Haunted Mansion Nabs ‘Star Wars’ Writer for New Project

in Disney Parks, Star Wars

Vader waits at the Manor

Credit: Inside the Magic

The Haunted Mansion is one of the most iconic features in any of the Disney Parks. Generations of Foolish Mortals from around the world are familiar with the Gracey Manor and its 999 Happy Haunts. The ride has developed quite the afterlife with a presence in Disney’s theme parks, a Nightmare Before Christmas overlay, and an upcoming horror movie at the end of July.

Haunted Mansion at Disney World
Credit: Disney Fanatic

Disney’s not done with its iconic haunted attraction, especially with the new movie. One thing even the most devoted Gracey Manor ghoul didn’t see coming was the involvement of the galaxy far, far away in the Mansion’s newest spinoff.

Spirits, Specters, and Star Wars?

Storm and Shade book art
Credit: Disney

Although all Haunted Mansion fans might not know her name, Claudia Gray is a big player in the regions beyond the stars. Known for her contributions to the extensive Star Wars book series, most notably the highly-acclaimed Lost Stars, Gray trades her starships and smugglers for spirits and specters in her upcoming book, The Haunted Mansion: Storm & Shade.

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According to Disney Books, the novel concerns new-girl-in-town Audrey and her friends getting roped up in a macabre mystery surrounding the infamous manor. What sounds like a textbook haunted house tale is surely to be a gripping narrative that tackles more than stretching rooms and seances, especially if the author’s past work is to be believed.

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Speaking as someone familiar with Claudia Gray’s work, the author does more than what her titles advertise. What might be billed as a hidden chapter in the original Star Wars trilogy can turn into a novel of political intrigue, hard-hitting action, and emotional weight readers may or may not be prepared for. If Storm & Shade is anything like her other best-sellers, fans of the famous manor are in for a wild ride, no doom buggy required.

Storm & Shade hits shelves September 5, 2023. Will you be getting your copy? Let Inside the Magic know in the comments down below!


in Disney Parks, Star Wars

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