Jimmy Kimmel Removed: Nightshow Host Abruptly Steps Down

Comments for Jimmy Kimmel Removed: Nightshow Host Abruptly Steps Down

A man in a dark suit and tie smiles and gestures while seated against a blurred nighttime cityscape background, reminiscent of a Late-Night Talk Show hosted by Jimmy Kimmel.

Credit: Disney/ABC


  1. Da Dude

    If you guys did the proper homework you would know that JimmyK takes off EVERY summer – it’s written in his contract. This is very irresponsible reporting, once again. Please just stick to Twitter were all the other noise resides.

    1. Brando

      He in Italy with Howard Stern right now. do your homework

    2. Truth

      He’s @ Gitmo awaiting trial. We’ll likely never see him again. Good riddance

  2. Tom

    Did not even mention the funniest thing he ever did.
    The Man Show with Adam Corolla.
    Before he felt like he had to be politically correct.

    1. Rene Zambrano

      I concur!!!

      1. As do I. He is a punk

      2. Never liked him.

        1. RON

          I stopped watching his show, when it went from funny to his political bashing of the AMERICA FIRST FORMER PRESIDENT TRUMP.

          THEN came GREG GUTFIELD SHOW on FOX, that KICKED HIS ASS in ratings.

          I say he is a HAS BEEN and his LOW RATINGS SHOW IT.

          GOOD RIDDANCE !!!

    2. A deplorable

      Exactly. He’s turned into a woke coward. And how can you be a comedian when you are not funny. It would seem to be a prerequisite

      1. I agree completely!

      2. Edith Pickles

        YOU little girl 👧 💗 are a Deplorable!

        1. Truth

          He’s @ Gitmo awaiting trial. We’ll likely never see him again. Good riddance

    3. Driver Investor

      Help stop women’s suffrage!

      1. Jon

        That looks bea and thing. I loved Jimmy Kimmel, even went to one of his shows. But lately all he does is shove politics down your throat and bash Republicans..
        I had to quit watching him.. To bad he traded his career for his political views…

    4. Sammy P.

      He needs to go. Jimmy used to be funny. No he is just an entitled hack of the left.

  3. JB

    Why nominate John Mulaney when Olivia Munn’s the one we want. She can be exactly as sick and twisted as Kimmel, while also maintaining that same nonchalance, but Munn goes the extra mile where I just don’t think Kimmel could even if he wanted to

  4. RT

    Kimmel is only entertaining to liberal half-wit sheeple.

    1. Dh

      Yea, the right finally got him. Now we need more Trump.

      1. Bert

        Yes, we need MORE felons.

    2. Ron


    3. Nah Shis

      Fascists love Trump. Florida is a far right toilet and so are treasonous traitor Trumpers. You think you’re smarter than me? You’d throw away 250 years of democracy for the cult on one criminal con man felon. Go watch Fox and Infowars until you croak.

      1. Dirk

        Liberals like u are nothing more than well trained circus animals. Keep voting for the fascist left that keeps destroying our democracy.

      2. RON

        If you’d open your EYES, instead that mouth of yours, you’d see people have turned to FOX and GREG GUTFIELD, WHO is KICKING KIMMEL’S ASS, in the ratings !!!

      3. RON

        In case you haven’t noticed, the intelligent, wealthier people, that are sick and tired of the EXTREME LEFTIST B.LLS..T, HAVE left CALIFORNIA for the GREENER PASTURES, of FLORIDA.!!!

  5. Aunt Polly

    You mean he’s only disliked by cult members incapable of objective critical thinking.

    1. Bob Bob

      You ignorant democrats really are in the cult of Biden, get smart.

      1. Bart

        No worries, you can join too. Come on in, the waters fine.

    2. Ron

      The truth is he’s gotten his A.S. kicked by FOX’S GUTFIELD and kimmel’s constant lame negative comments about our future president, and that is NOT biden.

      1. Nah Shis

        787 million reasons why Fox is propaganda nonsense for dimbeciles.

      2. RON

        TRUE. BUT the few Kimmel hanger-ons are living in the past.
        Remember kimmel’s BLACKFACE gig.

    3. Nah Shis

      Bingo, Auntie! The clowns love their fat orange creep. “Putin is a genius!” – Donald J Treason

      1. RON

        You’re too IGNORANT to realize that our once beautiful country, has descended into the TOILET, so STOP your fishing !!!


    4. RON

      Polly’s Pies, YOU got that WRONG.
      REPUBLICANS are the only ones that are capable of Objective, Critical Thinking.

  6. over it

    any one of the replacements here would destroy the show . no one would watch those people . but here we are big corp goingfor the cheapest way out . sad jimmys the best on tv right now

    1. Jimmy Kimmel is cringe

    2. Ron

      NOT !!!

      1. RON

        YES HE IS CRINGE !!!

  7. Ron

    Please Conan O’Brian

    1. RON

      YES on CONAN.

  8. Bob Bob

    Harvey Weinstein looking fool ain’t never been real smart & his few fans ain’t known for their smarts either.

    1. Bert

      You are SO adorable!

  9. Marty

    I suppose he’s in consideration of Harris’ VP.

    1. Bert

      Why not? Better than Just Dumb Vance.

      1. lina

        Ha Ha Ha. You are just hilarious. How clever. And the only thing JD Vance did was get a full ride scholarship to Yale.

        1. Bob

          You’re forgetting the full ride he gave to that couch.

      2. Ron

        Hey Bert, where’s Ernie. The intelligent one of your duo?

  10. WJT

    “Vibrant” kek. Dog whistle much?

  11. Use to watch but since he so obviously only appreciates democrat viewers I’ve given up on late night comedians / propagandists. They obviously don’t care about the people that made them popular in the first place.

    1. Ron

      Checkout GUTFELD on FOX. He’s one of the only comedians that has his own show and is ANTI-WOKE.

      He’s the one that has kicked kimmel’s A.S.

      1. Gato

        How long will people continue to say “WOKE” and “ANTI-WOKE,” while simultaneously asserting their own right-wing and/or religious standard of injustice. The same kind people who say “sheeple” and don’t even realize the irony that they’re saying, “WAKE UP SHEEPLE (and be WOKE LIKE US on the right)”–a saying LITERALLY using the same verb.

        Truth is that EVERYONE sees themselves as “woke.” It’s just a difference of the injustice that you think that only you can see.

  12. I vote for Tiffany!

  13. Shadow

    He should pass the torch.
    Live by his party’s motto.
    Too Male Too Pale Too Stale.

  14. I could almost cry but I am not he need to token off the air

  15. Mary

    Used to love him and his show, but now he just seems to be whining about politics all the time. We get enough of that from the news. I don’t care who he is voting for or fighting with. Bring back the funny stuff!!

  16. Lou

    I’d like to see Samantha take his place, it will be nice to turn on late night TV and not see a white male face.

  17. HonestyandRealityGuy

    I only watched the first couple months of this show. Then stopped due to what I call hate. One really knows where he stands. The all time greats (is, Carson and Leno) never sold hate. I don’t believe in spreading hate. He will not be missed.

  18. Bye Bye Jimmy!
    Don’t let the door hit ya in the…

  19. Charles

    There’s no mention of his 7 year old son Billy having just recently survived his 3rd heart surgery and how this likely plays a role in his decisioning.

  20. Miguelg

    Hire guermo lol duh he already has a following make the others his co host

  21. Gary Fenner

    Who cares? Kimmel sucks at comedy and everything else I have seen him try. Good riddance.

  22. Marty

    Politics aside (which seems to be all anyone comments about anymore), Kimmel started out being awful in his first year, but now I think he has the best interviewing skills on TV. I don’t like monologues on talk shows anymore, but in interviews he listens, asks good questions, has funny replies and is silky smooth before he has to go to a commercial. Wouldn’t surprise me if Tiffany Haddish gets the gig when he’s done.

  23. Larry

    Kimmel is nothing but pile of bull$%&@. All he does is dog Trump about everything the man does. Why don’t you hop on “uncle Joe’s bandwagon to hell and dog him or Kamala about all their ‘screwups’ and dog the s#%& out of him.

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