Nope just a lot of Pixie Dusters trying to prop up the dark side of teh force under the Sith Lord Darth Kennedy the Unwise.
PIXIE DUSTERS: These are Disney fans who no matter what Disney does, even with it’s admitted no-so-secret-gay-agenda (Disney Exec’s words & not mine) marketed at minors, will ever criticize Disney for it’s actions but be it’s eternal cheerleader’s devoid of any independent thought.
If you admit that you like The Acolyte, you might be labeled a “Star Wars shill” — a nasty nickname for fans who give Disney Star Wars positive reviews so they can get free access to Lucasfilm events — and if you say you don’t like the show, you’ll probably be called “toxic.”
No just no. People who are OG SW fans who don’t care for what Darth Kennedy has done to the IP, call everyone who liked the Acolyte a shill. That really reads more like confession via projection.
They call anyone a shill who is shilling for the show. That means primarily journalists/influencers who promote the show, some of which who don’t even actually support the thing but are just virtue signaling, and who call those who don’t like it “toxic”. It wasn’t those being called Toxic who started the name calling fight. It’s become quite popular in the industry to call as “toxic” (and or bigoted, homophobic, transphobic, ect) anyone who refuse to like what has been done to the IP and especially if they refuse to support it with their $$ because no matter what your goal is if you can’t bring in teh $$ it matters little as to why the content failed.
I have a feeling that THE SKELETON CREW which is all new characters and story set within the SW universe will be successful because it will do this right and early reactions so far are in alignment with that take. Instead of trying to twist and pervert the IP and its established characters/lore, SKELETON CREW is adding to it and it looks like in a way that doesn’t re-imagine anything existing. Since Darth Kennedy has said she want’s to retire but only on a good note, the timing of SKELETON CREW could not be better as it just may end up being that which defeats the dark Sith Lord, Darth Kennedy the Wicked & Unwise.
I disagree with the comment that the show was “review bombed”. I am a pretty woke person. I support the LGBTQ community, and am all for inclusion — BUT — The Acolyte was a horribly written show. Some of the storyline had huge plot holes that made no sense, both in the Star Wars universe and in basic story telling. It’s that simple. Plus, if you add the fact that it was budgeted at $180M for the season, and it makes it even worse.
Comments for ‘Star Wars’ Officially Removes ‘The Acolyte’ From Canon After Season 2 Is Canceled
I found the weirdo. I think you’re on the wrong page. Ain’t no orange psycho worshiping going on around here.
Nope just a lot of Pixie Dusters trying to prop up the dark side of teh force under the Sith Lord Darth Kennedy the Unwise.
PIXIE DUSTERS: These are Disney fans who no matter what Disney does, even with it’s admitted no-so-secret-gay-agenda (Disney Exec’s words & not mine) marketed at minors, will ever criticize Disney for it’s actions but be it’s eternal cheerleader’s devoid of any independent thought.
Trump 2025
Score so far at the half time:
Disney, Darth Kennedy & the Pixie Duster Troopers: 0
DeSantis, Trump & the OG SW Fanbase: 1
If you admit that you like The Acolyte, you might be labeled a “Star Wars shill” — a nasty nickname for fans who give Disney Star Wars positive reviews so they can get free access to Lucasfilm events — and if you say you don’t like the show, you’ll probably be called “toxic.”
No just no. People who are OG SW fans who don’t care for what Darth Kennedy has done to the IP, call everyone who liked the Acolyte a shill. That really reads more like confession via projection.
They call anyone a shill who is shilling for the show. That means primarily journalists/influencers who promote the show, some of which who don’t even actually support the thing but are just virtue signaling, and who call those who don’t like it “toxic”. It wasn’t those being called Toxic who started the name calling fight. It’s become quite popular in the industry to call as “toxic” (and or bigoted, homophobic, transphobic, ect) anyone who refuse to like what has been done to the IP and especially if they refuse to support it with their $$ because no matter what your goal is if you can’t bring in teh $$ it matters little as to why the content failed.
I have a feeling that THE SKELETON CREW which is all new characters and story set within the SW universe will be successful because it will do this right and early reactions so far are in alignment with that take. Instead of trying to twist and pervert the IP and its established characters/lore, SKELETON CREW is adding to it and it looks like in a way that doesn’t re-imagine anything existing. Since Darth Kennedy has said she want’s to retire but only on a good note, the timing of SKELETON CREW could not be better as it just may end up being that which defeats the dark Sith Lord, Darth Kennedy the Wicked & Unwise.
Idiot. This comment has nothing to do with Disney OR the show.
I disagree with the comment that the show was “review bombed”. I am a pretty woke person. I support the LGBTQ community, and am all for inclusion — BUT — The Acolyte was a horribly written show. Some of the storyline had huge plot holes that made no sense, both in the Star Wars universe and in basic story telling. It’s that simple. Plus, if you add the fact that it was budgeted at $180M for the season, and it makes it even worse.
Good, I’m not much of a Star Wars fan. However the show was ridiculous and Disney needs to stop pandering to political agendas.
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