VIDEO: Disney World Guest Pushes Olaf During Meet and Greet

Comments for VIDEO: Disney World Guest Pushes Olaf During Meet and Greet

disney guest pushes olaf over

Images Credit: @_disney._stuff_


  1. Brieanna

    Just when the meet and greets come back, this stuff is going to take them away. What is wrong with people? Have we lost all sense in how to act?

    1. AH

      Yes some have.

    2. Dizz

      I can’t agree more! I was at Disney World when it opened in 1971 and have been an annual passholder since they became available. I am disgusted at how people act and if it was a mistake and this guy was only playing around he should make a statement and apologize. Either way, he should never be allowed in the park again Keep your hands to yourself. Poor Olaf

    3. Meg Schramm

      I grew up next to Disneyland and have been going there since I was a baby. I’m 65 now, and let me assure you the crowds are acting like the’ve always acted. This nonsense is nothing new, it’s just being noticed more.

      1. Ryma

        Hi plz can u gilet me some advice i will visite Disney in feu dans with my child

      2. Bee

        Exactly, everyone needs to recognize society is only improving with these discussions. People have always sucked but they’ve never been held accountable before.

      3. Iamgroot

        Well said ma’am I’m glad you have been a witness to this non sense and can tell the world this is nothing new thanks

    4. I agree 100 percent. Grow up people go to six flags with that behavior

  2. Ryan Serowinski

    It’s just that the spot is very cramped and small compared to other meet and greet spots around Disney property

    That guy should had known better NOT to shove Olaf

    1. Mark

      Bad, very bad how some people act!

  3. Bob A.

    Before you write about stuff like this, get the FACTS first. That is the problem these days, get the story out first BEFORE verifying the facts! Geeze!

    1. Mel

      That seemed like an angry post! What facts are there? Was it you that pushed him? I’m not asking to be a jerk I’m really curious.

    2. Aaron

      What do you mean?

    3. Daniel Jones

      They said they weren’t sure if it was on purpose or not and left us to decide by watching the video. Not sure what your comment was supposed to provide.

  4. PJ

    Having been in Disney costumes, guest don’t realize, or assume we can’t get hurt when you pull on our ears or nose, but we do. Guest think they’re being cute or funny, but costume heads are attached to us. I’ve gotten plenty of neck injuries from adults being “funny” & have never been injured by the children. Hugs are always welcome.

  5. Christopher

    Orange county should charge the guest with asssult…Disney should ban the guy for life.

    1. Rev Gelene

      I totally agree with you!

  6. Doug

    Before you go jumping on the bandwagon and mouthing off about it, watch the actual video. There was no shove, no punch. The guy grabbed his nose, something he definitely shouldn’t have gone, for whatever reason the actor fell backward. You can’t make out exactly how, but the incident was CLEARLY 100% accidental and unintentional.

    1. Elizabeth Thrall

      This happens more than people realize. It’s like all sense is list when you meet a character. They do get hurt, the EMTs have to come and the perpetrators do get in trouble, sometimes escorted out of the park. Cast member safety is taken seriously.

    2. Jerry G

      There is no reason to grab his nose, The actors have limited vision in those costumes and walking around with them throws off your balance. People were to should respect that they are rhere to do a job and that’s entertained children. Not for full grown adolescents to become a fool Grabbing their nose or tapping them on the back or whatever. I’ve walked around in a costume similar They are It’s hot and difficult to breathe inside of them on a good day I can’t even imagine what the flower is sunshine Beating down on you. So whether he pulled his nose or swept his front leg The results are the same. Olf went down in the hot summer sun

    3. Annette

      If it was an accident, why didn’t the guy reach down and help Olaf up?

      1. Amber

        You can hear the CM ask them to leave. Looked like a serious misjudgment, but an accident still.

    4. CJA

      Not when you purposely touch another person – it’s an accident waiting to happen! If mister touchy feely had kept his hands to himself this incident wouldn’t have occurred.

    5. Jake Hornet

      Yeah, I was going to point this out. He wasn’t shoved. The guy gave his nose a kiss and the actor fell over. So for these nerds saying he should be arrested for assault watch the video again CAREFULLY.

    6. Scott

      That may be true but grabbing a character actors costume and pulling on it is absolutely inappropriate behavior and should be addressed.

  7. So the perpetrator “accidentally”
    grabbed his nose.

    1. Lol! ☝️ love this. Agreed

  8. Pammie

    He grabbed Olafs nose to kiss it. And the character lost his balance. There was no shove and the “perp” looked genuinely apologetic.

    1. I have to agree. Even though he shouldn’t have touched the character, it appears the falling over was a reaction of the character being “taken back” by what was happening. The guy stayed to try and assist but was told to leave. He didn’t just walk away. Maybe tossed from the park for the day or ban for the year as a punishment, not a lifetime. DON’T TOUCH CHARACTERS, unless directed or gestured to.

  9. Craig

    Come on guys Disney has gone down the plug with the recent price hikes and ridiculous wait times…having recently returned back from three weeks of hell at various Disney resorts I can indeed confirm the cast members have got worse due to the high level of vacancies I think any one can now be employed at these resorts.

    1. lola

      But you still went for 3 weeks ……jerk

      1. Aw Our Hughe

        Poor thing, and at various resorts too, not just one…for 3 weeks, practically a month

      2. Leeann Jacket

        It’s normal for the British to go for 3 weeks. They get 4 to 5 weeks paid vacation leave. Lol! 😂

  10. Mr Right

    Did the writer of this article actually watch the video? The man does not shove Olaf. Rather, he tries to touch Olaf’s nose.. which startles the person in the costume, resulting in a fall.

    1. Lynn Walker

      Did YOU watch the video? He wraps his hand around Olaf’s nose….. grabbing it, and causes the actor to lose their balance. He didn’t TRY TO TOUCH it. And he is an adult. He KNOWS better.

  11. Joeseph

    Guy shouldn’t touch him but c’mon man.. is the worker looking to go to light duty for a couple of weeks or something… There was no shove and by no means was the guest being aggressive…

    1. Lynn Walker

      Try working in one of those costumes. There was no fake to it. Nobody WANTS to go to light duty, which is hell.

  12. D Whit

    So now it’s Olaf’s fault? Does no one take responsibility for their actions? He should not have touched him.

  13. Disney's Crap Now

    He definitely didn’t mean for him to fall and he looked concerned because he didn’t walk away immediately after. Olaf will live to greet another day.

  14. princeofprussia

    Filthy snowman. Very first time I saw him, I said, “Now THAT is a Disney Villain.” Scary as all-get-out. The guest was probably fearing for his child’s life and trying to keep the kid safe. Some snowmen ARE abominable, you know, and I’m pretty sure this creepy-looking Yeti is one of them. DOWN with FROZEN!!! Bring back the MAELSTROM!!! TROLLS RULE; OLAF DROOLS!!!!

    1. Adam Ward

      Are you crazy? Scary doesn’t even remotely describe Olaf. Olaf is a sweet adorable snowman who was made by Elsa and Anna when they were kids, and ends up loving the idea of summer even though he has no experience with heat. All the kids AND adults love giving him warm hugs because of how sweet he is. It sounds like to me that you are just hurt because Disney made the choice to replace Malestrom with a movie that became very successful. It is no different than Disney replacing the Great Movie Ride with Mickey and Minnie’s Runaway Railroad.

      1. Drew

        Now that was a mistake. In a park that desperately needs more rides they remove a high capacity ride, one that fit perfectly with the theme of the park, for one that doesn’t. Same goes for RotR just another trackless ride, although with much better scenes, than Runaway Railroad. The only reason this isn’t a half day park is because the wait times cause you to spend more time in line. They removed two rides that fit the theme of the park and replaced them with more ip rides with a lower capacity per hour.

    2. Suzy Ra

      That Is Really Mean By What You Write He Is Really Cute Snowman That Likes Warm Hugs He Is Not Filthy He Made From Snow That Elsa Created Him 😤

    3. Suzy Ra

      princeofprussia That is really mean for what you comment on he made out of snow he is not filthy he created by elsa 😤

  15. Mason

    It’s like the time I wasn’t feeling good so I had to ride a wheel chair out of the magic kingdom before me and my family exited the magic kingdom we did a meet and greet at Mickey’s magician place. But it was Minnie instead. I don’t like meet and greets in general because I find them weird. But when we did it I ended up jumping out of the chair like Cosmo Kramer. I ended up scaring the person in the Minnie costume. Looking back it was pretty funny.

  16. STEVE DuBose

    Can’t believe a grown man would do such a thing! Psycho! Good thing I wasn’t there, or he might have joined olaf!

    1. Suzy Ra

      I Hope That Man Should Treat Like This And See How He Feel If There Stronger Guy In The Disneyland That Maybe Tougher Then Him

  17. Jan Nipper

    So is there a witness that saw this in person who might have a better take on this? Basically people just should operate on the concept of keeping their hands to themselves regardless of intent

  18. Adam

    This is outrageous. My wife and I literally did a meet and greet with Olaf with my son yesterday. The cast member playing Olaf was super sweet towards my son. He gave multiple hugs and made my 4 year old happier than I’ve ever seen him before.

    To whoever did that, seriously shame on you. Go get help, because you need it.

    To the Olaf cast member, thank you so much for what you do. You were the highlight of our vacation for our 4 year old son. Seriously, you were amazing, and it meant the world to us.

  19. Satan

    Screw everything disney
    Universal studios is and has always been better
    Only people who go to Disney now are complete fools

  20. Suzy Ra

    What The Hell He Is Doing To Olaf 😤

    1. Suzy Ra

      He Could Of Injured Olaf 🤨

  21. Suzy Ra

    That Pushy Guest Should Be Kick Out Of The Disneyland This Is Discusting Person That Did That To The Olaf I Meet And Greet Olaf He Is My Favorite Character Never Ever Grab Olaf And Did That 😠😡🤬

  22. Chris Nielson

    I met Olaf at Disneyland in California along with Kristoff, Anna and Elsa

    1. Suzy Ra

      That Guest Is Being To Pushy And He Knock Olaf On The Floor

  23. B Richards

    He barely touched him. Possibly they need to put the person in a Drama Queen outfit vs Olaf. Lol.

  24. B Richards

    Possibly they need to put the person in a Drama Queen outfit vs Olaf. Lol.

    1. Cat


  25. Char

    Why is the world becoming more aggressive??? It sickens me for this to happen when kids are there watching and waiting to see their favourite character and then sees that it would be heart breaking for them

  26. Annita

    Whole ass grown man hitting a Disney character like what for people need to grow up

  27. Coracel

    If they only know how hard it is to work there as a Mascot. Disneyland should have a limit on how many visitors they let in. It’s not a park’s no the happiest place ssooo crowded and can’t enjoy.

  28. Angie

    I don’t think that the guy meant to lol I think he was trying to play with Olaf ‘s nose for whatever genius reason, and gave it too much umph or Olaf saw it coming and tried to back away,
    tripping and falling in the process. either way lol that grown person should know better than to be touching anyone’s face.. smh. Takes only one person to ruin it for everyone else. Hopefully they don’t cancel the meet and greets because of this..

  29. That Guest Push Olaf’s Head Causing Olaf To Fall Backwards 😤

  30. Christopher

    Keep your hands and feet to yourself!

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