Jimmy Kimmel's Offensive Robert Downey Jr. Joke Garners Controversy: "A Qualified Dirtbag"

Comments for Jimmy Kimmel’s Offensive Robert Downey Jr. Joke Garners Controversy: “A Qualified Dirtbag”

Robert Downey Jr. in 'Oppenheimer' (2023)

Credit: Universal Pictures


  1. Andrea

    It was very low and dirty! You don’t make fun of a person that has been clean and sober for 21 years. Poor taste, but Kimmel is a pos low life. Because of bad host and other bad behavior speeches, I don’t watch award shows, they are not classy anymore.

    1. Barbara Mayers

      It’s become so low that this is the first year which our family has not hosted an Award Show party with prizes. Didn’t watch. Recorded it and now have no interest in watching recording – Delete!

  2. DeNell

    Kimmel, a hack and a has been. He’s never been funny.

  3. Pat

    Jimmy Kimmel has no class. He hurts people for laughs. I never watch his show, he disgusts me. Robert Downey handled it with class.

  4. Cheryl C

    Robert Downey Jr.’s Oscar will not be overshadowed by Kimmel’s tasteless joke IF the media would shut up and let it die.

  5. Nancee

    When will they finally get rid of Kimmel as host of this & nighttime? He’s NEVER funny ! Rude is a better word to describe Kimmel ! I can’t believe people still watch him and he gets paid so well for being arrogant & obnoxious!

  6. Unfortunately Kimmel has been give a platform to speak from, but most of what he says is trash. He gets his kicks out of humiliating and scorning others, most of whom aree far better citizens than he.
    I love Robert Downey Jr, and admire him for his personal comebacks. He’s very talented and funny.
    Kimmel can rot as far as I am concerned.

  7. Molly

    Jimmy K needs to learn right from wrong and what’s funny and what’s not. I for one refuse to watch him. I find him to be a creep!

  8. Chris

    Did he switch to girls in bikinis jumping on a trampoline. Used to work on the man show when he wasn’t funny.

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