I will not spend the money to watch pirates of the Caribbean, if Johnny Depp isn’t in it, nor will I stream It.
It’s not part of the movie. I won’t go see it. While I agree that Captain Jack may need to one day sail off into the sunset this is not that time. With out capt jack you can’t even call the movie pirates of the carrier. He made the movies his own and your stealing it from him giving it to some girl ,who hasn’t earned it while he,Johnny Depp did all the hard work to make it as great as it was. So keep your new movie I won’t go see it I’d rather stay home and watch the Real Pirates on tv.
Comments for New Captain Jack Sparrow Casting Choice Left in Tears After Controversy Surfaces
Yes! She would be awesome!
I will not spend the money to watch pirates of the Caribbean, if Johnny Depp isn’t in it, nor will I stream It.
It’s not part of the movie. I won’t go see it. While I agree that Captain Jack may need to one day sail off into the sunset this is not that time. With out capt jack you can’t even call the movie pirates of the carrier. He made the movies his own and your stealing it from him giving it to some girl ,who hasn’t earned it while he,Johnny Depp did all the hard work to make it as great as it was. So keep your new movie I won’t go see it I’d rather stay home and watch the Real Pirates on tv.
Sharon Despres
Neither Will I EVER🤮🤮🤮🤮
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