And this, boys and girls, is why we need physical media! This time, it´s just “the Acolyte” (not many people will care, because it is mediocre), but trust me, soon enough, your favorite movie will vanish from the world of streaming – and then all you go do is to call a friend who owns the DVD or BD…
Comments for Lucasfilm Show Officially Becomes Forbidden Media With Complete Disney+ Removal, Fans Devastated for the Future
And this, boys and girls, is why we need physical media! This time, it´s just “the Acolyte” (not many people will care, because it is mediocre), but trust me, soon enough, your favorite movie will vanish from the world of streaming – and then all you go do is to call a friend who owns the DVD or BD…
Yongma Lee
Hailey’s on it, as well as Owl House should be branded as Forbidden media as well along with Strange World and Lightyear.
Good! Remove it. It’s just taking up storage space on their servers! Not to mention all the effort I have to go through to scroll past it!
John Rogers
Well. If anything, it shows how bad the show was in the first place.
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