To call what happened on Tuesday a Debate is to say the least a Joke. Disney/ABC STOLE from the American people their only chance to actually see the differences between the two people running for the Presidency of the United States. The “so called” moderators should be thoroughly embarrassed by their conduct. Walt Disney is turning over in his grave to see what is once great establishment has become. Shame on you Disney , Shame on you ABC, and to the “Moderators” you should be FIRED!
I AGREE, Shame on Disney/ Shame on ABC! At least CNN so called moderators were more professional when they hosted the debate than we expected. The so called moderators of the ABC/Disney debate should be beyond ashamed! It was disgusting to even watch how badly President Trump was treated! That is saying it politely as to how I really feel!!! This was a setup to try and get him frustrated which I think under the circumstances he did better than most would have!!!!
As far as what the rules were supposed to be, the questions weren’t supposed to be given ahead of time, the mic was supposed to be muted when the other was speaking, she was too scripted speaking and she was too rehearsed not to have had information before this SHAM!!! If this is what Journalism has come to WHAT A DISGRACE!!!!
Stayed in camper last 5 yrs for 75 plus nights,brought 2 family’s for 10 nights each,that’s now all over,as abc were so unfair,.hope others feel the same and hit Disney where it hurts,loss of f business from Republicans
Trump was fact-checked, and Harris was granted free reign with numerous tall tales. It was so astounding that there was no effort by ABC to even hide their bias. Trump didn’t have a great night, but his base is still in his corner. We need to work on winning over the undecided and independent vote.
And yet she still didn’t interrupt near as much as he did. In an interview after the debate, he mentioned his “calling her” on that one time. It just made him so happy that he got a chance to do that. Why? Why must we have children running on the Republican ticket? Surely you could have found someone halfway decent.
I agree that there was fact checking only of Trump, and that the questions were not probing into Harris’ immigration and economic policies. I agree that it was a rough night for Trump but it was so obvious that it was the ABC commentators and Harris vs. Trump…… truly a shame. If there were a boycott of ABC I would support it.
In truth, they allowed Trump to interrupt and respond to Harris more frequently than she did. Also, some of Trump’s outlandish comments made it easier to fact-check him in real time. Harris did, in fact, list some of her economic plans, whereas Trump had one plan – more tariffs – which has been rightfully criticized as disastrous by several economists. Admittedly not much was said by either candidate about immigration policy. Trump spent a lot of time beating a dead horse about the failed immigration policies of the Biden administration without offering any solutions of his own, except to say that he would deport a large number of illegals without mentioning a plan as to how he would do this. When the moderators gave him the opportunity to detail his healthcare plans, all he could say was that he had “concepts of a plan.” Frankly, Trump was his own worst enemy.
Funny you should ask that, since the same question can be asked of Trump. He keeps bringing up the southern border as a campaign issue, but why didn’t his administration fix it in the 4 years that HE was president? I seem to recall his supporters falling for his absurd campaign promise to build a “beautiful wall” and make Mexico pay for it. Nine years later, the wall isn’t even half-finished.
I suspect Trump waited until his closing statement to say this because he knew Harris would have the perfect rebuttal if she were given time to respond. Also, as she correctly pointed out, Trump had no interest in seeing the border crisis resolved with bipartisan legislation earlier this year when he could keep using it as a campaign issue instead. There’s a word for this: Hypocrisy.
Aunt Polly…reading your response was so refreshing. You actually watched and understood the debate, which so many of the responders here apparently didn’t. Understand, I mean…I’m sure they watched it. And why does Trump keep harping on about immigrants going to Springfield and eating their dogs and cats?! Does he not know that isn’t true, and that it makes him sound even more ridiculous than usual by repeating it?
It is true. Independent journalists actually went and spoke to real citizens. Not the mayor and council who refuse to admit or take action. The Governor is sending money to help. MSM should actually go there and speak with citizens like real journalists.
What is the source for your information, Marc? Tell us where we can go and read about these independent journalists speaking to real citizens. I’ll happily check it out myself, since mainstream media is clearly failing us.
I totally agree…Disney/ABC was very biased against President Trump. He was in the defensive mode; but President Trump had no choice since he was debating Harris, David Muir, and Linsey Davis at the same time…..and in spite of that, President Trump still came out on top!
I didn’t know who Allan Lichtman was until I looked him up just now. He accurately predicted the outcome of nine of the last 10 U.S. presidential elections, so I guess he’s no slouch in that department.
Total disgrace as this debate was definitely biased and yes 3 against one yet Trump still held his own!! The moderators were disgusting especially Linsey, such a horrible person! Let’s have Kamala agree to do a debate on Newsmax and see what we get. She wouldn’t look so “stellar”
Muir and Davis as well as Disney, should be ashamed of themselves. You treated Pres Trump terribly with your fact checking and gave Harris a free ride. She got Davis the job and they are friends, and Harris was wearing as usual the earrings that are being sold on Instagram, mic earrings, so she was getting her answers from someone back stage. We all know she is not intelligent. The American people needed to see her for what she really is, a Marxist and liar, I think a debate on Newsmax or Fox with Hannity would show the truth about her. Trump won that debate hands down.
The head of ABC news is a personal friend of Harris. Introduced her to husband and was in the wedding. It was not a fair debate. There are stories that Harris’s earrings are actually microphones. She does seem to wear same ones in many pictures.
I remember the same conspiracy theories circulating about George W. Bush’s debate performance, with pictures from alternate angles zoomed in to show an earpiece, so his advisers could feed him answers. I guess if those theories exist, it must be true.
I just don’t understand how some people can actually believe some of the rubbish that comes out of trump’s mouth,he sounds and looks crazy , thankfully I don’t live in the USA ,but I wouldn’t mind if a certain half of the country boycott Disney
So you believe the vomit that comes out of KAH MAH LA (HEELS UP HARRIS) surrogates (which can be demonstrably proven to be lies and pandering based on her prior statements) but you have a problem with a President who has an actual track record of proven success. You would have to stop believing the propaganda of a main stream media that is acting in concert to destroy the country. Harris’s father was a communist and that apple has not fallen far from the tree (as leans Obama the true puppet master who HATES America) . She has slept her way to the top and failed “up” – has ZERO real accomplishments if you look beyond the trad medias lies and distortions. I don’t have to like a president – I want him to perform for the benefit for all Americans. We are SWAMPED with 20 million new illegals, wars burn all over the globe – tens of thousands dead, China sabre rattles…. and that’s just the tip of the iceberg with this incompetent empty suit. If America goes down the tube the result will be catastrophic for the globe. So perhaps before you weigh in from whatever far off land you reside in you should do a little research.
Um yeah, the “incompetent empty suit” managed to outsmart Trump with every trap she laid in that debate, allowing the country and the world to see just how unprepared he was.
Apparently, Dick Cheney and 200 other Republicans who formerly worked in some capacity for George W. Bush, Mitt Romney and John McCain are all falling for the mainstream media propaganda about Kamala, because they’ve publicly thrown their hats in the ring for her. I guess they’re all Communists now. It’s obvious to the grownups and critical thinkers in the room that Dick Cheney isn’t voting for her because he agrees with her on policy, but because he sees the rhinoceros charging and she’s the one holding the tranquilizer gun.
I’m with you 100%, Jacob. And I hope you’re good with the fact that I’m going to steal your last line … priceless. What you saw in the debate is one candidate who did the work to prep, had her message to the American people ready, and yes I suppose she baited the former President a bit. But as a 78 year old businessman shouldn’t he have had the ability to not take the bait. He, on the other hand, was not in command from the very beginning when he tried to avoid Kamala’s handshake. And how did he choose to use his closing statement … bashing Kamala not telling the American people what he will be doing for them. She looked at him as he was speaking; he scowled or looked down when it was her turn. She looked directly at the camera and addressed her responses to the people watching; you would think a seasoned TV personality would have a better command of the stage. You don’t hear her complaining that he got 5 extra minutes of air time. As for fact checking, the ABC moderators only fact checked on the most blatant … the fact that he LOST the 2020 election, the fact that NO states allow babies to be killed after birth, the fact that there are NO claims of immigrants eating pets in Springfield, Ohio. All of these fact checks are backed up by actual facts … not alternative facts or hearsay. I’d say it was clearly a Harris win … and I’m guessing Disney execs are not losing sleep over a GOP call to boycott. Try telling your GOP kids who thought they were going to Disney, that Mickey was mean to 45. Right.
I live in the USA and I agree with Deb’s opinion. As a matter of fact, so does Dick Cheney, as well as 200 other Republicans who publicly announced that they’re now planning to vote for Harris.
Whoever the United States chooses as a leader has global implications, since we’re a superpower with lots of influence in the world. Also, in a comment thread like this, everyone has the right to respond, no matter what country their from. It’s a public forum with no restrictions beyond what the admin determines to be inappropriate.
As someone who once helped Trump with debate prep in the past, Chris Christie was characteristically blunt in his assessment of the candidate’s performances in a post-debate interview. He said that Kamala was clearly the better-prepared candidate in a way that exposed how unprepared Trump was, because he kept falling for every trap she laid in his path, ultimately making him dive down a rabbit hole of unhinged word salad. I suspect single cat ladies slept extremely well that night…expect maybe the ones who live in Springfield, Ohio.
Words mean nothing but actions will be what saves or destroys this country. If you look at their records, not the debate where lies can flow freely, Trump was much better for this country. The first question put to Harris was, is this country better or worse than it was 4 years ago. She did not answer that question. Harris’s actions show what she stands for. I don’t want a President that aids the actions of the protestors that destroyed cities. I don’t want a President that believes in abortion at any point in the pregnancy. (Note, Trump does NOT support banning abortion. Look at his record. He moved the decision about abortion to the states. He did not ban it.) I don’t want a President that wants to take away guns and defund the police. (Yes, during the debate she says she wouldn’t take away guns but again, look at her actions, not her words. And to that point, she didn’t say she wouldn’t take away guns, she said she has a gun. She believes in it’s ok for me but not for you). I don’t want a President that the end justifies the means. I’m referring to yes, we needed to withdraw from Afghanistan but not the way Biden/Harris did it and put many people at risk and killed military people. (Harris, even at the debate, stood up for their actions in this travesty.) I don’t want a President that is going to lead this country down the road to communism. I hope people will not listen to the words but look the actions (record) of these candidates.
I’ve looked at the record and actions of Trump, and none of it has ever served my interests as a citizen. Also, even during a time of economic uncertainty and post-pandemic inflation (which has since showed signs of stagnation with wages outpacing inflation), I can say with confidence that I am better off than I was four years ago. The debate is not swaying my vote at all. I was always going to vote for Biden’s head in a jar of blue liquid before I ever voted for Trump, and my decision was always based on his actions and record.
If the MAGA people would boycott Disney that would mean more access to the attractions and rides for those people who are not as delusional as Hannity, and Mr. Trump. I watched the debate on NBC, CNN, and a few other networks to see if there was any difference in the coverage. No difference. Why isn’t Hannity calling for a boycott of Universal which has an affiliation with NBC? In several polls following the debate, those asked overwhelmingly answered that Vice President Harris did a better job than did the former president. The bias that Hannity said was evident comes from a man who admitted that he, and FOX, knew that Trump lost the 2020, election, but continued to support the Trump line long after the election was over.
NBC did not provide the moderators, ABC did. If you read my comment, Harris may have “appeared” to do better, but her record is terrible and that’s what counts.
Dan’s point was that NBC and other networks showed the debate the same way ABC did, with no editing or selective coverage, regardless of who the moderators were, so everyone witnessed the same thing without partisan spin and several polls still favored Harris.
As for “appearances,” that’s something Trump is famously obsessed with. He continues to suggest and promote the “appearance” of having won the 2020 election, and the “appearance” of having large crowd sizes at his rallies, and the “appearance” of being at a healthy weight with a healthy tan. When he was elected in 2016, he had absolutely NO political record because his supporters were looking for an outsider to shake things up, so it’s interesting that an opponent’s political record actually matters now.
Well, Aunt Polly,
Let’s see if she closes the boarder, lowers prices or does ANY of the things she …. oh, wait, she never DID say anything. But now we all know she grew up on a middle-class neighborhood!
What a joke! So, enjoy the illegals. Hope they ship some to your neighborhood.
What a fantastic comment, Lisa. I’ve been a Disney fan so much so, that I bought a house in Celebration but what they’ve been doing recently sickens me. Do you think it’s a coincidence that their stock lost more than half it’s value while the market has rallied? Stay out of politics and focus on entertainment!
I thought the debate was fair and the moderators did a great job. It also showed that Mr, trump is not fit to hold office ever Again. Between his lies and his rants, he is just an old mean man.
Well, Anita Freeman, I hope you enjoy the communist party she’s planning. The moderators were beyond unfair. Hope you also get lots of illegals dumped into your neighborhood. I see that none of them ever get arrested for any crimes they commit.
It was three against Trump and an unfair debate. Whether you hate or love Trump this debate was proof that the Democrats own the media. We do not have freedom of press in this country.
Then why doesn’t Trump want to have another debate on a different network? He knows he won’t do well, no matter who the moderators are, but his ego won’t allow him to admit that publicly.
The media is very slanted to the left and they are definitely doing their fair share of brainwashing. It’s sad that we have people willing to take their word for everything, instead of doing their own research. It was definitely 3 against 1 and they didn’t even try to hide it. I am all for boycotting ABC, in fact I have been doing it for years now since they have become so woke. Hope others will join in so their ratings drop big time!
I’m picturing in my head just what a Wokey Dwarf could possibly look like. As for Taylor, I see not only can she not choose a man that isn’t married now she can’t pick a decent woman either. All those murdered babies will be on her head, too.
Comments for “Woke” Disney Hit with Boycott Over “Unfair” Presidential Debate
Credit: ABC
Tom Carder
To call what happened on Tuesday a Debate is to say the least a Joke. Disney/ABC STOLE from the American people their only chance to actually see the differences between the two people running for the Presidency of the United States. The “so called” moderators should be thoroughly embarrassed by their conduct. Walt Disney is turning over in his grave to see what is once great establishment has become. Shame on you Disney , Shame on you ABC, and to the “Moderators” you should be FIRED!
You’re out of your mind just like your old, misogynistic, racist candidate. We are not going back! 💙
birdbrain! Keep voting for communists and soon you will have no say!
Well said, Jeff!
Yes we are going back. ❤️
Yes we are ❤️
It is the right thing to do!
I agree. Even I am sick of the bronzer-splattered manbaby!
And I’m sick of that candidate that can’t even put together a complete sentence without cacking afterwards.
Seek help Michelle!
Don’t be a cry baby.
communist behavior will get you communism.
I AGREE, Shame on Disney/ Shame on ABC! At least CNN so called moderators were more professional when they hosted the debate than we expected. The so called moderators of the ABC/Disney debate should be beyond ashamed! It was disgusting to even watch how badly President Trump was treated! That is saying it politely as to how I really feel!!! This was a setup to try and get him frustrated which I think under the circumstances he did better than most would have!!!!
As far as what the rules were supposed to be, the questions weren’t supposed to be given ahead of time, the mic was supposed to be muted when the other was speaking, she was too scripted speaking and she was too rehearsed not to have had information before this SHAM!!! If this is what Journalism has come to WHAT A DISGRACE!!!!
The moderators did grear.
and what world do you live in? That is a total lie and you know it is.
Stayed in camper last 5 yrs for 75 plus nights,brought 2 family’s for 10 nights each,that’s now all over,as abc were so unfair,.hope others feel the same and hit Disney where it hurts,loss of f business from Republicans
Did “grear”
We are in big trouble if they can’t spell 🤪
kelly victor
Trump was fact-checked, and Harris was granted free reign with numerous tall tales. It was so astounding that there was no effort by ABC to even hide their bias. Trump didn’t have a great night, but his base is still in his corner. We need to work on winning over the undecided and independent vote.
Aunt Polly
In truth, the moderators allowed Trump to interrupt and respond to Harris more frequently than they allowed her to interrupt and respond to him.
Kamala did enough of her share! She was talking to him when it was his turn & he called her on it one of the times!
Beth W.
And yet she still didn’t interrupt near as much as he did. In an interview after the debate, he mentioned his “calling her” on that one time. It just made him so happy that he got a chance to do that. Why? Why must we have children running on the Republican ticket? Surely you could have found someone halfway decent.
Everyone Aunt Polly is part of WOKE do not pay attention to her and the other WOKE goons trying to mislead you go with your gut feeling !!
I agree that there was fact checking only of Trump, and that the questions were not probing into Harris’ immigration and economic policies. I agree that it was a rough night for Trump but it was so obvious that it was the ABC commentators and Harris vs. Trump…… truly a shame. If there were a boycott of ABC I would support it.
Aunt Polly
In truth, they allowed Trump to interrupt and respond to Harris more frequently than she did. Also, some of Trump’s outlandish comments made it easier to fact-check him in real time. Harris did, in fact, list some of her economic plans, whereas Trump had one plan – more tariffs – which has been rightfully criticized as disastrous by several economists. Admittedly not much was said by either candidate about immigration policy. Trump spent a lot of time beating a dead horse about the failed immigration policies of the Biden administration without offering any solutions of his own, except to say that he would deport a large number of illegals without mentioning a plan as to how he would do this. When the moderators gave him the opportunity to detail his healthcare plans, all he could say was that he had “concepts of a plan.” Frankly, Trump was his own worst enemy.
Why didn’t Biden & CO take care of this in the last 3 1/2 years??
Aunt Polly
Funny you should ask that, since the same question can be asked of Trump. He keeps bringing up the southern border as a campaign issue, but why didn’t his administration fix it in the 4 years that HE was president? I seem to recall his supporters falling for his absurd campaign promise to build a “beautiful wall” and make Mexico pay for it. Nine years later, the wall isn’t even half-finished.
I suspect Trump waited until his closing statement to say this because he knew Harris would have the perfect rebuttal if she were given time to respond. Also, as she correctly pointed out, Trump had no interest in seeing the border crisis resolved with bipartisan legislation earlier this year when he could keep using it as a campaign issue instead. There’s a word for this: Hypocrisy.
Beth W.
Aunt Polly…reading your response was so refreshing. You actually watched and understood the debate, which so many of the responders here apparently didn’t. Understand, I mean…I’m sure they watched it. And why does Trump keep harping on about immigrants going to Springfield and eating their dogs and cats?! Does he not know that isn’t true, and that it makes him sound even more ridiculous than usual by repeating it?
It is true. Independent journalists actually went and spoke to real citizens. Not the mayor and council who refuse to admit or take action. The Governor is sending money to help. MSM should actually go there and speak with citizens like real journalists.
Aunt Polly
What is the source for your information, Marc? Tell us where we can go and read about these independent journalists speaking to real citizens. I’ll happily check it out myself, since mainstream media is clearly failing us.
I totally agree…Disney/ABC was very biased against President Trump. He was in the defensive mode; but President Trump had no choice since he was debating Harris, David Muir, and Linsey Davis at the same time…..and in spite of that, President Trump still came out on top!
Aunt Polly
Several polls indicate otherwise, but believe whatever spin Fox News and NewsMax tell you. It’s par for the course and totally unsurprising.
Allan Lichtman predicts Kamala will win anyway.
Aunt Polly
I didn’t know who Allan Lichtman was until I looked him up just now. He accurately predicted the outcome of nine of the last 10 U.S. presidential elections, so I guess he’s no slouch in that department.
Total disgrace as this debate was definitely biased and yes 3 against one yet Trump still held his own!! The moderators were disgusting especially Linsey, such a horrible person! Let’s have Kamala agree to do a debate on Newsmax and see what we get. She wouldn’t look so “stellar”
Muir and Davis as well as Disney, should be ashamed of themselves. You treated Pres Trump terribly with your fact checking and gave Harris a free ride. She got Davis the job and they are friends, and Harris was wearing as usual the earrings that are being sold on Instagram, mic earrings, so she was getting her answers from someone back stage. We all know she is not intelligent. The American people needed to see her for what she really is, a Marxist and liar, I think a debate on Newsmax or Fox with Hannity would show the truth about her. Trump won that debate hands down.
The head of ABC news is a personal friend of Harris. Introduced her to husband and was in the wedding. It was not a fair debate. There are stories that Harris’s earrings are actually microphones. She does seem to wear same ones in many pictures.
Aunt Polly
I remember the same conspiracy theories circulating about George W. Bush’s debate performance, with pictures from alternate angles zoomed in to show an earpiece, so his advisers could feed him answers. I guess if those theories exist, it must be true.
So obvious bias
I just don’t understand how some people can actually believe some of the rubbish that comes out of trump’s mouth,he sounds and looks crazy , thankfully I don’t live in the USA ,but I wouldn’t mind if a certain half of the country boycott Disney
So you believe the vomit that comes out of KAH MAH LA (HEELS UP HARRIS) surrogates (which can be demonstrably proven to be lies and pandering based on her prior statements) but you have a problem with a President who has an actual track record of proven success. You would have to stop believing the propaganda of a main stream media that is acting in concert to destroy the country. Harris’s father was a communist and that apple has not fallen far from the tree (as leans Obama the true puppet master who HATES America) . She has slept her way to the top and failed “up” – has ZERO real accomplishments if you look beyond the trad medias lies and distortions. I don’t have to like a president – I want him to perform for the benefit for all Americans. We are SWAMPED with 20 million new illegals, wars burn all over the globe – tens of thousands dead, China sabre rattles…. and that’s just the tip of the iceberg with this incompetent empty suit. If America goes down the tube the result will be catastrophic for the globe. So perhaps before you weigh in from whatever far off land you reside in you should do a little research.
Um yeah, the “incompetent empty suit” managed to outsmart Trump with every trap she laid in that debate, allowing the country and the world to see just how unprepared he was.
Apparently, Dick Cheney and 200 other Republicans who formerly worked in some capacity for George W. Bush, Mitt Romney and John McCain are all falling for the mainstream media propaganda about Kamala, because they’ve publicly thrown their hats in the ring for her. I guess they’re all Communists now. It’s obvious to the grownups and critical thinkers in the room that Dick Cheney isn’t voting for her because he agrees with her on policy, but because he sees the rhinoceros charging and she’s the one holding the tranquilizer gun.
Karen M.
I’m with you 100%, Jacob. And I hope you’re good with the fact that I’m going to steal your last line … priceless. What you saw in the debate is one candidate who did the work to prep, had her message to the American people ready, and yes I suppose she baited the former President a bit. But as a 78 year old businessman shouldn’t he have had the ability to not take the bait. He, on the other hand, was not in command from the very beginning when he tried to avoid Kamala’s handshake. And how did he choose to use his closing statement … bashing Kamala not telling the American people what he will be doing for them. She looked at him as he was speaking; he scowled or looked down when it was her turn. She looked directly at the camera and addressed her responses to the people watching; you would think a seasoned TV personality would have a better command of the stage. You don’t hear her complaining that he got 5 extra minutes of air time. As for fact checking, the ABC moderators only fact checked on the most blatant … the fact that he LOST the 2020 election, the fact that NO states allow babies to be killed after birth, the fact that there are NO claims of immigrants eating pets in Springfield, Ohio. All of these fact checks are backed up by actual facts … not alternative facts or hearsay. I’d say it was clearly a Harris win … and I’m guessing Disney execs are not losing sleep over a GOP call to boycott. Try telling your GOP kids who thought they were going to Disney, that Mickey was mean to 45. Right.
I saw it too. She was great!
if you don’t live in the USA then we really do not need your opinion.
Aunt Polly
I live in the USA and I agree with Deb’s opinion. As a matter of fact, so does Dick Cheney, as well as 200 other Republicans who publicly announced that they’re now planning to vote for Harris.
Count me as another American that agrees with Deb
IF you don’t live here, why do you care! You really don’t have the right to respond if you’re not a US voter!!
Aunt Polly
Whoever the United States chooses as a leader has global implications, since we’re a superpower with lots of influence in the world. Also, in a comment thread like this, everyone has the right to respond, no matter what country their from. It’s a public forum with no restrictions beyond what the admin determines to be inappropriate.
Aunt Polly
As someone who once helped Trump with debate prep in the past, Chris Christie was characteristically blunt in his assessment of the candidate’s performances in a post-debate interview. He said that Kamala was clearly the better-prepared candidate in a way that exposed how unprepared Trump was, because he kept falling for every trap she laid in his path, ultimately making him dive down a rabbit hole of unhinged word salad. I suspect single cat ladies slept extremely well that night…expect maybe the ones who live in Springfield, Ohio.
I would boycott ABC except I never watch it anyway.
ABC unfair,Disney world visits are over for me,hit them it hurts,in the pocketbook,boycott Disney and ABC
Sure they are for you? I’m rolling my eyes.
Words mean nothing but actions will be what saves or destroys this country. If you look at their records, not the debate where lies can flow freely, Trump was much better for this country. The first question put to Harris was, is this country better or worse than it was 4 years ago. She did not answer that question. Harris’s actions show what she stands for. I don’t want a President that aids the actions of the protestors that destroyed cities. I don’t want a President that believes in abortion at any point in the pregnancy. (Note, Trump does NOT support banning abortion. Look at his record. He moved the decision about abortion to the states. He did not ban it.) I don’t want a President that wants to take away guns and defund the police. (Yes, during the debate she says she wouldn’t take away guns but again, look at her actions, not her words. And to that point, she didn’t say she wouldn’t take away guns, she said she has a gun. She believes in it’s ok for me but not for you). I don’t want a President that the end justifies the means. I’m referring to yes, we needed to withdraw from Afghanistan but not the way Biden/Harris did it and put many people at risk and killed military people. (Harris, even at the debate, stood up for their actions in this travesty.) I don’t want a President that is going to lead this country down the road to communism. I hope people will not listen to the words but look the actions (record) of these candidates.
Well said Lisa
Aunt Polly
I’ve looked at the record and actions of Trump, and none of it has ever served my interests as a citizen. Also, even during a time of economic uncertainty and post-pandemic inflation (which has since showed signs of stagnation with wages outpacing inflation), I can say with confidence that I am better off than I was four years ago. The debate is not swaying my vote at all. I was always going to vote for Biden’s head in a jar of blue liquid before I ever voted for Trump, and my decision was always based on his actions and record.
Dan Fitzpatrick
If the MAGA people would boycott Disney that would mean more access to the attractions and rides for those people who are not as delusional as Hannity, and Mr. Trump. I watched the debate on NBC, CNN, and a few other networks to see if there was any difference in the coverage. No difference. Why isn’t Hannity calling for a boycott of Universal which has an affiliation with NBC? In several polls following the debate, those asked overwhelmingly answered that Vice President Harris did a better job than did the former president. The bias that Hannity said was evident comes from a man who admitted that he, and FOX, knew that Trump lost the 2020, election, but continued to support the Trump line long after the election was over.
NBC did not provide the moderators, ABC did. If you read my comment, Harris may have “appeared” to do better, but her record is terrible and that’s what counts.
Aunt Polly
Dan’s point was that NBC and other networks showed the debate the same way ABC did, with no editing or selective coverage, regardless of who the moderators were, so everyone witnessed the same thing without partisan spin and several polls still favored Harris.
As for “appearances,” that’s something Trump is famously obsessed with. He continues to suggest and promote the “appearance” of having won the 2020 election, and the “appearance” of having large crowd sizes at his rallies, and the “appearance” of being at a healthy weight with a healthy tan. When he was elected in 2016, he had absolutely NO political record because his supporters were looking for an outsider to shake things up, so it’s interesting that an opponent’s political record actually matters now.
Well, Aunt Polly,
Let’s see if she closes the boarder, lowers prices or does ANY of the things she …. oh, wait, she never DID say anything. But now we all know she grew up on a middle-class neighborhood!
What a joke! So, enjoy the illegals. Hope they ship some to your neighborhood.
What a fantastic comment, Lisa. I’ve been a Disney fan so much so, that I bought a house in Celebration but what they’ve been doing recently sickens me. Do you think it’s a coincidence that their stock lost more than half it’s value while the market has rallied? Stay out of politics and focus on entertainment!
Anita Freeman
I thought the debate was fair and the moderators did a great job. It also showed that Mr, trump is not fit to hold office ever Again. Between his lies and his rants, he is just an old mean man.
Well, Anita Freeman, I hope you enjoy the communist party she’s planning. The moderators were beyond unfair. Hope you also get lots of illegals dumped into your neighborhood. I see that none of them ever get arrested for any crimes they commit.
Linda M Gonzalez
It was three against Trump and an unfair debate. Whether you hate or love Trump this debate was proof that the Democrats own the media. We do not have freedom of press in this country.
Aunt Polly
Then why doesn’t Trump want to have another debate on a different network? He knows he won’t do well, no matter who the moderators are, but his ego won’t allow him to admit that publicly.
Again, Aunt Polly, if she gets in our country is
finished. biden already did his best getting that
ball rolling.
The media is very slanted to the left and they are definitely doing their fair share of brainwashing. It’s sad that we have people willing to take their word for everything, instead of doing their own research. It was definitely 3 against 1 and they didn’t even try to hide it. I am all for boycotting ABC, in fact I have been doing it for years now since they have become so woke. Hope others will join in so their ratings drop big time!
Wokey Dwarf
Good luck with that, since the majority of the country – along with Taylor Swift and her millions of fans – are now choosing woke over weird.
I’m picturing in my head just what a Wokey Dwarf could possibly look like. As for Taylor, I see not only can she not choose a man that isn’t married now she can’t pick a decent woman either. All those murdered babies will be on her head, too.
Kelly Mahon
Hannity you are just as delusional as # 45.
Kelly Mahon
Hannity you are just as delusional as # 45.
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