Disney Replaces 'Frozen's' Beloved Anna and Elsa, Faces Revealed

Comments for Disney Replaces ‘Frozen’s’ Beloved Anna and Elsa, Faces Revealed

Elsa (L) and Anna (R) holding hands in 'Frozen'

Credit: Disney


  1. truthbtold

    I’d say that’s rather traumatizing but after spending 120 min in line you’ve likely seen women half dressed, men in dresses and possibly someone pooping on the ground.

    Truth be told your kids were likely traumatized way before they saw the satantic animatronics if you spent the day in WDW.

  2. Ellann

    truthbtold??🤔- now THAT’S ironic😂 you are a lunatic and the public writ large would appreciate it greatly if religious fanatics would crawl back into their hidey hatey holes. Perhaps you hate Frozen due to the reflective surface of ice resembling a mirror 🪞 shining your hatred and evil back at you.. who knows, I don’t claim to understand how a truly evil mind works. Actually, I don’t think it does work and that could very well be the problem 🤷‍♀️. In any case I’ll pray for you 🙏😁.
    Now on to the reason I came here before my experience was so rudely interrupted 😒..
    Yes!!! I absolutely think there needs to be more Frozen at Disney World, my park visitation is shamefully low for a FL resident but I’d happily live IN the attraction itself were it an option! 😂

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