Nobody started accusing jk rowling antisemitism till she made a transphobic comment, it’s like out of the blue certain things in her books are offensive the moment she expressed her transphobic beliefs
You are entitled to your opinion as I am entitled to mine along with everyone else on this planet. It’s when someone tries to tell you what you need to think and what you need to do, that we have a problem. As for my family if we decide we are buying HP themed merchandise or go to HP in the parks that is my decision and no one else’s as I am the one paying.
I support Rowling against the woke establishment’s war on women, they are eradicating womanhood by claiming biological men are women. DNA says they’re not. You can pla act Al you want I don’t care, but stop impinging on women’s hard won rights.
Modern science has come upon more DNA patterns than the old XX and XY of earlier. Differing combinations such as XYX or XYY have to be considered as well. I’m not giving up my Harry Potter, but as a cisgender female I certainly don’t believe that we’re being eradicated.
Comments for Stop Spending Your Money on ‘Harry Potter’
Oh really
So we allow entertainment from only those who think acceptably? Time to re-read 1984 and Fahrenheit 451.
It’s a free world not everyone has to be…for what you are for. They aren’t even obligated to accept it…that is bias or hate it is freedom.
Nobody started accusing jk rowling antisemitism till she made a transphobic comment, it’s like out of the blue certain things in her books are offensive the moment she expressed her transphobic beliefs
You are entitled to your opinion as I am entitled to mine along with everyone else on this planet. It’s when someone tries to tell you what you need to think and what you need to do, that we have a problem. As for my family if we decide we are buying HP themed merchandise or go to HP in the parks that is my decision and no one else’s as I am the one paying.
I support Rowling against the woke establishment’s war on women, they are eradicating womanhood by claiming biological men are women. DNA says they’re not. You can pla act Al you want I don’t care, but stop impinging on women’s hard won rights.
Modern science has come upon more DNA patterns than the old XX and XY of earlier. Differing combinations such as XYX or XYY have to be considered as well. I’m not giving up my Harry Potter, but as a cisgender female I certainly don’t believe that we’re being eradicated.
Oh really
Whatever floats your boat but let’s get one thing clear: gender is not “assigned”. There is no sorting hat.
…yet the WOKIES call themselves “tolerant” ?!?
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