Johnny Depp Found Passed Out in Hotel Room, Chaos Ensues

Comments for Johnny Depp Found Passed Out in Hotel Room, Chaos Ensues

Johnny Depp as Jack Sparrow leaning on a ship steering wheel

Credit: Disney


  1. Toni

    He just had to much to drink


      Really. How gullible are you? The eastern press has never been fair to Johnny.

      1. DADesigns59

        Could have been exhausted. Or food that did not agree with him. Could have been too much to drink. Alcohol is a bit different in a foreign country. I hope it is not serious and he makes a full recovery.

        1. Karen hussey

          That’s what I think happened. He’s been under so much pressure and you can’t just put something so horrible out of your mind. I know. I’ve been gaslit and can’t get over it. My husband made up stories about me to other women, because he wanted to cheat. They hated me for no reason, until I figured it out. I did try talking to one of the girls and she said they had a problem with me. I asked why, she wouldn’t say. Then I realized that he did the same to his x wife, that though their marriage was perfect. She didn’t know that we all disliked her because of his lies about her. She still can’t figure it out and blames herself. I’m unfortunately his next victim. 18 years of it. Now he’s in capacitated, but still makes me look bad. I can’t get out of my marriage, because I have no money. I’m on SSI. I’m too old for this and need surgery. So Johnny is suffering the backlash of this insane woman. Probably not eating good, sleeping, his best friend passed away. Fainting could possibly be the reason. No ody believed him at first. He works to hard and can’t get away from his thoughts. Even if it was alcohol or drugs, who could blame him. It’s not a sin and we can’t judge him. He’s the nicest human being on the planet. Give him his space. Pray 🙏 for him. What if it’s serious. Get well Johnny. For your kids. Please

          1. Bonnie

            I don’t know where you live, but get out of the narcissistic relationship go to a women’s shelter. He will kill you eventually.

          2. Toni C

            What does that have to do with this at all? Jeez!

          3. The stress that Johnny has been under thanks to that witch is horrible. Just becsuse it Finally turned out to be her lies look what it did to him in the mean time. Probably what she wanted. Boycot her movies. I know to many good women stepped up for him. He has been my favorite actor for a long time. I did not believe her lies but part of the world did Disney be gone to hell is what I would say. I loved Jack Sparrow but they turned their back on him instead of stanting with him. I pray he is well what ever it takes for him to get there. He is a wonderful actor.

          4. Erica M.

            My thoughts exactly Toni! Not anybody’s business in this forum…there are FB groups for battered women, etc. I’m actually in one!

          5. Heidi

            First of all if he isn’t going to show up to his gigs and it’s because of alcohol and or drugs he’s a liability to the band and to Disney. Therefore unindurable and will cost them money instead of making them money… He needs to go to rehab period. Maybe his ex wife was telling the truth… This would prove it, that’s forsure…

          6. Toni C

            Have you bothered to confirm this or you just assuming?

          7. Shannon

            He never said he didn’t drink, drinking doesn’t go hand in hand with abuse. It would prove nothing because he has always already been open about drinking.

          8. Vixx

            First, he isnt part of Disney anymore and refuses to go back after the way they treated thed m but they want him back so their empire doesnt completely collapse. He said nope so they plant this UNSUBSTANTIATED LIE. You need to pull your head outta your butt. He’s been clean and sober since he got rid of that nasty lying ho. Disney better stop posting this trash or they will be getting sued next.

          9. Jade


          10. Well said.

          11. Carter

            Stop being gullible

          12. Christina

            I support Johnny…..and agree with you on everything thing you said. With one exception..
            .drinking within reason is not an issue,but to excess is. As a past drug user myself, it is most definitely a sin. I am now 65 on SSI. I live on less than $900 and barely get by. But it seems to always work out. Do you know Jesus gave his life for you that you may have life eternal. HE loves you. You believe in air although you cannot see it. Trust in the Lord.. you will be astonished at how much better your everyday life becomes. Blessings to you and your family.

          13. Sandra

            🙏❤️🙏❤️. 😊

          14. Cray cray

            Lol, stop it

          15. Kathy M

            Much love Karen.
            Take care of YOU

          16. Barbara

            I agree with you. Yes, I hope he gets better, too.

            I just got off SSI myself after 20 years, so i’m just retired now. But i sure hope you can get divorced soon.

        2. Donna

          I agree.. I recently passed out , am 68, I had severe intestinal infection and was dehydrated

          1. Laura

            Congratulations ITM! You reached the same low level rank on The Sun!!

          2. Lynne

            I hope that he wasn’t drinking again but it could be stress .

        3. Sandra

          Me as well! Johnny has been through way to much these days.. I really feel for him! ❤️ Get Well Johnny your true fans will be here when you get better🙏

        4. Money

          He’s supposedly sober lol. Why’s he drinking?

        5. Johnny Depp is brilliant actor who like others has an addiction to abusing substances. I hope he can and will self admit to rehab. It’s always sad to me when someone as brilliant as hu

          Him succumbs to self-deception
          I 🙏🙏🙏he’ll come bto senses via dearest who care about him telling him you must get help for your addiction. The alternative is horrible to think about for me, Rhys a sad funeral for a brilliant actor like too few. Depp…go get Help, now-! I look forward to new Pirate CAPTAIN.

      2. Kristine

        I totally agree with you. Did you notice in the article they kept repeating that he’s returning to Disney and he passed out. It could have been anything

      3. I really hope johnny deep well be safe and get better soon and get well and I really hope when johnny deep be healthy with out more injury and Disney company need to have johnny deep as Jack Sparrow in priates of the Caribbean 6 movie cast and have johnny deep as Jack Sparrow in priates of the Caribbean movies franchise up coming

        1. He needs to go to rehab first & take it seriously

        2. Lauri

          “had too much to drink”! Really? Who was there and saw this taking place? Just vicious rumors and gullible people believing them. Grow up ! Think independently and stop following lies and gossip!

          1. Toni C

            Perfectly said!

          2. Sandra

            Nicely Stated! ❤️

          3. Kathy M

            I TOTALLY AGREE WITH YOU. Media LIES. I have been a Victim of Lies through the Media. They twist EVERYTHING. I pray Johnny is ok 🥰🇨🇦💕❤️♥️

      4. stljoie

        He needs help

      5. Taylor

        Exactly, any bad thing they can say about this man, they will!! Regardless if it’s true or not!!!

        1. Donna


      6. B.s. media

        Not printee anywhere else = bs

      7. Debra Badrr

        Thank you for that comment. Johnny Depp has been through quite a bit just leave him alone you vultures, Debra Bader.

        1. Spence

          He sold the tickets. He took the money, then screwed the fans. If ill he could have called bandmates, manager, someone.

          1. Sandra

            Wrong! Johnny wouldn’t do such a thing! Johnny first of all doesn’t need the money and secondary wouldn’t do that to his fans! Shhhh please

      8. Marianne

        Leave him alone

      9. Jill Ammons

        Could you imagine the exhausting time, change weather, and general body duress he has endured? Be fair!

      10. Arlene

        I agree they are hard on him ! Not right 😔

    2. MsDusty

      He had a fracture ankle..

      1. He has bern playing on a badly fractured ankle in a cast so it could definitely having something to do with playing all these venues for his fans on that broken ankle along with exhaustion. He was seen that day in good spirits so definitely sounds medical related and not drinking. Stop making false claims!

        1. BJ

          I agree!! Leave Johnny alone!

        2. Debbie

          I’m on his side always and forever. Hope to see you happy and healthy soon Johnny. Love you

      2. Has a badly fractured ankle

        1. Kenny

          ‘Hairline’ fracture in the ankle, the boot he wears, is just for stabilization. He’ll be fine..
          probably on pain pills, (they don’t mix well with ‘mega-pints’ of high-grade wine)🤣

    3. Aixa C-M

      It’s a lot to process’s to all the changes he had to endure during the past year or two. Going to the stages around the world, one after the other; it takes a toll on anyone who is as fragile as him. WE LOVE YOU JOHNNY!

    4. Sherry T

      How do U know?

    5. Rachel Carter

      Were you there?…not trying to get an argument started but I think we need to wait for him to address this when he’s ready.we love you❤️❤️@Johnny Deop

    6. Karen Stanley

      And that was breakfast 🍇🍋🐐🌰🍉🍷🥂🍷🥃🍷⚡️Johnny has seen his shadow 🕸️🐍🐋🦝🦝🦡

      1. Kelly Bengston


    7. Debra Badrr

      You are a horses Ass! Debra Bader please never serve on a jury

    8. Lady Hush

      Exactly, and too many drugs.

      1. pat

        drugs are a way of life for many in Hollywood some have to have them to get up and go to sleep. they have destroyed a lot of great actors and actresses…Hope he is not one of those…… when you choose those type of careers you end up dancing with the devil…..hopefully he will be strong enough not to fall onto that

    9. Toni C

      How quick to judge without facts

    10. Vixx

      Disney you have hit a new low. I hope your empire dissolves.

  2. Susie

    Why even print the incident. He may have been ill, hungover, or just exhausted.
    He is entitled to have a life after all, give him a break.
    All actors, musicians, and creative persons have off days. We still love Johnny 💓

    1. I know that’s right

    2. Cathy

      He’s a man with a lot on his plate. But sure he likes the attention. Love ya Johnny.

    3. Ladybug

      Why doesn’t everybody leave Johnny alone.
      He’s paid his dues but he is still under a 🔬.

      1. Juli Barnhart

        I say, unless he verifies it, by God, it never happened and of course we love you Johnny!!

    4. Jennifer

      It’s none of our business really. Why did we have to know this?

      1. Teresa

        Johnny get well soon, what ever the case take care of you first, good luck, good love and good health!
        Teresa L.

    5. J

      It’s still hard NOT to worry about him though! Especially after that thing he married. Of course the followers are no better, we can all see that.

    6. Andra

      Hear! Hear! I agree 100%…..he is a FANTASTIC actor and REALLY deserves a break after everything he’s been through!!! We should be PRAYING for his speedy recovery 🙏🙏🙏 instead of knocking him down again when there AREN’T even any details in the article!!! 🤨 And you KNOW if it was alcohol related it would say it!! 😕 God bless you Johnny….. HOPE you get better REAL SOON!!! 🥰

    7. Sharon A Despres

      Can we just wait till we hear from him before jumping to conclusions? Please…Love you Johnny💝💖🥰🙏⚘🌷

  3. Edna

    This man is trying hard and has been for a long time to detach himself from his present situation and just live his life the best he can at this time. He has worked very hard to earn a name for himself and it has come at a real harsh and damaging cost. He is trying to step into his own peace gracefully and figure out the rest of his life peacefully. That is a difficult task for us all, but for him especially since his life has been so public. I pray God we let him do that.

  4. Mia

    STOP. This is not at all based in fact, but on a speculative tweet by an Amber Heard stan. Such a shame that media runs with with gossip and rumors as truth.


      You speak the truth.

    2. Jennifer nnn

      Agree 100%%

    3. Exactly a teeet by AH Stan who was not there and made up lies!

    4. This is the real Johnny & his cult won’t admit it. He’s had a problem with alcohol & drugs for years.

    5. This is the real Johnny & his cult won’t admit it. He’s had a problem with alcohol & drugs for years. Maybe he’ll get treatment someday. That will be good for him & everyone else around him

      1. Go to Brd Ana..🤡

  5. Janene

    What kind of journalist are you? Are you just copying things you see on the internet and assume it’s true? Everything written here is a bunch of rumors and there is no proof because none of this happened. You are part of the problem and the reason why no one trusts the media. Karma: what you put out in the world comes back to you.

    1. Donna anderson

      It is all a lie people that are still trying to bring him down or just lying about everything it’s it’s a pure lie why can’t people just leave them alone and let let him do what he’s going to do and even though it’s not true if he was passed out there’s many reasons why people get tired pass out whatever but whoever wrote that story just did it to purely be mean and it was proven it’s just a lie what isn’t someone tried writing something positive once in awhile.

      1. Barbara lechler

        Johnny Depp gives it all if he had a few cocktails and passed out or whatever the reason is that he cashed out. Let’s pray that he gets well he’s under An emotional depression recently lost his best friend, had to go all through the trial with that crazy lunatic, and he keeps performing and giving his all let’s pray for Johnny Death that he gets the rest that he needs and recovers quickly. We love you, Johnny Depp please take care of yourself know that you’re loved of course but stress stress is the number one killer of the world and My dear friend I can relate. My granddaughter was murdered in Florida and fall in the Everglades at 20 years old. Everybody knew she was going to be measured and the cops did nothing. I want to talk about Jack. I’m trying to deal with all of my heart. Sincerely, Barbara.

    2. Renee F Van Valkenburg

      Soo true. Just another lie to make him look bad. People should be ashamed of themselves! Putting this out when Heard ir should I say cokeface did it right in in the court room with a hidden tissue!!! Excuse me but you are looking at the wrong person here! Even say he he was, ever hear of being exhausted nooo let’s nit think that. Automatically reporting $hit as usual! LEAVE THE MAN ALONE!!!!

      1. Dan H

        Seems very much written by AI. Why is he “Disney’s Johnny Depp?” in every reference?Has Disney purchased him outright?

    3. Kathy

      Why can’t you just leave him alone! People are always trying to make trouble and spreading gossip and lies.let him live his life !

  6. We already knew he had a problem with addiction. No big shock here.

    1. You know how hard this man is trying to get his life back after his ex.His life is getting back on track.Johnny is a great man.If you don’t see it don’t say anything. Love you Johnny🌹Hope your ankle is getting better.

      1. Johnny went through years of hel* married to Turd who tried to murder him. He is on tour with badly fractured ankle for his fans! Please give the man some grace and stop gossiping about what you do not know!!!

    2. Hollymommie

      None of this is fact – it’s made up based on several tweets by an Amber Stan. The Vampires confirmed it was because of substandard stage construction that was dangerous in the Eastern European venues!!!

    3. Lisa McLennan

      That’s in the past. Catch up.

    4. Shell


    5. Deb

      I wish people would just leave him alone and let him live his life. Whether he was passed out or not that’s nobody’s business but his own. You guys have been trying to bring him down since the trial. You guys just need to stop just stop trying to hurt him. His life is his life not yours. Stay out of his life please and go find Amber Heard and knock her down okay. Better yet why don’t you look in your own backyard and pass judgment on yourself.

  7. Barbara

    It’s hotter than ever in our lives. Perhaps he was overcome by heatstroke or just being exhausted and dehydrated? Idk, but I wish him well and hope he recovers soon

  8. Deidre Mclane

    I really hope that Johnny is going to be ok and there is nothing seriously affecting his health. He is a truly beautiful soul. And as his fans we stand behind him. I pray for a speedy recovery and wish him well.



      1. Donna anderson

        All I can say that is a fact is that he is a wonderful man he has been through a lot and he is taking it with stride he’s good to other people he loves his fans he has nothing bad to say about anybody what have you read that he is sat there and said negative things about anybody that’s who he is love you Johnny I hope your ankles getting better

        1. Mary

          Give the man Grace!
          I love and respect Mr.Depp.
          Look at your yourself in the mirror first before you judge others!
          All I know is that he has brought immense kindness and joy to everyone he meets.
          I believe that Captain Jack Sparrow is out there somewhere and we will certainly run into him again!
          Love to you Johnny!

  9. Nola

    When are you people going to leave this guy alone!!!???
    Get a life, get a job, get laid! But for the gods sake, leave him be! Let him live his best life on his own terms.

    1. Abby

      I’m with you on that Nola.

    2. Maggie

      I totally agree with you, leave him alone. He is a good man, but above all, that. Why are we all discussing his life? It is none of our business. His decisions are his alone. And nobody else has the right to speculate on anything. Yes, he has a broken ankle. They say it was only hairline. Well, maybe it got worse now. You know that type of pain certainly could make you pass out. If you did something to it, so let’s just stop grasping it. Straws and let the man live his life in peace, he deserves that.

  10. Debbie

    Hoping he fully recovers and is back to his charming self.

  11. Shelagh

    Please get the help you need. Now.

  12. Danny

    He just needed to let some steam out. Been thru a lot with Amber. She put him thru Hell saying that he beat her. And everyone believe it but it wasn’t true.

  13. Linda Wolf

    Johnny Johnny please don’t leave us❤️ we want you happy and well

  14. Mary

    The man is trying to do too much and his schedule is wearing him out with the heat and painting he’s trying to burn the candle at both ends give the man a break for God sake. Wishing for a speedy recovery

  15. Deb

    Can’t believe everything you read

    1. Cari

      Good Lord! Please leave this man alone! I don’t believe a bit of this. Let the guy go on with his live enjoying what he loves doing.

  16. MargieT

    I think acting for Johnny is something not good for him to get into. He’s a different person when he’s in his band singing.

    1. Donna anderson

      The comment about acting is not good for Johnny that’s what got us all to start loving him he’s a wonderful actor he’s a wonderful singer wonderful guitar player what else is there to say

      1. Please leave this guy alone and stop trying to make him look bad. His ex did enough of that. We all love Johnny and want only the best for him.

  17. Carrie mellom

    I think he needs to get rehab he’s such a talented actor would be a shame to lose him to drugs or alcohol .

    1. Donna anderson

      All I can say that is a fact is that he is a wonderful man he has been through a lot and he is taking it with stride he’s good to other people he loves his fans he has nothing bad to say about anybody what have you read that he is sat there and said negative things about anybody that’s who he is love you Johnny I hope your ankles getting better

  18. Eileen

    Does anyone know for sure that this is what actually happened. These so called journalists just make up stories to get their name in print. So difficult to figure out the truth. JD has been thru a lot. And it seems he has been non stop since the trial. Perhaps he is just exhausted.

    1. Barbara S

      People need to not judge one’s life. Only God has that right. It’s a shame to discriminate one’s life. He’s done everything in his power to be positive and stay clear. How can you be positive around negative people. Leave him alone. Can you publisher’s get a better life. Honestly the criticism is ridiculous. Many prayers to Johnny as his days are busy and tries his best to remain private. He deserves that.

  19. Kay

    Don’t believe all the media says.

  20. Johnny Depp are you doing okay because you have alot of relatives do deal with get well soon okay I love you 💕 from Debby

  21. Laurie Diorio

    Johnny is an addict and an alcoholic. If he doesn’t get treatment and support, he will likely be killed by his afflictions. When everyone covers up for an addict/alcoholic they are doing far more harm than good. 🙏

    1. Danie

      What is your medical degree? Making judgments about someone else is treading on dangerous grounds. Unless anyone was there before, during, and after this latest incident, then no one knows the true details.

    2. Garrison

      Johnny is doing better and better. He can take care of himself and is a wonderful, talented person. Johnny has bigger things ahead and it’s not called Amber!!

  22. Donna Linardo

    I just feel that he’s been doing so many concerts, and working non stop, that maybe he just indulged a little too much, and passed out…It doesn’t change anything about his personality, or character. We’re all Human Beings.

  23. Lisa Taylor

    People live their lives the way they choose. Everyone knows-I mean it’s no secret that he has a serious alcohol problem -all we can do is pray for him. Love to J D❤️❣️🥰

  24. Marie Alexander

    Praying for you Johnny! You are loved especially by me hugs and blessings

    1. Me

      Another rumor!! His team and band already said this was a rumor. I just wish the media would stop! Why can’t they get the facts and print the truth for once??

    2. Dan H

      Seems very much written by AI. Why is he “Disney’s Johnny Depp?” in every reference?Has Disney purchased him outright?

  25. I hope he is zlright

  26. Tamara

    I worry about his health and Johnny you are not invincible. We’re all human.

  27. Kathy M Pounds

    Prayers for healing

  28. Looks like you had too much my friend. Slow down

  29. Neace

    Omg, praying he is okay, he is loved by so many

  30. Rhonda

    Get your facts right before you write this the stage was not safe for then

  31. I love Johnny Depp first off. He was probably passed out on a zanbar ( 2mg xanax) and a bottle of tequila. I mean…..he likes to get fkd up……duh. Not everything Amber said was a lie. I mean it doesn’t take a rocket scientist to understand that he battles addiction behavior traits as do billions of humans. I love the guy and I understand his struggles. It’s not easy to walk away from a lifestyle that helps one escape all the BS in the world today even if you are exceedingly rich. Drugs and alcohol can steal the victory that our God has in store for us weather you believe in God or not. You could also say ” Drugs and alcohol steal the optimal potential to have a genuinely good life where you are excited to be alive. I pray that Johnny can beat his demons and if he needs help doing so I’d be happy to go stay with him for a 60 days where we could start out walking /jogging , praying, going to the gym to have lightweight but effective workouts and I can help him transition back into the star that he already is. I’d only charge him 10k for a month worth of fun and transition that will be life changing and helpful to him.

  32. hey johnny your only human people are too judgmental, you need a break that’s all. so you then can recenter and make a plan to move forward. you need to be concentrating on yourself right now , you are still morning and health issues pushing yourself to far . people in this world should be supporting instead of judging, thinking of there needs .Take a break morn your feelings have closure , be around people you can trust that are postive eg family ? true friends ❤️ or just time by yourself you have to find the new you , you will know when the time is right to reunite into the public world . I would love to have a in-depth conversation about never give up on yourself believe again , this will happen your destine for good things johnny Your a beautiful human being , wish this world had more humans like you in this beautiful world ❤️❤️ ❤️ it would be a better place that’s for sure . Maybe one day i will get to meet you , it would be a pleasure to ❤️ I’m a personal kind of girl and always here to support never judge , i wish you all the love my dear friend and always be true to yourself xxx

  33. TAS

    Can people be more ignorant? STOP with the hate on this man already! He was VERY beloved for good reason for 50+ years until that proven liar with malicious intent with malicious intent defamed him! Taking the word of a woman with a bad rep in Hollywood before she even met Depp, SHE was arrested for DV, she herself said “she could lose it and go trailer park” with her temper! LISTEN to HER audio NO I repeat NO true victim speaks to thier “abuser” the way she spoke to him! Wake UP people!

  34. James

    I really don:t care what happens to Mr. Depp. I never thought of him being a very good actor.

  35. Christina


  36. Jo Ann

    His talent has brought joy to his fans. Hope he is all right soon. He’s been through so much and deserves our support. We are looking forward to seeing him again as Jack Sparrow.

  37. Karen

    Praying you are feeling better soon. Please take care of yourself and God Bless.

  38. Rachel kissling

    Hope all is well! It wouldn’t be the same without Johnny Depp. He made the move

  39. Susan Stallone

    Be well Johnny!

    1. I don’t think this any of our business to comment. Why don’t ask us to comment on his many amazing talents; painting, singing, acting to name a few. We don’t know the circumstances around what you shared here. Even if we did, this is not our business. He cannot even be sick in private….

  40. Larrylizard

    I want to see Johnny Depp play Jack Sparrow in pirates 6 !!

  41. Sharon

    How foolish he would he be, to be using ANY substance, with so much on the line. I hope it’s something simple, and he’ll be well soon.

    1. Carter

      How foolish are you…believing everything you read from gossip tags. Embarrassing

  42. Donna anderson

    It is all a lie people that are still trying to bring him down or just lying about everything it’s it’s a pure lie why can’t people just leave them alone and let let him do what he’s going to do and even though it’s not true if he was passed out there’s many reasons why people get tired pass out whatever but whoever wrote that story just did it to purely be mean and it was proven it’s just a lie what isn’t someone tried writing something positive once in awhile

  43. Donna anderson

    You know we might enjoy reading positive things once in awhile instead of reading lies vindictive lies I’m so sick of hearing lies

    1. Garrison


  44. Zeek

    I think that a lot of people are having a hard time with the things apparently going on in the world and that actors are not exempt. They, like all people deserve love and compassion and not just ridicule when something happens that may be their mistake. Hopefully he will recover from whatever happened.

  45. Dee

    Johnny Depp I believe just has a drinking problem. I don’t believe anything of his passing out has anything to do with health issues. If he continues on drinking as much as he does he will have major liver issues..
    Hoping he can seek help with his drinking affliction.

  46. Denise Cervelli

    Something to be concerned about.

  47. Strawberry0676

    Not true. He was at a restaurant an hour after this happened.

  48. Lasheena

    That is not true. He was not passed out, nor is he the cause of the cancellation of the concert.

  49. Jude Atisele

    He is human, anything can happen to anyone at any point in our life. Important thing is he is well and alive. When there is life, there is hope. Fans will have better opportunities to enjoy their favorite actor and musician, Johnny Depp.

  50. Melissa OKeefe

    Johnny is a top-notch man. People should stop harassing him. He’s the most kind hearted man.

  51. Debbie

    People need to mind their own business and stay out of Mr Depp

  52. I don’t think this encounter will affect his ability to play Jack Sparrow,in any way! Johnny deserves to get on board the black pearl asap! He is in great demand !

  53. Joanne

    Did a doctor say he was passed out from…? Maybe he was sick? Get well Johnny ♥️

  54. Lena Meza

    It’s all bull! Whoever is writing this crap needs to knock it off and get a real life! Enough is enough!

  55. I pray & hope Johnny is okay, after this incident. Only Certified Medical Staff can evaluate Mr Depp’s blood, oxygen, & additional symptoms & signs for differential diagnoses. Intially, they need to do a thorough exam of his ankle, blood count, heart & lungs, & oxygen levels.Then, they may also rule-out cirrhosis of the liver, pancreatitis, pre-stroke, & COPD or other diseases. I love you, Johnny! Truly, Debra❤️❤️

  56. Elysia

    Some people just can’t get out of there own way.

  57. I hope you are feeling much better, and that your foot is not giving you too much trouble, so sorry to hear you passed out, cant be feeling too great obviously, i wish you well, please get better and thankyou for your returned comments very thankful.✌😘💖💞

  58. Lisa McLennan

    It was an issue with a stage that was not up to code (and therefore potentially dangerous) as confirmed by the Vampires from what I hear. Anything else is fake nonsense.

  59. Marsha

    I like Johnny! But this incident may very well be his addiction to drugs/ alcohol! He’s such an incredible talent! Hoping he gets a handle on this problem!

    1. Carter

      You are not a fan if you’re falling for this baloney. And you clearly didn’t watch the trial regarding his drug use…which is NOT what you seem to be perpetuating as a supposed fan. Very cringe

  60. Brenda

    Praying for you johnny Depp.
    Get well soon.

  61. Kitty


  62. Prayers and love to you, Johnny. May Jesus intervene with a miraculous healing of heart & soul, body & mind…🌹

  63. Keekee

    Wow, I truly hope that he is okay. I have been such a fan of his since Edward Scissorhands “I’m not finished” 😂😂

  64. Teecee

    Someone is lying @Depp. who has an injured foot, and in a cast is not the reason for the cancellation.
    Stop pointing fingers at people when you dont know the truth!

    1. S Conn

      The so-called journalists are not journalists when they run about with rumors hoping to get more attention and look for the worst. There is no evidence anywhere that Johnny Depp was passed out at any time. People watched him on his way to the concert, walking with Shawn and when the concert was cancelled because of a faulty stage which could have brought harm to both them and the audience and would have been liable, the guys had a day to breathe. Johnny Depp enjoyed a meal at a restaurant and left his autograph there to say thanks. The other guys got their pictures taken, he had done so ahead of time. Joe Perry wasn’t out and about that day after the concert was cancelled. The media even wrote that Johnny Depp died, for goodness sake! They’ll write anything to destroy someone. The AH stans did a pretty good job of trying once again to destroy the guy. He no longer takes drugs, by the way and the ones he had problems with years early were prescription drugs he was given after injuring himself while doing a DISNEY film. AH did just the opposite of helping him when he was being detoxed with his doctor and refused him the medicine he was supposed to take. After they broke up, Jeff and Sandra Beck took him in and helped him through the detox period. So many lies about the man, it is sickening. It was great seeing him on the stage (bad ankle and all) doing absolutely fine when they reached their next concert. I wish people would open their eyes and see the lies going on in front of them. For a man who Never Fears Truth, he would be the first one to tell his relatives and all others if there had been something wrong. There was no ambulance, the hotel staff saw nothing, if they said they did they lied because Johnny’s security guards would not have let them near his room anyway. People grow up. Quit reading this trash.

  65. Deborah

    He is such a great actor. Dont waste time destroying yourself. You are blessed from God. Don’t let yourself go down like others. Debbie

  66. Doris

    He’s a grown man, he can do whatever in the heck he wants to do why is it anyone else’s business. He makes his own money and he doesn’t have to answer to anyone, so leave him alone!!!

  67. Cousin Jake

    He’s not Disney’s. Why would you say that? Gross

  68. Johnny, pounding down that Wine…

  69. Jack

    Probably tired af. I always want to pass out in my hotel room. Traveling is tough enough and I’m not even famous.

  70. Dawn

    Hey. It happens to the best of Us. Sometimes we dont know our own limits

  71. Elva

    I heard it was all made up !! Why can’t they leave this sweet Man alone and let him live his life peacefully. He gives so much and visits many places to bring smiles and happiness in their hearts..I’ll always support him ✊

  72. I myself feel so bad for John he has been through so much. With all the crap that Amber put into and then trying to get his life together I think he’s still a strong man but I think he needs to get away and rest. My prayers are with you Johnny Mae my Lord Jesus Christ give you the strength to return back to what you love doing I have faith on everything will be just fine love you forever I’m a big fan of yours

  73. Donovan

    For one, Johnny Depp stated he would NEVER return to the Pirates of the Caribbean franchise. And for two, Johnny Depp is alive and well. If he weren’t it would be all over the news and media, which it’s not.


  75. Virginia

    I think someone slipped Depp something, hope he recovers completely.

  76. Donna Q. Gavin

    Why do you keep calling him “Disney’s Johnny Depp”m I thought slavery was abolished.

  77. C.A.

    Leave the man alone!! Bunch of vultures picking at him after all he has gone through. Disgusting.

    1. I don’t think he needs our prayers or sympathy as much as he needs us all to comment about the things we know in life to be fact, and that isn’t much.

  78. Karen


  79. Very talented actor. If he wants to drink, it’s okay with me. Everyone has situations in their lives that cause them to want to escape those challenges. No one has the right to judge anyone.

  80. Sounds like JD is under an extreme amount of stress to always be on par and needs to lead a more wholesome life. I am sure it’s tough to always stay in character which leaves little time to just be yourself. Hopefully now, he will get the care he apparently needs. 🙏🥰

  81. Randi

    Hopefully he is well and can still play Jack

  82. Alisha

    They are just trying to find any, and every reason to keep him out at Hollywood because of what happened with the trial. Amber heard is a loser and she only did it to gain publicity because she’s not even a good actor and now everybody, he thought Amber was going to win is now after Johnny Depp, and he sad.

  83. Judith Anne Haney

    Hasn’t #Disney stabbed #JohnnyDepp in the back enough!!! Since #Disney has expressed they are done with #JohnnyDepp , than it stands to say that #Disney shouldn’t be blogging about him.

  84. O’well , his fans understand, everybody needs a break, he is very true to his “Relatives” and we are true to him. Hopefully he didn’t have to much of a hangover ✝️🙏😊

  85. Over fatigue. Sadness of losing his friend Jeff and a fan Kori. He needs a break. At his age, he has to take care of his health.

  86. Rebecca Lea

    Screw the show. Is he alright? Prayers and love showered upon him, hoping he gets much needed rest and care.

  87. Jwd 92111

    Still takes no accountability for actions

  88. Ulla Vinther Rasmussen

    You do know that he went out to eat at a restaurant about an hour after the cancellation, right?

  89. Luna

    Many people starving…many people wish they had your talent. So sad to see you waisting your life away while so many are fighting for their life.

  90. Linda

    Lies!! Once again pure lies to discredit the man when the issue was clearly structural integrity of safety issues for the stage…jokes on them! Once again..

  91. Sharon

    This man is a kind gental true gentleman, why people insist on intruding into his personal life and focus on any downfalls he may experience as humans WE ALL DO, FAMOUS OR NOT. He is talented , generous, caring and sincere. Please just wish him well ,that is the one thing I believe to truly make his heart happy. He is Human . God Bless you Mr. Depp Please believe I genuinely wish all the best in your upcoming movies, personal appearances, and in just general everyday life. Never believe you are anything less a .good man that makes millions of people world wide smile. It takes a genuine person to do that and you my friend certainly are. Again Sir God Bless you!. Much respect ,
    Sharon .

  92. May


    1. S Conn

      Alice Cooper doesn’t drink or smoke and hasn’t for years. He and his wife who often travels with him are proclaimed Christians. He doesn’t allow drinking on the set as the group takes care of each other like a family. Joe Perry doesn’t smoke; he has COPD. Another in the group is a cancer survivor. Might want to check your facts.

  93. Louise

    I hope Johnny Depp finds sobriety. It would enhance his life greatly and return him to good health.

  94. He’s always been like that

  95. Justina

    Get well Johnny Depp lots of love Justina

  96. Hope you get better soon. Love you 😍 💗 💓

  97. Susan

    It’s disgusting and unnecessary to keep writing “Disney’s Johnny Depp”.. He is NOT Disney’s.. Disney sucks mouse ass!!! Let’s get real!

  98. Jane Birch

    Hi. Johnny must care for himself at the moment. He must take rest and keep hydrated. He must take as much time as is needed to ensure a full recovery.
    From Jane birch guildford surrey uk

  99. MJ

    I suppose nothing can be said until we are aware of whether Johnny Depp was out due to partying too much or if it was due to a health concern.

    Being the business man Johnny is, he should be aware enough to not take his audience for granted—but, it wouldn’t be good news hearing something else is physically ailing him, either.

  100. Valerie

    Come on johnny life is hard enough. Why be a waste. So many people love and adore you. Put your pirate pants on and get control of your life. Don’t fall man. You have so much going for you. Don’t let life ruin that. We’d all be losers if we didn’t control ourselves. Please get right with yourself. Choose happiness. It’s a choice.

  101. Why so many rallied around this losers trial??? Because it involved a turd on a pillow? He is washed up.

  102. Vonamae

    Dear Johnny needs to go to rehab for a long time. The life he saves could be his own and he would be a true hero to his fans. It will take prayer and will power. And of course loving friends

  103. Reese Richardson

    I pray his “habits” weren’t the cause of him being unconscious cuz he is much to good of an actor, musician & human being to just throw his life away with shit like that! If it was true Lu due to health complications then I pray he make a full recovery! Come on Johnny! We’re all rooting for u!

  104. Johnny is showing his true colors!

  105. Buda

    Bring him back!

  106. Kat

    Unfortunately, he’s admitted to taking several types of drugs and I’m sure that this is the reason for his unresponsive behavior. I feel sorry that him that he has chosen to continue his habit. He’s an extremely talented man who just got caught up in the of self medicating to deal with his pain.

  107. What the is worng with him.i think everything is getting to himwe he needs a break for awhile. The fans will be there for you.i do love you very much

  108. NC

    Get your facts before you post more rumors.

  109. Linda Henry

    Why was anyone even in his room unless it was for a welfare check. Let the man breathe. Or is that to much to ask?I am a hug fan of Johnny Depp and don’t want anything to happen to him, but enough is enough!

  110. James Coffman

    He needed a nap!) Lol

  111. JanelM

    Poor Johnny he’s been going through so much and now this happens Hopefully it wasn’t a suicide as they claim to be Get rested and feel better so much life to continue praying for Johnny

  112. Ohh my goodness I hope you are doing alright and nothing to serious. But please stop wearing the hats your head gets to hot And it will cause heat induced headaches to be careful. Honey, take care yourself. Love you Boo.

  113. Dee

    No Big deal!!!! Johnny being Johnny get over it.
    What he cant be exhausted or tired??? Cmon ppl….
    He’s only human for christ sakes!!!

  114. Kathy

    Johnny is human and things happen to one’s health, so give the guy the benefit of the doubt. I wish him well…he’s been through a lot the past few years. He’s a Dad, actor, musician and those are tough roles. Best wishes to Johnny Depp.

  115. Christopher

    Stop calling him “Disney’s Johnny Depp”
    Eff Disney, eff their cult ideology, eff their hate, and eff their agenda.

  116. Marci

    C’mon, Johnny. Get it together, whether it be a medical or a recreational problem. You are fabulous, my friend, and everybody I know is pulling for you! Peace & Love!

  117. Maria Deshazo

    Give THIS HUMAN MAN a break!!!! WE ALL Have PROBLEMS, HIS Are just out FOR THE WORLD TO VIEW.
    PRAY for HIM♥️

  118. Carolyn Marcus

    He needs to slow down. Life is to short. Great person.

    1. Rochelle

      Ok if hes on the poison habits again. To bad so sad. If echausted rest.

  119. Laurel

    Haters hate. Johnny Depp is a good person who does not deserve the lies posted about him. Live with Love.

  120. I will pray for him

  121. Leave the man alone! He loves his fans & his music and would never intentionally not show up especially for a concert. The man lives a hard life just as many actors & rock stars. With his leg injury and hard life maybe he needed the break. We love and pray for him.

  122. Debbie

    The ultimate word use by a journalist. “Passed out”. Vs maybe unconscious? Passed out insinuates a lot whereas unconscious could mean a severe health issue. Ultimately passed out means unconscious but people don’t look at it that way and this journalist knows it. Let’s find out what really happened.

  123. Maryanne

    Unfortunately, I fear one day the news will report a tragic report for Johnny. A talented, sensitive man who people loved but no one could save.

  124. Maryanne

    Unfortunately, I fear one day we will hear a tragic report for Johnny. A talented, sensitive man who people loved but no one could save.

  125. Karen Willoughby

    My daughter (she has since passed away) and I LOVED you in the Pirates of Caribbean. She first noticed you in Edward Scissor Hands. Please stay well. Looking forward to you being in another Pirates. Love you from your home state of Kentucky.

  126. Steve

    Since when is it a problem to pass out in your own hotel room?

  127. Ogn Dulk

    Derp, Johnny Derp. derp derp derp

  128. Carmen Bracero

    Johnny we love you and please take care ur self cause we don’t see you like that or hurts. You are a good person and great actor don’t stop be you and you are strong and I will prayers for you

  129. Thought you would take a break from trashing on Disney. Throw some shade on Johnny, really how about you give DeSantis a call and get your next story lined out.

  130. Tanya

    Has any of you had a heavy night…maybe to much to drink, maybe he’s freakin exhausted from all the mean people out there and maybe he was just sleeping. Just let him live his life on his terms. He’s not hurting anyone!!!

  131. Bettysue

    It’s well documented that he was a chronic alcohol drinker and he also used illegal drugs daily. We learned this from the trial with Amber Heard. I want to believe that being away from her and concentrating on his music and band, that he chose to be clean from at least the drugs. We don’t know, we aren’t with him. I pray he is clean from both alcohol and drugs and the man just needs some time to himself and rest up. He went from that terrible trial, he won, but no rest. He went straight to his band and hasn’t stopped. I think he needs to find Johnny again and relax. Then go back on tour. He needs a month easy. I would love to see another Jack Sparrow movie. I pray he gets himself healthy and he can continue to do what he loves to do. Healthier and happier.

  132. Johnny Depp you will be back soon
    I actually seen you trying to get into the place & the door was actually stuck & he had to keep pushing the door to get it open & he then looked exhausted
    All he needs is some real long rest for awhile
    I love ya big guy Johnny Depp

  133. Dee

    And this is why Johnny left America. Anytime anything happens all kinds of chit assuming the worst goes out there by the so called media. Leave the man alone .

  134. I do hope that you are ok Jonny Depp. Wishing you all the best of health 🙏❤️💜🍀Take care and get well soon

  135. DDi

    I pray that it was high heat temperatures exhaustion.
    And that he has taken all his vaccines for the flu, pneumonia and The four Covid-19 shots.

  136. Julisa

    Stay off the drugs and alcohol.

  137. Eddie

    What was he supposed to be doing in hotel room? Media so full of crap. Mean while Amber’s on the loose in Italy taking dumps on public streets. SMH..

  138. SuzieQ

    Johnny Depp is an amazing person. So much talent, so much heartbreak. Many true talents like himself, have troubles accepting their artistic gift and suffer with self doubts.Always being the hardest on themselves. Such a sad life he’s had although blessed. He’s given so much joy to others, I wish he could live his life to the fullest and just be happy. I pray for him. The world should leave him alone and let him find peace.

  139. Joanie

    Where you there? Pure speculation. He was photographed in a restaurant with his bodyguard right after the cancellation.. so he was fine .. not true!

  140. She

    Leave it to the main stream media. The same outlet that vilified him without evidence. I’m surprised Wootton didn’t write this. Oh wait, he’s dealing with karma. JD just lost someone very close to him right after he was torn to shreds by msm. Just stop already. Write something productive and with integrity. But then again, legit writing is a bit tricky these days.

  141. Amy

    Mr. Depp- You are a favorite actor of mine but you really need to get your @#$& together. You know what you need to do so do it before it’s too late. My mother didn’t and she died long before she should have. I would hate to see that happen to you.

  142. Kathy

    I like Johnny Depp. Met him once at Disneyland when he was dressed up as Jack Sparrow. He’s a great actor. But, his private life is a mess. It was really irresponsible to leave the band he was touring with in the lurch. I think he had too much to drink, drugs or both. That said I hope he feels better soon.
    You fans can rip me up now if you want.

  143. Julia H.

    Madonna was found passed out as well. They are getting up there in age and can’t tour, rehearse like they used to. Hopefully he’s not ill, and just severely fatigued. Depp is a good man and does so much for children’s charities and hospitals. I saw photos of him this week posing with kids with special needs. He had a sweet grin on his face as did the kids. Give him a break already. Go watch one of the million movies he’s done for us.

  144. Diana

    Doesn’t surprise me

  145. Rick

    Bring him back to pirates will not watch with out him everybody got problems so give him a break

  146. Jazzy

    JOHNNY & I ARE 5 YRS APART IN AGE & I THE YOUNGER ONE – & AT OUR AGE IT COULD BE ANYTHING – & Since WE DONT KNOW The Details We Should Not ASSUME ANYTHING !!!! – Therefore THAT IS My “OPPINION” – & That More Folks Should Also Begin Again To Learn How To Practice Minding Their Own Personal Buisiness As Well – I Pray That He Is Alright & That He Recovers From Whatever May Have Occured Swiftly & Completely – GOD BLESS HIM

  147. Kate

    Stop calling him “Disneys Johnny Depp”. He is not their pet or employee. At present he is a Hollywood Vampire, musician @ large.

  148. Magdaleno

    But why is the Rum gone ??

  149. Wino

    All art is born of pain and he is a true artist

  150. Anon

    The man has a long history of drug and alcohol abuse. It’s natural for people to automatically attribute this latest incident to those issues. He always seems to struggle with alcohol and narcotics and has even admitted in court under oath about lying about his drug use to pass health and insurance requirements on projects.

  151. Probably he was exhausted and needs to take a break and get back on what he does best playing guitar and acting. He has been under a lot of pressure; I hope he gets well soon. Please take B12 shots. God Bless you. 🌹🥰🥰🌹🥰🌹🌹🌹🥰

  152. Commenter1

    They don’t even know or care to find out what was wrong with him before writing about it.

    Why do they keep saying “Disney’s Johnny Depp”?! Disney doesn’t own him.

  153. Pamela

    If I was Johnny Depp DISNEY would be paying for now on,and I wouldn’t make no more movies.Wishing U Well JD Love You.

  154. Tony

    What do you expect from the lifestyle of a rockstar?

  155. Tony K.

    What do you expect from the lifestyle of a rockstar?

  156. Bonnie

    Unfortunately, Johnny is known to abuse alcohol and drugs. Until he recognizes his problem, and is willing to do rehab, it will continue to haunt him; and at the age of 60 he needs to make some quickly or he’ll continue down the rabbit hole.

  157. Tess Kent

    The show was NOT cancelled because Johnny Depp was “found passed out” he was photographed at the venue looking perfectly fine, and later that same day he was photographed at the ‘Caviar & Bull’ restaurant in Budapest, the restaurant itself posted pics on their socials.

  158. Angel

    First of Pile of bull do you know how hard these men work.they pack up from one show got to the next venue.tired as he’ll but not just johnny all the Hollywood crew are tired give them a break quit the gossip my lord grow up.leave these guys alone johnny included.remember they all have kids and they read this crsp too.

  159. Deborah

    His bodyguards keep fans at bay how bout keeping alcohol and drugs away?

  160. Brenda arbogast

    Brenda L Arbogast look maybe he had something on his mind and he didn’t mean for this to happen my opinion is johnny Depp is the most sweetest man u would want to know he’s just got some issues that he needs to work out come on people the guy work all the time and he’s just exhausted with everything he does come he’s human and he’s got a heart of gold the guy is a wonderful man he’s got talent he’s got style he’s genuine and he’s charisma and he’s a man that knows his business so please don’t look down on johnny Depp u know if he had a decent woman to take care of him he wouldn’t be in this position Johnny needs a good woman like me to take care of him I wish for 2cents I was his woman I would be good to him and I would treat him like a human being so please give johnny breathing space I think he’ would enjoy being happy again I can make him the happiest man Iin the world so please cut johnny Depp some slack ok I love this man I’m his biggest fan I love all his movies and he’s also a wonderful singer he’s drop dead gorgeous so please just let Johnny get his self together let him get out what he needs to get out I’m sorry but I’m for Johnny Depp johnny is like my BFF like I said he’s got issues that he needs to take care by his self I want to meet johnny Depp in person I ve dreamed my whole life to meet johnny I want to have a nice conversation with johnny so just let him work if out ok he’s a very very special guy in my book I love u johnny Depp

  161. Maureen

    Greetings Mr. Depp… I’m like many here, a HUGE fan of all you do. ❤️ Please take some time for yourself & do whatever you need to do to get past all you’ve recently dealt with (Everything!!!) No doubt the GLOBAL heat isn’t helping so please take care! WE need the beauty you bring to life, so focus on you & healing. My prayers are with you. Blessings upon you beautiful man.

  162. Amber

    He died and was resurrected. #39mashedpotatoes

  163. Spence

    It is time to grow up, johnny. There is no way JD could possibly have a “new” drug experience. He’s done it all. Now would be a good time to experience life somewhat sober. If he can’t tone it down then just quit. He is embarrassing himself and his children. Since the trial everyone knows the deal, he was wasted. Hopefully he won’t try the “food poisoning” etc diversion. Any other “condition” he could have called someone…”I’m not feeling well”.
    When JD is Mia, then found passed out, we all know the deal.
    This is the typical …”he had everything, yet he couldn’t get it together” scenario.
    I hope we don’t hear he OD’d one day. You only get so many “wake-up” calls before you die.

  164. Posh

    Johnie I believe in you!

  165. Posh

    Johnie I believe in you!

    No matter what amber lied

  166. Toni C

    You are all so quick to judge and assume the worst. Why not wait to pass judgement until you hear the actual reason? Oh right, because you are all jollier than thou, self righteous critics with no life lol

  167. Donna

    Oh STOP please!! HE is allowed to drink ta know. He may be exhausted and had a few so the F what! Enormous talent lovable guy. Leave his name outcha mouth !!! ❤️ Johnny

  168. Donna

    Oh STOP please!! HE is allowed to drink ya know. He may be exhausted and had a few so the F what! Enormous talent lovable guy. Leave his name outcha mouth !!! ❤️ Johnny

  169. Q

    Do you get a dollar every time you say Walt Disney’s Jhonny depp cause it was so annoying how repair it was not to mention inaccurate

  170. Mary Bliss

    Hey great to see your cool pictures. Great job you’re doing such cool stuff. It’s good to see a wonderful guy like ya are and yes the wonderful words of life.
    You say them so real . Your real to me. Feels as if I dream as though we’re in each others mind. You stay strong you’re real great can’t thank you enough. Stay safe and hey you’re a nice looking guy. Enjoy what you want. So grateful to write you. Just know those winds all have names it is fun if ya talk to the zephyr. See for yourself if ya get outdoors much. Enjoy things you’re great . Enjoy your week!

  171. Roe

    Johnny is I’m sure totally exhausted mentally and physically. He’s been go go go for months. He needs to rest , it has all taken a toll on him . Poor guy he is such an amazing human. It’s great seeing him smile, definitely in his happy place.❤️🥰❤️

  172. Ann Katherine de la Quadra

    That’s scary. Most death is preventable. It would be a tragic loss. I can rehabilitate johnny depp. However, I doubt he will ever have the chance to read this message or hear from me. I’ve saved many lives.

  173. Jan Hughes

    If it happened Saturday evening, Johnny had left me a message just before it happened I guess and he was not drinking at all. I believe everything is catching up with him and it is taking a toll on him now and he has to be very careful so that he can get over all of this including Jeff passing away. Johnny has been through more than anyone can imagine and the critics about him are very unfair. Wishing my Johnny the very best and get well Jan xo

  174. Patsy

    I hope you’re doing well Nobody knows your life and they shouldn’t judge. Mama always said if we got nothing nice to say, don’t say nothing at all. Those are words of wisdom I love you very much. And I will always stand by your side my prayers and thoughts are with you. I hope you feel better love, Patsy. I love you very much forever and ever. Don’t ever forget that and I would always stand by your side. No matter
    I love you from Patsy De Leon

  175. JMR

    I just hope he’s okay. Scary situation.
    I wish he would go back into performing in movies. Regularly watch Sleepy Hollow & Secret Window & Nick of Time. All underappreciated movies.
    Ever since the Bob Saget thing it’s quite worrisome to ever hear about ANY celebrity being found “passed out”.

  176. Tracey

    It wouldn’t have got a look in if it was me but because it’s a celebrity they make a front page story out of it. Who cares?

  177. JDFan

    If he is really on drugs then he needs to seek help to get clean and lead a healthier lifestyle. I am all teamdepp but he needs to get his life and act together so he isnt found passed out again. It could have been worse. Love Johnny Depp but he just needs to get it together.

  178. Linda

    I think everyone hits their point of exhaustion! So all u haters just know u will never effect us on our live for this brilliant man of talent.he’s entitled to make a mistake and no one knows what happened.

  179. Alias

    This is a Lie, and you know it! The concert was canceled due to lack of security for the venue. It had nothing to do with Johnny. Quit looking for something where there is nothing the man is just trying to live his life.

  180. Ruth Ann

    I always loved watching Johnny he’s fantastic a great actor and musician. I pass NO judgment on him. Because the truth has yet to come out I believe just cause someone passes out is not a reason to jump to conclusions. It could be a medical reason like diabetes. Come on people! Let’s wait till we hear from Johnny himself.

  181. Richard

    I think Johnny Depp is an excellent doctor and has made Disney a lot of money in the past is an excellent role model. I think we should all just give them a break and I think they went to Lewis and Clark to spend Amber kick them off the show but hate Disney lately. It’s been making some pretty poor choices and I can see the ships sinking it well Johnny he has gone through some stress in the last row while I think we should all just give him a break he works hard

  182. First of l think he is passed out of Exhaustion And being dehydrated and he could have gotten a major infection in his foot and ankle. He should have kept his ass at home instead of going on tour straight from the hospital like l told him. This pisses me off so bad because he is stubborn and doesnt want to to disapoint his fans. I told him his fans will be more disapointed if he looses his leg or foot and can perform again. But did he listen no he did not! He is an ass hole for doing this and getting sick! Thats right Smoochy if you read this know you better start taking care of yourself and stop behaving like your Invincible . You have to let your body heal like the rest of us mere morals! I have had it with you! Now you go to the doctors and get test then you stay home and stay off of your foot until you are Completely well and you take your probiotics. U know l adore your stubborn ass. Just do it Biscuit! And give Jack & Lilly a hug for me. Your fans will waite. Peace

  183. I love Johnny Depp. Idc what he does, I just hope he’s ok and not in a health crisis. I will admit though, if I was expecting to see the Hollywood Vampires and they canceled last moment, my heart would be broken. I do plan to see them back in the US and I’m buying a meet and greet ticket. Anyway, I wish nothing but the best for Johnny and his band mates.

  184. Goy

    I worry!

  185. Pam

    Seriously he’s a sociopathic, narcissistic, alcoholic drug addict! All the excuses in the world why he is the way he is. Too bad he can’t take responsibility for his actions! Love him as an actor don’t like him as a human being.

    1. Kathy M

      So you know him personally ? Just asking….

  186. Kathy M

    I don’t believe he passed out. Maybe he was exhausted or sick ? I wish him love and respect. There are very few GREAT ARTISTS like Johnny.

  187. Arlene

    He’s under a lot of pressure and is expected not to show it
    He’s still number one talent in the world! The press needs to lay off him!!!!!!
    They press on him hard because who he is! !!
    Rockin Johnny and remember the works lives you !

    1. Oh my God I totally feel you! Hungarian hotels are just the worst, at least he’s not dead. I hope that he makes it through and maybe he can make a movie about it later or something, but don’t give up !

  188. Arlene

    The world loves you Johnny,
    And the press needs to lay off! You are still and ALWAYS WILL BE the #1 talent in the world ❤️
    Just Breath ! People everywhere pass out if they drink too much ! It Happens ! They are hard on you because it’s you !

  189. Is he drinking again? I hope he can defeat his demons!🙏🏻

  190. Lisa Sigona

    If he got so blasted he couldn’t function, he needs to get his act together both in the alcoholic and drug world. They are both addictions and both can kill. If he values his life and wants to live, he best shape up, or start getting his affairs in order and kiss this world goodbye. He’s wasting a good talented life.

  191. Schultz

    I just hope that he’s alright!

  192. Debbie

    This was a total fabrication from some Amber Heard Stan’s. He was seen at a restaurant having dinner that very same evening. Don’t fall for everything that’s printed about him. They just took it and ran with it to try and make him look bad. And he is in the best health he’s been in a while. And no he is not drinking. Maybe you all should ask his assistant Stephen Deuters. Research before you you print such lies!

  193. Oh my God I totally feel you! Hungarian hotels are just the worst, at least he’s not dead. I hope that he makes it through and maybe he can make a movie about it later or something.

  194. Oh my God I totally feel you! Hungarian hotels are just the worst, at least he’s not dead. I hope that he makes it through and maybe he can make a movie about it later or something, but don’t give up !

  195. Carol Williams

    They performed outside in this heat for days with only the fans blowing on them.
    Lets pray for Godsgrace in healing Johnny of alcohol and drug addiction, pass hurts , healing of his ankle.

  196. Z

    What a role model..

  197. Jen

    I have been to 3 concerts in Europe and Johnny depp did NOT pass out, the was also seen that day (same time) in a Restaurant. A Hungarian „internet page“ made that rumour up because the fans were very disappointed because the HV cancelled the show the same day. It has been already proven that this rumor is not true at all. Please do not believe everything you read and be aware on which platforms you consume your news! Research first please.

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