That is absolutely disgusting, just hide the problem of the homeless, don’t solve it.!
Pay everyone a decent living wage, and provide more affordable homes.
Ron DeSantis should be ashamed.
That is absolutely disgusting, just hide the problem of the homeless, don’t solve it.!
Pay everyone a decent living wage, and provide more affordable homes.
Ron DeSantis should be ashamed.
I think it is shameful that our own governor refuses to find a way to provide affordable housing for our biggest industry’s employees and their families. He expects the service industry to provide services without reasonable
compensation. Soon our state will be full of wealthy residents & visitors and no one to work at restaurants, hotels or theme parks all because he wants to push lower & middle class out of the state entirely and hide the fact that so many hard working citizens and their children are actually homeless.
Good luck with that.
Umm.. why is it the states issue to deal with? You should be outraged with Disney..they have made it unaffordable raising prices on everything from ticket prices to almost $4 for a $2 bottle of water. They are causing the issue, but you libs rather take pop shots at everything BUT the root cause..
I don’t think anyone is homeless because of Disney park prices. The cost of shelter in Florida has escalated so quickly due to a number of reasons – all of them ignored by DeSantis while he wasted tax payers money and trust with antics to try and become president. The Florida government has not dealt with any of the issues that are making this state tough to impossible for the working poor and middle class. As usual for DeSantis this is shortsighted at best in a state that depends on thousands of service workers and manual laborers for its main industries.
He is a shortsighted looser trying to pull Florida down with him.
If you’re homeless in today’s economy it’s due to poor decisions you have made. Just about every homeless person has either a drug problem, teen pregnancy, high school dropout or quit a job before fi ding another
I was a cast member and knew from the start what the pay would be. Cast members are not hired without knowing the pay. It’s a choice to work there for whatever reason.
It IS the Governor’s job to be sure the state is a welcoming livable place. If he is discussed by the homeless do something to help them, not make it more impossible!
Construction underway near Universal for this purpose!
Disney trying to plop one in an area where it will virtually stop traffic for hours every dayfrom6-9 and 3-8
Because it it is only 2 lanes and one lane in and out of these developments But Disney will be able pat themselves on back . Oh wait they said it isn’t all for Disney cast but everyone. So they are areTHE Problem!
Florida used to be among the cheapest states. More recently because DeSantis made Florida one of the few open states the whole country and ALL Dem state residents want to move here. Thousands already have. So we have had a rising housing market based on DEMAND of exiles eacaping from Dem states. Add to that the BIDRN DEM caused inflation from insane legislation and tgats why we have these situations. I hear North Dakota is still cheap….
Ron DeSantis is a heartless and hate filled man. We don’t fix problems by shoving them into a hidden corner camp, we find real solutions like affordable housing and healthcare. This Governor is the grossest yet!
Ron should live homeless with his family for awhile! Than maybe just maybe he’ll really help the homeless, instead of trying to hide them!! Literally disgusting politicians!
DeSantis has made Florida a living meme.
Disney is not responsible for their homeless workers. Does YOUR employer pay extra to house any homeless workers?
No. But they do provide enough pay so that I can provide that for myself. Which, by the way, is what we are each responsible for; taking care of ourselves.
Seriously, are there any republicans that care about human decency. Not all people that are homeless really want to live like that. A lot of homeless have underlying mental issues. What about raising the minimum wage so people can afford to liveDesantis is the worse of them all. This next election cycle should be about cleaning the politcians out ans electing people who care.
You people. Blaming a governor for a company that clearly isn’t willing to provide a living wage. Imagine this: the mouse provides a wage structure out of the Billions in profit they gain to their “most valuable employees” to allow them to live in an affordable manner. Then you don’t have anything to complain about when the governor, who is responsible for the ENTIRE STATE passes laws that despite what you have read here are not specifically targeted at one particular company or group of people.
Your issue is with the corporate greed being displayed here and the complete lack of empathy for those workers being shown by their employer, not with the Governor.
These people aren’t blaming the governor for Disney not paying its cast members. They’re blaming him because he doesn’t care about ANY of his residents who are homeless. He’s too busy pandering to care about affordable housing or home insurance. Instead of sticking his nose into issues that have nothing to do with the State, he should be focused on the people that live here. Why can’t teachers and first responders afford housing? Why is it ok to have so many homeless veterans and elderly who can no longer afford their homes, or have to choose between paying bills or their food and medicine??? He’s a disgrace and a bully and is horrible for this State . If you think he’s doing a great job then you are part of the problem.
If you’re homeless in today’s economy it’s due to poor decisions you have made. Just about every homeless person has either a drug problem, teen pregnancy, high school dropout or quit a job before finding another. How is this anyone’s problem but the person who is homeless?
Ron should live homeless with his family for awhile! Than maybe just maybe he’ll really help the homeless, instead of trying to hide them!! Literally disgusting politicians!
Governor is a piece of sh*t. He is for himself. Yes Disney could do better. Alot of places could do better. Has anyone heard of getting a second job? I know you don’t want to and should have to but it would help to something better comes along. I did it for years. Show this governor you can make it. He wants the lower class to fail.
Thats a good thing ,no reason fo anyone being homeles. Holding down a job atleast a good one.
That just go’s to shows you, that Disney does not care about its employies. Thats why they charge you alot to go there, and pay there help as little as posable. Let all the gays work there that should fix it for them. Me I won’t give them a penny for anything, theam parks,tv,movies Point blank I I won’ support them ever for anything there involved in.
So thank you Ron Desantis good job!!!!
DeSantis is doing the right thing. It has nothing to do with him except him cleaning the neighborhood of people who will harm your children use them for sex while feeding the kids drugs . If your that adamant about it let the homeless live with you.its not about the rich people its about all citizens of your eyes people. Disney world soon will be a den market selling all the kids with drugs.
There are programs for homeless. Some homeless do not want to use these because of their lifestyle of drugs, tobacco and alcohol. They need to be motivated to move. Churches, social groups and other non-profit organizations should be offering them help, which is not being done by allowing them to stay homeless in public or private areas.
By complaining about the measures being taken, you are part of the problem, not part of the solution. You should offer to support, adopt, or house them , or stop complaining about it.
Everyone is blaming Desantis or Disney. Go downtown Orlando by church street most of the homeless have alcohol or drug problems and sleep on public entry ways. Desantis is trying to clean that up, remember we don’t pay state income tax because of tourism tax, no tourism tax will equal state income tax. Ok now on the Disney. Correct me if I’m wrong but does own apartments? Isn’t parking around $35+ dollars a single park ticket $150ish. So Disney needs to step up. Lastly if you have kids and are not living in your own home renting or own, but living with a relative you are considered homeless, and receive benefits from the state.
Yeah good luck with that DeSantis Florida’s so over you. Just like he couldn’t get more than 3% of Florida to back him in his epic failure trying to run for the Whitehouse 🤣😂🤣
This Law will invariably create more contact by unhoused persons with Law Enforcement.
Which will result in more people being arrested. A win for the Florida private prisons business.
I learned something during a brief 2 hours visit to our County Jail.
Had I stayed overnight and eaten 3 meals? The County writes a bill, I don’t know how much it cost per day?
What I do know is that many unhoused persons don’t work a job.
What happens when we don’t pay the County? A warrant for arrest is issued. Back to jail on the next contact.
Not one complaint about bidens open door border policy ! 10M illegal aliens get housing and our US legal residents ( vets included) are forced out . In my state we are paying 75M a month to house the ” homeless ” ? Let’s do something about the illegals first and that would free up living spaces .
First of all, I would like to see some actual statistics on how many Disney employees are homeless. It’s probably very, very low if any at all. I think the headline for this story is just a trap to get people to respond. The number of people moving to Florida right now is incredible. If it were so bad to live here, you wouldn’t all want to be here. The housing market and business here is incredible and most people who want to have a job have one.
I was a cast member and knew from the start what the pay would be. Cast members are not hired without knowing the pay. It’s a choice to work there for whatever reason.
It IS the Governor’s job to be sure the state is a welcoming livable place. If he is discusted by the homeless do something to help them, not make it more impossible! Every state has homelessness. Disney is not responsible for it. Where you work is a choice. If pay isn’t enough, get another job!
I live in central FL & have a son who works at Disney. Yes, he needs to be paid more per hour, but even more, he needs to work his 40 hours a week. Disney keeps many of their cast members under 40 hours – he’s generally cut by 1 to 6 hours depending upon the week. With exorbitant rents in this area, & Duh-Santis’s new law that protects the landlord over the renter, he can’t afford to move out. At least he has his Dad & me. Our Governor is committing despicable acts in this state & this is a major demonstration of that arrogance. Do we have homeless issues here? Of course we do… just like every other state. This law doesn’t solve the problem. What it does is assist the elitist community in our area & attempts to make the homeless invisible to tourists. But what about the people Duh-Santis & his minions refuse to help? It’s inhumane to discard people in this way, but he doesn’t care about that. All he cares about is obsessively ‘purifying’ our state at the cost of many financially challenged citizens. They are human beings, not luggage. This is not a solution to the problem. It’s cruel, thoughtless, and discriminatory. Our Governor is a horrible man, and he and his minions need to be thrown out of office for this action. God bless our Disney cast members, for continuing to make magic for every guest, even when they’re being hurt financially.
I see alot if complaints but no one offering real solutions. Homelessness is problem worldwide, not just in Florida. What I have read here is people just want the Governor to do is open the checkbook. That isn’t the solution either. All the does is make you the next California, high cost of living and and enormous amount of debt. If you think you have a good idea write to your representative and senator.
Also I remember reading an article where Disney does house its workers that are here on visas. Why couldn’t they take a little bit of their profit and create an apartment complex and charge a reasonable rate. Milton Hershey did this when he started the Hershey Company over 100 years ago.
Speaking as a conservative I think Ron DeSantis is the worst person I have ever seen in my lifetime and I’m not young either. I am ashamed to tell others that I am a conservative when his name is brought up. I just tell them he is not a conservative, he is a dictator.
For those that think he is doing a good job I sure hope you wake up or you may be next to be one of his victims of his dictatorship.
Dictatorship, form of government in which one person or a small group possesses absolute power without effective constitutional limitations.
Floridians wakeup or you will be the next to be effected by his ingnorance and power trip.
All of a sudden after Disney has been in Florida, Disney workers are homeless because of DeSantis is governor what a crock. Job’s are plentiful in Florida. Do you think all these foreigners come to work for Disney so they can be homeless. BS
And the majority of conservatives and other citizens of Florida are ashamed of people like you that support policies that would cripple our economy and endanger our children! Please try California, they’re your kind of people!
If there was a public vote held for a governor DeSantis as a vote of no confidence, he would lose his job today, and we’d run him out of Florida on a rail. He has destroyed our ability to use tourism as a magnet for tourism dollars saying nothing about him, trying to destroy Disney in Florida. I think he should be fired and we should have a new governor immediately. He is a maga maggot.
How ignorant do you have to be to say something so ignorant?
Apparently ignorant about what’s going on in California to make such ignorant statements.
Someone I know went to San Francisco this week, and in DOWNTOWN San Fran within 5 minutes of exiting the Uber came across a homeless person dropping trou and defecating right there on the sidewalk.
You want that in any Florida City? I’m pretty sure even BLUEST of Blue people wouldn’t want their children seeing that.
Now, go on and let the actual adults try to bring back some sense of order to this place.
DeSantis is the worst governor I have seen in my lifetime and I have lived here all my life. He’s on a big ego trip and is beholden to the far right craziness.
All moving does is make it more likely that Florida will go further down the path of craziness. At least if sane, educated people stay and fight, there’s a chance we can course correct. I’ve lived here my entire life. I shouldn’t have to leave because people have lost sight of truth, decency, factual thinking, etc.
What he has done to our school system is atrocious! The chipping away of our freedom should bother so called Republicans. But all Republican means these days is that your a zealot who wants to blame your own shortcomings on someone else.
My family and I moved from NJ to FL 8 years ago. As Social Security recipients, we couldn’t afford our homeowner’s taxes anymore and moved here for a more affordable life. Since Duh-Santis became Hovernor, our homeowner’s taxes have risen exponentially, our car insurance increased by 50%, and now our homeowner’s insurance is also about to increase by 50%. He also passed laws to protect landlords over renters. We’re trying to figure out where to move to next, EXCEPT it costs a fortune to move. FL’s elderly and disabled can’t afford to live here anymore. The working class is finding it impossible to make ends meet. Duh-Santis is a horrible man.
I think that Ron de Santis is doing a good jod of banning the homeless in the street, there not supposed to be in the street or park or wherever, He should provide a shelter for those people can’t afford to pay a rent. But just wondering, there’s is a lot of job if just the homeless people will be working hard get double job so that way then can have a house in future..just saying
Ron Duh-Santis is a horrible excuse for a human being. A man with no heart, no humanity, not a religious bone in his body, elitist excuse of a governor. Can’t wait until 2026 when he’ll be gone.
I agree. The issue is Disney not paying a livable wage. They have been using “slave” labor in their parks for years. They accept college students into Disney U only to work them very long hours and the pay (or it used to be) was a salary that was less than minimum wage. How much does Igor make? The slant on this article should not be DeSantis, instead it should be on the evil in the Mouse House.
Regulation is the job of the government. In a capitalist society they will bleed us dry until controlled. Don’t believe me? Look at literally anything you have to buy. Record profits but yeah… “inflation…” inflation my ass- corporate greed. It is red and blue as America gets. Greed.
100% but if that happens how can they cry about Florida? The problems for cast members in California are worse. Ppl should demand accountability from Disney Leadership instead.
I’m sorry I love our governer and im a minority that makes enough to servive in the state. It’s funny how the news portray things. Meanwhile they wanna put the blame on the goverment when it’s these greedy companies that control all profit and how they pay there employees. You think a ceo making millions of dollars are gonna care about an employee making minimum wage and barley making it. Nope as long as there life style don’t change. Modern day slavery os really real excepto every color is being affected. Of people can’t affordable florida there are over 50 other states you can move to even some offer relocation assistance. Like I always say you are your situation make it better don’t be affraid of change it could be for the better. And coming from someone that lives 20 mins from Disney in florida they are getting played out. Its not even family friendly. I have 6 kids and we used to have season passes I paid over $5,000 for the year. Not even close to being worth it. We still haven’t been on every ride at there parks. Hotels, food, everything else expensive too. Universal all day baby. Forget Disney my season passes for all of us was 1,900 for the year and it’s the best thrill we got on all rides. Even my family members work there and get treated good with free passes for employees and there family. Disney if you miss one day of work expecially around the holiday you are fired no exceptions and they don’t care of your background or story. You could be living in your car and your child had an emergency medical issue. No free tickets either just discounted but not by much so we can see who is greedy and it’s not Desantis.
🙌 bravo well said
think that Disney has the resources to build low income housing for its employees. I also feel they could provide individual or shared housing as well for single people.
Definitely targeting the homeless. Seems to be the politically correct form of the Right nowadays. Target the poor and immigrants so the middle class whites can succeed. Kinda reminds me of a Führer from the early 20th Century. Time to wake up America and become great again by loving everyone and not planting seeds of hate and racism in hearts of our children!
If you moved here from somewhere else you’re not a Floridian. You’re nothing more than a tourist who overstayed their welcome. Floridians have spoken and thats why we have DeSantis. Look in the mirror, you’re the problem, not the solution.
think that Disney has the resources to build low income housing for its employees. I also feel they could provide individual or shared housing as well for single people.
WE BETTER see the FUNDING then DESANTIS!!!!!! You can up with describing the problems Florida faces, then sit back and promote nothing to resolve the. LAwS don’t make SOLUTIONS!!!! God forbid any of your family are struggling!!
First of all putting a mass load of homeless together is going to require security to stop the fighting and force no alcohol or drugs and keep them from stealing from each other without any organized security it is going to create a lot more problems than it’s going to solve.
Feelings about the governor aside, this is just about the most click baity headline I’ve seen in a while… He passed a law for the whole state, that surely affects some Disney employees, but also people in any industry anywhere in the state. This is very different than the RCID vs. CTFD business. I’m sure Desantis likes to “poke the mouse(bear)” whenever he gets the chance, but I can’t imagine that was remotely on his mind when he signs this bill. I’m also not saying it’s a good policy, just that the headline is pretty disingenuous…
Obviously Disney should stop whining as should the media. If Disney were to pay these people a living wage and stop stuffing CEOs pockets,there would be not article to skew about hurting Disney employees. Corporate greed has no ends,but the media feels it must attack DeSantis rather than attack Disney’s low pay.
Obviously Disney should stop whining as should the media. If Disney were to pay these people a living wage and stop stuffing CEOs pockets,there would be not article to skew about hurting Disney employees. Corporate greed has no ends,but the media feels it must attack DeSantis rather than attack Disney’s low pay.
I’m a former Cast member (Quack Quack). I am a Conservative, and I voted for Governor Ron DeSantis. All you have to do is live right, and live an uncomplicated life. You would be surprised how smooth your life will flow.
DeSantis needs to go! What gives him the right to tell us how to parent our own children! (What they can read, what they can learn in school, what websites they cannot use on their cells) DON’T SAY GAY is ridiculous! Disney disagreed and so do I and many others!!!!! Leave Disney alone…that’s Florida’s main attraction for visitors!!!! Is Florida now under a dictorship?? Get rid of him!!
DeSantis needs to go! What gives him the right to tell us how to parent our own children! (What they can read, what they can learn in school, what websites they cannot use on their cells) DON’T SAY GAY is ridiculous! Disney disagreed and so do I and many others!!!!! Leave Disney alone…that’s Florida’s main attraction for visitors!!!! Is Florida now under a dictorship?? Get rid of him!!
DeSantis needs to go! What gives him the right to tell us how to parent our own children! (What they can read, what they can learn in school, what websites they cannot use on their cells) DON’T SAY GAY is ridiculous! Disney disagreed and so do I and many others!!!!! Leave Disney alone…that’s Florida’s main attraction for visitors!!!! Is Florida now under a dictorship?? Get rid of him!!
I think that Disney has the resources to build low income housing for its employees. I also feel they could provide individual or shared housing as well for single people.
Ron DeSantis is only goal is to read Florida of anybody who is not a white Anglo-Saxon try to student like him. He doesn’t like LGBTQ people he doesn’t like people of color he doesn’t like people of different ethnic city he doesn’t like people who do things if he doesn’t approve of. He’s a real asshole! Sorry gives a bad name to assholes
Disney charges way too much for tickets and merch, and yet, employees have to sleep in their cars? Here’s a novel idea, how about Disney builds an onsite apartment complex and house it’s “Cast Members” in that apartment complex for free (or at an extremely low cost).
If the public lands aren’t for the public, housed or homeless what are public lands for? The public is all the public and the government has no right to shuttle the public off the public lands unless the government can provide a better alternative.
Dear citizen . Open your house to the strung out bum sleeping it off on the corner. Otherwise keep your comments to yourself. Habitual drug use and destitute individuals roaming the streets is not what our forefathers imagined our cities and towns would look like. Society did not create this .they did it to themselves. .
I know kids who were working and graduating from HS that were homeless. You have zero idea who can’t afford these ridiculous greedy rental homes. Don’t look down.
Seriously? How about pay people a living wage. How about he concentrate on the outrageous home taxes nearly every road in FL is a toll road where’s all the money unemployment 3300. Maximum for a year. No they will arrest and make people act like animals our system is screwed up this is Not what our forefathers fought for you entitled POS. I hope and you or your family join the poor souls not everyone is bad, but your hrleart is cold.
To think that all those who are homeless are drug addicts or did it to themselves is absolutely absurd and you obviously have no idea what tragedy or misfortune are.You would be surprised how many people here in Florida are living paycheck to paycheck and if that paycheck gets disrupted it can snowball into a crisis quickly 😳And if that was not enough the laws that have protected renters from insane constant rent hikes no longer exists. Just this evening my son and I brought dinner to a homeless woman her 12 year old daughter and their cat .I assure you this is not the life they wanted nor created.Why not try to help instead of sitting back and judging ?
Such ignorance my friend. A lot of homeless people aren’t homeless because of addiction, some uproot their lives and can’t afford to live in this economy due to not having a job and not knowing or having anyone where they moved to. So how about YOU do a little bit more research on the homeless community before you allow that very small brain to send words to exit your mouth, or in this case, fingers.
Because if some people start actually LIVING on public lands then they become inaccessible to the vast majority of those NOT living there. They are public lands for ALL, not to house SOME.
The Florida government has every right to not allow homeless people on public land, public means you’re free to pass free to use but not to live and sleep, especially in front of a park like this this is the first thing children see when they enter a park is this the influence you want for your future generations ? 25-year-old sees this what do you think they think and what kind of impact this has on them. I’m just glad I raised my children and they’re adults now I would not even begin to imagine what it would be like to raise children in this climate
I drove the monorail at Disney World for 5 years and drove the ferryboat for 15. Not Disney’s responsibility to provide everything. It’s just a job. Take it or leave it and work somewhere else.
I wonder if you’re aware of George Pullman. Pullman built a town with houses, shopping stores. He then charged a heafty price for everything. Suppose Disney does as you said but charges a fair amount for Florida. I doubt any low wage earner will be able to afford it
From my understanding, a large part of this issue is poor priority and budgeting. Disney has excellent pay and benefits for full time employees, but when you’re not willing to sacrifice certain luxuries such as proximity to work or live outside of your means then bills can add up. I’m not saying this applies to everyone, but it is a substantial part of the issue at hand.
Disney CEO should build, maintain and pay utilities for multiple complexes for the staff who are homeless until they are able to afford other housing. This money should contributed by the CEO, board members and high paid executives salaries.
I share the same solution as OceanFrog’s. Build an apartment complex onsite. Disney has so much ground that I’m sure they could spare a few hundred acres. This solution is also what many resorts in the Caribbean do for their employees.
Desantis is a pathetic subhuman completely lacking in compassion or any grasp of a real solution. Can’t wait until he’s gone. That being said, Disney could also be part of the solution for their homeless employees, as others have commented here.
I know right! Absolutely horrible that he wants to help these folks. I mean the bill requires the following – Homeless individuals are prohibited from camping on city streets, sidewalks, and parks — and instead placed in temporary shelters monitored by law enforcement agencies.
The state of Florida has the enforcement tools needed to ensure local governments comply.
Homeless shelters will require occupants to not use drugs.
These shelters will also include substance abuse and mental health treatments.
He should just let them die on the streets.
Is Disney the only employer in Florida? Just saying… this is happening in all the states. Housing costs are insane. Maybe start with those issues , make them more affordable. I simply don know what ppl are supposed to do, where do they go? Very sad.
Desantis has done a good job for Florida. I couldn’t imagine how bad Florida would be with Gavin Newsome as our governor or you for that matter.
Desantis wouldn’t make a good president. But he has done a good job overall as Governor of Florida.
I don’t like a single idea DeSantis comes up with, and I support Disney in its resistance to the DeSantis take over of the district. However, these FULL TIME Disney employees were homeless before the bill was even dreamed of. Says more about the Disney pay scale than DeSantis,s hateful bills.
It is more about the cost of housing in Florida we have no idea what WDW pays their Employees. We don’t even know what the employees use their pay on either. But, that aside, what about all the other homeless. What DeSantis is doing with this law is not helping anyone. All this law is about is moving the homeless from sight to out of sight. It does not attempt to do something about the root cause of Homelessness. There are many homeless people not just Disney Employees. Probably even Employees of other companies maybe even Universal, or maybe even Busch Gardens/Sea World. The reason this rag talks about Disney is the person who writes it is probably anti Disney as much as DeSantis and red hats.
If Walt Disney was alive he would take care of his employees. No one who works for a muliBillion dollar company should be homeless or making low wages. As far as DeSantis goes he is a worthless pile of crap!
exactly, I have read things for years on how disney employees cant buy food or afford a place to sleep…………Seems like disney could build a campus where each person could stay in a small room and maybe share bathrooms and kitchens…………They shouldnt be living in cars or on the streets.
It does not say anything about housing them anywhere. The law means out of sight/out of mind to comfort those who are uncomfortable knowing and seeing the effects of homelessness. DeSantis does not want to help any Floridian except the redhatted cult members of Orange Julius 45 and himself. Instead of using our money to help build shelters for these unfortunate people he spends the money to fly illegals from Texas to Martha’s Vineyard in MA and to try and make that legal he has the flights stop in Florida for a short period. The previous 12M and any subsequent millions he spends for same type of thing could be helping many desperate Floridians who have lost their homes and cannot afford to rent anywhere. Stop trying to Defend the Indefensible actions of #DeathSantis.
Disney needs to do better on so many different levels. I personally will not buy or spend any money that supports Disney in any way .I usto love Disney but today I’m ashamed I ever did.
Protect your employees Disney and protect the children.
Every decision Ron DeSantis has made has been for the good and well-being and safety of all Florida citizens, he has been probably the best most decisive governor that Florida ever had. He stopped some of the crazy decisions that local commissioners were trying to make closing businesses down when Covid was strife there is so much more he has done I would like to state the guy is totally outstanding
I agree with you. Desantis has done a good job for Florida. Maybe, Desantis wouldn’t make a good president. But he has done a good job overall as Governor of Florida.
You can’t be any more dishonest with the statement of”homeless Disney cast members”! Many of the cast members are college students working through the Disney college program and many are retired working part-time
What I wanna know is where are those ppl supposed to go. Especially the ones who have a family and can’t afford to move somewhere. Now the druggies and prostitute are a totally different story. I’m not saying I’m better bc I’m one step from being homeless myself. I use to support the Governor but I don’t know these days .
Wow. Disney charges insane prices, yet does not pay employees enough to afford housing. Your attempt to shame DeSantis is backfiring. Disney is part of the problem!
Those are working floors and most likely not criminals, they are being treated like criminals. Folks like desantis and trump love criminalizing the poor.
Your comments are one of the few sensible on this site. Are people really suggesting to keep the homeless on the street? I live in NYC and believe me, that is not a solution! And Disney should pay a living wage!
I agree 100% with the Governor.. Its a start to help the homeless. There are people dangerously sleeping on sidewalks in Okaloosa county.. you don’t know their story until something seriously happens to them, then it’s too late. There are a few places where I’m at where they can eat, get food, take showers, laundry, help fill out paperwork etc . But at night,.. there’s nowhere to turn. Safe houses would be a great start with volunteers to help an hour or 2 a week to help fill out job apps, ss, phone calls to loved ones.. the list is endless.. and yes, the city im in, I already do a lot to help, including providing pet food and vet bills for their pets. If I can help, just imagine what more people can achieve to give dignity back to another human.. it may be you someday.. 🥰
RonnieD is in full force gentrification mode to make Florida a place for only the wealthy. He’s lost over 500,000 worker bees. He will destroy all he can before he is out of office.
First it is “homeless” not unhoused – renaming the problem doesn’t change it. Second, many people has chosen to be homeless. Stop and talk to them-especially it’s a choice. There are too many alternatives available. One suggestion – SHARE, get an apartment or house and share it with several coworkers. Third, my tax dollars support public spaces and I am sick of seeing the bums urinating, doing drugs, and disrupting daily business. There is no excuse nor reason for bums to be laying around doorways or on park benches. Most of the bums are criminals-thieves, druggies, molesters, etc. GOOD FOR DESANTIS and those who support him-these are the people who are working for the people. Florida should be the role model for the rest of the country. I wish DeSantis would have stayed in the running for President -HE would have been the best choice! No more taxes for illegals, bums, or criminals – Defund welfare, Defund illegals, and refund our taxes! No more money to other countries!
If Disney’s people are homeless then demand that Disney pay them. It is not the governors responsibility to control Disney’s pay rate. Get people to boycott Disney until people are fairly paid. If the CEO can get paid millions then the lowest guy on the payroll should get paid a living wage- stand up to Disney and stop blaming DeSantis!! Defund welfare, Defund illegals, Defund foreign countries, Refund taxes!
The panama city beach area in bay county has banned tents in the woods, public sleeping to participate in the new laws however authorities have ignored the other part of the recent fs and have not did anything to provide a slternative location to set up tents, provide bathroom or. Even portapotties. They have treatened jailing yhem though.
Desantis is for the rich as usual. Doesn’t want to HELP THE PROBLEM, just hide it. He’s as racist as they come also.
Now let’s see Ron Mussolini desantis wants to hide the homeless at Disneyland if we all look back he wanted to build a prison on the land that Disney wanted to build a apartment complax on because of the lgbt lawsuit and his ego .go to utub and listen to his speech for yourself from two years ago .
I’ve never been to Disney World and have no plans to ever go there.
Of course, I also have no plans to ever return to Florida again, with its humidity, its insects, its self-entitled and creepy Republicans in The Villages, its Trump-wannabe Governor, and most recently, its LEPROSY and measles outbreaks.
Let’s saw that flaccid weenie off and let it float away to Cuba. It won’t be missed.
First of all I’d like to comment on this article tittle, Ron DeSantis bans cast members from Disney world, if the writer is reading this I think you need to rewrite this article this is sensationalized and not accurate. This is why I left America a year ago and retired inThailand for more then half the year every year
I support what Florida is doing 100% and still have a home in the beautiful Florida panhandle near the small town of Bonifay Florida and far away from the tourist traps and the overpopulated South Florida.
What everyone should be addressing is the current president and government administration that’s running your country into the ground this all started with the Obama administration if you look back and you really do some research he Mastermind the most underhanded corrupt money grab in the history of America under the pretense of being black and doing things while no one else was looking or afraid to approach him legally because of his ethnicity, and the backing he has from the elites to divide America, I don’t care if you’re white black purple red Brown we are all the same, his wealth exceeds Donald Trump’s three times. The former sitting president has basically stolen your tax dollars and is donating money to other countries to get kickbacks to expand his portfolio and wealth, these are the real issues instead they go after and persecute people who have worked hard for their lives, And not career politicians. We all are in charge of our destiny and many of us are in situations wherein because of the choices we made unfortunately some people do the right thing and have no choice and this is what’s happening to America. This is a product of a Democrat run government, I’m old enough to remember the Vietnam war and had family members serve in that war a senseless war we were told one thing of why we were fighting and it was not the truth. The US needs better health Care and social services to accommodate people with mental illness this is another issue, the Democrats ways have escalated this country into a non-recognizable place that we all used to know and love, Wake up people
Jesus fed and clothed the poor. DeSantis just declared Jesus a liar, His beliefs inferior, and Jesus a false Messiah. Hey, Ron, how do you sleep at by doing those things? Are you just a bigger jerk than Satan?
Ok. So every single thing that Jesus did was not recorded, but, he commanded us to help those that are in need. He said, if you have 2 cloaks and someone is in need, give one. He also said, he also said, On that day, some will say, Lord, elegant saw we thee hungry , naked and did nothing? Folks will ask when saw we thee hungry / naked and did nothing? His answer will be, If you didn’t do it yo the least, you didn’t do it for me. (paraphrasing) Look it up..
Jesus didn’t…but His followers did. Good Samaritans do. Yes, we will always have the poor, but the same people shouldn’t be kept poor they’re entire lives. Yes, we’ll always have the poor, so get used to helping them.
I didn’t see Jesus’ names mentioned in that article at all. You all seem to be blaming DeSantis when it reality the blames lies wholly with Disney for taking advantage of people. We all know Disney can afford to pay these people a respectable wage and yet choose not to. It is the Democrats that are trafficking humans at our southern border in an effort to exploit illegals for low wage jobs. But it’s all DeSantis fault. You folks are clueless.
U humanness and disgraceful, unfortunately republican by affiliation, that backfire in Republican election, especially given the uneffortability of rents in Florida and access to medical help
Unhumaine and disgraceful. DeSantis should i.prove re t affordability and medical access to clean or improve this problem. People have a right to sleep, directly affecting mental condition, they have a right to be so.where, if not public places than where?
The law also outlines additional mental health services, rehabilitation programs, and a plan for approved camping sites where alcohol and drugs would be banned.
Were not wealthy or tourists and I agree with our governor. I’m tired of going to a park and I can’t get a picnic table because someone is sleeping on it or asking me for money. Those that think this plan unfair should let the homeless sleep in their yard. These people need real help not an open invitation to just sleep anywhere. There are many reasons to be homeless and different solutions for each but and this is comming from a once homeless person, letting the homeless sleep anywhere is NOT the solution.
Partially agree with you, letting the homeless sleep just anywhere is not help, but, he is not providing a solution just making them invisible does not make them invisible. Most of mental health issue they need help not to be swept under the rug.
Campgrounds, hotels, apartments, and houses! Just like everybody else under Bidenomics !! Maybe instead of cursing the governor who wants to keep our state clean and safe for EVERYONE!!!
Safe fore everyone? Well certainly not if you are poor, homeless, mentally ill, or a real human being unlike the governor. Mass shootings all over the state and what has DeSantis done to address it – an anti-woke campaign attracting the sanctimonious, rich, perverse and maga morons.
Exactly the villian here is Disney with refusing employees access to housing THEY HAVE ON SITE but use for international unpaid / lower paid interns, the trailer park they used as the residents for the old Disney government. Hell they have acres and acres they could build additional affordable housing for workers. But these idiots want to make it about a law that removes sidewalk homelessness drugs and bathrooms from our state as bad. Yes Florida has a right to stop open air drug markets from moving in. I live in an area unfortunately that has a huge issue with homelessness when winter comes. This law could help us keep homeless out of State protected Habitat of a protected species. We had over 100 acres burn because of homeless fires. We have a right to be safe and not have to be put in position to have to protect ourselves from homeless drug addicts. This is a great law. Homeless go to California they pay you to live on the street.
I totally agree! When you jail them guess what Ron? Tough and your tax payers will still be taking care of them. Did you think about that? Give them a voucher to a technical school so they can get some hands on training and get a damn job so they can pay their taxes from their paycheck. Get more affordable housing in your wealthy state or pay your workers higher wages so the people who clean your hotels and make your food and build your roads can take care of their families you idiot!
Read the whole article.
The law also outlines additional mental health services, rehabilitation programs, and a plan for approved camping sites where alcohol and drugs would be banned.
First Disney needs to be paying their employees better wages. Certainly not a magical place if with the money they are getting across ALL their properties they can’t even help their own. Sooo much they could do here!
2nd I support our Governor and think he is the best our state has sign. Maybe some of these wealthy people that complain can start a real program to help these individuals and their families. It is sad. I had a man approach me the other day asking for help for he and his kid’s. I offered groceries he said that won’t help I need money.
Hard to know sometimes who really needs the help and who is going to use money selfishly.
At any rate stop blaming our Governor for making our state, a great place to live. where so many people are flocking to live here. He’s doing the job we elected him to do
Ron are you going crazy because nobody wanted you to be our next president. So your going to take it out on the homeless. Jesus isn’t smiling down on you.
You idiot! How about your and your stupid Azz politicians give these people a voucher at a technical school or at a 2yr school. This is not the solution. Part of the solution is your wealthy state not paying the people decent wages who keep your 5 star hotels looking magnificent, the people who make your food, the people who build your roads, the people who keep your grass beautiful at your mansion. Some of these people work hard everyday and still can’t take of their families nor can they afford your 4k rent in your lil rich state. At least a voucher will better them and keep them out of jails. Guess who take care of people in jail? You and the entire state. Give them training so they can pay taxes and pump more money in your state and crime will decrease. A kindergartener knows this. Think law makers before you make stupid laws that won’t work.
One of the pier amusement parks in Wildwood, NJ use to do this (I don’t know if they still do or not.) The rooms weren’t the greatest. About the level of a really cheap hotel but it was something.
How about we demand Ron Desantis take some of the millions of dollars the affluent residents tax dollars and build tiny home neighborhoods in every town. In exchange for the homeless people’s right to live in them, we employ them to work keep public property clean, they can work on farms that no longer have green card workers and immigrants. They can work setting up and taking down events. They can help clean up the gang member paintings you see everywhere in Florida. The list goes on and on! How about doing the humane thing instead of allowing this terrible Governor to force his hatred on Floridians. Then how about we never elect him to anything after his term!!!!!! You want to “Make America great”? Then make it great for everyone. THAT’S WHAT MAKES AMERICA GREAT!!!
Lololololol Disney HAS HOUSING! Why is Disney not responsible for using the housing they have for employees they do not pay enough nor provide medical care for?
Disney has housing they use to import unpaid ‘interns’ from foreign countries every year. They have the Trailer Park that used to be for the Disney resident government. They have acres and acres of PRIVATE property they can allow homeless employees to live on. The fact this is an attempt to make a law that stops dangerious encampment from popping up in Florida look ‘evil’ is hilarious. Guess what loves he signed a law we the citizens of Florida demanded of our State government to pass. We do not wish to welcome homeless entitlement. But just an FYI we are a state with some of the most affordable housing neighborhoods being built. Just in the Keys the amount of affordable housing projects that have been put in is astronomical. Even building housing for First Responders, Teachers and other infrastructure employees that have had extremely difficult times finding affordable housing in the keys. Affordable housing for people willing to work is a lot different than leaving our streets and parks open to the dangers that come with homelessness of those that do not wish to work. It is two very distinctly different groups and need to stop being lumped together.
Florida is becoming a place strictly for the rich to be able to afford to live. The cost of housing in the state has become absolutely ridiculous. And the more you raise wages the more everybody raises their prices so there is no end in sight. Eventually the rich will have to take care of themselves because the people that are taking care of them now won’t be able to live here to do it.
Florida is becoming a place strictly for the rich to be able to afford to live. The cost of housing in the state has become absolutely ridiculous. And the more you raise wages the more everybody raises their prices so there is no end in sight. Eventually the rich will have to take care of themselves because the people that are taking care of them now won’t be able to live here to do it.
Rent in my area for an efficiency or a one-bedroom apartment ranges anywhere from $900 to $1,700 a month. No way a single person making $14 an hour can afford this. Not even near Orlando or Tampa. Local news article said how many people are moving to Polk county which is where I am at and it is all people from New York and California and areas that can afford $300,000 plus to buy a home
I like the law. If you are going to complain then help the homeless yourself. Give them a place to stay, food and a job. You will soon find out most of them like their way of life, begging, not working.
Don’t blame the man trying to clean up our state. It’s like a parent trying to get their kid to do what’s right. Make a plan and get them to help themselves.
A lot of us know a homeless person and the ones I know picked their lifestyle for drugs, wanting to listen to authority, not wanting to pay child support or just not wanting to work. They want us to pay their way.
I say no.
First of all I was homeless but it wasn’t because of drugs or not wanting to work I worked everyday and still couldn’t afford a place to live but my car or some run down hotel .. so before judging a person get to know someone… Not everyone homeless is a drug addict or a begger just some people like me can’t afford rent because it’s to high or the taxes are to high
Why isn’t WDW providing a living wage to its employees?
Cast members are doing Sex Work to make ends meet?
Sleeping in cars?
The real villan in this story is Walt Disney.
Well, this is a biased question worded in a way to suck thousands of people in opposition to the law so they will take their eyes off of the real culprit (Disney). Therefore, I will voice my support against WDW’s evil practices and in support of DeSantis’ law that does not target the homeless employees at Disney World, but is actually set in place to stop the homeless from having easy access to panhandling the public, and try to encourage more of them to take advantage of the helpful programs out there. Maybe WDW will consider paying their employees a decent wage instead of pointing the finger at Ron.
This is nothing more than the radical DeSantis continuing war against Disney. That being said, why is WDW not paying its workers a decent wage? The hefty admission means huge profits. Pay the people. Maybe even consider creating company living quarters.
Instead of outcasting people why not put in place programs to help at any given time homelessness is a pscological problem it can happen to anybody PLEASE VOTE AGAINST POLITICIANS THAT MAKE DESICIONS FOR ALL OF US CITIZENS. VOTE FOR SOMEONE THAT HELPS, THAT HAS COMPASSION AND BRINGS SOLUTIONS TO THE PROBLEM NOT MORE PAIN.
The lord also helped those who helped themselves. It doesn’t mean making a living off the charity of others. People who worked their entire lives have a right to li e in the communities they helped build without the worry of being harassed or attacked by vagrants who decided they didn’t want to work for a living, or by people with mental issues that our government has turned their backs on….like homeless veterans. So I think this is a great step in addressing these issues. The real bandaid on the problem is allowing this to continue and letting the locals deal with it. STOP SENDING U.S. DOLLARS OVER SEAS!!! SPEND THEM HERE ON OUR PEOBLEMS!!
Florida is a warm climate, and will always attract the homeless as well as the wealthy. That is the state’s cross to bare. Vagrancy laws can be written, and you can shuffle them around in jails, but the homeless will always be there, in plain sight.
Matthew 25:31-40 When did I help when you gave me Drink invited me into your house and when you clothed me To anyone who thinks Jesus didn’t help homeless What you do for these you have done for me
Ron is a retirement to his own state. Nonsense laws to hurt working people & families. Get rid of the true criminals like the Donald who never met a freebee he didn’t take. Your roads are lovely. I am a fan of the Gulf Coast… Clearwater, Bradenton, Ft Myers, ssVenice, Naples & Marco.evtime
I witnessed 7 accidents on 408 in the same day. All caused by trucks. Enforce the right lane only mandat. It will save lives & property not to mention the time wasted because of rioocarelessness. Get a clue.
Stop harrasment if people just trying to eek out a living. Your priorities are atrocious. 🦩🦩🦩
Have any of you bashing San Francisco been there?
You can help if you see fit.
Complaining without solutions will go nowhere.
Florida is attempting to raise taxes on Disney, reducing their bottom line. Then some bash Disney for inadequate pay? Nice.
Please! This is AMERICA! Exercise your RIGHT to exercise and walk out of there! I’m sick of people holding places of employment HOSTAGE! Don’t work there if you’re happy with your employment!
Everyone in todays “WOKE” America think they are OWED something! WRONG! Go earn it. If you don’t find it at Disney as your employment, GO ELSEWHERE with your “ skills”!
It’s time for CHANGE in America! Land of the “Free”! Free to LEAVE! Not, “I’m owed everything for FREE”.
So, that’s why DeSantis went to Disney (the park that belongs to his enemy)?
He went to snoop to find fault and pass laws to use against them?
He’s a new breed….
Why don’t we just load all the homeless on cattle cars and put them in camps? Then when they get there have them all showers and.never see them again, oh wait that was already done it was called the ” Holocaust”.
DeSantis is attacking now the poor and homeless! He is threatening to sue the cities! Where does all this money come from that he wants to use for all of his so-called anti-poor bills and laws? They come from us and are an excuse for him to raise our taxes! He’s going to use our taxes to attack poor people! He needs to go we need to get a new governor!
You better read that again! He doesn’t want florida turning into San Francisco 💩 he’s offering the right kind of help to these people and as far as Desantis goes the people of Florida are fortunate to have such a man for governor
DeSantis is not only a terrible governor but a cruel and ignorant individual. What do you think is going to happen with “these people,” as you called them? DeSantis and you can hide them but you can make them disappear. They are human beings like you and I; thus, how about being compassionate and helpful instead of detached and partners in such an inhumane act.
I agree with the new law. I travel through downtown Jacksonville to work in the morning & there are people laying on sidewalks, etc all over the city. There’s a shelter that I pass by, too so there is somewhere for them to go.
I beli3ve he couldn’t do some changes by helping out the homeless people, schelters, programs, lowering the housing, passing laws about rent. Instead Desantis attacks Disney, this is his personal agenda: attacking Disney. I know Disney is super expensive, and low salaries, but how much have for years provide jobs to people, White the Government denies medicaid assistance or housing to others when in need. How about standing up and do something positive for the people in need other tha Disney. He watts a law about homeless , please provide assistance and treat homeless with dignity.
😆 Your China Botness is showing. DeSantis signed a law sent to him by the State ELECTED legislature dear. Talk about ignorant. We the people of Florida are not wanting to live in San Fran. Move along dear you need to try and become better informed on which liberal cesspool you want to move to.
Florida politicians are living in a fantasy world. As much as they despise Disney. It’s like teenage rebelling with parents they are exactly like. The homeless rate is rising because of excessively high rent/mortgages. But let’s not ban the actual problem. Let’s victimize the victims even more. The community of Florida are not in agreement with this law.
You are a fool. DeSantis has done nothing but turn Florida into an authoritarian nightmare. He has solved zero problems, only created a bunch of new ones. And he is a bigot, a liar, and one of the worst candidates for president in recent memory (because he is an inept boob). Name calling isn’t governing.
You are so right on with this comment. Massachusetts is a disaster in so many ways, a supermajority of liberals has the conservatives praying for help.
This governor should be ousted and seen for who he really is, Florida needs him gone yesterday. The homeless need HELP not another BILL that is passed for his glory to dimise people. God is watching YOU!
Except FLORIDA ELECTED the representatives to Enact this Law DeSantis signed because we do not want to become a homeless by choice state. Read the law dear those homeless not by choice are given programs to help them.
A proper Union, has Labor Expectations; Masons, Carpenters, Electric Personell, Sheet Metal Workers.
United Auto Workers, are Unions.
However, Engineering requires advanced EDUCATION!
Public Domain depends on Labor Unions. Private Security of “Private LANDS” has International Expectations. Especially, when
The United Nations, pass the HAT, to see whom it should CHARGE for private Security control.
This story is a lie. I live in Florida and the Governor has not banned any Disney employees. Disney is up and running and all employees still there. Please people, take time to look at ALL sources and verify. Don’t be so easily led by everything you read. Just because someone wrote it, that doesn’t make it true.
DeSantis is preventing Florida from looking like Democrat cities like Portland and San Francisco. Disney, even with their “financial struggles”, could easily afford to pay cast members a living wage yet they CHOOSE not to. That is not a FLORIDA problem, that is a DISNEY problem. Stop blaming the Governor for Disney’s failures. He is doing his job. I’d love to see how fast any of the people on here downing him would welcome a tent city in their neighborhood.
I totally agree with him yes people need help but big government caused the problem. Get rid of welfare make it work Fair. Liberals are trashing this country. The men and women who fought in WW2 would be sick 🤢
Having a safe designated space for homeless individuals not only helps them but helps the community- this is what all states should do that way they can concentrate the help that they need and start bringing them back to self respect. Disney should take better care of their employees!!
WTF? Do you just let people tell you stuff for you to be irrate about and then mix it all up?
Part 1 Disney was given a ridiculous amount of autonomy and tax breaks to open a secound Disney Park. Disney had been buying up thousands of acres of farm land in Florida at about 10 cent an acre.
The original Disney concept was to include neighborhoods, schools, a full infrastructure Disney would be responsible for providing and maintaining. That was why Disney was given the tax breaks and autonomy. But instead it has been a couple trailers that made up the RCD and acted as the citizens of this “city” Disney was supposed to create. It only in recent years created the one neighborhood of extremely expensive housing. I can promise you they are not welcoming homeless employees in there to love in their cars or in tents.
When Disney decided to falsify and push out lies about what was actually happening in state government we as a state were like hey you know if we are looking at FAIR EQUITY let’s revisit this load of BS Disney has been getting away with for 50 years while NOT PAYING TAXES and not providing the agreed education upon benifits.
Disney wants their entire candy shop along w cake and ice cream to eat and keep.
Disney if anything should be blocked from bringing in slaves, I mean unpaid interns. They have housing for their slaves, opps again I mean interns. So why are they not providing this housing option to the 10% of their homeless workforce?
Why are employees not having medical insurance? Did they opt out of paying for provided insurance or are they not working enough hours to be eligible.
Disney will even provide underwear to wear in your work uniform along with laundry and upkeep. They have showers and things needed to be ready to work as well as for after. So that is a huge expense of working that is covered. So kudos to Disney there. But employees fought to be able to provide their own undergarments which hey if you want to do that also on board with that as an option.
The pay rate of Disney and the 10% of employees that are homeless has nothing to do with Ron DeSantis. The fact that Disney was being given preference in how they were treated by the state vs every other business is something the state does have a right to adjust when those benifits are not reaping the rewards promised even after 50 years.
So no dear one DeSantis did not go spy on Disney to create a law. DeSantis SIGNED a law that was created and voted on by FLORIDA’S Elected State Legislature because the citizens of Florida do not want streets and sidewalks turned into hangouts for drug addicts and dangerious criminals.
There are two types of homelessness. Those there due to economic problems like those that we saw grow drastically under Obama and now Biden. And those that are related to drugs, alcohol, mental health and choice.
Unfortunately if people are discussing the latter they are screamed at about the former. But without admitting that each type have extremely different ways to be approached.
This law stops the latter from putting other citizens and themselves in danger while offering additional funding for meeting needs of both types when the homeless is willing to participate fully in the programs avalible.
If you want to be paid to live on the street go to California, Seattle, Portland and New York.
I agree any employer should pay a liveable wage. Disney certainly charges enough and makes huge profits. But I’ve had pebbles in my shoe that are much bigger than “Christian” Ron DeSantis’ heart.
I am 84 years old. I started working when I was 8 years old.
There is no reason for anyone to be homeless in this great country of ours unless they have something physical or mentally wrong with them. Just look at the people coming here.
So this? “News” site is owned by the Disney corporation, and you’re using a new law to expose the fact that you underpay your employees, just to take a poke at Ron DeSantis? Are you insane?
Looks like a head fake with empty promises.
Why not help with the efforts stated prior to the law going into effect?
Cities and towns are going to be strapped for cash and lawsuits
As a Parent of a former Disney employee I can tell you that this will not affect the Disney employees. DISNEY PERMITS their employees to live in their cars in their cast member parking lots. they know all about it. As a private parking lot it will not be affected by the new law.
Has Disney started the affordable housing project? Why is anyone working for Disney homeless? At an average cost of $1000 a day for a family of 4 JUST to enter Disney should be more responsible for their employees.
They are working & housing should be built by Disney for their Employees to live while working for Disney at lower priced then what everyone else pays for Rent..They building Everywhere for the Illegal’s, why not build for people who work for them..
Why are Disney full time employees homeless?
Doesn’t Disney pay enough for their employees to afford a home or an apartment?
Don’t blame the Florida legislature or the Governor for trying to keep Florida from becoming California with daily published poop maps.
I am sure Disney guests would not appreciate human feces in the parking lot and on the sidewalk.
Look at Disney practices not at thr Florida legislature.
They are working & housing should be built by Disney for their Employees to live while working for Disney at lower priced then what everyone else pays for Rent..They building Everywhere for the Illegal’s, why not build for people who work for them..
I agree with Ron DeSantis. Many people are homeless by choice. They choose to stay in entry to level positions then complain they can’t afford to live. Stop being lazy. Get an education and move up the career ladder. That’s the American way.
And this is the point where you start complaining about people unable to pay student loans. Your comments show a stunning lack of compassion and a profound lack of understanding how the world works.
I had no problem in paying my student loans. It took me 10 years to do it but I did it. It’s called responsibility…something a lot of people lake now days.
Our governor Ron DeSantis is an idiot and needs to be removed from being Governor. He should be helping people not starting wars with everyone.Hes a mini Trump and will never be nothing but a mini Trump. And never be President Just do your job Ron
What percentage of SeaWorld and Universal Studios employees are homeless?
If it is the same or more then it sounds like an economy issue, People trying (or not trying) to live beyond their means.
If the other theme park employees experience less homelessness, as I suspect, then Disney parks need to pay more.
The governor of this state is thoughtless and have no heart for right but for what he and the idiot politicians that goes alone and support his actions. Florida is becoming a place where those of is who was born here are looming more to leaving.
Treating homeless people like trash is not good abd tge Creatir of heaven and earth I’d not pleased. The poor we will always have abd nothing anyone can do about except but find programs to help as many of these people to get on their feet and pmbe productive citizens!
I totally agree with Governor DeSantis. That bill has help built in both mental and physical. It will also take the homeless off the sidewalks and parks which promotes bad behavior for our young people. Those against the bill just want FL to end up like California.
Takes them off the streets? How does it do that? Please tell me how this takes them off the streets. Because in reality it jut hides them from rich and tourists alike. Stop being a mouthpiece for the privileged
Disney cast members CHOOSE to work for Disney. Nobody twists their arms. If they can’t survive on what “The Mouse” pays, then they need to find another job elsewhere. End of story.
Disney does not underpay their staff. They pay considerably higher than average. If Disney staff members are living in their cars, then they are poor managers of their money.
Right on Gov. De Sanctimonious! So, the people who work hard, are successful, and can afford to live or vacation in Florida should have to look at homeless people and their squalor? I don’t think so! Bring back the vagrancy laws and lock these people up!
Correct me if I am wrong. Isn’t “affordable housing” just government subsidized housing. You think me a Florida tax payer should also pay for Disney employees to have a place to live?
this really sucks. these republicans never offer solutions, just more oppression. “florida the freedom state”? who are you trying to kid? next they’ll be teaching goose-stepping in grammar school. vote blue!
The homeless have become a huge issue here in florida. We will not become California pr Oregon. You can open your doors for them since you’re such a virtuos reporter. Also homeless should probably not be working around kids as many have mental and substance abuse issues.
I support this 100% I am here vacationing in California and I am shocked at how dirty and disgusting LA is. Homless people laying right in the muddle of the sidewalk and graffiti everywhere. You cant even find one garbage bin on the streets and litter all over the streets. Due to DeSantis strict rules, Florida is clean and beautiful even in the ghetto crime areas u dont even see graffiti on the walls or trash all over the streets.
Shame on Disney fir paying their workers such low wages that they can’t support themselves, all the while making record profits. I bet Walt is rolling over in his grave.
It’s not just Disney that doesn’t pay enough. “Getting a better job/education” isn’t always possible. When restaurants and grocery store close because their employees can’t afford to live here after the massive rent hike (mine went up $600) then people saying “get a better job” are going to be upset lmao. Most people are one bad financial situation away from homelessness themselves.
Good for Gov DeSantis as hopefully the new law will force both sides to work together to come up with a housing or solution for those that truly have no other option. I do think many politicians have enabled and even directly encouraged the rampant homelessness over the past several years to a point where it is out of control in many states, especially “blue states”. This will hopefully force a dialogue across the aisle on next steps and also send a strong message that are public spaces are not camps for the homeless.
As a UCF Student whose programs are designed to provide employment to Disney, Universal, and Space X as well as many other Employers, my daughter has worked w all those employers and has experience w their treatment of employees and how good of a Corporate Citizen they are to Central Florida and the Space Coast.
She tells me that Universal is a very responsible Citizen allowing Private Vendors to work inside the Parks. They are also building Affordable Housing for Universal Employees.
Universal has also purchased the Land for Bright Line to hv a Train Station onInternational Drive after Governor DeSantis asked Bright Line to offer Disney that option first. Disney declined to hv Bright Line come to Disney.
Ron Desantis is going to hell with gasoline trump shoes on.. Kicking your own when they’re down just because you were trying to Clown California’s homeless problem and still got your bigotry azz handed to you at the debate. Now he butt hurt and taking it out on his own.. well.. there’s way more homeless whites than blacks in Florida. So you plans are hurting the same people you’re trying to keep on top hate and racism always backfires in the end.. ask Trump
Every USA citizen has the right to on public property,DeSantis is the criminal here .Federal law as a United States of America citizen.You can not force ,non criminals ,to live with criminals ,The side walk and all roadways are public domain ,Sidewalks are not just for rich people and tourist to use ,athe whole bill of DeDantis is unconstitutional!!!!!!
Use of public areas is for all the public. Living on or occupying those spaces by anyone is totally different. This is an obvious difference! Homeless encampments are absolutely proven to be dangerous to the homeless and the public, therefore a clear and present danger should not be allowed for anyone’s sake.
He’s just setting up Part of Project 2025. Read it and sare with all who will listen. Putting people not like them in every area of life is part of the plan. How about bringing back slavery, it’s in there, woman back to barefoot and pregnant, it’s in there. Children being indoctrinated, masked as the “voucher system” in there. Only if you earn over a million will your children qualify . Money will be taken from public funded schools and given to private schools. What do you think a school will look like for a classroom with 0 funding? All migrants legal or not on day 1 45 says will be sent back or put into camps while waiting to be. One of 45s spoksperson said ,we will put babies in camps it will be glorious. Fact check it or read the 1000 page manifesto. Men like Dsants are merely following the project 2025 guidebook so that if 45 gets into office on day one the plan will be in effect.
M please take your time and write more precisely so we can understand it faster and laugh easier. You must have been brain nutrition deprived growing for which I am sorry, a brain is a terrible thing to waste.
Again, nothing to back up what you say. Just name calling and belittling
It’s so sad. It’s called projection.
Do you need it simpler? Read project 2025.
In the effort to keep public places safe for “our residents.” Are not all people residents? The comment just rubbed me the wrong way. I hope these “camps” are close to the people’s place of employment. Otherwise you create a greater problem.
Why can’t Disney open a campground on their property somewhere they own enough of it set them up with bathroom showers and transportation just like their Fort wilderness, How these people are, what makes Disney no one wants to smell a dirty worker take care of them
He just wants to hide the problem this isn’t fixing it or helping those who desperately need help. Shame on u Ron another bad bill for the sake of the wealthy
Sorry Pam, you only wrote 2 sentences and were wrong in both, not an easy feat. Offering shelter free from drugs and alcohol with help and counseling sounds like an attempt to help a very tough to fix situation. I really don’t think wealthy people are frequent sidewalk users, maybe everyday people use them a lot more. Go to work at a brick and mortar , use a parking lot and walk on a sidewalk to the front door, sounds like everyday peeps to me.
I think you’re a diehard who won’t budge even when you’re dead wrong. Won’t be the first time the term “stiff necked people” would be used.
The plan sounds great if indeed that is the goal.To help people who have fallen into a unforseen circumstance. The problem I have is the way he has spoken about homelessness in the past, like they are less than human. Is this another way to get rid of people less fortunate from the view of tourist, or does he really have compassion for them. Reading project 2025 makes me think of the first scenario. If you have not read it please do. You need to know what your vote really stands for.
Really? Who are you to say that about the greatest governor Florida has ever had? Ron’s creating a project to help homeless ppl. You are just throwing empty anger at him.
Try to have a great day. Perception is key
I agree. His problem solving skills are more of a disappearing act. Once they are jailed for being on the streets then what. There has to be a better solution than to hide them
Ed, did you ever notice one sides motto is to “ call them what you are”. You can thank Soros for that evil psychiatry weapon. He sold his soul many years ago, like the far left has done recently.
Do you really think that’s it??? Where have you been living? The state of Florida has the lowest wage rate but highest increase in rent. This man needs to sign a bill for rent control to help with homelessness. There are people that were hard working people living in their rental homes for 5 years. Then the homeowners saw they could double the rent increase therefore they did and now you have families on the street. Florida’s wages doesn’t match up with the home prices. You make it sound so easy.
Let’s see…ban homelessness from public areas, which are PROVEN dangerous to the public AND the homeless, and set up safe drug and alcohol free camps with help and counseling . Oh wow makes to much sense.
Get Disney to build cheap housing and or campsites to help house their very needed employees , you can even charge them a nominal monthly fee or make it part of their employment package. Oh wow too much sense again.
Public spaces are to be enjoyed by all, not occupied by some.
Florida has been run very well under DeSantis, like his personality or not, Florida has done well…fact not opinion!
I agree with your statement. This whole article is meant to do nothing but continue to demonize Ron Desantis. Florida is a much better state thanks to his leadership. Why don’t we lay the problem of homeless Disney employees where it belongs…at the feet of the WDW Company? Pay your employees a wage that will allow them to afford to live somewhere or use some of that land and money you have to help the community you claim to care about. WDW has more money than anyone in this state. Build some housing communities that people can afford and pay them a wage that will support a family. THAT would go a long way in helping Florida’s homeless population.
The sidewalks and public places are not for any person to camp out on! Sidewalks, as the word says is for WALKING on! Not a sidesleeping or sideliving on. Same for all PULIC PROPERTIES! Daaa!
Comments for Ron DeSantis Bans Disney Cast Members From Florida
That is absolutely disgusting, just hide the problem of the homeless, don’t solve it.!
Pay everyone a decent living wage, and provide more affordable homes.
Ron DeSantis should be ashamed.
That is absolutely disgusting, just hide the problem of the homeless, don’t solve it.!
Pay everyone a decent living wage, and provide more affordable homes.
Ron DeSantis should be ashamed.
Let us put all of the homeless Veterans in DeSantis house. Also other homeless citizens people in the Capitol buildings owned by the people
How about your house?
Disney Fan
Let’s put them in yours can’t you help??
Linda Knox Mcconnell
Disgraceful beyond words.
Deathsantis is destroying FL. Thank God he didn’t have a chance as president!
That’s a Federal responsibility. Call Uncle Joey and have him open his beach house.
Pathetic Democrats
Disney needs to take care of its own
They are, it’s Florida that’s too expensive.
Compare cost of living to California and get back to us
Disney Fan
Perfect answer
Shame on Disney.
I think it is shameful that our own governor refuses to find a way to provide affordable housing for our biggest industry’s employees and their families. He expects the service industry to provide services without reasonable
compensation. Soon our state will be full of wealthy residents & visitors and no one to work at restaurants, hotels or theme parks all because he wants to push lower & middle class out of the state entirely and hide the fact that so many hard working citizens and their children are actually homeless.
Good luck with that.
Umm.. why is it the states issue to deal with? You should be outraged with Disney..they have made it unaffordable raising prices on everything from ticket prices to almost $4 for a $2 bottle of water. They are causing the issue, but you libs rather take pop shots at everything BUT the root cause..
Disney mom
I don’t think anyone is homeless because of Disney park prices. The cost of shelter in Florida has escalated so quickly due to a number of reasons – all of them ignored by DeSantis while he wasted tax payers money and trust with antics to try and become president. The Florida government has not dealt with any of the issues that are making this state tough to impossible for the working poor and middle class. As usual for DeSantis this is shortsighted at best in a state that depends on thousands of service workers and manual laborers for its main industries.
He is a shortsighted looser trying to pull Florida down with him.
If you’re homeless in today’s economy it’s due to poor decisions you have made. Just about every homeless person has either a drug problem, teen pregnancy, high school dropout or quit a job before fi ding another
You moron, the root cause is the state. The only reason as you say Disney has raised prices is because everything now is even more expensive.
I was a cast member and knew from the start what the pay would be. Cast members are not hired without knowing the pay. It’s a choice to work there for whatever reason.
It IS the Governor’s job to be sure the state is a welcoming livable place. If he is discussed by the homeless do something to help them, not make it more impossible!
I heard Putin and Xi are offering that ….. along with some mandatory organ harvesting if you are truly interested
Disney Fan
Do you live under a rock
Construction underway near Universal for this purpose!
Disney trying to plop one in an area where it will virtually stop traffic for hours every dayfrom6-9 and 3-8
Because it it is only 2 lanes and one lane in and out of these developments But Disney will be able pat themselves on back . Oh wait they said it isn’t all for Disney cast but everyone. So they are areTHE Problem!
Florida used to be among the cheapest states. More recently because DeSantis made Florida one of the few open states the whole country and ALL Dem state residents want to move here. Thousands already have. So we have had a rising housing market based on DEMAND of exiles eacaping from Dem states. Add to that the BIDRN DEM caused inflation from insane legislation and tgats why we have these situations. I hear North Dakota is still cheap….
FEMA camps for Politicians
Ron DeSantis is a heartless and hate filled man. We don’t fix problems by shoving them into a hidden corner camp, we find real solutions like affordable housing and healthcare. This Governor is the grossest yet!
Ron should live homeless with his family for awhile! Than maybe just maybe he’ll really help the homeless, instead of trying to hide them!! Literally disgusting politicians!
DeSantis has made Florida a living meme.
Disney is not responsible for their homeless workers. Does YOUR employer pay extra to house any homeless workers?
No. But they do provide enough pay so that I can provide that for myself. Which, by the way, is what we are each responsible for; taking care of ourselves.
Disney Fan
They are the largest industry employing low income wage personnel and making $$$$
But you want taxpayers to be the welfare machine
Enmployera if that size can pay more
And greedy sellers of homes 4 yrs ago $400k now $2 million and the other problem
Marty beahn
Seriously, are there any republicans that care about human decency. Not all people that are homeless really want to live like that. A lot of homeless have underlying mental issues. What about raising the minimum wage so people can afford to liveDesantis is the worse of them all. This next election cycle should be about cleaning the politcians out ans electing people who care.
If Disney cast members are homeless maybe Disney should be paying them a wage they can live off of. They make money hand over fist do better Disney ,
They pay more than the living wage. Blame a state for being too expensive.
Disney Fan
Caused by too many new people greedy developers and everyone wants to give away everyone else’s hard earned money
Want to make more get another job get educated
Rest of sinfor 50 yrs and moved around to better self
You people. Blaming a governor for a company that clearly isn’t willing to provide a living wage. Imagine this: the mouse provides a wage structure out of the Billions in profit they gain to their “most valuable employees” to allow them to live in an affordable manner. Then you don’t have anything to complain about when the governor, who is responsible for the ENTIRE STATE passes laws that despite what you have read here are not specifically targeted at one particular company or group of people.
Your issue is with the corporate greed being displayed here and the complete lack of empathy for those workers being shown by their employer, not with the Governor.
These people aren’t blaming the governor for Disney not paying its cast members. They’re blaming him because he doesn’t care about ANY of his residents who are homeless. He’s too busy pandering to care about affordable housing or home insurance. Instead of sticking his nose into issues that have nothing to do with the State, he should be focused on the people that live here. Why can’t teachers and first responders afford housing? Why is it ok to have so many homeless veterans and elderly who can no longer afford their homes, or have to choose between paying bills or their food and medicine??? He’s a disgrace and a bully and is horrible for this State . If you think he’s doing a great job then you are part of the problem.
Debby Rusovick
Well said! you hit the nail on the head.
If you’re homeless in today’s economy it’s due to poor decisions you have made. Just about every homeless person has either a drug problem, teen pregnancy, high school dropout or quit a job before finding another. How is this anyone’s problem but the person who is homeless?
No there is no corporate greed as Disney pays far above the living wage. The problem is a state that is dar toi expensive to live in.
If you think it’s too expensive to live in Florida. Have you tried California or New York?
The article didn’t say how much the Disney employees are paid. Homessness can also be caused by a spending problem.
Ron should live homeless with his family for awhile! Than maybe just maybe he’ll really help the homeless, instead of trying to hide them!! Literally disgusting politicians!
Governor is a piece of sh*t. He is for himself. Yes Disney could do better. Alot of places could do better. Has anyone heard of getting a second job? I know you don’t want to and should have to but it would help to something better comes along. I did it for years. Show this governor you can make it. He wants the lower class to fail.
Thats a good thing ,no reason fo anyone being homeles. Holding down a job atleast a good one.
That just go’s to shows you, that Disney does not care about its employies. Thats why they charge you alot to go there, and pay there help as little as posable. Let all the gays work there that should fix it for them. Me I won’t give them a penny for anything, theam parks,tv,movies Point blank I I won’ support them ever for anything there involved in.
So thank you Ron Desantis good job!!!!
DeSantis is doing the right thing. It has nothing to do with him except him cleaning the neighborhood of people who will harm your children use them for sex while feeding the kids drugs . If your that adamant about it let the homeless live with you.its not about the rich people its about all citizens of your eyes people. Disney world soon will be a den market selling all the kids with drugs.
There are programs for homeless. Some homeless do not want to use these because of their lifestyle of drugs, tobacco and alcohol. They need to be motivated to move. Churches, social groups and other non-profit organizations should be offering them help, which is not being done by allowing them to stay homeless in public or private areas.
By complaining about the measures being taken, you are part of the problem, not part of the solution. You should offer to support, adopt, or house them , or stop complaining about it.
Andy c
Everyone is blaming Desantis or Disney. Go downtown Orlando by church street most of the homeless have alcohol or drug problems and sleep on public entry ways. Desantis is trying to clean that up, remember we don’t pay state income tax because of tourism tax, no tourism tax will equal state income tax. Ok now on the Disney. Correct me if I’m wrong but does own apartments? Isn’t parking around $35+ dollars a single park ticket $150ish. So Disney needs to step up. Lastly if you have kids and are not living in your own home renting or own, but living with a relative you are considered homeless, and receive benefits from the state.
Well said my friend.
This article headline is just to grab attention. Blame Disney. DeSantis is not allowing Florida to become a NY or California.
Mary Beth
Soon he’ll be telling us what we can and cannot have for lunch.
Yeah good luck with that DeSantis Florida’s so over you. Just like he couldn’t get more than 3% of Florida to back him in his epic failure trying to run for the Whitehouse 🤣😂🤣
Edward Rodriguez
This Law will invariably create more contact by unhoused persons with Law Enforcement.
Which will result in more people being arrested. A win for the Florida private prisons business.
I learned something during a brief 2 hours visit to our County Jail.
Had I stayed overnight and eaten 3 meals? The County writes a bill, I don’t know how much it cost per day?
What I do know is that many unhoused persons don’t work a job.
What happens when we don’t pay the County? A warrant for arrest is issued. Back to jail on the next contact.
Very proud of my governor. Latinos for Trump
Not one complaint about bidens open door border policy ! 10M illegal aliens get housing and our US legal residents ( vets included) are forced out . In my state we are paying 75M a month to house the ” homeless ” ? Let’s do something about the illegals first and that would free up living spaces .
Where does it say that the Governor banned Disney employees? People have to stop reading the crap that this website posts!
First of all, I would like to see some actual statistics on how many Disney employees are homeless. It’s probably very, very low if any at all. I think the headline for this story is just a trap to get people to respond. The number of people moving to Florida right now is incredible. If it were so bad to live here, you wouldn’t all want to be here. The housing market and business here is incredible and most people who want to have a job have one.
I was a cast member and knew from the start what the pay would be. Cast members are not hired without knowing the pay. It’s a choice to work there for whatever reason.
It IS the Governor’s job to be sure the state is a welcoming livable place. If he is discusted by the homeless do something to help them, not make it more impossible! Every state has homelessness. Disney is not responsible for it. Where you work is a choice. If pay isn’t enough, get another job!
I live in central FL & have a son who works at Disney. Yes, he needs to be paid more per hour, but even more, he needs to work his 40 hours a week. Disney keeps many of their cast members under 40 hours – he’s generally cut by 1 to 6 hours depending upon the week. With exorbitant rents in this area, & Duh-Santis’s new law that protects the landlord over the renter, he can’t afford to move out. At least he has his Dad & me. Our Governor is committing despicable acts in this state & this is a major demonstration of that arrogance. Do we have homeless issues here? Of course we do… just like every other state. This law doesn’t solve the problem. What it does is assist the elitist community in our area & attempts to make the homeless invisible to tourists. But what about the people Duh-Santis & his minions refuse to help? It’s inhumane to discard people in this way, but he doesn’t care about that. All he cares about is obsessively ‘purifying’ our state at the cost of many financially challenged citizens. They are human beings, not luggage. This is not a solution to the problem. It’s cruel, thoughtless, and discriminatory. Our Governor is a horrible man, and he and his minions need to be thrown out of office for this action. God bless our Disney cast members, for continuing to make magic for every guest, even when they’re being hurt financially.
I see alot if complaints but no one offering real solutions. Homelessness is problem worldwide, not just in Florida. What I have read here is people just want the Governor to do is open the checkbook. That isn’t the solution either. All the does is make you the next California, high cost of living and and enormous amount of debt. If you think you have a good idea write to your representative and senator.
Also I remember reading an article where Disney does house its workers that are here on visas. Why couldn’t they take a little bit of their profit and create an apartment complex and charge a reasonable rate. Milton Hershey did this when he started the Hershey Company over 100 years ago.
Why doesn’t Disney take care of their enployées! It should not be the people of Fl. To provide for them!
I heard Putin and Xi are offering that ….. along with some mandatory organ harvesting if you are truly interested
Speaking as a conservative I think Ron DeSantis is the worst person I have ever seen in my lifetime and I’m not young either. I am ashamed to tell others that I am a conservative when his name is brought up. I just tell them he is not a conservative, he is a dictator.
For those that think he is doing a good job I sure hope you wake up or you may be next to be one of his victims of his dictatorship.
Dictatorship, form of government in which one person or a small group possesses absolute power without effective constitutional limitations.
Floridians wakeup or you will be the next to be effected by his ingnorance and power trip.
Sarasota resident
He been great for our state.
🤢🤢🤢🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮 Can’t wait until 2026 when he’s GONE. Hopefully, it will be the end of his political career.
All of a sudden after Disney has been in Florida, Disney workers are homeless because of DeSantis is governor what a crock. Job’s are plentiful in Florida. Do you think all these foreigners come to work for Disney so they can be homeless. BS
Sounds like Disney is all about profit and not providing a living wage for it’s employees.
Ron De Santos is one of the best governor’s in the USA.
The article doesn’t say they are homeless because of desantis. Work on your reading comprehension.
I agreed with you
I Can’t believe ppl actually chose him to watch/care 😂 over the ppl of Fl.
Natalie Arter
You are wrong. You do not know what a dictator is.
And the majority of conservatives and other citizens of Florida are ashamed of people like you that support policies that would cripple our economy and endanger our children! Please try California, they’re your kind of people!
If there was a public vote held for a governor DeSantis as a vote of no confidence, he would lose his job today, and we’d run him out of Florida on a rail. He has destroyed our ability to use tourism as a magnet for tourism dollars saying nothing about him, trying to destroy Disney in Florida. I think he should be fired and we should have a new governor immediately. He is a maga maggot.
Another RINO. Why don’t you just call yourself a Democrat and be done with it.
You are 100% correct, but there is one more in Florida despicable on the East coast!! No names mentioned
Agree with you !
How ignorant do you have to be to say something so ignorant?
Apparently ignorant about what’s going on in California to make such ignorant statements.
Someone I know went to San Francisco this week, and in DOWNTOWN San Fran within 5 minutes of exiting the Uber came across a homeless person dropping trou and defecating right there on the sidewalk.
You want that in any Florida City? I’m pretty sure even BLUEST of Blue people wouldn’t want their children seeing that.
Now, go on and let the actual adults try to bring back some sense of order to this place.
If you think it’s too expensive to live in Florida. Have you tried California or New York?
DeSantis is the worst governor I have seen in my lifetime and I have lived here all my life. He’s on a big ego trip and is beholden to the far right craziness.
You first, asshole
All moving does is make it more likely that Florida will go further down the path of craziness. At least if sane, educated people stay and fight, there’s a chance we can course correct. I’ve lived here my entire life. I shouldn’t have to leave because people have lost sight of truth, decency, factual thinking, etc.
What he has done to our school system is atrocious! The chipping away of our freedom should bother so called Republicans. But all Republican means these days is that your a zealot who wants to blame your own shortcomings on someone else.
Do people want Florida to look like California. I know I don’t. If you don’t like the state just leave. Problem solved
My family and I moved from NJ to FL 8 years ago. As Social Security recipients, we couldn’t afford our homeowner’s taxes anymore and moved here for a more affordable life. Since Duh-Santis became Hovernor, our homeowner’s taxes have risen exponentially, our car insurance increased by 50%, and now our homeowner’s insurance is also about to increase by 50%. He also passed laws to protect landlords over renters. We’re trying to figure out where to move to next, EXCEPT it costs a fortune to move. FL’s elderly and disabled can’t afford to live here anymore. The working class is finding it impossible to make ends meet. Duh-Santis is a horrible man.
All things included it cost about 30% more to live in New Jersey than Florida.
Mike C
I think he is off his meds,ever since he lost trying to run for president he is know taking it out on disney and all the people living in flordia.
N Dakota is economic place to live.
Giuseppe G
It is, but it gets cold. Like snot freezing, coffee chilled in its cup cold
I think that Ron de Santis is doing a good jod of banning the homeless in the street, there not supposed to be in the street or park or wherever, He should provide a shelter for those people can’t afford to pay a rent. But just wondering, there’s is a lot of job if just the homeless people will be working hard get double job so that way then can have a house in future..just saying
Ron Duh-Santis is a horrible excuse for a human being. A man with no heart, no humanity, not a religious bone in his body, elitist excuse of a governor. Can’t wait until 2026 when he’ll be gone.
Small Voice
Maybe we could just deport you!
The “unhoused” Disney workers problem sounds more like a Disney problem than a DeSantis problem.
Sarasota resident
I agree. Disney pricing is outrageous. Why doesn’t Fisney pay their employees more? They have the money.
I agree. The issue is Disney not paying a livable wage. They have been using “slave” labor in their parks for years. They accept college students into Disney U only to work them very long hours and the pay (or it used to be) was a salary that was less than minimum wage. How much does Igor make? The slant on this article should not be DeSantis, instead it should be on the evil in the Mouse House.
Regulation is the job of the government. In a capitalist society they will bleed us dry until controlled. Don’t believe me? Look at literally anything you have to buy. Record profits but yeah… “inflation…” inflation my ass- corporate greed. It is red and blue as America gets. Greed.
I so agree!
100% but if that happens how can they cry about Florida? The problems for cast members in California are worse. Ppl should demand accountability from Disney Leadership instead.
Alicia Romero
I’m sorry I love our governer and im a minority that makes enough to servive in the state. It’s funny how the news portray things. Meanwhile they wanna put the blame on the goverment when it’s these greedy companies that control all profit and how they pay there employees. You think a ceo making millions of dollars are gonna care about an employee making minimum wage and barley making it. Nope as long as there life style don’t change. Modern day slavery os really real excepto every color is being affected. Of people can’t affordable florida there are over 50 other states you can move to even some offer relocation assistance. Like I always say you are your situation make it better don’t be affraid of change it could be for the better. And coming from someone that lives 20 mins from Disney in florida they are getting played out. Its not even family friendly. I have 6 kids and we used to have season passes I paid over $5,000 for the year. Not even close to being worth it. We still haven’t been on every ride at there parks. Hotels, food, everything else expensive too. Universal all day baby. Forget Disney my season passes for all of us was 1,900 for the year and it’s the best thrill we got on all rides. Even my family members work there and get treated good with free passes for employees and there family. Disney if you miss one day of work expecially around the holiday you are fired no exceptions and they don’t care of your background or story. You could be living in your car and your child had an emergency medical issue. No free tickets either just discounted but not by much so we can see who is greedy and it’s not Desantis.
Not DuhSantis 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
Have you ever worked at Disney?? The cast members get tons of free tickets every year and you get a point for calling out, not fired
Sharon H
🙌 bravo well said
think that Disney has the resources to build low income housing for its employees. I also feel they could provide individual or shared housing as well for single people.
DeSantis seems angry and bitter after losing hope for being the next President.
James Adkison
Marsha ,Marsha, Marsha……did that make you feel better?
Lincoln Man
Definitely targeting the homeless. Seems to be the politically correct form of the Right nowadays. Target the poor and immigrants so the middle class whites can succeed. Kinda reminds me of a Führer from the early 20th Century. Time to wake up America and become great again by loving everyone and not planting seeds of hate and racism in hearts of our children!
I didn’t realize Disney cast members slept on the streets
The Natives
If you moved here from somewhere else you’re not a Floridian. You’re nothing more than a tourist who overstayed their welcome. Floridians have spoken and thats why we have DeSantis. Look in the mirror, you’re the problem, not the solution.
Roy Crumley
Doesn’t sound like a DeSantis problem. Sounds like Disney isn’t paying their people enough problem!
Suvane Blinne Blinn
They are working for pitty sake Isn’t this the objective Maybe Disney can provide a corner in their lot where they can stay unmolested from DeSantis
Sharon H
think that Disney has the resources to build low income housing for its employees. I also feel they could provide individual or shared housing as well for single people.
WE BETTER see the FUNDING then DESANTIS!!!!!! You can up with describing the problems Florida faces, then sit back and promote nothing to resolve the. LAwS don’t make SOLUTIONS!!!! God forbid any of your family are struggling!!
DeSantis is a heartless, inhumane monster that should be banned from running for any office of authority .
jay hatin
First of all putting a mass load of homeless together is going to require security to stop the fighting and force no alcohol or drugs and keep them from stealing from each other without any organized security it is going to create a lot more problems than it’s going to solve.
Disney of all places to talk about people , it has some of the worst policies and ideas on life. Most of all Disney has it’s own agenda.
Feelings about the governor aside, this is just about the most click baity headline I’ve seen in a while… He passed a law for the whole state, that surely affects some Disney employees, but also people in any industry anywhere in the state. This is very different than the RCID vs. CTFD business. I’m sure Desantis likes to “poke the mouse(bear)” whenever he gets the chance, but I can’t imagine that was remotely on his mind when he signs this bill. I’m also not saying it’s a good policy, just that the headline is pretty disingenuous…
He is heartless to start and a wannabe dictator. Florida needs to vote him out.
Obviously Disney should stop whining as should the media. If Disney were to pay these people a living wage and stop stuffing CEOs pockets,there would be not article to skew about hurting Disney employees. Corporate greed has no ends,but the media feels it must attack DeSantis rather than attack Disney’s low pay.
Isn’t satire supposed to be funny?
Obviously Disney should stop whining as should the media. If Disney were to pay these people a living wage and stop stuffing CEOs pockets,there would be not article to skew about hurting Disney employees. Corporate greed has no ends,but the media feels it must attack DeSantis rather than attack Disney’s low pay.
I’m a former Cast member (Quack Quack). I am a Conservative, and I voted for Governor Ron DeSantis. All you have to do is live right, and live an uncomplicated life. You would be surprised how smooth your life will flow.
J Maskell
DeSantis needs to go! What gives him the right to tell us how to parent our own children! (What they can read, what they can learn in school, what websites they cannot use on their cells) DON’T SAY GAY is ridiculous! Disney disagreed and so do I and many others!!!!! Leave Disney alone…that’s Florida’s main attraction for visitors!!!! Is Florida now under a dictorship?? Get rid of him!!
J Maskell
DeSantis needs to go! What gives him the right to tell us how to parent our own children! (What they can read, what they can learn in school, what websites they cannot use on their cells) DON’T SAY GAY is ridiculous! Disney disagreed and so do I and many others!!!!! Leave Disney alone…that’s Florida’s main attraction for visitors!!!! Is Florida now under a dictorship?? Get rid of him!!
J Maskell
DeSantis needs to go! What gives him the right to tell us how to parent our own children! (What they can read, what they can learn in school, what websites they cannot use on their cells) DON’T SAY GAY is ridiculous! Disney disagreed and so do I and many others!!!!! Leave Disney alone…that’s Florida’s main attraction for visitors!!!! Is Florida now under a dictorship?? Get rid of him!!
Franny P
What is wrong with that Heartless man so called governor! We don’t need someone like it as governor of Florida!
The communist, soy boy, mentality, blame everybody around you for your failures.
Sharon H
I think that Disney has the resources to build low income housing for its employees. I also feel they could provide individual or shared housing as well for single people.
Have you ever worked at Disney?? The cast members get tons of free tickets every year and you get a point for calling out, not fired
Ron DeSantis is only goal is to read Florida of anybody who is not a white Anglo-Saxon try to student like him. He doesn’t like LGBTQ people he doesn’t like people of color he doesn’t like people of different ethnic city he doesn’t like people who do things if he doesn’t approve of. He’s a real asshole! Sorry gives a bad name to assholes
Disney charges way too much for tickets and merch, and yet, employees have to sleep in their cars? Here’s a novel idea, how about Disney builds an onsite apartment complex and house it’s “Cast Members” in that apartment complex for free (or at an extremely low cost).
Disney provide thi kind of housing for interns.
If the public lands aren’t for the public, housed or homeless what are public lands for? The public is all the public and the government has no right to shuttle the public off the public lands unless the government can provide a better alternative.
Dear citizen . Open your house to the strung out bum sleeping it off on the corner. Otherwise keep your comments to yourself. Habitual drug use and destitute individuals roaming the streets is not what our forefathers imagined our cities and towns would look like. Society did not create this .they did it to themselves. .
I know kids who were working and graduating from HS that were homeless. You have zero idea who can’t afford these ridiculous greedy rental homes. Don’t look down.
Seriously? How about pay people a living wage. How about he concentrate on the outrageous home taxes nearly every road in FL is a toll road where’s all the money unemployment 3300. Maximum for a year. No they will arrest and make people act like animals our system is screwed up this is Not what our forefathers fought for you entitled POS. I hope and you or your family join the poor souls not everyone is bad, but your hrleart is cold.
To think that all those who are homeless are drug addicts or did it to themselves is absolutely absurd and you obviously have no idea what tragedy or misfortune are.You would be surprised how many people here in Florida are living paycheck to paycheck and if that paycheck gets disrupted it can snowball into a crisis quickly 😳And if that was not enough the laws that have protected renters from insane constant rent hikes no longer exists. Just this evening my son and I brought dinner to a homeless woman her 12 year old daughter and their cat .I assure you this is not the life they wanted nor created.Why not try to help instead of sitting back and judging ?
Such ignorance my friend. A lot of homeless people aren’t homeless because of addiction, some uproot their lives and can’t afford to live in this economy due to not having a job and not knowing or having anyone where they moved to. So how about YOU do a little bit more research on the homeless community before you allow that very small brain to send words to exit your mouth, or in this case, fingers.
Nadine Voelz
Every opinion is important. You may not like someone’s viewpoint, but you do not have the right to tell them to shut up.
Because if some people start actually LIVING on public lands then they become inaccessible to the vast majority of those NOT living there. They are public lands for ALL, not to house SOME.
The Florida government has every right to not allow homeless people on public land, public means you’re free to pass free to use but not to live and sleep, especially in front of a park like this this is the first thing children see when they enter a park is this the influence you want for your future generations ? 25-year-old sees this what do you think they think and what kind of impact this has on them. I’m just glad I raised my children and they’re adults now I would not even begin to imagine what it would be like to raise children in this climate
I drove the monorail at Disney World for 5 years and drove the ferryboat for 15. Not Disney’s responsibility to provide everything. It’s just a job. Take it or leave it and work somewhere else.
Absolutely, my first thought!!!
Great idea!! But it wont get done because its a great idea!!!
Genevieve Fricano
That’s a great idea!!
I wonder if you’re aware of George Pullman. Pullman built a town with houses, shopping stores. He then charged a heafty price for everything. Suppose Disney does as you said but charges a fair amount for Florida. I doubt any low wage earner will be able to afford it
From my understanding, a large part of this issue is poor priority and budgeting. Disney has excellent pay and benefits for full time employees, but when you’re not willing to sacrifice certain luxuries such as proximity to work or live outside of your means then bills can add up. I’m not saying this applies to everyone, but it is a substantial part of the issue at hand.
Be a good plan.
Jo Beez
Disney CEO should build, maintain and pay utilities for multiple complexes for the staff who are homeless until they are able to afford other housing. This money should contributed by the CEO, board members and high paid executives salaries.
Exactly 💯
You mean like slave quarters?
Pat Edinger
I share the same solution as OceanFrog’s. Build an apartment complex onsite. Disney has so much ground that I’m sure they could spare a few hundred acres. This solution is also what many resorts in the Caribbean do for their employees.
That’s a perfect approach to solving the housing problem. I like it.
Desantis is a pathetic subhuman completely lacking in compassion or any grasp of a real solution. Can’t wait until he’s gone. That being said, Disney could also be part of the solution for their homeless employees, as others have commented here.
I know right! Absolutely horrible that he wants to help these folks. I mean the bill requires the following – Homeless individuals are prohibited from camping on city streets, sidewalks, and parks — and instead placed in temporary shelters monitored by law enforcement agencies.
The state of Florida has the enforcement tools needed to ensure local governments comply.
Homeless shelters will require occupants to not use drugs.
These shelters will also include substance abuse and mental health treatments.
He should just let them die on the streets.
Is Disney the only employer in Florida? Just saying… this is happening in all the states. Housing costs are insane. Maybe start with those issues , make them more affordable. I simply don know what ppl are supposed to do, where do they go? Very sad.
What an illiterate nut job, Disney doesn’t have anyone working for them that is homeless!
They admitted they do. Disney is part of problem
Then move…
Art B
Desantis has done a good job for Florida. I couldn’t imagine how bad Florida would be with Gavin Newsome as our governor or you for that matter.
Desantis wouldn’t make a good president. But he has done a good job overall as Governor of Florida.
I don’t like a single idea DeSantis comes up with, and I support Disney in its resistance to the DeSantis take over of the district. However, these FULL TIME Disney employees were homeless before the bill was even dreamed of. Says more about the Disney pay scale than DeSantis,s hateful bills.
It is more about the cost of housing in Florida we have no idea what WDW pays their Employees. We don’t even know what the employees use their pay on either. But, that aside, what about all the other homeless. What DeSantis is doing with this law is not helping anyone. All this law is about is moving the homeless from sight to out of sight. It does not attempt to do something about the root cause of Homelessness. There are many homeless people not just Disney Employees. Probably even Employees of other companies maybe even Universal, or maybe even Busch Gardens/Sea World. The reason this rag talks about Disney is the person who writes it is probably anti Disney as much as DeSantis and red hats.
If Walt Disney was alive he would take care of his employees. No one who works for a muliBillion dollar company should be homeless or making low wages. As far as DeSantis goes he is a worthless pile of crap!
I have lived in Florida for 65 years. Ron Desantis is the worst governor of all time.He has no compassion or kindness.
Then move.
lorraine cramer
exactly, I have read things for years on how disney employees cant buy food or afford a place to sleep…………Seems like disney could build a campus where each person could stay in a small room and maybe share bathrooms and kitchens…………They shouldnt be living in cars or on the streets.
It does not say anything about housing them anywhere. The law means out of sight/out of mind to comfort those who are uncomfortable knowing and seeing the effects of homelessness. DeSantis does not want to help any Floridian except the redhatted cult members of Orange Julius 45 and himself. Instead of using our money to help build shelters for these unfortunate people he spends the money to fly illegals from Texas to Martha’s Vineyard in MA and to try and make that legal he has the flights stop in Florida for a short period. The previous 12M and any subsequent millions he spends for same type of thing could be helping many desperate Floridians who have lost their homes and cannot afford to rent anywhere. Stop trying to Defend the Indefensible actions of #DeathSantis.
Disney needs to do better on so many different levels. I personally will not buy or spend any money that supports Disney in any way .I usto love Disney but today I’m ashamed I ever did.
Protect your employees Disney and protect the children.
Boycott Disney. They treat their employees like sheep. Disney prices are too high.
All lefty Democrat Floridian’s you are not going to turn Florida into Portland, NY Chicago. Move on or move out.
I wish the silent majority of central and righty Democrats would stand up and be heard.
America will renew itself once we have moderate Republicans and moderate Democrats running both parties.
Keith stopforth
Every decision Ron DeSantis has made has been for the good and well-being and safety of all Florida citizens, he has been probably the best most decisive governor that Florida ever had. He stopped some of the crazy decisions that local commissioners were trying to make closing businesses down when Covid was strife there is so much more he has done I would like to state the guy is totally outstanding
Lay off the coke
Hahahaha! Where do you usually do your standup comedy act? I’d love to come see you if all your stuff is this funny.
Art B
I agree with you. Desantis has done a good job for Florida. Maybe, Desantis wouldn’t make a good president. But he has done a good job overall as Governor of Florida.
You can’t be any more dishonest with the statement of”homeless Disney cast members”! Many of the cast members are college students working through the Disney college program and many are retired working part-time
What I wanna know is where are those ppl supposed to go. Especially the ones who have a family and can’t afford to move somewhere. Now the druggies and prostitute are a totally different story. I’m not saying I’m better bc I’m one step from being homeless myself. I use to support the Governor but I don’t know these days .
Lay off the coke
Karen Jackson
Govenor DeSantis could invite homeless people to come live @ the Govenor’s mansion. Then they could all be roommates.
Wow. Disney charges insane prices, yet does not pay employees enough to afford housing. Your attempt to shame DeSantis is backfiring. Disney is part of the problem!
Stephen Biesiada
Desantis is a total idiot, he has to go
Those are working floors and most likely not criminals, they are being treated like criminals. Folks like desantis and trump love criminalizing the poor.
Your comments are one of the few sensible on this site. Are people really suggesting to keep the homeless on the street? I live in NYC and believe me, that is not a solution! And Disney should pay a living wage!
I agree 100% with the Governor.. Its a start to help the homeless. There are people dangerously sleeping on sidewalks in Okaloosa county.. you don’t know their story until something seriously happens to them, then it’s too late. There are a few places where I’m at where they can eat, get food, take showers, laundry, help fill out paperwork etc . But at night,.. there’s nowhere to turn. Safe houses would be a great start with volunteers to help an hour or 2 a week to help fill out job apps, ss, phone calls to loved ones.. the list is endless.. and yes, the city im in, I already do a lot to help, including providing pet food and vet bills for their pets. If I can help, just imagine what more people can achieve to give dignity back to another human.. it may be you someday.. 🥰
Worst. Governor. Ever.
Clearly you are not a student of addiction or mental health and it’s connection to addiction.
You’re speaking out your a**.
Is that one of the degrees Biden will pay for?
RonnieD is in full force gentrification mode to make Florida a place for only the wealthy. He’s lost over 500,000 worker bees. He will destroy all he can before he is out of office.
It’s just horrible.
Ron DeSantis is a disgrace to Florida the USA and basic human dignity.
First it is “homeless” not unhoused – renaming the problem doesn’t change it. Second, many people has chosen to be homeless. Stop and talk to them-especially it’s a choice. There are too many alternatives available. One suggestion – SHARE, get an apartment or house and share it with several coworkers. Third, my tax dollars support public spaces and I am sick of seeing the bums urinating, doing drugs, and disrupting daily business. There is no excuse nor reason for bums to be laying around doorways or on park benches. Most of the bums are criminals-thieves, druggies, molesters, etc. GOOD FOR DESANTIS and those who support him-these are the people who are working for the people. Florida should be the role model for the rest of the country. I wish DeSantis would have stayed in the running for President -HE would have been the best choice! No more taxes for illegals, bums, or criminals – Defund welfare, Defund illegals, and refund our taxes! No more money to other countries!
If Disney’s people are homeless then demand that Disney pay them. It is not the governors responsibility to control Disney’s pay rate. Get people to boycott Disney until people are fairly paid. If the CEO can get paid millions then the lowest guy on the payroll should get paid a living wage- stand up to Disney and stop blaming DeSantis!! Defund welfare, Defund illegals, Defund foreign countries, Refund taxes!
Daniel T. Silbaugh
The panama city beach area in bay county has banned tents in the woods, public sleeping to participate in the new laws however authorities have ignored the other part of the recent fs and have not did anything to provide a slternative location to set up tents, provide bathroom or. Even portapotties. They have treatened jailing yhem though.
Desantis is for the rich as usual. Doesn’t want to HELP THE PROBLEM, just hide it. He’s as racist as they come also.
Now let’s see Ron Mussolini desantis wants to hide the homeless at Disneyland if we all look back he wanted to build a prison on the land that Disney wanted to build a apartment complax on because of the lgbt lawsuit and his ego .go to utub and listen to his speech for yourself from two years ago .
Lori Renee Fye
I’ve never been to Disney World and have no plans to ever go there.
Of course, I also have no plans to ever return to Florida again, with its humidity, its insects, its self-entitled and creepy Republicans in The Villages, its Trump-wannabe Governor, and most recently, its LEPROSY and measles outbreaks.
Let’s saw that flaccid weenie off and let it float away to Cuba. It won’t be missed.
First of all I’d like to comment on this article tittle, Ron DeSantis bans cast members from Disney world, if the writer is reading this I think you need to rewrite this article this is sensationalized and not accurate. This is why I left America a year ago and retired inThailand for more then half the year every year
I support what Florida is doing 100% and still have a home in the beautiful Florida panhandle near the small town of Bonifay Florida and far away from the tourist traps and the overpopulated South Florida.
What everyone should be addressing is the current president and government administration that’s running your country into the ground this all started with the Obama administration if you look back and you really do some research he Mastermind the most underhanded corrupt money grab in the history of America under the pretense of being black and doing things while no one else was looking or afraid to approach him legally because of his ethnicity, and the backing he has from the elites to divide America, I don’t care if you’re white black purple red Brown we are all the same, his wealth exceeds Donald Trump’s three times. The former sitting president has basically stolen your tax dollars and is donating money to other countries to get kickbacks to expand his portfolio and wealth, these are the real issues instead they go after and persecute people who have worked hard for their lives, And not career politicians. We all are in charge of our destiny and many of us are in situations wherein because of the choices we made unfortunately some people do the right thing and have no choice and this is what’s happening to America. This is a product of a Democrat run government, I’m old enough to remember the Vietnam war and had family members serve in that war a senseless war we were told one thing of why we were fighting and it was not the truth. The US needs better health Care and social services to accommodate people with mental illness this is another issue, the Democrats ways have escalated this country into a non-recognizable place that we all used to know and love, Wake up people
Chris H
Jesus fed and clothed the poor. DeSantis just declared Jesus a liar, His beliefs inferior, and Jesus a false Messiah. Hey, Ron, how do you sleep at by doing those things? Are you just a bigger jerk than Satan?
Jesus is never reported to have clothed anyone.
Also, Jesus said we will always have the poor.
Do not put words into Jesus mouth. You are talking blasphemy.
Jesus was woke.
Ok. So every single thing that Jesus did was not recorded, but, he commanded us to help those that are in need. He said, if you have 2 cloaks and someone is in need, give one. He also said, he also said, On that day, some will say, Lord, elegant saw we thee hungry , naked and did nothing? Folks will ask when saw we thee hungry / naked and did nothing? His answer will be, If you didn’t do it yo the least, you didn’t do it for me. (paraphrasing) Look it up..
Please excuse errors. – elegant. Meant to say “Lord when saw we thee
So you prefer the Ten Commandments Jesus to the Beatitudes Jesus?
Jesus didn’t…but His followers did. Good Samaritans do. Yes, we will always have the poor, but the same people shouldn’t be kept poor they’re entire lives. Yes, we’ll always have the poor, so get used to helping them.
What have you done?
I didn’t see Jesus’ names mentioned in that article at all. You all seem to be blaming DeSantis when it reality the blames lies wholly with Disney for taking advantage of people. We all know Disney can afford to pay these people a respectable wage and yet choose not to. It is the Democrats that are trafficking humans at our southern border in an effort to exploit illegals for low wage jobs. But it’s all DeSantis fault. You folks are clueless.
Jesus never clothed the poor.
Collier Kyna
U humanness and disgraceful, unfortunately republican by affiliation, that backfire in Republican election, especially given the uneffortability of rents in Florida and access to medical help
Unhumaine and disgraceful. DeSantis should i.prove re t affordability and medical access to clean or improve this problem. People have a right to sleep, directly affecting mental condition, they have a right to be so.where, if not public places than where?
The law also outlines additional mental health services, rehabilitation programs, and a plan for approved camping sites where alcohol and drugs would be banned.
Were not wealthy or tourists and I agree with our governor. I’m tired of going to a park and I can’t get a picnic table because someone is sleeping on it or asking me for money. Those that think this plan unfair should let the homeless sleep in their yard. These people need real help not an open invitation to just sleep anywhere. There are many reasons to be homeless and different solutions for each but and this is comming from a once homeless person, letting the homeless sleep anywhere is NOT the solution.
Valarie M
You are 100% correct and an example to others that they too can get in a better position!
Partially agree with you, letting the homeless sleep just anywhere is not help, but, he is not providing a solution just making them invisible does not make them invisible. Most of mental health issue they need help not to be swept under the rug.
Valarie M
Exactly! A safe for everyone option!
Marshaa Lee Hennessey
Help them get housing. They probably make over the wages that HUD will accept.
Valarie M
Campgrounds, hotels, apartments, and houses! Just like everybody else under Bidenomics !! Maybe instead of cursing the governor who wants to keep our state clean and safe for EVERYONE!!!
Safe fore everyone? Well certainly not if you are poor, homeless, mentally ill, or a real human being unlike the governor. Mass shootings all over the state and what has DeSantis done to address it – an anti-woke campaign attracting the sanctimonious, rich, perverse and maga morons.
Did you read the bill at all? Because everything you said here the bill does. Literally everything
Sid Barth
Good law! Disney needs to pay their employees better. We don’t want California!
Why is 10% of their staff suffering like that?! They charge enough to pay everyone.
Exactly the villian here is Disney with refusing employees access to housing THEY HAVE ON SITE but use for international unpaid / lower paid interns, the trailer park they used as the residents for the old Disney government. Hell they have acres and acres they could build additional affordable housing for workers. But these idiots want to make it about a law that removes sidewalk homelessness drugs and bathrooms from our state as bad. Yes Florida has a right to stop open air drug markets from moving in. I live in an area unfortunately that has a huge issue with homelessness when winter comes. This law could help us keep homeless out of State protected Habitat of a protected species. We had over 100 acres burn because of homeless fires. We have a right to be safe and not have to be put in position to have to protect ourselves from homeless drug addicts. This is a great law. Homeless go to California they pay you to live on the street.
Valarie M
1 million percent!
Let’s just criminalize the homeless. That’s absurd. What are you going to do with them, put them in jail? That won’t solve anything.
Of course they will put them in jail. For every inmate housed, per day, the State gets paid by the goverment.
The State is the government. Homeschooled much?
The Federal government man, not State government. Go back to school.
I totally agree! When you jail them guess what Ron? Tough and your tax payers will still be taking care of them. Did you think about that? Give them a voucher to a technical school so they can get some hands on training and get a damn job so they can pay their taxes from their paycheck. Get more affordable housing in your wealthy state or pay your workers higher wages so the people who clean your hotels and make your food and build your roads can take care of their families you idiot!
Read the whole article.
The law also outlines additional mental health services, rehabilitation programs, and a plan for approved camping sites where alcohol and drugs would be banned.
First Disney needs to be paying their employees better wages. Certainly not a magical place if with the money they are getting across ALL their properties they can’t even help their own. Sooo much they could do here!
2nd I support our Governor and think he is the best our state has sign. Maybe some of these wealthy people that complain can start a real program to help these individuals and their families. It is sad. I had a man approach me the other day asking for help for he and his kid’s. I offered groceries he said that won’t help I need money.
Hard to know sometimes who really needs the help and who is going to use money selfishly.
At any rate stop blaming our Governor for making our state, a great place to live. where so many people are flocking to live here. He’s doing the job we elected him to do
I agree with you Chris
Mary kay
Ron are you going crazy because nobody wanted you to be our next president. So your going to take it out on the homeless. Jesus isn’t smiling down on you.
They say homeless Floridians. So, if I have an I.D. from Ohio and I am homeless, it’s legal, right? When and how am I classified as a Floridian?
If you are homeless in Florida, you are a homeless Floridian.
Just like a homeless Ohioan isn’t a homeless Austrailian even if they are from Australia.
Why did you move here if you don’t like our Governor? Why have you not updated your ID? You like not following laws?
You idiot! How about your and your stupid Azz politicians give these people a voucher at a technical school or at a 2yr school. This is not the solution. Part of the solution is your wealthy state not paying the people decent wages who keep your 5 star hotels looking magnificent, the people who make your food, the people who build your roads, the people who keep your grass beautiful at your mansion. Some of these people work hard everyday and still can’t take of their families nor can they afford your 4k rent in your lil rich state. At least a voucher will better them and keep them out of jails. Guess who take care of people in jail? You and the entire state. Give them training so they can pay taxes and pump more money in your state and crime will decrease. A kindergartener knows this. Think law makers before you make stupid laws that won’t work.
Why not just put them all in concentration camps , Ron ?
Is that your next holy move ?
It’s a problem , yes , but we don’t trust you .
Valarie M
Who is we? Do you have a turd in your pocket, because the majority approve of and thank him for doing what the majority of citizens want!
How about Disney providing housing on park property for homeless staff? Let them pick up the tab instead of the tax payer.
One of the pier amusement parks in Wildwood, NJ use to do this (I don’t know if they still do or not.) The rooms weren’t the greatest. About the level of a really cheap hotel but it was something.
How about we demand Ron Desantis take some of the millions of dollars the affluent residents tax dollars and build tiny home neighborhoods in every town. In exchange for the homeless people’s right to live in them, we employ them to work keep public property clean, they can work on farms that no longer have green card workers and immigrants. They can work setting up and taking down events. They can help clean up the gang member paintings you see everywhere in Florida. The list goes on and on! How about doing the humane thing instead of allowing this terrible Governor to force his hatred on Floridians. Then how about we never elect him to anything after his term!!!!!! You want to “Make America great”? Then make it great for everyone. THAT’S WHAT MAKES AMERICA GREAT!!!
How about stop picking the pockets of fellow taxpayers?
How about you open up your house and invite 2 homeless people to stay with you. You have the space. Feed them too. And, give them some money.
Lololololol Disney HAS HOUSING! Why is Disney not responsible for using the housing they have for employees they do not pay enough nor provide medical care for?
Disney has housing they use to import unpaid ‘interns’ from foreign countries every year. They have the Trailer Park that used to be for the Disney resident government. They have acres and acres of PRIVATE property they can allow homeless employees to live on. The fact this is an attempt to make a law that stops dangerious encampment from popping up in Florida look ‘evil’ is hilarious. Guess what loves he signed a law we the citizens of Florida demanded of our State government to pass. We do not wish to welcome homeless entitlement. But just an FYI we are a state with some of the most affordable housing neighborhoods being built. Just in the Keys the amount of affordable housing projects that have been put in is astronomical. Even building housing for First Responders, Teachers and other infrastructure employees that have had extremely difficult times finding affordable housing in the keys. Affordable housing for people willing to work is a lot different than leaving our streets and parks open to the dangers that come with homelessness of those that do not wish to work. It is two very distinctly different groups and need to stop being lumped together.
Florida is becoming a place strictly for the rich to be able to afford to live. The cost of housing in the state has become absolutely ridiculous. And the more you raise wages the more everybody raises their prices so there is no end in sight. Eventually the rich will have to take care of themselves because the people that are taking care of them now won’t be able to live here to do it.
Florida is becoming a place strictly for the rich to be able to afford to live. The cost of housing in the state has become absolutely ridiculous. And the more you raise wages the more everybody raises their prices so there is no end in sight. Eventually the rich will have to take care of themselves because the people that are taking care of them now won’t be able to live here to do it.
Rent in my area for an efficiency or a one-bedroom apartment ranges anywhere from $900 to $1,700 a month. No way a single person making $14 an hour can afford this. Not even near Orlando or Tampa. Local news article said how many people are moving to Polk county which is where I am at and it is all people from New York and California and areas that can afford $300,000 plus to buy a home
I like the law. If you are going to complain then help the homeless yourself. Give them a place to stay, food and a job. You will soon find out most of them like their way of life, begging, not working.
Don’t blame the man trying to clean up our state. It’s like a parent trying to get their kid to do what’s right. Make a plan and get them to help themselves.
A lot of us know a homeless person and the ones I know picked their lifestyle for drugs, wanting to listen to authority, not wanting to pay child support or just not wanting to work. They want us to pay their way.
I say no.
First of all I was homeless but it wasn’t because of drugs or not wanting to work I worked everyday and still couldn’t afford a place to live but my car or some run down hotel .. so before judging a person get to know someone… Not everyone homeless is a drug addict or a begger just some people like me can’t afford rent because it’s to high or the taxes are to high
Valarie M
Why isn’t WDW providing a living wage to its employees?
Cast members are doing Sex Work to make ends meet?
Sleeping in cars?
The real villan in this story is Walt Disney.
Well, this is a biased question worded in a way to suck thousands of people in opposition to the law so they will take their eyes off of the real culprit (Disney). Therefore, I will voice my support against WDW’s evil practices and in support of DeSantis’ law that does not target the homeless employees at Disney World, but is actually set in place to stop the homeless from having easy access to panhandling the public, and try to encourage more of them to take advantage of the helpful programs out there. Maybe WDW will consider paying their employees a decent wage instead of pointing the finger at Ron.
Bob Nesoff
This is nothing more than the radical DeSantis continuing war against Disney. That being said, why is WDW not paying its workers a decent wage? The hefty admission means huge profits. Pay the people. Maybe even consider creating company living quarters.
He just wants to control and a bad christian.thats not what Jesus wants shame on him.
Instead of outcasting people why not put in place programs to help at any given time homelessness is a pscological problem it can happen to anybody PLEASE VOTE AGAINST POLITICIANS THAT MAKE DESICIONS FOR ALL OF US CITIZENS. VOTE FOR SOMEONE THAT HELPS, THAT HAS COMPASSION AND BRINGS SOLUTIONS TO THE PROBLEM NOT MORE PAIN.
Valarie M
He is a politician doing what the majority of his constituents want and I for one am grateful!
The lord also helped those who helped themselves. It doesn’t mean making a living off the charity of others. People who worked their entire lives have a right to li e in the communities they helped build without the worry of being harassed or attacked by vagrants who decided they didn’t want to work for a living, or by people with mental issues that our government has turned their backs on….like homeless veterans. So I think this is a great step in addressing these issues. The real bandaid on the problem is allowing this to continue and letting the locals deal with it. STOP SENDING U.S. DOLLARS OVER SEAS!!! SPEND THEM HERE ON OUR PEOBLEMS!!
Ron Hitler is and always has been a piece of shite PERIOD
He’s an ass that’s why he’ll never be president.
Valarie M
It’s not about hurting the homeless, it’s about keeping Florida residents safe and not living in filthy cities like San Francisco!
👏👏👏👏👏👏 All states should follow!
Florida is a warm climate, and will always attract the homeless as well as the wealthy. That is the state’s cross to bare. Vagrancy laws can be written, and you can shuffle them around in jails, but the homeless will always be there, in plain sight.
Matthew 25:31-40 When did I help when you gave me Drink invited me into your house and when you clothed me To anyone who thinks Jesus didn’t help homeless What you do for these you have done for me
Ron is a retirement to his own state. Nonsense laws to hurt working people & families. Get rid of the true criminals like the Donald who never met a freebee he didn’t take. Your roads are lovely. I am a fan of the Gulf Coast… Clearwater, Bradenton, Ft Myers, ssVenice, Naples & Marco.evtime
I witnessed 7 accidents on 408 in the same day. All caused by trucks. Enforce the right lane only mandat. It will save lives & property not to mention the time wasted because of rioocarelessness. Get a clue.
Stop harrasment if people just trying to eek out a living. Your priorities are atrocious. 🦩🦩🦩
Charles Muldoon
Too bad public officials are hell bent on doing anything and everything but addressing the underlying cause of homelessness.
It’s the interest.
It’s the interest.
It’s the interest.
That was detrement not retirement
Have any of you bashing San Francisco been there?
You can help if you see fit.
Complaining without solutions will go nowhere.
Florida is attempting to raise taxes on Disney, reducing their bottom line. Then some bash Disney for inadequate pay? Nice.
Disney should be a shame of themselves. They charge an arm and leg but they won’t pay their employees shame on you. users.
How about Disney building low cost housing for their underpaid employees.
Craig O.
Please! This is AMERICA! Exercise your RIGHT to exercise and walk out of there! I’m sick of people holding places of employment HOSTAGE! Don’t work there if you’re happy with your employment!
Everyone in todays “WOKE” America think they are OWED something! WRONG! Go earn it. If you don’t find it at Disney as your employment, GO ELSEWHERE with your “ skills”!
It’s time for CHANGE in America! Land of the “Free”! Free to LEAVE! Not, “I’m owed everything for FREE”.
So, that’s why DeSantis went to Disney (the park that belongs to his enemy)?
He went to snoop to find fault and pass laws to use against them?
He’s a new breed….
Notice the fake news headline. Read the whole story.
Notice the fake news headline. Read the whole story.
Bob T.
Why don’t we just load all the homeless on cattle cars and put them in camps? Then when they get there have them all showers and.never see them again, oh wait that was already done it was called the ” Holocaust”.
DeSantis is attacking now the poor and homeless! He is threatening to sue the cities! Where does all this money come from that he wants to use for all of his so-called anti-poor bills and laws? They come from us and are an excuse for him to raise our taxes! He’s going to use our taxes to attack poor people! He needs to go we need to get a new governor!
Couldn’t disagree more. While he isn’t perfect he has been better than most.
Bahahahaha! You probably think Trump won the election, don’t you?
You better read that again! He doesn’t want florida turning into San Francisco 💩 he’s offering the right kind of help to these people and as far as Desantis goes the people of Florida are fortunate to have such a man for governor
DeSantis is not only a terrible governor but a cruel and ignorant individual. What do you think is going to happen with “these people,” as you called them? DeSantis and you can hide them but you can make them disappear. They are human beings like you and I; thus, how about being compassionate and helpful instead of detached and partners in such an inhumane act.
K Oakley
I agree with the new law. I travel through downtown Jacksonville to work in the morning & there are people laying on sidewalks, etc all over the city. There’s a shelter that I pass by, too so there is somewhere for them to go.
I beli3ve he couldn’t do some changes by helping out the homeless people, schelters, programs, lowering the housing, passing laws about rent. Instead Desantis attacks Disney, this is his personal agenda: attacking Disney. I know Disney is super expensive, and low salaries, but how much have for years provide jobs to people, White the Government denies medicaid assistance or housing to others when in need. How about standing up and do something positive for the people in need other tha Disney. He watts a law about homeless , please provide assistance and treat homeless with dignity.
😆 Your China Botness is showing. DeSantis signed a law sent to him by the State ELECTED legislature dear. Talk about ignorant. We the people of Florida are not wanting to live in San Fran. Move along dear you need to try and become better informed on which liberal cesspool you want to move to.
Crystal inside The magic Reeder
Florida politicians are living in a fantasy world. As much as they despise Disney. It’s like teenage rebelling with parents they are exactly like. The homeless rate is rising because of excessively high rent/mortgages. But let’s not ban the actual problem. Let’s victimize the victims even more. The community of Florida are not in agreement with this law.
Mam massachusettes needs a governor like this but unfortunately I doubt we’ll ever see one
Mark P
You are a fool. DeSantis has done nothing but turn Florida into an authoritarian nightmare. He has solved zero problems, only created a bunch of new ones. And he is a bigot, a liar, and one of the worst candidates for president in recent memory (because he is an inept boob). Name calling isn’t governing.
Delusional liberal
People flock to fl.bc of DeSantis policies
You don’t blame dianey for underpaying it’s workers
You are so right on with this comment. Massachusetts is a disaster in so many ways, a supermajority of liberals has the conservatives praying for help.
This governor should be ousted and seen for who he really is, Florida needs him gone yesterday. The homeless need HELP not another BILL that is passed for his glory to dimise people. God is watching YOU!
Except FLORIDA ELECTED the representatives to Enact this Law DeSantis signed because we do not want to become a homeless by choice state. Read the law dear those homeless not by choice are given programs to help them.
A proper Union, has Labor Expectations; Masons, Carpenters, Electric Personell, Sheet Metal Workers.
United Auto Workers, are Unions.
However, Engineering requires advanced EDUCATION!
Public Domain depends on Labor Unions. Private Security of “Private LANDS” has International Expectations. Especially, when
The United Nations, pass the HAT, to see whom it should CHARGE for private Security control.
This story is a lie. I live in Florida and the Governor has not banned any Disney employees. Disney is up and running and all employees still there. Please people, take time to look at ALL sources and verify. Don’t be so easily led by everything you read. Just because someone wrote it, that doesn’t make it true.
Florida is an absolute dumpster fire that should sink into the Gulf of Mexico.
Good Job sir. Don’t let Flordia turn in the the next San Fransico. Great job exposing the crime coming from Disney we need more goveners like you.
DeSantis is preventing Florida from looking like Democrat cities like Portland and San Francisco. Disney, even with their “financial struggles”, could easily afford to pay cast members a living wage yet they CHOOSE not to. That is not a FLORIDA problem, that is a DISNEY problem. Stop blaming the Governor for Disney’s failures. He is doing his job. I’d love to see how fast any of the people on here downing him would welcome a tent city in their neighborhood.
Blame Disney, not DeSantis. With the prices for a ticket, they can afford to pay their staff more money.
I totally agree with him yes people need help but big government caused the problem. Get rid of welfare make it work Fair. Liberals are trashing this country. The men and women who fought in WW2 would be sick 🤢
Way to go Governor, heading in the right direction! Come on Disney, step it up and take care of your “cast members “!!
Carmen M
Having a safe designated space for homeless individuals not only helps them but helps the community- this is what all states should do that way they can concentrate the help that they need and start bringing them back to self respect. Disney should take better care of their employees!!
Disney has housing for their employees…well their shipped in from other countries employees that is.
Jacob Allen
That sounds awful.
WTF? Do you just let people tell you stuff for you to be irrate about and then mix it all up?
Part 1 Disney was given a ridiculous amount of autonomy and tax breaks to open a secound Disney Park. Disney had been buying up thousands of acres of farm land in Florida at about 10 cent an acre.
The original Disney concept was to include neighborhoods, schools, a full infrastructure Disney would be responsible for providing and maintaining. That was why Disney was given the tax breaks and autonomy. But instead it has been a couple trailers that made up the RCD and acted as the citizens of this “city” Disney was supposed to create. It only in recent years created the one neighborhood of extremely expensive housing. I can promise you they are not welcoming homeless employees in there to love in their cars or in tents.
When Disney decided to falsify and push out lies about what was actually happening in state government we as a state were like hey you know if we are looking at FAIR EQUITY let’s revisit this load of BS Disney has been getting away with for 50 years while NOT PAYING TAXES and not providing the agreed education upon benifits.
Disney wants their entire candy shop along w cake and ice cream to eat and keep.
Disney if anything should be blocked from bringing in slaves, I mean unpaid interns. They have housing for their slaves, opps again I mean interns. So why are they not providing this housing option to the 10% of their homeless workforce?
Why are employees not having medical insurance? Did they opt out of paying for provided insurance or are they not working enough hours to be eligible.
Disney will even provide underwear to wear in your work uniform along with laundry and upkeep. They have showers and things needed to be ready to work as well as for after. So that is a huge expense of working that is covered. So kudos to Disney there. But employees fought to be able to provide their own undergarments which hey if you want to do that also on board with that as an option.
The pay rate of Disney and the 10% of employees that are homeless has nothing to do with Ron DeSantis. The fact that Disney was being given preference in how they were treated by the state vs every other business is something the state does have a right to adjust when those benifits are not reaping the rewards promised even after 50 years.
So no dear one DeSantis did not go spy on Disney to create a law. DeSantis SIGNED a law that was created and voted on by FLORIDA’S Elected State Legislature because the citizens of Florida do not want streets and sidewalks turned into hangouts for drug addicts and dangerious criminals.
There are two types of homelessness. Those there due to economic problems like those that we saw grow drastically under Obama and now Biden. And those that are related to drugs, alcohol, mental health and choice.
Unfortunately if people are discussing the latter they are screamed at about the former. But without admitting that each type have extremely different ways to be approached.
This law stops the latter from putting other citizens and themselves in danger while offering additional funding for meeting needs of both types when the homeless is willing to participate fully in the programs avalible.
If you want to be paid to live on the street go to California, Seattle, Portland and New York.
so, of course it DeSantis fault because the billionaire Disney Co. won’t pay its employees a living wage.
Chris Horgan
I agree any employer should pay a liveable wage. Disney certainly charges enough and makes huge profits. But I’ve had pebbles in my shoe that are much bigger than “Christian” Ron DeSantis’ heart.
I am 84 years old. I started working when I was 8 years old.
There is no reason for anyone to be homeless in this great country of ours unless they have something physical or mentally wrong with them. Just look at the people coming here.
So this? “News” site is owned by the Disney corporation, and you’re using a new law to expose the fact that you underpay your employees, just to take a poke at Ron DeSantis? Are you insane?
Looks like a head fake with empty promises.
Why not help with the efforts stated prior to the law going into effect?
Cities and towns are going to be strapped for cash and lawsuits
As a Parent of a former Disney employee I can tell you that this will not affect the Disney employees. DISNEY PERMITS their employees to live in their cars in their cast member parking lots. they know all about it. As a private parking lot it will not be affected by the new law.
How sad? Why are you not encouraging your son to find work that will support himself? SHAME ON DISNEY
Has Disney started the affordable housing project? Why is anyone working for Disney homeless? At an average cost of $1000 a day for a family of 4 JUST to enter Disney should be more responsible for their employees.
They are working & housing should be built by Disney for their Employees to live while working for Disney at lower priced then what everyone else pays for Rent..They building Everywhere for the Illegal’s, why not build for people who work for them..
this is silly
if you people think you are “underpaid” at Disney…..take your resume’ somewhere else and get a better job!!
Why are Disney full time employees homeless?
Doesn’t Disney pay enough for their employees to afford a home or an apartment?
Don’t blame the Florida legislature or the Governor for trying to keep Florida from becoming California with daily published poop maps.
I am sure Disney guests would not appreciate human feces in the parking lot and on the sidewalk.
Look at Disney practices not at thr Florida legislature.
George Walsh
Why not look at both, Disney practices AND the Florida legislature.
I agree
They are working & housing should be built by Disney for their Employees to live while working for Disney at lower priced then what everyone else pays for Rent..They building Everywhere for the Illegal’s, why not build for people who work for them..
I agree with Ron DeSantis. Many people are homeless by choice. They choose to stay in entry to level positions then complain they can’t afford to live. Stop being lazy. Get an education and move up the career ladder. That’s the American way.
George Walsh
What B.S.! American way? Really? You mean telling people to get a better job is the American way?
Yup! It’s called self-accountability.
Disney pays close to minimum wage? This is on them.
Those employees are free to choose other places of employment. No one is forcing them to work for Disney.
They are paid well. They spend their money on drugs…thats on them.
And this is the point where you start complaining about people unable to pay student loans. Your comments show a stunning lack of compassion and a profound lack of understanding how the world works.
I had no problem in paying my student loans. It took me 10 years to do it but I did it. It’s called responsibility…something a lot of people lake now days.
No one us homeless by choice. Many homeless have college degrees. That response is ridiculous and dismissive.
Our governor Ron DeSantis is an idiot and needs to be removed from being Governor. He should be helping people not starting wars with everyone.Hes a mini Trump and will never be nothing but a mini Trump. And never be President Just do your job Ron
It sounds to me like the problem is disney.
George Walsh
Not only Disney. Homelessness is far more extensive.
What percentage of SeaWorld and Universal Studios employees are homeless?
If it is the same or more then it sounds like an economy issue, People trying (or not trying) to live beyond their means.
If the other theme park employees experience less homelessness, as I suspect, then Disney parks need to pay more.
The problem is drugs. The problem is thinking you deserve more than you can afford and its someone elses fault.
The governor of this state is thoughtless and have no heart for right but for what he and the idiot politicians that goes alone and support his actions. Florida is becoming a place where those of is who was born here are looming more to leaving.
Treating homeless people like trash is not good abd tge Creatir of heaven and earth I’d not pleased. The poor we will always have abd nothing anyone can do about except but find programs to help as many of these people to get on their feet and pmbe productive citizens!
Bill Codner
I totally agree with Governor DeSantis. That bill has help built in both mental and physical. It will also take the homeless off the sidewalks and parks which promotes bad behavior for our young people. Those against the bill just want FL to end up like California.
Takes them off the streets? How does it do that? Please tell me how this takes them off the streets. Because in reality it jut hides them from rich and tourists alike. Stop being a mouthpiece for the privileged
So now homeless people are responsible for the bad behavior of young people? Gosh, I thought that was parents’ responsibility.
Disney cast members CHOOSE to work for Disney. Nobody twists their arms. If they can’t survive on what “The Mouse” pays, then they need to find another job elsewhere. End of story.
What Would Walt Do?
Shame on Disney a multi billion dollar corporation to underpay their staff to the point they can’t afford basic necessities
Disney does not underpay their staff. They pay considerably higher than average. If Disney staff members are living in their cars, then they are poor managers of their money.
They overcharge families making it unaffordable for some, then underpay staff to the point of homelessness and sex work?! Who is reaping the benefits?
George Walsh
Not only Disney. Homelessness is far more extensive.
Right on Gov. De Sanctimonious! So, the people who work hard, are successful, and can afford to live or vacation in Florida should have to look at homeless people and their squalor? I don’t think so! Bring back the vagrancy laws and lock these people up!
Stunningly ignorant
You are ignorant to the fact that California did the opposite and now the whole state is a disaster
Instead of hiding the homeless, Florida governor should get laws that promote affordable housing and employment. What a shame.
Correct me if I am wrong. Isn’t “affordable housing” just government subsidized housing. You think me a Florida tax payer should also pay for Disney employees to have a place to live?
robert trefz
this really sucks. these republicans never offer solutions, just more oppression. “florida the freedom state”? who are you trying to kid? next they’ll be teaching goose-stepping in grammar school. vote blue!
The homeless have become a huge issue here in florida. We will not become California pr Oregon. You can open your doors for them since you’re such a virtuos reporter. Also homeless should probably not be working around kids as many have mental and substance abuse issues.
I support this 100% I am here vacationing in California and I am shocked at how dirty and disgusting LA is. Homless people laying right in the muddle of the sidewalk and graffiti everywhere. You cant even find one garbage bin on the streets and litter all over the streets. Due to DeSantis strict rules, Florida is clean and beautiful even in the ghetto crime areas u dont even see graffiti on the walls or trash all over the streets.
As a native Floridian! Although I’m no longer liviing in the state. I agree whole heartedly with this new law.
I agree with U 💯
You Would Really!!!!
Shame on Disney fir paying their workers such low wages that they can’t support themselves, all the while making record profits. I bet Walt is rolling over in his grave.
It’s not just Disney that doesn’t pay enough. “Getting a better job/education” isn’t always possible. When restaurants and grocery store close because their employees can’t afford to live here after the massive rent hike (mine went up $600) then people saying “get a better job” are going to be upset lmao. Most people are one bad financial situation away from homelessness themselves.
Good for Gov DeSantis as hopefully the new law will force both sides to work together to come up with a housing or solution for those that truly have no other option. I do think many politicians have enabled and even directly encouraged the rampant homelessness over the past several years to a point where it is out of control in many states, especially “blue states”. This will hopefully force a dialogue across the aisle on next steps and also send a strong message that are public spaces are not camps for the homeless.
Bob Reynolds
As a UCF Student whose programs are designed to provide employment to Disney, Universal, and Space X as well as many other Employers, my daughter has worked w all those employers and has experience w their treatment of employees and how good of a Corporate Citizen they are to Central Florida and the Space Coast.
She tells me that Universal is a very responsible Citizen allowing Private Vendors to work inside the Parks. They are also building Affordable Housing for Universal Employees.
Universal has also purchased the Land for Bright Line to hv a Train Station onInternational Drive after Governor DeSantis asked Bright Line to offer Disney that option first. Disney declined to hv Bright Line come to Disney.
Product over people…this is Capitolism!
Adrian Johnson
Ron Desantis is going to hell with gasoline trump shoes on.. Kicking your own when they’re down just because you were trying to Clown California’s homeless problem and still got your bigotry azz handed to you at the debate. Now he butt hurt and taking it out on his own.. well.. there’s way more homeless whites than blacks in Florida. So you plans are hurting the same people you’re trying to keep on top hate and racism always backfires in the end.. ask Trump
Whos Team are you on
Abraham J Swasse
Every USA citizen has the right to on public property,DeSantis is the criminal here .Federal law as a United States of America citizen.You can not force ,non criminals ,to live with criminals ,The side walk and all roadways are public domain ,Sidewalks are not just for rich people and tourist to use ,athe whole bill of DeDantis is unconstitutional!!!!!!
Use of public areas is for all the public. Living on or occupying those spaces by anyone is totally different. This is an obvious difference! Homeless encampments are absolutely proven to be dangerous to the homeless and the public, therefore a clear and present danger should not be allowed for anyone’s sake.
If you feel that way, go live in LA or New York.
Ron Deathsantis strikes again! He’s just a troll.
He’s just setting up Part of Project 2025. Read it and sare with all who will listen. Putting people not like them in every area of life is part of the plan. How about bringing back slavery, it’s in there, woman back to barefoot and pregnant, it’s in there. Children being indoctrinated, masked as the “voucher system” in there. Only if you earn over a million will your children qualify . Money will be taken from public funded schools and given to private schools. What do you think a school will look like for a classroom with 0 funding? All migrants legal or not on day 1 45 says will be sent back or put into camps while waiting to be. One of 45s spoksperson said ,we will put babies in camps it will be glorious. Fact check it or read the 1000 page manifesto. Men like Dsants are merely following the project 2025 guidebook so that if 45 gets into office on day one the plan will be in effect.
You’re dilusional.
Manifesto?? You mean the bill to help homeless people get into programs that HELP THEM??
Smoke less, learn more.
You did not read the comment or project 2025. I realize you fare better calling people names. It shows your confidence.
M please take your time and write more precisely so we can understand it faster and laugh easier. You must have been brain nutrition deprived growing for which I am sorry, a brain is a terrible thing to waste.
Again, nothing to back up what you say. Just name calling and belittling
It’s so sad. It’s called projection.
Do you need it simpler? Read project 2025.
In the effort to keep public places safe for “our residents.” Are not all people residents? The comment just rubbed me the wrong way. I hope these “camps” are close to the people’s place of employment. Otherwise you create a greater problem.
Desantis the clown
Why can’t Disney open a campground on their property somewhere they own enough of it set them up with bathroom showers and transportation just like their Fort wilderness, How these people are, what makes Disney no one wants to smell a dirty worker take care of them
Governor DeSantis doesn’t want Orlando turning into San Francisco.
He just wants to hide the problem this isn’t fixing it or helping those who desperately need help. Shame on u Ron another bad bill for the sake of the wealthy
Sorry Pam, you only wrote 2 sentences and were wrong in both, not an easy feat. Offering shelter free from drugs and alcohol with help and counseling sounds like an attempt to help a very tough to fix situation. I really don’t think wealthy people are frequent sidewalk users, maybe everyday people use them a lot more. Go to work at a brick and mortar , use a parking lot and walk on a sidewalk to the front door, sounds like everyday peeps to me.
I think you’re a diehard who won’t budge even when you’re dead wrong. Won’t be the first time the term “stiff necked people” would be used.
The plan sounds great if indeed that is the goal.To help people who have fallen into a unforseen circumstance. The problem I have is the way he has spoken about homelessness in the past, like they are less than human. Is this another way to get rid of people less fortunate from the view of tourist, or does he really have compassion for them. Reading project 2025 makes me think of the first scenario. If you have not read it please do. You need to know what your vote really stands for.
Background checks should be required before allowing them to be in a position that entertains children.
Paddie O'Furniture
Agreed! All politicians should be subject to background checks before being allowed to make laws about children. Perverts.
Edward J Novak
DeSantis is a greedy ignorant fool who doesn’t care about anyone but himself. He is ruining Florida.
Really? Who are you to say that about the greatest governor Florida has ever had? Ron’s creating a project to help homeless ppl. You are just throwing empty anger at him.
Try to have a great day. Perception is key
I agree. His problem solving skills are more of a disappearing act. Once they are jailed for being on the streets then what. There has to be a better solution than to hide them
Ed, did you ever notice one sides motto is to “ call them what you are”. You can thank Soros for that evil psychiatry weapon. He sold his soul many years ago, like the far left has done recently.
Paddie O'Furniture
Good. If you’re homeless you should apply yourself for better employment.
Do you really think that’s it??? Where have you been living? The state of Florida has the lowest wage rate but highest increase in rent. This man needs to sign a bill for rent control to help with homelessness. There are people that were hard working people living in their rental homes for 5 years. Then the homeowners saw they could double the rent increase therefore they did and now you have families on the street. Florida’s wages doesn’t match up with the home prices. You make it sound so easy.
Let’s see…ban homelessness from public areas, which are PROVEN dangerous to the public AND the homeless, and set up safe drug and alcohol free camps with help and counseling . Oh wow makes to much sense.
Get Disney to build cheap housing and or campsites to help house their very needed employees , you can even charge them a nominal monthly fee or make it part of their employment package. Oh wow too much sense again.
Public spaces are to be enjoyed by all, not occupied by some.
Florida has been run very well under DeSantis, like his personality or not, Florida has done well…fact not opinion!
I agree with your statement. This whole article is meant to do nothing but continue to demonize Ron Desantis. Florida is a much better state thanks to his leadership. Why don’t we lay the problem of homeless Disney employees where it belongs…at the feet of the WDW Company? Pay your employees a wage that will allow them to afford to live somewhere or use some of that land and money you have to help the community you claim to care about. WDW has more money than anyone in this state. Build some housing communities that people can afford and pay them a wage that will support a family. THAT would go a long way in helping Florida’s homeless population.
Dorothy H
The criminal here is Disney. They should house these staff in homeless shelters.
Dictator SeSantis should never hold Government Office. Fix the problem don’t send immigrants to Democratic states like Cattle. This man is evil
The sidewalks and public places are not for any person to camp out on! Sidewalks, as the word says is for WALKING on! Not a sidesleeping or sideliving on. Same for all PULIC PROPERTIES! Daaa!