Bob Iger's Hurricane Instagram Post Receives Severe Backlash - Inside the Magic

Comments for Bob Iger’s Hurricane Instagram Post Receives Severe Backlash

A collage featuring Bob Iger in a suit on the left and the disney castle on the right, set against a dramatic cloudy sky at a Disney Park.

Credit: Inside the Magic


  1. Tom

    It was open because people came. Don’t blame Disney. Ignorance can be fixed stupid is forever.

  2. Totally irresponsible to put guests in danger over the almighty $$$$ I will sh he would leave early. WDW is not he same

  3. Chris

    Here now spoke to the ride out cast members. They were volunteers. Not forced to work. Closed at 2. Storm did not come in until about 2 am. Stop the hate mongering.

  4. Kristi

    Guests were free to leave. No one forced them to come to the parks. And due to Disney having their own power grid, a plethora of food and building codes that exceed a persons home, I would think Disney would be one of the best places to be in Florida. It is my understanding that Disney discounted rooms and entertained in the lobby’s of the hotels. Well done.

  5. Emma

    I live 5 miles away from WDW and couldn’t believe the parks remained open so late on Wednesday. Cast members should’ve been given the day off other than those working the resorts. The storm was already in the area; personally having already lost a tree by 4 pm, and having had tornado warnings come through repeatedly that afternoon. Iger is a disgrace to the human race.

  6. Tom Brooks

    If my family traveled all that way and we were staying on the WDW property, we would have been extremely grateful to Bob Iger and all the WDW employees for letting us enjoy that limited time in the parks.

  7. Rick

    I was at Disney World all week. Staying in a condo offsite but about 1 mile from wide world sports. It was cloudy on Wednesday, but the rain didn’t even start until 10 PM. They actually could’ve been open much later than 2 PM but that gave everybody chance to close and get home. Anybody that saying that they should’ve closed is just a bunch of Karen’s. You don’t want to go to the park don’t go, I’m sure everybody made their own decisions and I see no reason that the park needed to be closed. The weather was not a factor. The storm didn’t actually come through until nearly midnight and I think the eye of the hurricane passed just south of Orlando around 2 AM. The winds were Gusting at 80 miles an hour, but the rain wasn’t really that bad and the rain really only lasted about six hours from 10 PM to 4 AM. Of course, Thursday everything was closed, but it was actually a nice day and the sun came out on Thursday for parts of the day.

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