Johnny Depp Officially Replaced After Tom Holland Decision

Comments for Johnny Depp Officially Replaced After Tom Holland Decision

Tom Holland (left) and Johnny Depp (right)

Credit: Marvel Studios (left), Disney (right)


  1. Johnny Depp will always be Jack Sparrow. I pray Hollywood goes away for good. Seems like they’re doing a good job of it. Disney can go far away too.

  2. Deb

    No Disney in this home

  3. Marie

    if Johnny Deppp is not going to Jack Sparrow, I will not watch it.

  4. Matt

    As for the article on Depp. Conveniently, Disney left out that they came crawling back to Depp to come back as Sparrow and he said “Nope”. Lol

  5. Chris

    The ride vehicle isn’t but its contents are.

  6. Dawn

    I liked Tom know not at all

  7. Bernadette Jenkins

    Foolish decision guys. Nobody will ever replace Johnny Depp as Captain Jack sparrow.!!!!!!

  8. Softbreez

    Johnny Depp is not replaced …. the 3rd same movie … Richness would have been if story would have continued with the boy as an adult owning his factory …
    Stop knocking down Johnny Depp .. he was fantastic Wonka

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