Disney Quietly Releases New "Pirates of the Caribbean" Series

Comments for Disney Quietly Releases New “Pirates of the Caribbean” Series

Johnny Depp screaming as Jack Sparrow

Credit: Disney


  1. Michael Campanella

    The story and the stars chosen for the new POTC movie really don’t matter very much. If Johnny Depp isn’t in it, the movie will bomb. Just another of a long line of bombs Disney has recently produced.

      1. Kim

        100% agree
        If Johnny Depp isn’t in this movie. It will be a flop!! NO ONE WILL EVER REPLACE HIM AS CAPTAIN JACK SPARROW.
        Disney you have made a HUGE mistake!!

    1. Kathy Booth

      Disney has made a very bad business decision. I always adored Johnny Depp, and I wish he was better treated. Hollywood doesn’t like true to self thinkers. So much judgement when it’s obvious the ex wacko was in the wrong. Bye Disney

      1. Ken coykendall

        Johnny Depp is Capt Jack Sparrow. There can be no other !! Anyone else is nothing but a cheap imitation.. it’s like having Jack Black playing Mr spock on Star Trek it just won’t have the chemistry of the character intact. Try again Disney see if you get it right this time I hope..

    2. Teresa Reifsnyder


    3. Tracy

      No Johnny Depp no pirates 😢 😔

      1. Mary Ryan

        No Johnny Depp no pirates. Johny Depp made Jack Sparrow!!!!

        1. kyplone matsunda

          I’m with you..why would we watch it

      2. Donald

        No Johnny Depp as Captain Jack Sparrow, then 4 adult cinema tickets bought, no copy of movie on Blu-ray bought, no merchandise bought. So for Disney’s Stupidity you lose £100+ just from one family alone. Then times that by how many Johnny Depp fan families around the world who also won’t spend on this film and you are missing hundreds of millions of dollars.

    4. Bridget Luke

      Oh yeah that is so true. Those good for nothing flimsy producers

    5. I totally agree. NO.JOHNNY NO PIRATES.



    7. Nita

      If Johnny Deep is not in it. My family won’t be watching it either. We stand by him 1,000 percent.
      Disney did him wrong. They found him guilty before he even was able to prove otherwise. He was innocent. Now make it right. He is the one and only Captian Jack Sparrow. We love him

  2. Cw

    There is an experienced actor who has played jack sparrow for many years as a volunteer. He is listed on IMDb and has been in Sesame Street, ConAir, and Mars Attacks.

  3. Denise

    No Johnny Depp, no POTC!! He IS the movie. I certainly won’t be watching.

    1. Vincent A Lewis

      Without Johnny Depp the is no way I’ll watch any movies without him!

      1. Dearldean

        I won’t go to see the movie unless Johnny Depp is Jack Sparrow?Because he is Jack Sparrow, he made the character.
        He worked target to make that character and you wanna give it to someone else You’re throwing that really worked for something that doesn’t.I won’t go see it.I know a lot of fans won’t go see it.And you will fail if you don’t use Johnny Depp.As captain jack sparrow

        1. Gail

          I won’t watch it with out Johnny Depp

  4. Tamra

    I agree. It won’t be POTC without Johnny Depp. It is unfair to Johnny Depp to allow anyone else to play his iconic role. I won’t go see the movie without him. Of course, I don’t think all of the previous movies were excellent. The first two Wes amazing. And the last one brought the story back to the original. They need to wrap up and end this story and then create something new. Disney needs to quit redoing the same things over and over again.

    1. What did Disney do that Johnny Depp wants nothing to do w them… Foolish move Disney… Apparently, they don’t care about their reputation or making money…

  5. MKC

    Honestly, it won’t matter if it’s a complete reboot. The franchise is Jack Sparrow, and Jack Sparrow is Johnny Depp. If, for once, you would like to make a another successful film, swallow your pride, apologize and invite him back. You did him dirty, own it. Disney used to be THE movie makers. If it was a great movie, it more than likely had Disney to thank for it. You guys were my heroes ever since I was a child and watched The Wonderful World of Disney on Sunday evenings. Be great again, please.

    1. Beth

      Well, said! And, me, too!! We roasted hotdogs in the familyroom fireplace.


    1. Lorraine Buchberger

      You got that right. Well said.

  7. Erik koski

    The arrogance of the producers is stomach turning. This industry wide reboot or sequel trend is because there is no creative talent…except Johnny. Maybe that’s why they detest him so badly. Their jealous. Poor little babies. No Dep no audience…so what’s the point? Has the corporate world gone mad. Trump had hand in this I just know it. I guess I don’t care if Disney pisses away another couple hundred million. I hear the kept the lying golddigger in the cast of Aquaman 2. Sure to be another flop. Their needs to be a draining of the Disney swamp.

    1. JP McArdle

      No Johnny Depp, no “Pirates of the Caribbean.” Johnny created an iconic character. That belongs to him. I won’t be watching it without Johnny as Captain Jack Sparrow. Our movie collection will be forever incomplete.

      Disney condemned him without the benefit of due process – innocent until proven guilty. We all have the right to it. Well, Johnny won his case, proven innocent, and Disney lost big time.

      Johnny is creating another iconic character in Jeanne du Barry.” Disney is not holding him down. How many more characters are in Johnny waiting to be created and displayed on the big screen? He is a true artist.

  8. Lorraine Buchberger

    Without Johnny Depp, this movie will not be worth watching. I don’t know where Disney’s brain went. The Disney people must have flushed their brains down the toilet. What is wrong with Disney not putting Johnny Depp back in as Captain Jack Sparrow? Without the original cast and Johnny Depp, I will not waste my money nor time to watch any POTC that Disney and Bruckheimer will make.

    1. Satya

      Yes Brother Without Johny depp flop movie 🙌🏻

  9. Kathryn James

    I am Boycotting anything that Disney is promoting. Until Johnny Depp is back in TPOC. Not a Million Alpacas could make me except Disney ever again without Johnny Depp.

  10. Lindy

    Agree 💯 with everyone else! We want Johnny Depp back as Captn Jack Sparrow!! Give the fans what we want! Otherwise, I’m pretty sure your reboot with will be a full disaster! No one wants that! You have really lousy track record at the box office lately. Maybe listen to the fans! #NoJohnnyNoPirates

  11. Candy

    I agree with everyone. Without Johnny Depp, there will be certain failure. No silly series or reboot or anything else will ever take his place. You messed up badly, Disney, by firing Johnny without knowing the truth. Bad judgment call. Have fun losing millions. It’s called karma.

  12. Jackie Bowen

    Boycott POTC. No Johnny, No movie

  13. Jerry

    Depp certainly belongs in any POTC movie reboot or otherwise. He can be the old timer giving way to an unknown son… or a teacher to a new Pirate hero. But, to try to reboot or reinvent POTC without him is unforgivable… Disney.
    I total agree with others…swallow your pride, you owe him a payday and move on. You will make money off of him ten times..with Merch, Movies, Distribution…etc. I live in FL, I would glad to stop by the Mouses house and help you fix this deleama..as your advisors seem very weak..do what’s best for Business and keep your fan base.

  14. Nancy

    I love johnny as a pirate he looks like such a perfect man for the role

  15. Marla Hagner

    Right on everyone, no Johnny no pirates. He is Captain Jack Sparrow. Come on Disney let him be back.

  16. Ren

    If Johnny is not in the series or a movie as Captain Jack…what’s the point of watching? He IS POTC. Won’t watch, even when it lands on cable….

  17. kacey_09

    Why would Disney make a movie they know will fail? Disney, just get Johnny Depp back and stop messing around. Sheesh

  18. Patricia

    Disney wake up New Pirates 6 is going to be a huge flop I ain’t watching it if Johnny Depp ain’t back in it as Captain Jacksparrow,, he is the one that created him and nobody can take his place you don’t take him back as Captain Jack Sparrow give up the Pirates of the Caribbean cuz it’s not never going to be the same and I’m not going to watch it and I know other fans feel the same way you’re going to be sorry it’s going to be a big flop

  19. Satya

    So excited Captain Jack the Sparrow

  20. Cynthia Johnson

    Not interested in it if there’s no johnny!! My husband and family agree

  21. Andrea

    I absolutely will not watch a pirates of the Caribbean movie without Jack Sparrow.. And that’s Johnny Depp he is Jack Sparrow Jack Sparrow is Johnny Depp… Me and my family will not be watching…

    1. Miguel

      Absolutely no way I’m going to watch with out Jonny depep

      1. KID

        No Johnny Depp, no Pirates of the Caribbean!

  22. I will not watch a Pirates movie without Johnny Depp starring in it. He is the franchise.
    He won the lawsuit over Amber Heard big time. Disney needs to bring him back now!

    1. Norma

      Bring Johhny Depp back to Pirates of the Caribbean or No One will watch it, he is the greatest in that movie, and the sexiest.

      1. Linda

        I agree definitely!!! No Johnny Depp, no Pirates!

  23. Kelley Furtado

    I won’t watch pirates of the Caribbean with out Johnny Debb being Jack Sparrow. It not a movie without him. Bring him back.

  24. Cindy

    I wont be watching pirates of the carribean if johnny depp isnt in it. He made that film. And made disney lots of money. Disney should be on their knees begging him back after what they did to him

    1. It won’t be the same with him.his personaiy is what made the the great work of johnny com to life.jusike he could walk right of the screen..I will not watch pirates of the Caribbean if he’s not on it.from start to finish.!!!.

      1. Suzanne

        No Johnny Depp no pirates

    2. Christine

      My family want watch it without Johnny Deep.Bring him!!!!

  25. Katerina

    I would never watch The pirates of the Caribbean if it wasn’t for Johnny Depp. He is THE BEST!!!!!!

    1. Pamela

      Aaawwww, Disney have you lost your marbles? Nana has mine so they aren’t really lost. I can truly say I will NOT watch any Depp/ Pirates sequel without Johnny Depp, nor spend money to rent, stream, or buy any of the other sequel movies. Y’all lost my money.

  26. Ngonidzashe

    I wonder why are they still calling it Pirates of the carribean without Johnny Depp(Captain Jack Sparrow

    1. Kristy

      I agree with everyone. Pirates of Caribbean is Jack Sparrow. Jack Sparrow is Johnny Depp. It’s his character acting that made the franchise.

      1. Angela Wesp

        I will not go out of my way to go to the movie theater and watch pirates of the Caribbean. I will go if Johnny Depp is in the lead role

  27. Lori Wood

    I will not be watching without Johnny Depp! He IS the franchise. Disney took the chicken way out of it by firing him before the truth revealed. Having Jack Sparrow as a supporting character is just stopped is just stupid!

  28. Sue

    I have never seen any of the movies,except for bits and pieces on tv. But I always knew Johnny Depp was and is Jack Sparrow. And Noone can ever replace him. You know why?
    Because Johnny played Jack Sparrow differently than Disney wanted. From what I have read he told them to trust him. Luckily they did.
    So, see Noone else can ever be Jack Sparrow because Johnny created him.
    So good luck Disney, you haven’t been doing that well recently and without Johnny in the new movie I’m guessing it will be another flop for you.

  29. Diane

    Disney have you lost your collective minds! Shame on you! The man made you millions.

  30. Kat

    I refuse to watch a pirets on the Caribbean without Johnny Depp, he did not create this for someone else to step in to reboot.

  31. Matthew

    I will NOT watch Pirates of the Caribbean without Johnny Depp and he’s our Captain Jack Sparrow and I mean NO one can replace him to be Jack Sparrow

  32. Peggy

    That’s what you call biting off the hand that feeds you. No Johnny Depp?? I wouldn’t spend a penny to see another Pirate’s of the Caribbean movie. And I’ve been to see the original 5 at the theater and bought all on DVD. NEVER AGAIN 😞

  33. Bonnie

    Without Johnny Disney’s boat will sink ,the movie will stink! They will become just another barnacle on the bottom of his foot….

  34. Denise

    Will not watch. Matter of fact I’m done with Disney corp.

  35. Ray

    I will not be watching Pirates if Johnny Depp is not in it as Captian Jack Sparrow. Disney, get you head out of your a** and get on board. The movie will be a box office failure if no Depp.

  36. Nope I won’t be watching that movie without Jonny Depp neither will anyone I know or have talked to about the new movie not worth our time there’s only one jack Sparrow pirates of the Caribbean

  37. Lyn

    No Johnny Depp, none of my family and friends will be watching I can guarantee,

  38. Sharon

    Disney you also lost me and my family. We won’t watch a reboot!
    We want Johnny in a movie playing Captian Jack!!

  39. Pamela

    Aaawwww Disney, have you lost your marbles? Nana has mine so they are not really lost! But, this much is true; Depp took that character and made it his own. He is brilliant, and he has so much potential for so many more Pirates adventures. Depp is Sparrow, and Sparrow is Depp. No remarking where he is at with his next adventure or what ‘out of movie’ you can choose as to why Sparrow is missing. No Depp, no Sparrow, no sequel that I will watch. Yup, y’all lost your marbles!

  40. Angel

    I agree with the rest of the comments: No Johnny Depp, No “Pirates”. Are they kidding? Not to mention, Amber Heard can get that much screen time in “Aquaman”(I read that it would be less that that), Johnny should get double that in “Pirates”. What a joke!!

  41. I have yo agree with everyones comments … Disney, have you lost your marbles?!
    Even if you were to put your
    “best actor or actress” to play “Captain Jack Sparrow”, there is no one like Johnny Depp to make the movie a continued success.
    Disney, no Johnny Depp, no money spent on your franchise 👎

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