its origins and principles; history and Americana. What once was, as well as what is. To remove or replace something because it does not fit an agenda is beyond understanding. If an individual doesn’t like what is presented then don’t view it.

  27. Tracy Olsen

    If this wasn’t so ridiculous, I would think it was a joke! Are there seriously people that weak-minded and pathetic to be offended by a historical figure being placed inside an attraction in a theme park?? I’m embarrassed for the leftists. Truly. Pathetic.

  28. Mike

    The Hall of Presidents celebrates the office of the President not any individual President. If Disney has a problem with the President-elect maybe they should go back to the original hall and not have the current President speak, plus they wouldn’t have to change it every four to eight years 🤔.

  29. Sarah

    Disney needs to remain Switzerland and neutrally include the history without caving to the loudest voice. An election was held. The population spoke. Not everyone likes every piece of history. Be neutral. Stand firm.

  30. Robert

    “Family Friendly”? Disney hasn’t worn that label for a very long time.

  31. Nate Barad

    If Walt Disney were alive he would have voted for Donald Trump and would have loved seeing how Republicans are in complete control now. Walt was a conservative right-wing Republican, I think people forget that in addition to that the Hall of Presidents was his idea, or at least the Abraham Lincoln part of it. Whatever your opinions and thoughts about Walt Disney if you don’t like his park don’t go, and if you don’t like the rides he envisioned, don’t go.

  32. jodie

    First off Pres. Trump VP Vance 2024! They are going to make Disney World great again. Thanks to you folks in Cali that voted to make this happen with us. Disney stock is already going up. No tax on tips, overtime, social security. No dudes with long hair in women’s sports, bathrooms, locker rooms. Get our schools back on track to teaching the basics needed to excel in life instead of woke. Let parents be in charge of what happens in their children’s lives. Be an oil and gas exporter instead of begging for it from enemies. No taxpayer funded abortions as a contraceptive. American’s first stop using our taxpayer dollars to fund illegals. Good stuff. Disney can thank us later we saved them from themselves.

    1. Tatty

      My opinion and it probably doesn’t hold water with others is

      Mr. Trump was a past President. Now re elected our sitting President.

      Those that don’t like him Trump or election result just stay away from President Hall. It is what it is. Being our sitting President he should come back to front until next President is elected.

      The people spoke with their votes.
      Just because we may not agree politically does not mean we cant share a smile, shake hands and be kind to one another.

      This world is enough to deal with we don’t need to add to the fueling of fires.

  33. BlueCollarCritic

    Only the Stage 3+ TDS victims and cultist members of the WokeAuthoritarianLeft are upset over this.

  34. BD

    Biden and his cronies stole the last election. Can’t wait for Trump 2.0. A 🖕to the woke weak wimps.

  35. Deb

    Replace it with something less boring

  36. Danny O.

    Interesting. The comments don’t seem to be about Disney. They’re mostly the MAGA cult attacking Democrats.

    When Biden won, MAGA stormed the castle (January 6th). Even though Trump won, MAGA is still attacking?! That’s cult mentality for ya’.

    Just wait until they realize what they voted for.

    While taxes raise, they will blame everyone but their own votes. While the cost of living goes up, they will blame everyone but their own votes. When their income goes down, they will blame everyone but their own votes. When people from their friends & family (who aren’t rich, heterosexual, Christian, white males) stop respecting them, they will blame everyone but their own votes.

    Once they realize what they voted for, they will also realize that it’s too late to change their vote.

  37. Andy

    This is the fourth divisive president in a row. The idea that an attraction which exists to celebrate democracy should close because of the actual exercise of democracy should horrify anyone, regardless of political belief. Shame on anyone for considering such a thing.

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