Universal's Tentpole Movie 'Wicked' Officially Gets Low Rating

Comments for Universal’s Tentpole Movie ‘Wicked’ Officially Gets Low Rating

Elphaba (Cynthia Erivo) and Glinda (Ariana Grande) in 'Wicked'

Credit: Universal Pictures


  1. Gail

    I absolutely intend to see this movie! It will be the first movie I have seen since before the Covid shutdown. Can’t wait!

  2. RickTR

    Can’t wait to miss this movie! Another woke disaster!

  3. Movie Review

    *** AVOID THIS DISASTER !! ***
    Don’t be tricked and expose your kids to more of this mental and moral assault. Unless you truly believe society is morally and ethically in better shape than when Wizard of Oz originally delighted on screen then stop letting Hollywood create these disgusting , offensive and morally defunct movies.

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